Atheist vs. Theist

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What moves atheists to tears?15517 years 24 weeks ago
by sugarfree
17 years 22 weeks ago
by Susan
Question about existence.2717 years 23 weeks ago
by RhadTheGizmo
17 years 22 weeks ago
by James Cizuz
Original Sin was caused by faith ?11817 years 22 weeks ago
by blackmath
17 years 22 weeks ago
by sugarfree
Deism: An Interesting Problem4317 years 25 weeks ago
by Presidential Atheist
17 years 22 weeks ago
by NinjaTux
What about all the good things people have done because they were religious?2617 years 22 weeks ago
by Dave_G
17 years 22 weeks ago
by magilum
2000 points--as good of time as any.617 years 22 weeks ago
by RhadTheGizmo
17 years 22 weeks ago
by NinjaTux
Debate Assistance717 years 22 weeks ago
by migfart
17 years 21 weeks ago
by Susan
Simple truths.14917 years 31 weeks ago
by Hambydammit
17 years 21 weeks ago
by Avecrien
The God of the Gaps is running out of places to hide!1117 years 21 weeks ago
by Orias
17 years 21 weeks ago
by gobaskof
What is the Role of the Crucifixion in Christianity?10617 years 23 weeks ago
by mouse
17 years 21 weeks ago
by totus_tuus
Can someone help me out with this debate? I think my brain just ate itself. >_<2617 years 22 weeks ago
by Maragon
17 years 21 weeks ago
by kmisho
Specific kind of christianity represented?1117 years 21 weeks ago
by Avecrien
17 years 21 weeks ago
by Avecrien
Some theists annoy me (mod frozen)617 years 21 weeks ago
by Dave_G
17 years 21 weeks ago
by Hambydammit
"Case Against Faith" Response, Part I.15517 years 32 weeks ago
by RhadTheGizmo
17 years 21 weeks ago
by kmisho
Win $1,000! Prove Rational Atheism3617 years 22 weeks ago
by Kelly Tripplehorn
17 years 21 weeks ago
by Vastet
A hit at the anti-gay theists617 years 21 weeks ago
by Rigor_OMortis
17 years 21 weeks ago
by mrjonno
Lengthy discussion on answerbag017 years 21 weeks ago
by PutBoy
The Problem of Suicide6617 years 22 weeks ago
by doctoro
17 years 21 weeks ago
by Steadfast Love
Thoughts on the state of "atheist vs. theist"22417 years 22 weeks ago
by sugarfree
17 years 21 weeks ago
by Vastet
Questions for Atheist visitors3717 years 22 weeks ago
by Supenmanu
17 years 21 weeks ago
by James Cizuz
Evidence of the Mind?2717 years 21 weeks ago
by JHenson
17 years 21 weeks ago
by Strafio
Sex from the Koran317 years 21 weeks ago
by Dave_G
17 years 21 weeks ago
by Dave_G
New Rule: Guns don't kill people; crazy people kill people617 years 21 weeks ago
by Iruka Naminori
17 years 21 weeks ago
by ABx
Hey atheist if you find a bible believing christian you can get rich!!!!!1917 years 21 weeks ago
by Dave_G
17 years 21 weeks ago
by Vastet
True or False?317 years 21 weeks ago
by Dave_G
17 years 21 weeks ago
by Avecrien
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