Sending the scapegoat into the woods

If anyone's been following the Foley thing, it gives you some good direction on what do to if you're caught wanting to have your pants down:
Step 1: Check into a rehab. AA has taught us all that we're powerless against our addictions, even though people manage to give them up all the time. No matter, step one is admitting you have an addiction to which you are a hapless victim.
Step 2: Admit you're gay. Again, any good Republican knows that gay people are the victim of their own evil nature.
Step 3: Bring up that you were molested. Being a victim of molestation makes you the supreme victim which explains your victimhood in steps 1 & 2.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I have worked in what's usually termed the "sex industry". I was never a prostitute, but I've done fetish stuff before and shot photos for BDSM sites. A good deal of my friends have been Pro-Dommes for years. The interesting thing is how many conservative politicians and lawyers they've had as clients. We've often had coversations about how these guys will hammer on issues such as homosexuality so hard because they're endeavoring to cover-up their interest in having a whole lot of homosexual sex.
The really foul thing, however, is that they immediately reach for homosexuality (haha "reach") as an excuse for acting like a big ol' chester. I know plenty of alcoholics, gay folks and victims of exploitation who have never engaged in such NMBLA-esque behavior as has Foley. The reason being because they were either alcoholics, gay or victims, none of them were into little boys, which is exacly what Foley digs. I guess that pointing out the obvious would constitute an instance of "liberal bias" on the part of the media in this case. Better to let Foley and the Grand Old Party blame everyone else to whose suffering they have contributed than to admit that Foley is just a plain old sleazy son of a bitch.
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The word for the day is "hypocracy."
In our current society, that's the word for the day everyday!
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Unfortunately I think you're right.