Cats are evil

I've heard before that some Christians considered cats evil. But noodling around on myspace I found a link to this nonsense ...
a small sample ... "Additionally, cats practice many unclean habits not befitting a Christian household: coughing up fur balls, licking inappropriate body areas on their own bodies (inappropriate handling) and even, in some cases, on the bodies of their human owners (wrongful motive?), urination on the floor, vocal and blatant promiscuity (unknown to any other species, all others being endowed with Godly chastity and decorum) and widespread sexual misconduct without the benefit or sanctity of holy matrimony, even orgiastic practices, substance abuse of catnip (an intoxicating herb) which produces conditions akin to drunkenness, stealing food from the table, producing ungodly sounds, excessive playfulness and the employment of devices not known to have been used by Jesus..."
Karen and her hounds
creating art ~ creating a new life
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What? You swallow a whole lot of hair, and see where it comes out .
Shut up and put the cat in the bath then.
Shut up and train the cat/get litter box/letcat out/install plastic flappy doors.
Welcome to the world of non-humans.
shut up and take the damn toy away, you stupid lazy human. No you'd rather be like your god and bitch and whine. Stupid human.
Is discipline too hard... oh wait, made in god's image.
Dude... what?
Xians used to kill cats because of their absurd belief that cats were used as familiars to witches. This practice was particularly unfortunate in the Middle Ages. With fewer predators for rodents, disease spread. The Xians were at least partly responsible for the Bubonic Plague that killed a third of Europe during that time. Just another example of how dangerous theism can be.
Responsibility: A detachable burden easily shifted to the shoulders of God, Fate, Fortune, Luck or one's neighbor. In the days of astrology it was customary to unload it upon a star. ~Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, 1911
Those people belong in a psychiatric ward.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
This sounds like a parody. If not it's scary.
You got that right!!!
And Matt, I just have to say that your signature quote is my new favorite!!!
Karen and her hounds
creating art ~ creating a new life
The people/person that wrote that article clearly has some kind of problem with critters.
What about dogs? Cats may barf, but at least they don't turn around and eat it.
What about bunny rabbits and their sexual habits?
The whole article is pretty silly.
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Gee, I wonder what xians think about ferrets. I mean, they don't cought up hairballs, but they do have a tendency to steal. Could ferrets be really sinful animals?
(There is a huge amount of sarcasm involved in this, btw. Just in case)
If god takes life he's an indian giver
This also reminds me of an anti-gay argument I once heard from a religious freak. I forget the source (it was a long time ago) but this person claimed that homosexuality was evil because only humans engaged in it. They felt that the "fact" that animals didn't engage in homosexual acts proved that it wasn't natural.
Clearly this person had never spent any time with dogs or apes or any of a ton of animals on this planet. A horny animal doesn't care what it "plays" with. LOL
Karen and her hounds
creating art ~ creating a new life
That one always brings a smile to my face. Many different animals across the world have shown signs of homosexuality and it becomes more pronounced when there's overcrowding. It's even been observed in Penguins! That's the real reason behind the movie "Happy Feet", 50 years ago "gay" was just another word for "happy", little more.
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
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I've seen studies showing that it's usually a form of dominance settlement. Which fits with many or most of it's observed examples in nature and society.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.