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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast Postsort icon
Forum topicI'm Baffaloed Old Seer98 years 26 weeks ago
Forum topicThe Dumpster Behind The Mask. Brian37138 years 26 weeks ago
Forum topicThe "nones" keep growing. Brian3708 years 26 weeks ago
Forum topicSo, what is it? Old Seer68 years 26 weeks ago
Forum topicWell looky here someone is doubting GASP Buddhism. OH THE HORROR! Brian3768 years 27 weeks ago
Forum topicThe difference between blasphemy and xenophobia.....Confessions from a Christian. Brian3758 years 27 weeks ago
Forum topicThe Pope sez Old Seer118 years 28 weeks ago
Forum topicEveryone knows Nancy died, but it should scare everyone that Ron consulted her when she was herself superstitious. Brian3728 years 28 weeks ago
Forum topicatheism breeds hatred JesusLovesYou178 years 28 weeks ago
Forum topicApparentl Old Seer68 years 28 weeks ago
Forum topicNatural vs Artificial Old Seer38 years 29 weeks ago
Forum topicJohnny Depp to speak at Reason Rally. Brian3708 years 30 weeks ago
Forum topicthe vaping "controversy" iwbiek258 years 30 weeks ago
Forum topicHumans are important to the universe? I don't think so. Brian3738 years 30 weeks ago
Forum topicAre you a Donald Trump supporter? digitalbeachbum658 years 30 weeks ago
Forum topicPart of what I've been Old Seer38 years 30 weeks ago
Forum topicKrauss says we need an atheist on the Supreme Court, article from The New Yorker. Brian3798 years 30 weeks ago
Forum topicGlenn Beck sez Old Seer78 years 30 weeks ago
Forum topicRomans erased history of atheism Vastet38 years 30 weeks ago
Forum topicI just lernt Old Seer58 years 30 weeks ago
Forum topicH&R Block Old Seer118 years 30 weeks ago
Forum topicOT Stories - Myths,Legends, Parables, or Real pauljohntheskeptic9618 years 31 weeks ago
Forum topicdidja ever think- Old Seer48 years 31 weeks ago
Forum topicBitch, complain, Wimper, Bawl Old Seer108 years 31 weeks ago
Forum topicRight wing SCOTUS judge Scalia dead. Brian3718 years 31 weeks ago
Forum topicScientists confirm Einstein's gravitational waves. Brian3738 years 31 weeks ago
Forum topicEvolutionary Biologist Richard Dawkins suffers stroke. Brian3708 years 31 weeks ago
Forum topicDan Barker, There is no meaning to life. Brian3798 years 31 weeks ago
Forum topicCancer beginnings witnessed for first time ever Vastet08 years 32 weeks ago
Forum topicBen Carson challenged by an Iowa atheist voter. Brian3738 years 32 weeks ago
Forum topicAcharyra S died Christmas Day from cancer. Brian37448 years 32 weeks ago
Forum topicSatanic manifesto in Michigan: how Atheism is different from Satanism? ManuAndres44158 years 32 weeks ago
Forum topicRubio confronted by an atheist. Brian3798 years 33 weeks ago
Forum topicUnofficial 2015 NFL thread. Brian371048 years 34 weeks ago
Forum topicFull Episode of 80s TV show Moonlighting..... Great metaphor for the value of skepticism. Brian3708 years 34 weeks ago
Forum topicLying is good... more or less Vastet138 years 34 weeks ago
Forum topicRabbi falsely accuses Dawkins of being anti Semitic. Brian3728 years 34 weeks ago
Forum topicThe generation of the ignorant digitalbeachbum208 years 34 weeks ago
Forum topicToronto man found not guilty in Twitter harassment trial Vastet08 years 34 weeks ago
Forum topicEnough already? digitalbeachbum128 years 35 weeks ago
Forum topicOne confused kid from a confused dysfunctional family digitalbeachbum68 years 35 weeks ago
Forum topicThe only thing that stops the NRA with a bad idea are FACTS...... Brian37118 years 35 weeks ago
Forum topicDeism is just as bad an argument as standard comic book woo. Brian3728 years 35 weeks ago
Forum topicNew research supports free will, refutes determinism. Vastet108 years 36 weeks ago
Forum topicIs the lottery worth it? digitalbeachbum178 years 36 weeks ago
Forum topicSure everyone knows by now David Bowie has died. Brian3728 years 36 weeks ago
Forum topicFinally, a forum for reason and critical thought. crimsonghost58 years 36 weeks ago
Forum topicVoltaire minded atheist defends pastor..... Brian3718 years 37 weeks ago
Forum topicAtheist's killers convicted in Bagladesh court. Brian3768 years 37 weeks ago
Forum topicNatalie Cole dies. Brian3738 years 37 weeks ago
Forum topicTrapper John from MASH dies. Brian3718 years 37 weeks ago
Forum topicIndia holds 9th annual global atheist/secular conference. Brian3708 years 37 weeks ago
Blog entryThe Force Took A Dump digitalbeachbum138 years 37 weeks ago
Forum topicIt's a trap! digitalbeachbum28 years 37 weeks ago
Forum topicIQ Question Old Seer48 years 38 weeks ago
Forum topicChristmas "The Hype Awakens". God "Jesus, I am your father"...... Lonestar, I am your father's brothers cousin's former roommate Brian3758 years 38 weeks ago
Forum topicI would bet on this CEO Brian3768 years 38 weeks ago
Forum topicOld but still love it, Metallica Christmas light show..... Brian3708 years 38 weeks ago
Blog entrypolitical correctness encourages essentialism and artificial dichotomies in the area of religion iwbiek58 years 39 weeks ago
Forum topicMichael Moore's "We are All Muslim" Ownerest158 years 39 weeks ago
Forum topicWheaton College are dumb muthers digitalbeachbum38 years 39 weeks ago
Forum topicVegans weep: pork & chicken cause less damage to the environment than vegan staples Vastet28 years 40 weeks ago
Forum topicThe more things change the more they stay the same... Vastet68 years 40 weeks ago
Forum topicClimate change denier groups in Canada in for a rough time Vastet118 years 40 weeks ago
Blog entryAfter School Beach Party digitalbeachbum28 years 40 weeks ago
Book pageA Silence That Screams - (No contemporary historical accounts for "jesus) todangst1408 years 40 weeks ago
Forum topicNo drizzlin doggy do do Old Seer88 years 41 weeks ago
Forum topicPutting labels on yourself Bahana58 years 41 weeks ago
Forum topic14 dead in another mass shooting. Brian37228 years 41 weeks ago
Blog entryOf course there's something after life... it's called 'Death'. Louis_Cypher408 years 42 weeks ago
Forum topicExxon-Mobile knew about human caused climate change back in the 1970's, funded denier propaganda Vastet188 years 42 weeks ago
Forum topicEU requires labelling of products produced in illegal Israel settlements Vastet38 years 42 weeks ago
Forum topicPlanned Parenthood shooting........ Brian3758 years 42 weeks ago
Forum topicIs anyone else Old Seer68 years 42 weeks ago
Forum topicHappy Turkey Day...... Brian3788 years 42 weeks ago