Atheist vs. Theist

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 TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
A set6817 years 18 weeks ago
by wavefreak
17 years 17 weeks ago
by wavefreak
a perfect god is disproved with...6817 years 18 weeks ago
by Rev0lver
17 years 17 weeks ago
by todangst
New religion is old again6817 years 33 weeks ago
by rr are religous...
17 years 33 weeks ago
by LeftofLarry
Ask a Theistic Scientist6713 years 21 weeks ago
by Marty Hamrick
13 years 15 weeks ago
by Marty Hamrick
Beyond the Atheist / Theist dialectic6713 years 38 weeks ago
by Optionsgeek
13 years 36 weeks ago
by redneF
Oh silly theists, dont you see the big picture!!!6714 years 49 weeks ago
by NoMoreCrazyPeople
14 years 44 weeks ago
by mellestad
I'm tired of the "Atheism Causes X" strawman6715 years 10 weeks ago
by Hambydammit
15 years 7 weeks ago
by ubuntuAnyone
Out-of-Body Experiences6715 years 13 weeks ago
by Paisley
15 years 12 weeks ago
by cervello_marcio
Can someone please explain to me...6716 years 26 weeks ago
by Kuraishel
16 years 25 weeks ago
by pauljohntheskeptic
Another Gripe6717 years 17 weeks ago
by shortandy
17 years 16 weeks ago
by Sapient
Being atheist, does it answer your questions?6611 years 38 weeks ago
by holda2nd
11 years 36 weeks ago
by Brian37
Question(s) for the atheists...6614 years 48 weeks ago
by ghostrider9876
14 years 48 weeks ago
by Kevin R Brown
Can a person of faith have courage?6615 years 12 weeks ago
by EXC
15 years 11 weeks ago
by Hambydammit
Treat2 ... are you looking for a debate about Pantheism?6615 years 21 weeks ago
by Eloise
15 years 20 weeks ago
by crazymonkie
Atheist's flawed logic.6615 years 44 weeks ago
by desertwolf9
15 years 43 weeks ago
by HisWillness
Blind Faith verses Revealed Faith.6616 years 30 weeks ago
by Whitefox
16 years 28 weeks ago
by latincanuck
How big is God's penis?6617 years 13 weeks ago
by NarcolepticSun
17 years 12 weeks ago
by NarcolepticSun
The Problem of Suicide6617 years 22 weeks ago
by doctoro
17 years 21 weeks ago
by Steadfast Love
Misguided?6618 years 23 weeks ago
by rationalchristian
18 years 14 weeks ago
by the_avenging_bucket
Is Communism a religion? 6512 years 14 weeks ago
by Jeremiah
11 years 14 weeks ago
by Brian37
Atheist, O! Atheist... Wherefore art though, Atheist? 6513 years 32 weeks ago
by Ch3sty1775
12 years 27 weeks ago
by The Theist
the good news6516 years 11 weeks ago
by pm9347
16 years 8 weeks ago
by Wonko
Understanding Moderate Religion6516 years 21 weeks ago
by Strafio
16 years 17 weeks ago
by Tilberian
What is your one favorite thing about life?6516 years 23 weeks ago
by HeyZeusCreaseToe
16 years 22 weeks ago
by Rook_Hawkins
God and gaming6516 years 42 weeks ago
by Cpt_pineapple
16 years 41 weeks ago
by CrimsonEdge
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