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"Natural"617 years 27 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
17 years 27 weeks ago
by American Atheist
Reply to 'Without God, life is meaningless'1317 years 28 weeks ago
by Wonderist
17 years 27 weeks ago
by Iruka Naminori
Cats are evil1017 years 28 weeks ago
by GreyhoundMama
17 years 28 weeks ago
by Vastet
Your all condemned to hell2017 years 28 weeks ago
by wisebob134
17 years 28 weeks ago
by Gauche
Original Sin4417 years 29 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
17 years 26 weeks ago
by deludedgod
Gay = Child molester6017 years 29 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
17 years 26 weeks ago
by Susan
Belief917 years 30 weeks ago
by burchronicus
17 years 29 weeks ago
by American Atheist
Idiocy of Ray Comfort3617 years 31 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
17 years 28 weeks ago
by Chaoslord2004
Why do Theists care about atheists??12817 years 31 weeks ago
by RationalSchema
17 years 28 weeks ago
by RationalSchema
Valentine's Day717 years 31 weeks ago
by RationalSchema
17 years 31 weeks ago
by hellfiend666
What's so rational about evolution?10617 years 32 weeks ago
by mythrys
17 years 5 days ago
by systemnate
Nostradamus417 years 32 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
17 years 30 weeks ago
by willthescaryatheist
Deepak Chopra517 years 33 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
17 years 31 weeks ago
by Yellow_Number_Five
Fanatical atheism?3617 years 33 weeks ago
by I Have A Clever Name
17 years 28 weeks ago
by Edger
Atlantis517 years 33 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
17 years 33 weeks ago
by Vastet
Rapture End Times Madness2917 years 33 weeks ago
by MrRage
17 years 33 weeks ago
by MrRage
TimeCube417 years 34 weeks ago
by zntneo
17 years 33 weeks ago
by zntneo
God Hates Goths6217 years 34 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
13 years 50 weeks ago
by silverbeetle
The Flood2717 years 34 weeks ago
by dassercha
17 years 30 weeks ago
by American Atheist
Some people can't do without religion.717 years 34 weeks ago
by Jutter
17 years 34 weeks ago
by Iruka Naminori
Intelligent Falling WTF?917 years 34 weeks ago
by superdumbell
17 years 34 weeks ago
by Susan
you guys have GOT to see this (Warning: Contains Scientology Stupidity)2317 years 34 weeks ago
by atheist_roman
17 years 34 weeks ago
by Ophios
"What happened to break your faith?"1517 years 35 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
17 years 34 weeks ago
by MrRage
Circumcision - Irrational Precept?4717 years 35 weeks ago
by doctoro
17 years 10 weeks ago
by Voided
Faith Healers317 years 35 weeks ago
by Chaoslord2004
17 years 35 weeks ago
by MattShizzle
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