The GREAT BIG thread of what helps keep us going!
There's very little more rewarding than to see th appreciation we get from people for responding rationally to irrational emergencies.This thread we'll post many of the kind comments that have been said about us. If you have your own kind comment please feel free to leave it for us. Quote:
Synaptic ChaosWrote:
RATIONAL RESPONSE SQUAD: YOU GUYS ROCK.You should see if you can get Lee Strobel on your show. 90% of the Christians I debate with tell me he's the dude. I decided to do some research and read "A Case For Faith" and was horrified. That book is nothing but claims without citations or references.I would love to see you pick his books apart.Keep up the great work, and if I can be of any help, let me know. Quote:
i found a dead man in a car at mcdonaldswrote thank god for rational response =] Quote:
greensanz wrote: brian how many times can i say you're my hero...
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You guys are my heros. Before stubling across your website I was a closet atheist. I was always taught to be ashamed of my belief and to keep it to myself.
Now I'm out and I'm proud, lol. Thanks for giving me the courage and the knowledge to go out and fix this messed up world.
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Even though I am still a theist, I would also like to say thank you! I have learned so much in my short time here! I look forward to what the furture will bring!
This is a really good one:
patches sent a message using the contact form at
I would like to thank you guys very much. You freed me from the blindness
that religion causes. I've never believed in "God", per se, but I
didn't deny him either. I had this preconception that atheism was bad, and
I wasn't until I visited the site that I learned it's ok to be atheist.
Since I've become an atheist my personality and intelect has soared
because the bonds of religious fallasy and irrationality no longer
constricts me.
I've recently told my mom that I'm an atheist, and because of the
things I've learned from this site, I didn't come across as an uneduacated
child. I've also become more comfortable with myself but one thing I wish
would change, and is why I support what you do, is the crap I have to put
up with from religionists, mainly chrisians.
But I digress, What you guys do is exceptional. Please keep up the
good work, and thank you for freeing my mind.
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To Brian, Kelly, Rook and everyone at RRS
I just want to express my admiration for the rapid growth and tremendous success of RRS. I just now watched the Nightline broadcast.
What a fabulous job both of you did!!! I'm jealous as hell of the wide exposure and great publicity you're getting! You are my new freethought heroes and the most effective speakers for atheism I've heard. Your
Dawkins interview was likewise incredible -- a comment I'm sure you've heard a thousand times already. But I just wanted to add my voice to the
chorus of praise you're receiving. I just made a $100 contribution via PayPal to support your site. If you ever need a guest for the program, please do keep me in mind.
David Mills
Author of "Atheist Universe"
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That is so cool! It was a great book he wrote (and remember I suggested him as a guest a while ago - look back!)
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Right on, praise from David Mills means quite a bit to me.
"Atheist Universe" was the first out and out atheist books I read, and it gave me that sense of "no, you're not crazy, other people think like this too" when I needed it the most. So, let me just say that the kudos and thanks most certainly go both ways, David.
It sincerely means quite a bit to me that you support what we're doing. Keep up the good fight on your end as well, you most certainly made a difference in my life, and look what is coming from that - it snowballs. What we do and what we stand for does change the world, and the more we keep at it, the bigger legacy we will leave.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
This one means a lot...
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Hey guys, I just want to say thanks too. Though I've always been an atheist, without this site and without the knowledge that you guys and all the other members offer, I don't think I could have stood up and been confident and proud in my beliefs (or lack thereof). You have all given me such a thirst for learning and I cannot thank you enough. This site is truly innovative and essential.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
Congratulations on kicking Mike Seaver's ass! Mustachio took a blow to his ego as well!
You guys did a great job- clear, concise, and very powerful. Even skillful Nightline editing couldn't detract from your awesome arguments and your stage presence. You guys deserve as much attention and praise as humanly possible, so enjoy it! Keep up the good work and fightin' the good fight.
On behalf of the Atheist Agenda, thanks for kicking ass and taking names for atheism!
Meghan Regis
P.S. My favorite part was the breakdown of all the evils of religion and the statement "But yeah, you can do some good with religion". Great point! The "benefits" of religion definitely aren't worth all the torment, child abuse, and suffering.
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Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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"You guys kicked Ray Comforts ass. It was amazing." - David Silverman (National Spokesperson for American Atheists)
"I want you to be 100 times angrier than you are now, I think the anger is great. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and you're getting the grease" - Ellen Johnson President of American Atheists on Brian Sapient
"Yeah, I've been negatively pisses me off that you guys are way toooo polite." - Entomophilia after Sapient asked if we should address more haters.
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I was atheist before I came to the RRS, but it is helping me grow tremendously in my atheism.
It gives me a place where I can engage theists and fellow atheists in debates or mere discussions, exposing me to new ideas and new ways of looking at things. I also feel like I've been learning to examine arguments more carefully since I've arrived and that I've been given great motivation to study more on my own.
Most of all though, this site has shown me how many atheists are actually out there while exposing me to some of the bigger names I hadn't heard yet.
I was an atheist before I came, but every day I stay, I feel more comfortable and motivated in my atheism.
Keep doing your thing!
--"Misspelled Dinosaur"
A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.
I for one am sick and tired of truth lovers like RRS, AAI and American Atheists challenging fiction lovers. Why do you want to take away people's comforting superstitions? Jeeze, it's like you guys are trying to weene humanity of their Santa for adults.
Next thing you are going to tell me is that Thor isnt real. You guys really make me sick!
(note to self: Did I think that, or type it?)
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I was an atheist long before RRS came along but I have to say in having discovered the falsehood in the beliefs I grew up with I did always feel lonely. This site, and specifically these forums, have created an awesome community of support and thought. I learn a lot here and meet more intelligent people here than do in my offline life. I can say without a doubt that time spent in these forums increases my personal ability to fight theism here, at a local level. Sure, there has been one thing here or there that I didn't like but I support the RSS and I really applaud your efforts. It's about time someone did this.
We are all just one prayer away from being nuked off the planet. Religion is more than just dangerous and if we all logically thought about its threat to the future of humanity every atheist would drop what they were doing and follow in your footsteps. Rook, Kelly, Sapient, Rick, Mike... thanks for stepping up to the challenge!
I would like to thanks RRS for making my day every time i come to this site. This site helped me make up mind on many subjects. I came here as an Agnostic,and found that Atheism isn't as bad as people made it out to be. RRS helped me to see that I didn't have to play nice and be Agnostic when i was truly Atheist.
From: Tufty the Squirrel
Date: 27 Sep 2007, 09:55 PM
Just a quick message. I just wanted to thank you for all of the help that you and the rest of the RRS have given me. Before I found out about you guys I was almost ashamed to be an atheist, and I thought that it was something that I should keep to myself if at all possible.
You have helped me to learn that atheism is something to be proud of, because it shows rationality and clarity of thought. Also you have given me the counter arguments to all of the cases put forward by religious types and helped me to strengthen my convictions. For this I thank you.
I have written a blog about my conversion to atheism, and my reasons for non-belief if you ever get bored and want to read it.
Your fan and supporter,
Alex Ryan, South-West England
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Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
This is another one I got in my PM box from somebody on Myspace. This person deconverted because of my videos, it's such an awesome feeling to know I helped somebody personally to reason. This is just another example of why we do what it is we do.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
Even if/when I do not agree with the agressive approach of the RRS I cannot disagree with your guiding principles. Religion is a plague and if there is not a counter culture than we will all be lost in it's grip.
You are fighting the good fight and there is no way to get around it. The RRS and the multitude of people willing to fight for reality make the frustration worth it.
Thanks so much corp, you make us happy too.
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----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: john b Date: Dec 29, 2007 4:51 PM
First off let me say that what you guys are doing is great. You along with Richard Dawkins are pretty much responsible for officially making me an atheist. So thanks for that. I saw you guys on the ABC thing when Brian and Kelly debated with Kirk Cameron......
The thing I like about the show is that you guys have a way of making just about each theist realize what they are saying is bullshit whether they admit it or not.
Thanks John
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From this page of our site...
From latincanuck
I would like to say thank you for all your work, and for what you have formed and are trying to spread. I have been pondering the last few weeks, how this website has affected me personally, and it's effect of it's message to others. I have encountered many websites, and organizations. However what I find unique about this website and for the most it's members is that it shows that atheists are a diverse group, made up of all types, intellectuals, scientifics, your average joe, and people who want to make a difference to have their voices heard. Many of the organizations that I am aware that are pro-atheists are usually but not always full of scientists, philosophers and intellectuals. This is where most of the average people tend to avoid usually these groups (from what many have told me, and personal experience) out of fear of rejection (they are intellectually superior) of shyness due to their ignorance on many topics.
Throughout this world that I have had the pleasure to travel, I have encountered many reactions towards atheists views, many are neutral, however many are not and are towards the more violent/verbally abusive. In many parts of the world atheists do not have a voice and are by societies standards worthless of a citizen than a believer, even if that believer is of another religion. Even in the US where FREEDOM of speech supposedly exists, many churches and many people would want nothing more than to have atheists cencored, and many in the US consider atheists not even worthy of citizenship (considering the freedom of the pursuite of happiness doesn't state that one has to be a believer, then of course there is the freedom of speech thing and various other articles that are protected by the consitution) I applaud you for you stand, for your hard work and for pusuing what you believe to be right.
In the end of it all, theists and non theists have the right to their opinion, to excercise their freedom of speech and their freedom to religion (or lack of). Not all atheists are intellectuals, many are just normal every day people with every day jobs, although i am grateful for the many known atheists, it both a boon and a curse and they tend to be part of the better educated (scientific/philosophic community i mean) and many people in society tend to associate atheism with these types (not that there is nothing wrong with this), however this website shows that it is not true and that we atheists/non religious/brights or whatever else they wish to identify themselves as are just like everyone else, we may not always understand the principles beyond many scientific theories or even understand what the heck they are talking about, however we can understand why we don't believe in god(s), in the most basic of terms, those beliefs make no sense once just a little bit of critical thinking occurs.
Again thank you for it all.
P.S. I know it's long winded it's 3:43 AM and out of my sleep decided to write this...
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Tim Cantrell sent a message using the contact form at
I would like to start off by saying I am a christian. And also this is not
hate mail. I saw your show with kirk cameron and some other guy who I
don't know, and I was getting upset but at the same time I enjoyed it. I
do not intend to change my beliefs, however it does make me as a christian
look into things I haven't thought of before. So this is a thank you from
me. My faith doesnt agree with you but my mind tells me that there can be
some good from this by forcing christians to look further into facts and
science to rebuttal your responses. So you guys take it easy and thanks
for making my brain work harder. It's always nice to learn something new.
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I just wanted to second everything Tim Cantrell said. You think you hate these Christians with their hypocracy and lack of supporting facts? how do you think i feel as i Christian. i can't stand them either. If more people were rational about their beliefs whether they be atheistic or theistic, this world would be a little better place. despite what atheists think, God does actually tell us to use these brains he gave us, research the facts for purselves, and not just blindly follow the Bible. unfortuanately, you have a very easy job of making most modern "christians" look like idiots.
- Jordan -
This is what keeps me going:
I'm glad the RRS is around to help people who think God tells them to do things.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Hey Sapient,
I only joined like two days ago but I've been a fan of RR for a while.
I was never too good with words and debating religion was always hard for me.
I can honestly say that after reading your posts and watching some videos I feel much more confident to challenge religious people while once I wouldn't even bother and things like Pascals Wager would totally shoot me down - I had answers in my head that I didn't quite know how to express.
Debating religion gave me the confidence to debate on other subjects as well, with my physics teacher for an example - before that, challenging anyone with higher education than my own seemed like suicide.
So thank you Sapient, for your work and dedication.
I'll be sure to donate whenever I get the chance, I'm just a highschool student but yeah, as soon as I have the chance
Okay, so not really.
There are a few things that really keep me going. I love delicious food, I love life (not necessarily in that order), I like existing. The one thing that stands out in front of the others, beating it's chest and roaring defiance at feelings of futility and hopelessness, is the burning desire to know. I don't just like to know, I love to know. I love to find out how things work, how to make things happen, how they did happen and when and how they'll happen again. I want to know what an electron looks like. I want to know what the pre-singularity universe looked like. I want to experience the Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way spinning each other apart. I know I can never know all I want, but I will do what I can to find out as much as I can!
The Achilles Heel on my prime motivation, and the thing that keeps me from burning through the one life I have in pursuit of knowledge, is that grim fact: I will never know the answers to most of the questions I ask. This is also my great regret in life, the counterpart to the burly warrior Curiosity.
Fortunately, the two don't cancel each other out, because I will always be able to learn something new!
"But still I am the Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me!" ~Rudyard Kipling
Mazid the Raider says: I'd rather face the naked truth than to go "augh, dude, put some clothes on or something" and hand him some God robes, cause you and I know that the naked truth is pale, hairy, and has an outie
Entomophila says: Ew. AN outie
I got this on myspace after updating my status to "pretty fucking sick of everything." Actually, I got about 20 messages from concerned people, but this was the best of the bunch. Gave me all kinds of warm fuzzies.
Atheist Books
Nice message.
However, I actually think little has changed theocratically, theocracy merely turned up the volume. The US has been "halfway" since the WWII.
In the 50's and 60's I couldn't find a single individual to talk to about atheism. Dare I bring the subject up 'a small lynch mob formed' and my parents and school officials immediately, figuratively speaking, contemplated having me committed or worse.
Thank you for establishing this web site!
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Introspection
Date: Dec 27, 2007 8:22 PM
My name is Mike and I'm currently residing in TN and have been here for about nine years. I finally got around to writing you! I just have to comment on what a great job you did debating Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron. I watched it on YouTube and happened to stumble across it while I was searching for evolution/creation debates. I would have to say my favorite part is when you offered to pay for Ray and Kirk's tickets to the Museum of Natural History. Did they ever take you up on that??? Anyway since then I have seen you and Kelly in many interviews and debates both individually and together. You both do a great job in debating creationists.
Keep up the good work!
P.S. I loved the reply you gave Kirk when he said that he would be praying for you. "You pray for me, I'll think for you." If you don't mind, can I use this statement if I'm told that I'm being prayed for? LOL
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Eva sent a message using the contact form at
There are no words to describe the necessity of what you guys are doing for
society and for humanity as a whole (unfortunately, there are also no words
to describe the misfortune of our current state that it even has to come to
this). Please PLEEAASE keep doing what you are doing. You guys are
absolutely amazing and I love you.
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Sent: Monday, April 07, 2008 7:48 AM
Subject: [Letters supporting our efforts!] You guys rock!!!
Abigail Aza sent a message using the contact form at
I have officially stopped being a Christian since watching your awesome debade against Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron. Mr. Brian and Ms. Kelly, you rock. You defended your beliefs well and kicked arse. I just wanted to thank RRS for freeing my mind. If you have any, ANY, info, please send it my way!!!
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Janessa Todd sent a message using the contact form at
Kelly and Brian,
I just watched the Nightline debate on youtube. You kicked ass! I have
no idea why people are telling you that you did a disservice to atheism; to
the contrary, you made some excellent points. Ray and Kirk were talking
about saving souls, but who are they to decide that other peoples' souls
need to be saved, and that they are the vessels of goodness to do it? I
think it's MY soul, MY decision.
I am especially glad the murderers/rapists thing was brought up. I have
experienced plenty of christian hypocrisy, and the biggest thing I see in
their flawed fairy tale is exactly that. You can be a piece of shit your
entire life and, so long as before you expire, you say 'oh jesus, I'm so
sorry' you are given a free pass. That is such bullshit.
Ray is good at talking in circles; he ought to consider running for
office. If one of them or their minions ever walked up to me on the street
and started in on their confrontational style of ministry I'd probably
punch them. I see christians as incredibly weak; why do you need the
excuse of a higher power to be moral, and why can't you guide your own
Kirk is unbelievable, and is the poster boy for christian conversion.
Suddenly the feeling of jesus just filled him? Yeah, sure. Does he not
realize it was all in his own head? I guess you have to do something when
you're a burned-out, out of work actor in lieu of getting a real job.
Janessa Todd
PS Kelly you looked hot!
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Robert sent a message using the contact form at
I've taken a look at your site and I like what it has to say....and can you believe that I'm a God-fearing person, but I won't say that I'm a Christian.
One of the things that drove me away from the faith is the double-standard that most religious people have (not just Christians). I slowly came back into a relationship with God, but I don't have a literal view of the Bible. I believe that God, like science, has certain laws that are there and can't be broken, but 99% of the stuff you hear from churches is "man based" and made up for the idea of control. I guess that the word that sums up my belief is "Deiest".
Keep up the good work and even though I believe in God, I don't believe you are going to Hell....even though you probably get that idea from many God-fearing people.
Jacek Kustra sent a message using the contact form at
I just watched the Face-off show on google video and simply wanted to
Hi! I'm Jacek and I currently live in Portugal, less precisely in the world
congratulate you for your patience... Unfortunately the greatest arguments
believers find, are the ones that try to turn atheists into blind
believers. This is always the part of the conversation when I show how
angry atheists can become..
Keep on the great work!
Teddi sent a message using the contact form at
I just saw faceoff from May 2007. I was so glad to hear a national debate
about the hipocracy of religion!
I did not hear any evidence for a god in their declarations....basically,
they said that the existance of the bible is proof that god exists??!!
Just so I can get this off my chest, this is how I feel about religion (in
point form!).
- athiests have your partner said, these morals are
developed by the majority of the present society. In my opinion, athiests
follow morals INTERNALIZED and therefore have a stake in upholding them.
Religion puts fear into people to get them to adhere to standards/morals
"molded" from the 10 commandments that serve the religious leaders
presently in power. I do not believe in god, but I follow some of the
commandments.....because I BELIEVE IN THEM, not because I am threatened
into acting that way. I 'do unto others', I give blood, I work in child
welfare and I help animals by socializing feral cats at a local shelter....
these actions reflect my values and morals.
- in my view, religion is just another means of removing the individual's
self-determination by wielding power over believers. (one is not supposed
to think for themself, they must do as they're told).
- I have always said "if god were to stand before me with his id card,
then I'd believe in him". According to your opponents on Faceoff, we have
to believe in him for him to show himself to us. That makes NO sense to me
at all.
- why is it that god is responsible for all the good in the world but we
are responsible for all the bad?
- it is my observation (not scientifically proven!) that religion "sucks
in" the very people who are at a low point in their life or believed to be
"lesser" in society. This gives them a sense of power and hope (if this
life is so crap, heaven will make up for it). I am assuming that the
majority of believers are poor, or black (in western culture), or are
otherwise the "have nots" in a given society.
- if leaders of faith organizations are so good, why is there such a high
incidence of sexual abuse in the school?
- from what I understand (I have not read it in it's entirety) the bibles
promotes abusing/dominating women, children and animals. As an animal
loving woman, why would I agree with what it says.......... cause they tell
me I have to .... NO WAY.
thank you so much for giving letting me say this!
Teddi Pappas
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Patrick Mason sent a message using the contact form at
I have not read anything on your site yet except Atheism vs Agnosticism. If
the rest of your site is as rational as that article though, I think I will
enjoy it. I often have to explain to people the difference between the two,
and I thought you all did an excellent job.
I am a devout theist (Roman Catholic), but I respect true (rational)
Atheists completely (not so much atheists that are atheists for no rational
reason), and look forward to rational discourse. However, I do not have
much respect for true agnostics due to the reason that they escape all
rational discussion of the immaterial due the fact that they hold a belief
(emphasis) that it is unknowable. To me that is a cop-out, and just as bad
as people who refuse to have rational discussion about the existence of God
(or similar) just because they hold a belief (emphasis) that he exists.
summer sent a message using the contact form at
Hello, all, I have recently watched your tv program face off does god
exist: I thought the responses from kelly and brian was like a breath of
fresh air, if it isn't known had deciphered the
dead sea scroll, his findings were astounding, the scrolls said that jesus
was a mushroom, when he took his findings to the church, the church did
everything they could to discredit Allegro, but truth speaks louder than
the churchs supposed god, so Allegro found out that jesus was a mushroom,
not many people can handle that,
Terrence Mckenna once said, If the truth can be told so that i can be
understood then it will be believed
Jordan Maxwell is an Occult Historian and has a lot of information on the
New World Order and the controlling families who's families blood line
created the revised version of the bible,
All religions are based on the worship of the sun and astrology, the sun
cross is every where, they use religion to control the masses, they are the
sheep herders to the sheeple
Monica Stewart sent a message using the contact form at
I just looove your site! I've been an athiest all my life and now at 40, more than ever. What I absolutely abhor is the arrogance of the theists - thinking it's ok to try to recruit people to their church and beliefs, or otherwise imposing their beliefs on us. Moreover I can't tell you how much I hate them for trying to instill the fear of death in us. They claim they're so 'worried' that we'll burn in hell for not believing, that out of compassion for us they try to convert us. What bullshit! Believing that is THEIR sick assumption and conclusion, not ours.
Keep up the great work and you have all my support!
Athiest and proud
Mathew Gregg (JitterBob) sent a message using the contact form at
You guys a pretty brave for what you're doing. The entire idea of God is
like an infection of the mind. I am living proof that this "god" idea can
cause a lot of mental corruption, frustration, and confustion if a person's
life. I never questioned god until I was about 12 and then I reolized I had
never really based my belife on anything more than blind faith. Anyway, I
don't want to bore you guys with my life story. The idea of "God" makes me
sick now because it is a huge outlandish claim supported by nothing, and
yet it is passed down like a genetic deformation from one generation to the
next. I have a couple anti-religion videos up on my youtube if you are
interested. Keep up the dedication, there are a lot of people who love what
you are doing including myself.
Phil Merchant sent a message using the contact form at
Just an observation from the recent debate, Kirk Cameron mentioned several
learned men: Galileo, Copernicus amd Sir Isaac Newton, as examples of
God-believing scientists.
I've often felt that the most appropriate challenge for this argument is
that these men could only be educated and practice science through a
religious organisations. The Church would have had these men
excommunicated, tried for heresy, and posssibly tortured if they had made
claims to refute the organised religious powers of the time.
Well done in the debate! Isn't it funny how t Kirk and the other man kept
trying to use the bible as evidence to prove the existence of itself. The
bible says it is true therefore, It is true. Even on a very limited scale,
this would not be permitted in any sort of academic work as it doew not
refrence outside sources. Most of the quotes they used were normally from
aetheist writers. It appears that they have very little new evidence to
provide to support their argument. Unfortunately for their argument,
personal belief is not a documented source.
Must be the reason that a religious trpe has to go to a seminary rather
than a university - different educational and academic standards.
Keep up the good work!
kevin burke sent a message using the contact form at
I recently saw the replay of a TV interview with members of the RRS and I felt prompted to write and say thank you for your efforts to change the way we think (if we do) about the world and our place in it.
I have long realised that god is a personification of how we like things to be and as a result god is almost anything we want 'IT' to be. Regardless or our version of god 'IT' seems to be ineffective or inactive, so what happens in the world is really up to us.
And why shouldn't try to improve things for ourselves. We seem to be able to make up all these different religions, rules and rituals that govern how we behave however we only follow them if we think that we haven't. If we are clever enough to make up these great stories surely it is worth the effort to try to create something better.
The big names Harris, Dawkins etc. have done a good job in renewing the debate but it is people like yourselves who do the daily grind to change the mindset. Most of us (myself included) rely on the 'stories' that dominate the culture and we need people such as yourselves to help create the climate for change. There is a danger of trading one set of gurus for another but I 'reason' rather than 'believe' that we are smart to do a lot better.
Once again congratulations and thank you - kevin
Kenneth A. Gilliland sent a message using the contact form at
Hi! Thank Goodness for people like you guys and gals.I'am sooo glad I found this site,Great Job. Anyway,as I'am typeing this I'am Listening too Rook Hawkins give his lecture on jesus mythicism and reading his blog ,and I was wondering if he ever read Howard Zinn book "A People's History of the United States,or Noam Chomsky many books like" Manufacturing Consent",also Necessary Illusions"and Fritz Stern a very good Historian and I almost forgot another great Historian,Scientist -Jared Diamond book "Gun's Germ's and Steel"the Fate of Human societies and Derrick Jensen book "The Culture of Make Believe" he can be a little difficult to read,because he keep it REAL,take care and keep up this very good noble work.
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Bob Carson sent a message using the contact form at
Hey Brian,
I recently came across your interview with that socialite Laura Ingraham. I was really impressed with the way schooled her. You have a great podcast!Where can I listen to it?
I myself am a podcaster. I do a podcast on MMA- I'm starting to do a political show as well. I want to attack people like Laura Ingraham both on a professional and personal level. You know, like dig up dirt, investigative report, eyada, eyada. What advice could you give me? What can I do to support your cause? Thanks!
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Nicholas sent a message using the contact form at
Hallelujah brothers & sisters! Its so wonderful to come across your
site & see there are people in the world who fight to keep reason alive
against what can seem blind almost impossible odds. Maintain the rage!
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----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Castle
Date: Jul 31, 2008 5:33 PM
I doubt you'll read this since you probably get a million pieces of hate mail, but I just wanted to say thanks.
I am glad to know there are people like you who will stand up for the rights of the secularist poplulation and who will try to free the minds of the ones still in chains.
I used to be a Christian in my early teenage years and a gullible one at that. With recent critical thought and a bit of research I have cast out my primitive belief and and owe it partly in you for inspiring me to look into what I once believed was true. Sapient read an essay on an episode of your show (The Legacy one, I believe) that delt with religion as a whole. In it was the confused teenager that blocked out any thought that there was no god. That was once me and I am happy to be free of all of the dogma that had trapped me.
I was considering a career in law and/or politics and wanted to know something. When will it be publically acceptable to have an Athiest in a public office? When I say "publically acceptable," I mean able to get elected without being called a Godless heretic. I know we grow more tolerant with every generation, but we just aren't getting there fast enough. It seems in every generation we have a minority that is discriminated against. The last one were blacks, today's majority is against homosexuality, and I can't help but feel like we will be the next group that is alienated and discriminated.
I love the clips of your show and would love to listen to it, but I don't know the details as far as when and where to listen to your show. Care to enlighten me? =)
Thanks again,
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From: Havenfall
To: Sapient
Subject: Thanks
Date: December 8, 2008 - 7:21pm
I fully realize that you may get a lot of messages and may not read this, but oh well. I was never really a fundamentalist christian, but my parents were. Luckily they were lazy and quit going to church when I was about eight years old. So for the most part I was a moderate christian (I realize now maybe moderate christianity is even more irrational).
This site kinda put me off at first, I did a lot more reading than posting. I do consider myself a logical person, so logic did win out in the end. I am now a full fledged atheist. I call myself an atheist because of what you wrote, rather than agnostic. I do not have a belief in a god, but I assume its entirely possible our existence was constructed by an alien being. I just have no reason to specifically believe that we were, and that belief would only hold me back from finding out the truth one way or the other.
Soooooo thanks
Time to spread realization.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 10:15 AM
Subject: [Letters supporting our efforts!] You have released me from my pain...
Drina sent a message using the contact form at
Eternal thanks to all who participate in RRS. My deconversion began with
the Nightline debate. Then I came across your radio shows...and that pushed
me over the edge. Thanks to the brilliance and eloquence of Mr. Sapient,
Ms. Kelly, Mr. Rook, Mr. Mike and the others, I have been released from the
shackles of irrational belief. As a result I have been shunned by my own
family, but I am comforted in the thought that I'm not the only one and
that there are still those out there (like the RRS) who have the courage to
speak out against the harm that is theism. THANK YOU!!!
With my eternal gratitude,
Drina F.
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Matt sent a message using the contact form at
I just recently discovered your organization through the almighty
Wikipedia. As soon as I heard it existed I immediately watched the debate
and it was absolutely amazing. While there were a couple points that I wish
you guys had made and didn't, I'd say 90 percent of the points I would want
to see made were clearly, logically, and intellectually presented. The most
frustrating thing about it was how the other two absolutely refused to
stick to the subject of science, instead constantly referring to the Bible
and other matters of faith. The Jesus Myth Hypothesis was something I wish
would have been touched on much more, although I understand the time
constraints. I would like to join this cause in any way possible. And not
in the solidarity sense, or doing what I can to spread logic and intellect
to a nation greatly lacking in both, I am speaking of the actual sense. I
don't care, anything you guys will allow me to do through this site or
others to help, I want to do it. Thank you, and keep up the excellent work.
You should challenge Kirk and Co. to another debate!
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RRS keep up the great work !
Here in Utah... we are still fighting the LDS Church for Interference/Hypocrasy (see California Political process)
and of course who can forget "The Discovery Institute" ... where no discovery is needed because it "just appeared out of thin air"
'The members of RRS aren't 100% rational 100% of the time (who can be...), but I find them to be high functioning, super-intelligent, and productive members of society (*the latter one I envy somewhat). I say... DAMN the spineless, group-thinking, and fundamentalist worms who try to stifle them.
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
Eric ******** sent a message using the contact form at
Hey Guys!
I recently saw your video's on youtube and thought I would reach out and say you are doing great! I am glad that their are people who are not so narrow minded and can get out of this monkey see monkey do mentality. I grew up in a Christian home and went to Christian schools my whole life and when I turned 18 I realized what a bunch of bullshit the Christian religion is. I deny not only the whole spirit but all other religions as well. I can only hope more humans can look through a microscope and realize that the idea of religion is far to simple to go along with everything else in life... the bible reminds me of a childs book.
anyways thanks for your effort on this topic and if you ever need help in ID let me know!
Eric ******** ID
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"Besides the acerbic humor these folks aim at their guests (which I thoroughly enjoyed), I wonder how many people actually realize just how well informed, educated and amazingly articulate these four are. Whoever is of the opinion that the youth of today are lacking need to listen to these four. I would put them up against any previous generations intellectuals. Well done folks!"
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