Poetry by Brian37 (poems by an atheist)

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Poetry by Brian37 (poems by an atheist)

I post all over the web, but I want a back up in case my computer or one particular website goes down.

I have decided to edit this post because I do not like giving people the wrong impression. I cannot read Shakespeare to save my life. I just remember this one line from act 5 scene 5 and put my own spin on it. I've had to explain this over and over so here I decided to put that in this post so there is no more presuming what I know or don't know. But the plot of MacBeth is the old lesson, you can have everything and nothing at all at the same time. And how did all that cruelty serve you in the end? But I do not like play summeries calling him a Nihisist, because it is possible to not do what he did, and accept life as being finite, and sitll have morals without religion. 


NEW EDIT 9/19/22 I got pissed at myself that I was scared to read MacBeth, so tonight, I forced myself to read it online. Now mind you, I did not understand it line for line, but basically Macbeth was an assdhole who murdered his way to the top, and did not believe the 3 witches prophcies. He murdered Duncan and had Banquo murdered. Banquo's ghost haunts Macbeth. And made the grave mistake of attacking McDuff's family and killing them(If I am reading this correctly) But Lady MacBeth has a guilty conscience and kills herself, upon finding out Macbeth basically says that life is not worth living and he should go down with a fight anyway, but refuses to fight  Macduff face to face and Macduff kills him as the hero. ( I SERIOUSLY read the entire play every line, tonight.  I even know where the famous line "double double, toil and trouble". comes from. The three witches, basically saying "look out Macbeth" your ass is in trouble. 

So basically the moral of the play, don't be a fucking asshole when trying to get to the top, or "the bigger they are the harder they fall". Reminds me of the movie Scarface and all the shitty things Tony did to get to the top and all for not. But Sosa in that case was not a good guy either.

QUOTE WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE MACBETH:"To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Here is my spin on that wonderful and profound line:

Out, Out brief candle, By Brian37

To-deities, and to-gods, and to-God

Creeps in this petty tyrant from day to day

Until the extinction of humanity new ones will be invented

And all our yesterday's Gods have been created by fools

The way to tribal death. Out out brief myth

Claims are but a walking shadow, a poor reflection

That struts our narcissism upon the stage

And then is heard no more. It is a tale

Told by the credulous, full of sound and fury

Signifying nothing.


To all reading this thread, you may spread the link to this thread BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE MY PERMISSION TO POST INDIVIDUAL POEMS! Brian Sapient the owner of this website is full aware of my real name and my physical address. You will not get away with passing yourself off as me! ALL POEMS IN THIS THREAD ARE SOLE PROPERTY OF THE PERSON(ME) and may not be distributed without MY permission.

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"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Hypatia, By Brian37 What

Hypatia, By Brian37

What would such
An advanced woman
Think of Virgina's
State Senate if alive today

What would this
Alexandrian mind
Think of men
Using religious law

To force her
To get an ultra sound
What would she think
Of our right wing today

Cryril meme
Haunts reality
Lynus's blanket
More important

More important
That the truth
Such a brilliant woman
Spoke long ago

"Fables should be
Taught as fables
As myths

"In fact
Men will
Fight for
A superstition"

And for her wisdom
She was murdered
And still today
Women suffer

Hypatia would not
Walk behind a man
Would want to drive
And also vote

She'd burn a Burka
She'd tell the State Senate
Of Virgina
Stay off my body

Lead them now
Let your voice
Give them power

You may have fallen
So long ago
But your words
Can reach every corner

To the women
Of the world
Rise up and take your place
In our modern world

Did not burn
It is still alive
In her words

Rise up women
Demand they stop
For the world's men
Owe women our birth

This poem was inspired by reading the following quote. I really wish I had been aware of this quote along time ago. It is amazing to me that it is still relevant today, and bittersweet too. Because even in the states were men can be arrested for abusing women, we still have a country where men try to dictate religious morals on the bodies of others. AND they still don't for the most part, allow women into power among the religious ranks.

AND, especially to Arab woman reading this. YOU ARE NOT PROPERTY, your men do not own you. I hope this does piss off the theocratic jackasses who run theocracies like Iran and Saudi Arabia. Women are not a sub species and are not property and can decide for themselves who they marry and even what religion they are if any.

"Fables should be taught as fables, myths as myths,

and miracles as poetic fancies. To teach superstitions as truths is a most terrible thing. The child-mind accepts and

believes them, and only after great pain and perhaps tragedy can he be in after-years relieved of them. In fact, men will

fight for a superstition quite as quickly as for a living truth-often more so, since a superstition is so intangible you cannot get

at it to refute it, but truth is a point of view, and so is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of

punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." This infuriated Cyril the bishop of Alexandria and the local christians.

In March of 415 A.D., when Hypatia was 60 yrs old, she left the lecture hall one night to enter a carriage and go home. She was

viciously attack by the Nitrian monks leading a fanatical, hate filled Christian mob. After first stripping her naked, she was

barbarously murdered, then dragged through the streets, her flesh cut from her bones and finally burned piecemeal. Her crime?

She told the truth about the Christians' (I WOULD ADD ALL RELIGIONS)

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Name Me Any God, By Brian37

Name Me Any God, By Brian37

Name me any god
That has empathy
That can display

Name me one
That can admit
That of fault
Of its own hand

Name me one
That admits flaws
That will admit
When it is wrong

Name me one
Who would admit
Harm it does
To those who dissent

Name me one
That if enough object
Would abdicate power
To those he governed

Name me one human
Who holds such beliefs
Willing to admit

That all it is
The god they profess
Is nothing more
Than what they project

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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The Dark Alley, By Brian37

The Dark Alley, By Brian37

Leaving work
To the metro
His late night stroll
Lead him past the alley

The storefront lights
And bone white moon
Gave him
A false sense of security

Out of a dark shadow
A thuggish gunman
Dragged him in

The evil mugger
With gun to head
Gave the man
Two choices

"Give me your wallet
And I'll let you live
But chose to keep it
And I'll shoot you dead"

And the victim
With bravery
Boldly stood up and asked
"What kind of choice is this, God?"

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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For those who don't know

For those who don't know Latin, this is part of the phrase "Cogito Ergo Dues Non Est" meaning " I think, so therefor there is no god".

Certainly blasphemous and critical of god claims, but as I have stated before, this is not a call to fascism or government force of the end of religion. But a Jeffersonian call to enlightenment and reason. Please take that into account when reading this poem.

Deus Non Est, By Brian37

Our blue orb

Is not flat

Deus Non Est


Makes no sense

Deus Non Est

We advance

When we give up myth

Dues Non Est

Isis, Marduke, Thor

Dead like those before

Deus Non Est

No second set


Deus Non Est

Rigor mortis

None escape

Deus Non Est

Chosen people

Do not exist

Dues Non Est

Allah and Jesus

Fictitious gaps

Deus Non Est

Hocus pokus

Is all it is

Dues Non Est

Invisible friends

In the sky

Deus Non Est

To free your mind

They must die

Dues Non Est

To worship such

Is tyranny

Deus Non Est

Obey him

Or suffer eternally

Deus Non Est

An abusive spouse

Is all he is

Deus Non Est

In a billion years

He wont exist

Deus Non Est

Myths will die

Upon extinction

Deus Non Est

We will advance

Without superstition

Deus Non Est

Being finite

Frightens me not

Deus Non Est

This is it

All there is

Deus Non Est

Before I was born

I'll be after I die

Deus Non Est

Lets leave the caves

And ancient myths

Deus Non Est

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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For those who don't know

Motifs, By Brian37

A damsel
Tied to the tracks
Handlebar mustache
Tweaked with fingers

In contemplation
Of how the plan
Is perfect

Are not all
The petticoats
Claiming martyrdom
Fallaciously aggressively

We are all evil
To those outside
Our home is only
Railroad ties

In the end
We all die
The hero worship
Is a fallacy

The only thing
Tied to our tracks
Is our introspection
That we all lack

The only true evil
That we cannot see
No matter how much death
The end is our only means

Death to curses
And foiled again
Death to tribalism
And Superman

We are all human
With the same ties
And the train called time
Will take us all

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Jupiter, By Brian37 What

Jupiter, By Brian37

What of what you claim?
That this birth you hail
Is absolute
Without dispute?

How can this be
That Gabriel
Spoke of news
A gift to the world

That a zygote formed
From a disembodied being
Without two sets of DNA

And even Tom
Dared to question
Minerva is Jesus
Born out of Jupiter

All cells could die
With a spear in the side
Rigor mortis sets in
Yet he still survives?

While falsely touting
Blatant absurdity
You rightfully scoff
Thor making electricity

Jesus is Minerva
And Jupiter is God
And to those of reason
All are a fraud

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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The Illusion, By Brian37

The Illusion, By Brian37

From the onset
From the first breath
The sickle chases us
To a variety of death

We fight in futility
This final reality
With vacuous labels
Of class and status

Since atoms decay
To our dismay
The futile efforts
We display

Our masks have names
In race and religion
Of power and wealth
And national origin

And in our history
None have escaped
The finite reality
All will face

The illusion enticing
The peacock strut
With fanciful feathers
Attracting others

Plumes of falsehood
Empty promises
And hollow threats
Divide humanity

Trapped we are
By this illusion
Painfully obvious
Is our imagination

A way out
Will never be
No mater what lie
We believe

From the fame
To the farmer
To the Pope
To the president

All who are ,all who were
And all who will ever be
Will be swallowed by time
And obscurity

The cosmos
Is cold
And not cognitive

Please spare me
From your accusation
Of negativity
Born from credulity

Nay be I fatalistic
Or pessimistic
Merely from facing

Are there wonders
And happiness
To be found
Here and now?

A resounding yes
I too shout
I have no choice

A kitten's purr
A loved one's hug
I value too
Without myth making

The illusion must die
For the mind to survive
The sickle the victor
And will always win

It reaps our bodies
And our stories
Laughing at petty attempts
To outlast it's dark robe

Facing the finite
Is solitude
Are pale placebos

We dress
Dress and redress
Our flavors
Hoping the ice cream wont melt

It does
It will
It is
Our finality

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Now, By Brian37 Freud's

Now, By Brian37

Freud's insults
Jefferson's ridicule
Are what we need

Aim them rightfully
At incantations
And ideology

Kill all tribalism
Gut the labels
Death to isms
Of any kind

Communism capitalism
Abuse of power
Arise in all

Phobia and fear
Make us all
A sub species

Global leaders
Sell utopias
Controlling resources
At our expense

And history's pyre
Is human desire
Always wanting

Death is laughing
At all of us
Killing each other
For lust of power

Decay cares not
Of title or class
Of boarders or isms
Our final path

A fool will cry
"I am on top"
Mistaking success
For immortality

Yet most are blind
To the common thread
Despite success
We all end up dead

Millinia ago
None now, were
Millinia from now
We will not be

Rice or oatmeal
Shingles or slate
Means of survival
Are what all need


I hear them now
Falsely accuse
My message being
Robbin hood

Be happy
Get what you want
This after all
Your only shot

Yet in all this
We must build
Not selfishly
At the expense of others

Death to anarchy
Death to monopolies
Death to isms
And Ideology


Our species
Ultimate fate
Is no different
Than an individuals

Yet we still claw
Step on and crush
Bludgeon and beat
To get on top

My class makes right
My flag makes right
My god makes right

Your class still dies
Your flag still dies
Your god will too
Says the future

Labels are the enemy
Of humanity
The only true friend we have
Is now

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Stand Your Ground, By

Stand Your Ground, By Brian37

This far from
The voting rights act
Fire hoses
And dog attacks

A decent boy
Shot dead
His only crime
Being black

This is what
The right wing wrought
Painting the minority
As always the criminal

Nanny state
Ghetto mentality
This is the bullshit
That gets people murdered

But ilk of Jeb
And the tea party
Give a shit not
Of whom they affect

Carrying ice tea
And merely Skittles
On the phone
We heard him pleading

Fox Fear Mongering
And that of Rush
Focused on wealth
Screw everyone else

This guy was not
Flashing symbols
Tagging bridges
Or selling drugs

He was on his way
To meet his dad
Like every teen
Does all the time

It is way past time
To take the right down
Stop its bigotry
Stop it's propaganda

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Good Morning Ralph, Good

Good Morning Ralph, Good Morning Sam, by Brian37

In the fertile crescent
In Mesopotamia
The feud persists
In modern times

My land my land
Both proclaim
And over what
Invisible friends

The time clock punched
The dog the century
The sheep the prey
The bloodshed real

I wish it were
A silly cartoon
I wish I didn't see
Death on the news

I wish Israel
Would know it's power
I wish Palestinians
Would not seek theocracy

If a toddler
From both sides
Put in a room
With no divide

If both these children
Were not told
Of adult beefs
How would they get along

If you put
In front of both
Toys of fancy
Without boast

They would play
Without concern
Laugh at cartoons
And have no qualms

This ancient illness
Is not of children
But of adults
Who sell them certainty

I wish I wish, with all my breath
The worst children would see
Is "Good morning Ralph
Good morning Sam"

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Contempt, By Brian37 If

Contempt, By Brian37

If you ask me
If I have
Contempt for faith
The answer is yes

Not as
A human rights
But in accepting

In accepting
Without testing
In accepting
Out of fear

Out of fear
You'll be punished
Or out of fear
It cant be questioned

You lack faith
Of claims of others
I am no different
Just one fewer

In contempt
Both us hold
That once held
In history of old

Where once gods favored
Owning other humans
Where that of women
Were merely maids

In contempt
I hold attempts
To turn education
Into science fiction

I hold in contempt
Those who deny
That of DNA
Disproving virgin births

You ask me why
I have such contempt
For that of faith
I answer such

Fear of question
Holds us back
Contempt for that
I'll always have

That today is today
And wiser be
Our species advances
When the past we leave

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Piety, by Brian37.

Piety, by Brian37.


Oh grand Phallus

You live

In a palace

Wearing your phony crown

But atoms and quarks

Defy your remarks

For in the end

We lose all sound

The sun will expand

Making coal of the land

And with it too

The myth you spew

Impressed not the least

With your strut

Impoverished player

Reality guts

In gaps you fill

With magical spells

Wane through generations

Morphing into newer fables

Beseeching is reason

You can't hold hostage

Free from your shackles

My mind grasps knowledge

Transparent friends

Fall prey to truth

Your god is not needed

And neither are you

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Dusty Banjo, By Brian37

Dusty Banjo, By Brian37

In the age
Of running boards
Workers slaved
In the fields

Labor camps
Babies cry
Mother's milk
As arid as the land

What made wine
Also made wrath
An entire state

One man
With song in hand
Hopped the rails
And sang to masses

Of standing up
To the crumbs
Thrown at them
By the owners

How could one
Enjoy their bounty
While others starve
He wanted better

His dusty banjo
Sings today
Occupy Wall Street
Our modern Dust Bowl

We fight to end
The monopoly
That drives down wages
Creating more poverty

I hate country music. But that is not a hate thing just a taste thing. Outside my personal taste, I was moved last night by the movie "Bound For Glory". It was a movie about the country singer Woodie Guthry. He fought the farm owners who exploited the workers and paid them slave wages and fought for unions.

We need more people like that today. We are entering a new age of exploitation where the war is on the worker's ability to bargain.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Jesus Joplin, By Brian37

Jesus Joplin, By Brian37

89 dead
Under his watch
Destroying his house
Leaving only a cross

Is this love?
To sit and watch
What kind of test
Is this tornado

A test is taken
In a classroom
Or the endurance of sports
Not avoiding death

And what can be said
Of this god's aim
To take out his fans
Who worship him?

You'd think more care
Could be taken
More surgical
Not carpet bombing

Then on top
Of our suffering
You blame us
For the home you provide

Yea we've heard it
Adam and Eve
Fall of man
And original sin

Inept or malicious
I can only describe
Of such a dead beat
Invisible friend

"I didn't do it"
No you did not
Nor did you stop it
When you could have

I would not hire
Such a being
To baby sit
Or walk my dog

No you did not do it
You did not allow it
You don't exist
Nature does

Sorry Jesus
You are not needed
To explain tornados
Or why they exist

These poor people
Who survived
Need real things
Like shelter and food

The do not need
A book of myth
Life will continue
Without it

To the survivors
I hope you well
You will get through this
Without threats of hell

The tornado
Is not your fault
Not caused by Satan
Or allowed by a god

It is bad enough
That it happened
No need to add to it

Joplin Missouri
Was the target
Of bad weather
And nothing more

A culmination
Of clouds and climate
Not of devils
Or fictional gods

And no disaster
In human history
Has ever been caused
By superstition

That stupid cross
Stands guard
Over a church in rubble
Protecting a fraud

It happened
Because tornados do
It happened
Because it did

Those people died
Because they did
Just like all do
And all will, in some way

Death is not magic
Nor or the ways
From tornados to cancer
Or heart attacks

Jesus did not
Watch or neglect
The citizens of Joplin
Or explain why they are dead

They are dead
For one reason only
That of nature
Nothing more

Pray all you want
Talk to yourself
What they need now
Is real help

Send them food
Send them money
Send them materials
Without the stories


That was a poem I submitted a couple of years ago on some websites about the tornado in Joplin MO. Mocking Gods on IG got it right off the bat that I was referencing Janice Joplin to the title in how people suck up to a god like a drug even if their claimed god seems to be a deadbeat.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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Raising Cain, By Brian37

Raising Cain, By Brian37

While one man
Reached the mountain top
Another man
Trivialized him

How is it
A godless man
Like me
Does not do the same?

Money equals power
Cain would claim
If you don't have it
You are worthless

Jaded the man
Who cannot see
That the movement
Was fought by the poor

Without it
This jaded man
Would not be
Running for the republican nomination

How is it
I can see
What this jaded man

Cain shit on those
Who made it possible
For him
To get where he got

Martin Luther King
Is a lesson to humanity
Not just for blacks
Or Christians

Never close
Will Cain be
To the compassion
Of that of King

Cain is a fool
Who cannot see
We're on one ship
On the same sea

Fuck you Cain
Keep your success
For it comes at the cost
Of the rest of us

Not all at the top
Think like you
They can see
What workers do

Jaded the man
Who devalues the poor
Who thinks they are special
By mere proxy of class

I see the vision
King died for
You shit on that Cain
And of that I abhor

Dogs and hoses
Lynching and death
And all you can do
Is tout selfish profits

Too selfish to see
It was the poor
Who fought for that mountain
You seek to exploit

Mountains of money
Are what you worship
Prosperity and compassion
Are what King demanded

King's mountain
Was a view to behold
Your mountain of money
Is selfishly cold

He fought for you
But all you spew
Is let them eat cake
You worthless peasants

No Cain, no
You're ilk will not win
The rights of the worker
Will no longer be ignored

Your false cries
Of socialism
You'd have to include King
But you know damned well you cant.

Race once the issue
But his story applies
Monopolies of power
All should despise

Your feigned cries
The poor are jealous
Of your wealth
You cant sell any more

King was a man
You are a prick
He had compassion
Something you lack

You are of "I"
He saw a "we"
Of the people
Not of one class

Look at the news
Herman Cain
You will not win
We out number you

King saw room
For everyone
He just wanted
The lopsidedness to end

A lesson lost
On people like you
Who think one class matters
And the others should bow

No Cain, no
I vote too, I vote too
You will no longer
Bully the rest of us

Thank you King
For what you've done
Not just for blacks
But for all humans

No longer
Can they claim
That we are lazy
Or worthless

No longer
Can they excuse
Their class monopoly
Of political parties

King is alive
And he will thrive
And we will win
Thank you King, Thank you


Not one of my faves that I have written but got tons of attention. I am not talking about message or content but flow.

This poem is about how Herman Cain when running blamed everyone who didn't get to where he was at, forgetting, that no matter ones race, there are far more below that do the work, and in also forgetting race, if it were not for other blacks taking the beatings and the dogs and the hoses, he wouldn't have gone on to be a CEO of a pizza chain.

The poem is about how King wanted a future where no one was devalued and everyone was judged "on the content of their character". Cain stupidly thinks that character is built on class and money.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Nitney Diddling , By Brian37

Nitney Diddling , By Brian37

The specter Omni
Creeps up again
Failing to explain
The harm of kids

A dick in the ass
Or in the mouth
Of a 10 year old
In a locker room

And the spectacle
Of a mass prayer
To a god
Who did nothing

Insidious concept
Insidious excuse
How can he watch
Child abuse?

The state Penn
Is where he belongs
Both the perp
Along with this god

Took the same route
Knew of suffering
And did nothing

What would we say
To those with the power
The failure to do so
What of their morals?

It sickens me
To see such display
To use this crime
As a deity's billboard

Once again, in the lines of claims and concepts I am trying to demonstrate that the CLAIM is a broken concept. Again, the words ARE harsh, but not out of hate. It is along the lines of "Wake up, can you see what you are selling and believing"?

No one would hire a baby sitter if they did what this god did in watching and only doing something after the fact.

As I said in another thread, how many people would pay good money to see a Superman movie, if Superman was in an ally, in the movie, standing next to a man while the man raped a woman and slit her throat. Would anyone find that story moral?

This poem is about the Penn State assistant coach getting caught in the locker room having sex with a boy.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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One Nation, By Brian37

One Nation, By Brian37

Huddled masses
Hollow words
To revisionists
Selling fear

Those two words
Not in the original
Added by theocrats
Well after the fact

And not to include
As Frances wanted
But Stalin's Russia
Used to scare

A litmus test
They deny
The god in the pledge
Is not generic

It was not there
When written
And inconsistent
With the oath of office

No one has to
Via force of law
To swear an oath
To any god

Sit in silence
Some suggest
Or skip those words
If you wish

No, it is our symbol
And should be neutral
Like a zebra
In the NFL

The Constitution
Are the masses
Of different strips
Who pass her torch

Not to be
Or merely guests

A Jew, A Muslim
And atheist too
Who serve in our congress
Should be proof

To remove those words
Would not equal Stalin
But a rejection of favoritism
Of the likes of Iran

The state not the god
Nor the god the state
But individual rights
All should protect

I refuse
To sit in the back
Or to remain silent
While others attack

Attack what it means
To live in this country
To swear an oath
To a god I don't believe

Freedom to the founders
Was never to exclude
By proxy of tradition
Or popular belief

It was up to us
Not to them
The mind of the individual
No second class

As long as those words
Continue to remain
What should unify
Divided we stay

Tribal lions
Marking trees
With religious urine
Marking territory

Their worship as bad
Of that of the state
The Communist party
Demanding blind loyalty

Neutrality the cure
And good for all
Remove those words
So we can move forward

My oath my oath
Is not to a party
Nor to a god
But to the words
Of our Constitution

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Big, By Brian37 I can

Big, By Brian37

I can fathom
A quark
I can fathom
An atom

But what they suggest
Go's way beyond nature
Way beyond

I can picture
The grand canyon
I can picture
The peak of Mt Everest

I can see
The pock mark moon
I have seen
Pictures of earth

I can see
The solar flares
I can see
The rings of Saturn

I can see
The Milky Way
I can see
Our significance

And the best
The biggest, believers suggest
Beyond our universe
Is A comic book myth?

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Big, By Brian37 I can

Big, By Brian37

I can fathom
A quark
I can fathom
An atom

But what they suggest
Go's way beyond nature
Way beyond

I can picture
The grand canyon
I can picture
The peak of Mt Everest

I can see
The pock mark moon
I have seen
Pictures of earth

I can see
The solar flares
I can see
The rings of Saturn

I can see
The Milky Way
I can see
Our significance

And the best
The biggest, believers suggest
Beyond our universe
Is A comic book myth?

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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May 22nd, By Brian37 How

May 22nd, By Brian37

How many times
Does the wolf cry
How many times
Do these claims lapse

How many times
Do they sell fear
How many times
Do we hear

"The end the end"
The end is near
And I'll be saved
From disaster

In every age
In every generation
This absurdity
Still gets attention

Oh yes I agree
The end will come
But not from any
Comic book myth

A nuclear war
A super disease
Sits on a volcano

A meteor
A comet could hit
In a blink of an eye
That would be it

The center
Of our galaxy
A giant black hole
Is reality

Neither good or bad
Can be explained
With comic book villains
Or fictional Super heros

No one knows
When it will happen
But it will not be caused
By childish superstition

May 21st
Came and went
When will these claims
Rightfully die?

Grow the fuck up
Stop selling crap
Trying to scare people
To sell your myth

The universe
Is not of pixies
Not under the thumb
Of Lex Luthor

Idiots like you
Sell Applewhite
Laced with the Kool Aid
Of Jones Town

Idiots like you
Get people killed
With threats of hell
And buildings fall

Enough enough
Of your bullshit
Life is not magic
And need not of threats

May 23rd
As I type these words
Is humanity's call
To give up on the absurd

Dante's Inferno
Is not geology
Any more than
Thor explains electricity

And even after I am dead
The universe
Will leave no record
Of my existence

No more fear
No more frighting people
No more no more
This is it, both good and bad

Cancer and hurricanes
All occur
And as the flower wilts
There is nothing to fear

We are what we are
All from nature
Ancient utterances
Explain nothing

May 24th
Will come and go
And the earth will continue
To rotate around the sun

Frantic in panic
We try to delay
What none can avoid
Making fairy tales

And 13
June and July
And second's ticking

Enough enough
In this modern age
Enough enough
With myth making

Die myth die
Die God and Satan
Rapture's selfishness
Sold by gang minions

May 21st
Has come and gone
Once again proving
Superstition wrong

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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300 Yards, By Brian37 Not

300 Yards, By Brian37

Not a statistic
Of the big game
Not of passing
Not of running

The flaps came down
And the brave became
Targets moving
Like a carnival game

No stuffed animal won
No cotton candy sold
Just crimson white caps
Shredded flesh, blown up and shot

They played with Jax
No bouncing ball
And after that
Faced land mines and barbed wire

Some in shock
Stood up in horror
Exploding watermelons
Became their skull

The buzzing bees
Were supposed to help
But missed far to many
Of those atop the cliffs

The white cotton
Was too dense
Making the pilots
Afraid to deploy

And the marionettes
In Warhol numbers
Missed their mark
Falling from above

The hard shell tortoise
Came to help
But he and his brethren
Fell prey to the shallows

The carnival patron
Had the edge
Or so he thought
The game was rigged

The darts were dense
Hitting many a balloon
Surely the fortification
Would be enough

But the bleak weather
At the French Fair
The beaches littered
With limbs and valor

The pill boxes lost
It was no game
It was 300 yards
To victory

I think about
This legacy
And what if
It had been me

No way no way
Not one ounce
Not one yard
Not one inch

I could not do
What they did
I could not step
Onto that beach

I have to thank
Those who did
Made the run
So I could live

300 yards
Beyond the Jax
Beyond the wire
To climb the cliffs

I am here
Because of them
And what they did
So I could live.


This poem is about the D day invasion and the bravery most of us could never muster.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Black Parrot, By Brian37

Black Parrot, By Brian37

Once upon
A fictional story
While they postulated
A naked assertion

While they toked
On the Soma
Suddenly knocked
A placebo

Gently tapping
Usurping reason
This conning visitor
Was rapping at my door

Ah, instinctual
A confused moth
Tapped on the light bulb
Mistaking it for the moon

And each dying argument
An ember of absurdity
Wrought the duprees
Of ghosts upon the floor

Eagerly I wished to counter
Vainly I sought to convince
With books of science and reason
I'd take him from his lore

And the childishly sad
Uncertain, rehashing of the goal posts
For the movement of such
Gives them "evermore"

My quest drew stronger
His responses could no longer
"Sir" I said, " truly your ignorance I can't ignore"

Deep into the abyss
The darkness peering
Long I listened
Wondering, fearing, but never doubting

They dream dreams
Mortals have dreamed before
And their word is spoken
But always lacking evidence evermore

Back into the myth
They retreat
Never admit defeat
They came back to convince me more

Something louder
Than before
A theocracy, a monopoly
Their god rules, evermore

Open here
I deflected the chatter
Stung the myth
The selfish madman

Not the least
Obtuse was he
Or so he boasted

But with Mien Kompf
He does not see
The deity the same
Authoritarian evermore

Much I marveled
At his whims
As he concocted
More of them

The lonely dove
Had no bust
No olive tree
Of such to boast

That one book
His whole life
Is what perpetuates
Human strife

But that madman
Still pesters me
Trying to sell me

So he sat
Engaged in guessing
Without testing

So methought
As the myth grew denser
Of this the world
It needs to be free

"Prophet" he said
It is all clear
Written down
For all to see

On our home
Of this horror
Of this fiction
We all suffer

"Prophet" I said
Is superstition
Your wishful thinking
And nothing more

Be our world
Of no "signs"
Of only nature
Not of divine

And the myth
Never fitting
Always attempting
To retrofit

And my mind
Out from the shadow
That never floated
On the floor

To all of this
Childish myth
To superstition


This is an all be it weak attempt to pay an ode to Edgar Allen Poe, who struggled his entire life and died in poverty.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Mark Antony And Pussyfoot,

Mark Antony And Pussyfoot, By Brian37

What brilliance
With a cartoon
To display our capacity
For compassion

Chuck Jones
A head of his time
Took a bulldog
And gave us a mind

Bluster superfluous
The bulldog bellowed
The kitten oblivious
To his objections

With a purr
And a kneading
The bulldog succumbed
To to the kitten's innocence

But the master
Aware of his past
Banished the bulldog
To the yard

He was from his new friend
Now in the kitchen
In danger of peril

All he could do
Is look through the window
No way to save
The kitten in trouble

Egg beaters
And rolling pins
The bulldog did not see
The escape from the flower bin

The rolling pin rolled
The cookie cutter cut
In cat shapes
Into the oven it went

The bulldog gasped
In complete horror
His new found friend
Was no more

The case not be
That of his fate
Like I said
The cat did escape

While banished in the yard
She did take pity
On the bulldog
Whom she had punished

She opened the door
And offered him peace
Ironically shaped
In that of a kitten

He placed the cookie
On his back
Not knowing his real friend
Had survived

Right just then
With sullen eyes
The cat purred buy
To his surprise

With sudden joy
And great glee
The bulldog found
His friend again

He wagged his finger
And warned of danger
The cat kneaded
His back again


If anyone of you don't know. This is a poem about my absolute favorite cartoon in the entire world.

It was about a bulldog who kept bringing toys into the house until the woman kicked him out. He was playing in the yard when a kitten happened by. He growled and barked until the oblivious kitten crawled up his back and purred and kneaded his back. He liked it and found a new friend. But tried to sneak it into the house while the woman was baking cookies.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Honker, By Brian37 It was

Honker, By Brian37

It was a Mallard
With half a wing
Who could not fly
Who could not leave

In my youth
It came to me
In the marina
In Annapolis Md

Every morning
I would call to him
From the dock side
With swinging legs

And for a long time
He always came
Happy to find
Of him I would feed

His arrival obvious
Even when cloaked
By high waves
He was determined to cross

My friend at the time
Would call back
"Is breakfast ready
I'm coming to feast"

Throwing him bread
He'd scoop it up
Thanking me
With every honk

I am not sure how
He lost his wing
Or why he left
And never returned

All I knew
In my youth
Were two oddballs
Making friends\


When I was a kid we had a duck who survived a wing injury and still was the pet of the entire marina and river for that matter. He would show up every morning rain or shine and all you had to do is call his name. He was a trooper.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Antigone, By Brian37

Antigone, By Brian37

He's my brother

Are not we all

Cruel to outsiders

They shall fall

Why cant we

Look past divisions

See flesh as flesh

And death as death

War after war

We defend our own

Yet from mothers and sisters

We all came

Of labels and nations

Our flags we wave

Outsiders will rot

Under buzzards and flies

And what has changed

Death after death

War after war


Our sisters cry

When bombs birst

Borders mean nothing

Upon our birth

Why is cruelty

Our species norm

Of Antigone

Compassion learned

From the first stone

To bash a skull

Over power and resources

And nothing more

If intellect

Matured faster than weapons

A time would arise

When humanity abandons them

Our world too small

To conquer more



DNA and evolution

Already prove

The same past

All have come

And all our future

Is clad in iron

Whatever epitaph

For all are written

In as such

None escape

Antigone's cry

Should be old age

A better world

It would be

If this play

Had no inspiration



For having to write

These much needed prose


Slutty traitor

Don't emasculate me

In front of the world

You burried my brother

Who turned on me

Incesutious treason

To my tribe


Criticize Bush

For water boarding

Or the Geniva Convention





I am sorry to say


This may not wane

Despite your message

Our brothers die

In all generations

In all of history

In all nations

The only bastards

That I see

Are those who ignore you


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Shadows Drink Hemlock, By

Shadows Drink Hemlock, By Brian37

The daggers of plumes

From old to new

Allegories and flames

Cave walls give way

Give way to truth

Corruption of youth

Teachers and oracles

Authoritarians lose

They think they know

Of what they defend

Those ravenous jackals

Like to pretend

Like to pretend

The shadows are real

But I have left the cave

And know of the truth

Orbiting telescopes

Kill your oracles

Pulpit soothsayers

Are nothing but liers

My childhood window

Gave me such fright

In twilight hours

On cloudy nights

Rustling wind

Howled at me

My darkened room

Gave sanctuary

Gave sanctuary

To my deepest fear

Invisible things

Creeping near

Then one night

I stared them down

The goblins vanished

When my iris expanded

Yet, those of years

Still hold fears

Of permanent torture

In fictional flames

You don't get it

Cant you see

From Dante we parted

And his absurdity

I don't play with Styx

But you still throw rocks

To protect the shadows

On the cave wall

You are that kid

I once was

Holding your nukes

Hiding under the covers

I have left the cave

And fear not tyrants

Microscopes trump myth

And their vacuous sirens

Nothing invisible

Creeps anywhere

Not in the cosmos

Or under your bed

Shadows drink hemlock

Brings death to fear

The sunlight of scrutiny

Freed me from the cave


This poem is about Plato and the Alegory of the cave in how shadows in the cave, or in your bedroom merely are your own self inflicted fears.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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You Treat Them Like A Sewer,

You Treat Them Like A Sewer, By Brian37

In your North Korea

As Hitchens has described

Ill in the heavens

You avoid what makes us thrive

A pixy dust vagina

Never to be touched

Scamming old motifs

Credulity is your lust

But what of your symbol

I see on backs of cars

Feeding multitudes

Ignoring history prior

Even from the start

Lilith had no chance

For another woman

With serpent she did dance

You treat them like a sewer

No protrusions jutting forth

And because of this

Worthy is the scorn?

What vile tripe

To subgegate

Those of the fair

When humanity they bare

Cattle shall be prod

To the men they nod

For they are merely fields

For men to plow and yield

This pretty pink

Must be butchered

Or have less wages

For men have so ordered

And what of these heros

Men so proudly claim

For them to pass through this

Surely they abstain

Yet pesky amino acids

Without congealed blood

Or voila god sperm stories

Our species continues on

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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The Scream By Brian37Hands

The Scream By Brian37

Hands on face

A toxic read

Mind heroin


Glee glee

Kills reality

A dismboided being


Without adenine

Or second mates

A baby born

On this day?

The brush strokes

A vacuous canvis

With traditions falsehoods

Just because

A footprint

On a satellite

Still trumped by

Ignorant plight

The noose still holds

Over gallow's bold

Neurons held hostage

By tales of triumph

Wand in hand

Comes victory

And all who defend

It's misery


And eulogies

Must befall


Calling on bears

They bed with their father

Eyes mirror Thot

Raping children with horrors

With folded arms

This tyrant sits

While flesh mutilates

Over his name

Millenia pass

While anchors weigh

I scream for the truth

To get away

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Credulous Faith, By Brian37

Credulous Faith, By Brian37

Hubble is a liar

With it all it's scope

Reaching distant light

Dashing myth's hope

DNA is dead

It hold's no truth

Faith is the virtue

The only needed proof

How dare you

Take away my friend

Tell me I am talking to myself

In a futile end

You lie you lie

In the pyre you will burn

For pointing out reality

For this you will earn

Adam trumps adenine

No matter what you say

Women come from ribs

It is the only way

I want my magic harem

I want have my briss

Mutilating baby genitals

Propping up my myth

Jefferson's "fatal harbinger"

On duprees they rest

Witches run and hide

Reason at it's best

Keys on a kite

Were the death of Thor

Hubble tells the truth

Myth is needed no more

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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War is the art of old men

War is the art of old men convincing the gullible to die so they can maintain their power.

Infantile Old Men, By Brian37

My title is power
My dress is typical
My office untouchable

From my perch
I preach
Of swords
I seek

A matter of maintenance
A matter of marketing
Unchallenged perch
I make them goats

I am as Red
As the great wall
I am as spiritual
As what I sell

And you follow
And you swallow
Without question
My message hollow

What an illusion
So masterful
To watch you die
To maintain my power

I am the party of gods
And the god of the party
I am man masterful of mind
Leading the foolhardy

Orange weapons
Replace musket balls
Yet states and gods
Still hold them all

Details different
Motif persistent
Old men with titles
Lead the lemmings

Turbans and ties
Guns and lies
States and gods
Seek our demise

Red is Kim
And so is Ill
The magical friend
Who wants us to kill

By any name
That to worship
A state or gods
Is a fatal mistake

The carnage accepted
Sold by the elected
By the appointed
By the tyrant

We worship them all
And murder with glee
While they stay on top
We take the fall

Yet in the crib
We all once were
And a mother
Looked down and smiled

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Before And After By

Before And After By Brian37


We furrow our brow
With clenched fist
We bellow
Ignorant of the fate
That awaits us all

We are made up
Of that before
In transition
To nothing more

We posture and bloat
And conflate
Our importance
Over what awaits

Hubris the disease
That shortens our ride
The flurry of nothing
We must recognize

We rattle and pound
With such great noise
To an end
No life can avoid

I do not seek
To promote magic
Or to claim
Absolute oracles

But of to say
If to extend
What we have
We can extend

If of such
We don't pretend
We don't pretend
That of Santa

We don't pretend
That of Allah
That of Jesus
These claims are hollow

Males of Alpha
These claims be
To subjugate

To be on top
Is life's goal
To become fuel
For something else

Finite we are
And must dispense
With all this myth
If we want to live

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Neda By Brian37We furrow our

Neda By Brian37

We furrow our brow
With clenched fist
We bellow
Ignorant of the fate
That awaits us all

We are made up
Of that before
In transition
To nothing more

We posture and bloat
And conflate
Our importance
Over what awaits

Hubris the disease
That shortens our ride
The flurry of nothing
We must recognize

We rattle and pound
With such great noise
To an end
No life can avoid

I do not seek
To promote magic
Or to claim
Absolute oracles

But of to say
If to extend
What we have
We can extend

If of such
We don't pretend
We don't pretend
That of Santa

We don't pretend
That of Allah
That of Jesus
These claims are hollow

Males of Alpha
These claims be
To subjugate

To be on top
Is life's goal
To become fuel
For something else

Finite we are
And must dispense
With all this myth
If we want to live


This poem is about a Muslim women a couple years back who stood up to Iran's government, no burka or veil, just simply standing in the street protesting the oppression of the government when a sniper shot her in the chest. If you google her name you can find the video.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Gangs, By Brian37 Jets vs

Gangs, By Brian37

Jets vs Sharks
Blue vs Red
Harems vs Dradles
Humanity divides

To the end
We all seem to be
Attached to our own

It is a drive by
On a global scale
I will cap opposition
Send it to hell

This is the best
That we have
Dominance paramount
Empathy scrapped

Blood be not
You to me
If my Krypt
You shall seek

You give it a label
Cheer with glee
Shredding the limbs
Of innocence

Your alpha is not
An omega appeal
A mere ego's protection
Of being on top

Your deity's failure
In history
Is recognizing gangs
Are misery

Nukes and Glocks
Both weapons be
Neighborhoods and nations
Are throats to slit

Throats to slit
If not to submit
Because of a tattoo
Or where we were born

You are not like me
I must warn
My will be done
Least ye be torn

Yet this cosmos
Will continue on
Even after
Gangs are gone

Flurry flurry
Bill once said
Futile race
To obscurity

Gangs gangs
With their parties
With hand gestures
And flags so proud

The local and global
Are the same
We want our "props"
And our fame

To transgress
Leads to blood
Forgetting the veins
We all have

Dust must collect
On this vile word
Gangs must decay
For us to survive

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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 Of course I don't mind, I

 Of course I don't mind, I titled the thread so that people might be more likely to find it in a google search.


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Sapient wrote: Of course I

Sapient wrote:

 Of course I don't mind, I titled the thread so that people might be more likely to find it in a google search.


Thanks Brian. I've got tons more but the ones above are my favorites I am working on getting the rest of them here.

Bullies, By Brian37

In reference
To the Reason Rally
A news article
Warned Dawkins readers

Warned them
Of hypocrisy
In that atheists
Were following a bully

Since when
Does saying
Evolution is fact
Constitute "bullying"

Are we to believe
The poor church
Of Galileo's time
Were the victims?

Are we to simply
Roll over
When education
Is under threat?

Are we to simply
Roll over
When politics
Is hijacked by religion?

The right to make
Any claim you want
Is not our issue
Simply for questioning

It does not
Make us bullies
To merely say
That is not true

We are not bullies
For simply saying
The moon
Is not made of cheese

Iran's government
Are bullies
To those
Who dissent

Was a bully
To those
Who dissent

Saying claims
Of magic babies
Or zombie gods
Clearly absurd

Clearly absurd
Having no place
In our modern
Scientific knowledge

Would be like
Calling someone
A bully
If they stated the fact

Stated the fact
To the Ancient Egyptians
That the sun
Was not a god

No, theists
Your right to believe
Your right to claim

Claim what you want
Whenever you want
But claims themselves
Are not a fact by proxy of feelings

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Fade To Black Islam, By

Fade To Black Islam, By Brian37

A girls rights
Have no place
Even if
She gets raped

Growing sexism
Breaking dawn
With rat poison
She was gone

Kept filling her
Because of what
A man did to her

He raped her
But off Scott free
The judge's sentence
Was for her to marry

Things are always
Bleak for them
Because of oppression
Of women

No one but me
Can save myself
But that is not true
We in the west want to help you

Death greets them warm
It eventually will
Sexism will die
It has no choice

This is a ode to Metallica "Fade To Black" which in my mind got a black eye from the fear mongers for merely expressing hopelessness no one likes to feel.

I hope Metallica doesn't mind me doing a remake in Honor of the poor girl in Morocco who committed suicide rather than marry her rapist.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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I Wanted To Leave, By

I Wanted To Leave, By Brian37

The neighbor called
911, after hearing
Loud banging
And screaming

She felt
It took forever
For the police
To arrive

Peering through
The window
She could see
A body fly

She could hear
Loud screams
And all she could think

He tried desperately
To plead with her
"I don't want to hit you
Don't make me do it"

Then the bribes kicked in
"I promise not
To do it again
Stay and I'll buy you a gift"

Finally the founders
Freed the hostage
From theocratic minds

No more
Could this God
Threaten or bribe
Or give chase

No oaths to god
He ultimately lost
To the conscious
Of the individual mind

Yet he lingers
On the sidelines
Kept on a leash
Still shouting his threats

And whence this formed
From a book
That advocates
Such abuse

This cosmic abuser
Cannot win
You are free to leave
If you wish

You owe not such claims
By proxy of tradition
You owe not such concepts
Any consideration

You are you
Free to think
Just like a wife or girlfriend
Is free to leave

This is America
Not Iran
Not the Dark Ages
You are not property

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Two State Solution, by

Two State Solution, by Brian37

Gas chambers
Juden escaped

The virtue
Of the oppressed
Lead them to
Their holy land

But what of those
Already there
Did they not read
The Barbary treaty?

Jefferson's time
Had already attempted
To placate Muslemen
And fought on their land

A Jewish state
Is what they want
Isn't that what
The west should avoid?

A Sunni state
In Saudi Arabia
Is not too kind
To the Shiite

A Shiite state
Is that of Iran
Not too kind
To the Sunnis

A Muslim state
Is the desire
Of those who dwell
In Palestine

One state
Two state
Just makes
Blood bait

Futile the effort
Both want peace
Through submission
Through domination

And what of what
They both claim
A god in the sky
Gave them the land

Until their powers
On both sides
Scrap this absurdity
More will die

Allah vs Yahweh
My land is mine
No peace will be found
With this meme

The Canaanites
Are your fathers
Monotheism born
From polytheism

The Fertile Crescent
Is the pyre
Burning flesh
Of myth's desire

The magic of blood
It must be spilled
For the dead of both
Claims his will

The warlords proclaim
Sharon to Arafat
This festering beef
Need to be laid to rest

There is only
One solution
No more governments
Run on gods

Pluralism be not
Defended by deities
Jefferson's wall
Are what both sides need

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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The Emperor's Cloths, By

The Emperor's Cloths, By Brian37

He shouts orders
As immortality
Clean that dish
Scrub that floor

But what lines
His pockets
Is my labor

Top or bottom
None will dwell
On their deathbeds
Fixated on wealth

Class is a prism
Often to divide
Missing last breaths
None will survive

I am this
I am that
I have this
I have that

So what?
Death is it for all
Equality is acceptance
Of this fact.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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NDE, By Brian37 Tis the

NDE, By Brian37

Tis the switch
On the set
On to off
Last tiny white dot

The 8 millimeter
Has jumped the reel
The filament
In the bulb

Has popped
Into the bright white
Only to shrink
And disappear

The reel
Brings us family
Of rotations past

From the toys
We played with
To the spouses
We marry

Our sisters and brothers
Our mothers,
Our grandparents
And fathers

Our shortfalls
Our success
All on this reel
Of illusion

Pulled back
We are and wake up
Sometimes not

In every case
Such enticing illusions
Are just that

It is the last
Desperate action
Of the brain
To find comfort

A mere spasm
A product of evolution
In which we replace
With placebo superstition

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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"Depends" By Brian37

"Depends" By Brian37

Often I hear
From both left and right
Mob rule by vote
Majority rules

Missing sight
Of the mentality
Of stagnation
It can cause

"From the bench
Don't legislate"
Both left and right

Missing long term
It is fair
Elections can change
Overturn and repair

Cry both sides
Often do
State vs federal
One should rule

Executive order
Both have blasted
But every president has
And our country has lasted

Our Constitution
Is not absolute
A concept of guiding
And protection of dissent

Short term thinking
Both suffer from
When a ruling or election
Favors not them

Absolute power
Are what they miss
"It depends"
Was the founder's intent

Case by case
With oversight
To prevent

No one person
From President
To Congress
Nor the voter

Ever should
Lest freedom fall
Ever obtain
Absolute power

State vs Federal
Electoral college
Advise and consent
Wise men put forth

Tyranny at bay
It will keep
If all keep in place
What they set up

It depends
No mater what
Case by case
Was their intent

With one absolute
All should agree
The ability to change
Prevents monopolies

Do not strip
That protection
We may want
If we dissent

Think long term
For your own rights
If you were in the minority
And what you would want

Power shifts
Over time
This is the reason
For the way it was written.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Who Are The "Elite" By

Who Are The "Elite" By Brian37

A slur with the weight
Of nigger or faggot
Aimed at those
Who would suggest

That our goals
Are as a species
Can be much more noble
Than worship of wealth

They falsely turn
The plight of the poor
And those who ponder
How to help

Into a Epitaph
Aimed at protecting
Their own machine
Of self interest

Envy our problem
Laziness our goal
Lies of power
The currency narcissism

And the watchdogs
The brunt of their furry
The media the villain
For the mere act of questioning

Warren Buffet and Suze Orman
And other's of status
See through the scam
Of selfishness

Claim all you want
Jealous we are
For your mansion
Or expensive car

Is it "Elite"
To want food
Is it "Elite"
To want a job?

This smarmy ilk
Does not reflect
Our common compassion
We all have

Die it must
This fallacy
That by question of power
Or influence of money

That in doing such
We want fascism
That some how
Our market will die

We The People
Is not one class
Not for only money
Our what it buys

Is all we have
For thirty years
Money has won

Now that
We're waking up
They can't complain
About our voice

It is the same system
They abused
To create the bubbles
We have paid for

Who are the "Elite"
The ones with the money
Or the ones
Who merely want food?

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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The Accused, By Brian37

The Accused, By Brian37

You drug her
Into the ally
Raped her viciously
And then blamed her

Blamed her
For what she wore
Blamed her
For your crime

You were the one
Who brandished the knife
You were the one
Who punched her face

You were the one
Who ran that blade
Through her dress
And bra strap

You used that blade
To cut her panties
You thrust yourself
Into her, ignoring her screaming

Cry for the rapist
They are suffering
Because 15%
Is such a burden

The trash collector
And Fireman
And the teacher
All pinned down

On the pool table
In the lobbyist's bar
Owned by monopolies
Who make the laws

The Big Mac Fannie
Paid the "Historian"
But we are the theives
Because we question

The false dichotomy
The lobbyist war
Sluts fuck for money

The Native American
Atop the dome
Pimps out both houses
To the highest bidder

Be it the claim
The culpa remains
At the feet
Of the hourly worker

Bleeding in the ally
No lobbyist to pay
While Mitt reaps
56 thousand a day

30 years prior
Set up the night
Lurking pick pockets
Holding the knife

To our throats
Too long it's been
Placing the blame
On the victim

You spread our legs
Wider and wider
And then claim its fair
Because rape is legal

So is voting
You will not win
You cannot silence
The average man

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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First Signs, By Brian37

First Signs, By Brian37

On his own
Tyranny would afford

Would afford
Taboo status
To a lord
Acton on the signs

"Blasphemy laws"
Lord Acton rightfully observed
An Indonesian man
Arrested for his doubt

Also too
Arrested for
The truth he knew

A reprieve
From scrutiny
Forced on dissent
By fans of deities

Not of such
Do claims deserve
Free from questioning
The the first signs

The first signs
Of tyranny
Faith the virtue
Of protecting absurdity

Rotations mount
Around the sun
Labels and myths
Change over time

But still the same
In our script
The demands to protect
Things that don't exist

The child cries
The daylight kills
The ego's shadow
We falsely cling too

Fires on
Plato's wall
Are placebos
In the cave

They frighten us
And bribe us too
But without scrutiny
We wouldn't grow

Demands demands
Don't pick on dad
Are the selfish cries
Of the infant

It wallows in
Rusty thought
Of whims and wishes
Of things be not

First signs
You must run
Away from demands
Of your silence


This poem is about Lord Acton's quote "Blasphemy Laws are the first sign of tyranny" in reference to the recient arrest of an Indonesian man for saying that Allah did not exist and that he was an atheist.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Mercury Poisoning, By

Mercury Poisoning, By Brian37

Another one
Bites the dust
Famously sang

Poison to theists
A cure to myth
Another one gone
Act 5 scene 5
Coming from Macbeth

The pounding cadence
And sizzle riffs
In tune to reality
Disposing of myth

How do you think
We can get along
With the division
We have started

Based it on
Fictional gods
Which leave us
Bloody and parted

To the sound
Of the beat
Rivets compete
Flurry of nothing repeats

Mercury poisoning
Is what myth needs
Face the reality
Of dust's finality


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Vanity, By Brian37 It

Vanity, By Brian37

It started with
A mere projection
"I thought it"
"I dreamed it"

And with that
He planted seeds
Grew a garden
An looked at the mountain

"My garden is grand"
If I climb that mountain
Of others
I can command

So step by step
He climbed and climbed
Reached the top
Found golden land

Then reason passed by
Noticing the dog at sleep
Woke it up
And asked

"What were you dreaming
Your legs were twitching
Your arms
Were twitching"

"I've made a garden"
"I've climbed a mountain"
"I'm in command
Of all I see"

"No no no
Said the wise man
You had a dream
Nothing more"

And the documentary maker
Was stabbed to death
The cartoonist
Was threatened with death

Salem burned
Doctors murdered
Because the dreamer
Wouldn't let go

The dog was rabid
With superstition
And always gets angry
When you wake it up

The invisible garden
The non material mountain
The vanity of humans
And deadly superstition

Taboo taboo
The only badge
The insecure
Hide behind

The only name
On that badge
Is one of gaps
Thy name be vanity

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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I Max Super Bowl at Coney

I Max Super Bowl at Coney Island, By Brian37

I went and saw
Independence Day
On the big screen
An I Max theater

And villains
The movie still ended

In 1982 my Redskins
Won the big dance
And the game

The next year
They lost
To the Raiders
The game ended

I've been
To both Bush Gardens
And every single time
The ride ended

I did not invent
A mythical god
In order to enjoy
Those things

Sagan's rings
In regards to reality
He still said "wow"
Knowing his ride would end

The atheists can do
What the theist cannot
We can enjoy
Life as it is

The movie ends
The games end
The rides end
And so does life

Our species refuses
To accept
Our finite nature
Like Sagan did

It holds us back
It does no good
To pretend
It lasts forever

"Wow" as a word
I am fine with
As long as it does not
Come with the baggage of myth

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday,

I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday, By Brian37

My mother
Had finished her eggs
I had finished
My burger

My boss
Came up to me
And said
I'ts taken care of

Slighted he felt
I found out later
That I had not
Thanked him

Of course I did not
For I was the peasant
He looked down upon
Making a display to others

"Look at me"
How kind I am
With my Audi
While starving him

He cut my hours
And expects me
To be thankful
For a free burger?

This is the climate
The climate of crumbs
Show off to others
Treating workers like bumbs

He cuts our hours
And throws us parties
End of Summer
Or Christmas

"I want to show
You appreciation"
Then why are you
Cutting our hours?

You blame it on cost
It's not your fault
But in luxury you live
While we all starve

It's no cartoon
You are not god
I don't need charity
I need the hours

Your profits the goal
At our expense
To think a burger
Of this will fix?

You can afford it
You just dont want to
Your class and lifestyle
Are what you defend

We do the work
You count your money
We do our best
And still we lose

I want to pay
But the climate
Won't let me
Because of selfish greed

Tools we are
To your ends
Props for profits
At our expense

Feigned charity
To mask reality
I am the peasant
Your P.R. ploy

No more, no more
It will not be sustained
High cost of living
With less pay

You will not win
In the end
The workers will rise
To expose your lies

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Cognition, By Brian37

Cognition, By Brian37

Tornados tsunamis
Under cognition?

Hunger, famine
Poverty, crime
War and genocide
Under cognition?

Cancer, eccoli
West Nile
Downs syndrome
Under cognition?

Black holes
Gama bursts
Under cognition?

And if each of us pray
To the right god
He will protect us
Since when?

Those pretty dots
In the nighttime sky
Which we cant get to
Were put there just for us?

All under cognition
Created by a magician
But the flaws in nature
Defy this concept

What efficiency
To put us amidst
All this hostility
Under your watch.

As I type this
Irene on its way
But to a god
I do not pray

Instead I do
The rational thing
Watch the weather
And make plans

Under cognition
Are of human whims
Are fantasies
Avoiding reality

We go to doctors
When fallen ill
We call the police
When we need help

Under cognition
Is superstition
Of imagination
And outdated tradition

Not one age
In human time
Has escaped suffering
Of all kinds

Yet we still
Make up deities
Hoping falsely
They will save us

Finite rides
We cannot face
It scares most
To accept this

Under cognition
Is a reflection
Of mundane wishes
With no evidence

Nothing will change
The fact of future
Extinct we will be
With no god/s to remember

These hollow heros
Humans concoct
Are needless distractions
From extending our ride.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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Inept Or Malicious, By

Inept Or Malicious, By Brian37

Those can be
The only two choices
When fans of G/god/s
Raise their voices

Of thus they postulate
A grand design
Yet cockroaches
Outlast our time

With folded arms
Disaster strikes
Carpet bombing
To warn of his wrath

Share the same path
Of which we breath
Risk of choking
The same tube we feed

Tribal beefs
Rage on and on
Over your affection
Millions have died

I can decide
Quite quickly
Between the two
What is real

Neither inept
Or malicious god
But one of fiction
That reflects us

We are inept
And can be
Quite cruel
But one thing is certain

G/god/s are not real

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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