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 TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
I call bullshit612 years 20 weeks ago
by digitalbeachbum
12 years 20 weeks ago
by digitalbeachbum
Mimi Virus612 years 21 weeks ago
by digitalbeachbum
12 years 21 weeks ago
by digitalbeachbum
Stars and their color - temp and/or movement612 years 26 weeks ago
by ex-minister
12 years 25 weeks ago
by A_Nony_Mouse
Hacking the Cosmos?612 years 27 weeks ago
by tonyjeffers
12 years 23 weeks ago
by Philosophicus
13 year old "re-invents" solar panel tree612 years 37 weeks ago
by digitalbeachbum
12 years 21 weeks ago
by digitalbeachbum
Dark Matter Illusion613 years 5 weeks ago
by neptewn
13 years 5 weeks ago
by Ktulu
My friend just blew my mind with the level of ignorance displayed...613 years 14 weeks ago
by Alaskan Atheist
13 years 13 weeks ago
by redneF
Why the universe is much more weird than our ape brains can ever completely understand613 years 21 weeks ago
by wingless_sephiroth
13 years 21 weeks ago
by redneF
Fueling the nutjobs (biggest full moon in 20 years)613 years 28 weeks ago
by Ktulu
13 years 27 weeks ago
by Ktulu
Young Children Are Especially Trusting of Things They're Told613 years 48 weeks ago
by Atheistextremist
13 years 48 weeks ago
by cygo
More evidence against the existence of god (universal constant that may be variable).614 years 5 days ago
by Answers in Gene...
14 years 2 days ago
by Teralek
Consciousness is in Your Body Not in Your Brain614 years 3 weeks ago
by Atheistextremist
14 years 3 weeks ago
by mellestad
When science clashes with beliefs? Make science impotent614 years 16 weeks ago
by Cpt_pineapple
14 years 16 weeks ago
by BobSpence
The Cassiopeia Project614 years 33 weeks ago
by Marquis
14 years 33 weeks ago
by Kapkao
Definitive proof science is better than prayer614 years 42 weeks ago
by Atheistextremist
14 years 42 weeks ago
by rdklep8
Ardi614 years 51 weeks ago
by aiia
14 years 44 weeks ago
by Waiting for Oblivion
Washing your hands does not prevent spread of influenza.614 years 51 weeks ago
by Vastet
14 years 51 weeks ago
by Vastet
Human Sperm Created from Stem Cells615 years 11 weeks ago
by Hambydammit
15 years 10 weeks ago
by Anonymous
DNA615 years 11 weeks ago
by mcap
15 years 11 weeks ago
by Hambydammit
I Want To Believe...615 years 20 weeks ago
by dassercha
15 years 17 weeks ago
by EXC
Universe expansion615 years 34 weeks ago
by SmallChristian
15 years 33 weeks ago
by DanMullin
Nightmares about Tesla's Tablets616 years 12 weeks ago
by inspectormustard
16 years 12 weeks ago
by Luminon
Science in the Bible616 years 33 weeks ago
by RationalSchema
16 years 29 weeks ago
by Josh Clarke
My understanding of evolution and an idiot "youth leader"616 years 36 weeks ago
by kryters
16 years 24 weeks ago
by ronin-dog
Question about Incorruptables?616 years 37 weeks ago
by Pathofreason
16 years 36 weeks ago
by Conor Wilson
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