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Smoking gun found by independent 9/11 scientists, proves World Trade Center brought down with explosives.8116 years 3 weeks ago
by Ux
16 years 1 week ago
by deludedgod
Slippery Slope to Remove Roe vs. Wade? What do you think?1515 years 31 weeks ago
by Observer
15 years 31 weeks ago
by Observer
Slate's take on debate717 years 19 weeks ago
by Arletta
17 years 17 weeks ago
by Arletta
Sister holds brother at gun point to pray for him!118 years 2 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
18 years 1 week ago
by random_antitheist
Sikh Temple shooting in suburban Wissconsin 6 dead.1112 years 6 weeks ago
by Brian37
12 years 5 weeks ago
by EXC
Shut the Fuck Up, Sarah Palin!515 years 48 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
15 years 48 weeks ago
by darth_josh
Show your support for the godless of the Middle East.09 years 34 weeks ago
by Brian37
Should we be scared of Newt?312 years 41 weeks ago
by Brian37
12 years 41 weeks ago
by Vastet
Should rape be considered a pre-existing condition?2214 years 48 weeks ago
by ClockCat
14 years 48 weeks ago
by EXC
Should i send a response to this letter to the editor?117 years 31 weeks ago
by zntneo
17 years 31 weeks ago
by AngryAtheist
Shopp'd photo shows reflection...1012 years 24 weeks ago
by digitalbeachbum
12 years 23 weeks ago
by Vastet
Shocking video footage of Crazy Preacher at Missouri University of Science and Technology016 years 21 weeks ago
by drkqn9
Shermer at FSGP PARTY Friday the 13th in Philly717 years 50 weeks ago
by EverLastingGodS...
17 years 49 weeks ago
by Sapient
Sherman want's to tank government funding of religios property and institutions.114 years 24 weeks ago
by Brian37
14 years 24 weeks ago
by Tapey
She blinded me with comets...29 years 45 weeks ago
by Brian37
9 years 45 weeks ago
by digitalbeachbum
Sharia law in the UK?316 years 32 weeks ago
by pariahjane
16 years 32 weeks ago
by Brian37
SF plane crash, why I blame the airline and not the first responders.310 years 35 weeks ago
by Brian37
10 years 35 weeks ago
by Beyond Saving
Sexist pig wont restle girl says it is against his "faith".813 years 31 weeks ago
by Brian37
13 years 31 weeks ago
by Brian37
Sex: 6 Minutes and 21 calories111 years 33 weeks ago
by digitalbeachbum
11 years 33 weeks ago
by Beyond Saving
Sex-row US pastor 'bought drugs' - The Reverend Ted Haggard317 years 46 weeks ago
by politicalhumanist
17 years 41 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
Sex Scandal Hits Atlanta Area Megachurch1216 years 44 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
16 years 43 weeks ago
by jmm
Seperation of Church and State anyone?515 years 45 weeks ago
by Jesterspace
15 years 45 weeks ago
by Jesterspace
Sent an RRS show to a conservative christian017 years 42 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
Sending the scapegoat into the woods317 years 51 weeks ago
by ellechero
17 years 51 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
Send a short note to the White House711 years 45 weeks ago
by NAP
11 years 45 weeks ago
by NAP
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