Atheist vs. Theist

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Deleted for redundancy017 years 26 weeks ago
by Anonymous
My Love/Hate Relationship with English Fundies517 years 27 weeks ago
by Strafio
17 years 26 weeks ago
by PillarMyArse
Sam Harris vs. Reza Aslan debate on Book TV217 years 26 weeks ago
by Vanguard
17 years 26 weeks ago
by Vanguard
The Terrible Trio017 years 26 weeks ago
Creationism, a theory?717 years 27 weeks ago
by James Cizuz
17 years 26 weeks ago
by deludedgod
My friend wants to leave Christianity but is scared...3817 years 26 weeks ago
by Dabura13
17 years 26 weeks ago
Logical Challenge for an Atheist1617 years 26 weeks ago
by xarisumin
17 years 26 weeks ago
by Tilberian
"Proof that god exists" by a Christian over MySpace...2617 years 26 weeks ago
by Dabura13
17 years 26 weeks ago
by Dabura13
A challenge for true faith3417 years 26 weeks ago
by Rigor_OMortis
17 years 26 weeks ago
by Rigor_OMortis
What would it take?19317 years 27 weeks ago
by Colby R
17 years 26 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
bible defense1817 years 27 weeks ago
by pm9347
17 years 26 weeks ago
by Roisin Dubh
Atheism is not logical2217 years 26 weeks ago
by evfimy
17 years 26 weeks ago
by Vastet
Common christian myths11017 years 27 weeks ago
by todangst
17 years 25 weeks ago
by todangst
The real son of god417 years 25 weeks ago
by Vastet
17 years 25 weeks ago
by Ophios
Is The Bible the best guide to morality?1417 years 26 weeks ago
by AModestProposal
17 years 25 weeks ago
by Jacob Cordingley
Killing in the name of...617 years 26 weeks ago
by Rigor_OMortis
17 years 25 weeks ago
by Rigor_OMortis
If you are going to argue for the Christian god, first make an argument for the Bible being true.2917 years 25 weeks ago
by Ig
17 years 25 weeks ago
by deludedgod
Strangest theist argument1517 years 26 weeks ago
by gobaskof
17 years 25 weeks ago
by Susan
Faith And Reason Really Hates Sapient817 years 25 weeks ago
by The Atheist Jew
17 years 25 weeks ago
by ABx
The Gods that have suddenly become silent2617 years 29 weeks ago
by Rigor_OMortis
17 years 25 weeks ago
by Ophios
A response to the Freewill vs. Predetermined Destiny argument217 years 25 weeks ago
by crushingstep7
17 years 25 weeks ago
by crushingstep7
Question for Xians: Conversion by Scripture?3717 years 26 weeks ago
by Symok
17 years 25 weeks ago
by razorphreak
Theists Need Love Too(moved to Atheist vs. Theist)6917 years 27 weeks ago
by dassercha
17 years 25 weeks ago
by Conn_in_Brooklyn
Comparative Religion 101 Final Exam1617 years 28 weeks ago
by Hambydammit
17 years 25 weeks ago
by todangst
I'm a pastafarian, believer in the flying spaghetti monster expalin why I am wrong1717 years 26 weeks ago
by mrjonno
17 years 24 weeks ago
by laguna117
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