Brian37 a moment of your time

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Brian37 a moment of your time



 Please read this .. and tell me if this is saying what I think it is saying?

 "..Strangely while we set sick, or graving them near death, Anyone who does not believe in Jesus, has a bacterial principality of the air, and body controlling their heart!  "i" am sent John 13:20 to save as many as "i" can, DUE TO GOD, NOW HAVING TO BURN AND DESTROY ALL OF THOSE WHO CANNOT OVERCOMETH nucleus of sickness and satan!....Remember [when] Destiny it comes's  trying to ..  accuse you/Slander you, making you think you are not worthy of being with God, do not believe it. Merely repent..."


  I needed  someone good with semantics  so no-one flip out,. 

 This statement is worthy of  its'  own topic . .


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RE:: A nucleus of viruses/phages/bacteria called death/satan

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Instead of starting a new

Instead of starting a new thread, just comment in that thread. And as far as singling me out for my opinion? HUH?

What you quote is mere nonsense. Nothing to "make out" about that quote.


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We don't need a play date ?

 Singling you out is high praise (re-read).  In  hindsight picking you was NOT such a bad choice.  As it  happens, you are the most  "out spoken" about a certain Troll that this involves .   If you think of what I ve just said, It might not seem so strange to ask you afterall   Apparently  I am spending way too much time in Trollville if I am singling you out.

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Would you care to Delete these 2. I am waiting

 Look could you DELETE these two. I dont have the PMing option folks

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danatemporary wrote:

 Singling you out is high praise (re-read).  In  hindsight picking you was NOT such a bad choice.  As it  happens, you are the most  "out spoken" about a certain Troll that this involves .   If you think of what I ve just said, It might not seem so strange to ask you afterall   Apparently  I am spending way too much time in Trollville if I am singling you out.

I deserve praise? No, not at all. I am glad that you find value in my words, but this isn't about praise, this is about stating the obvious because it needs to be done.

Thanks for the complement, but the things I say here now I learned from prior atheists and from atheists who are much smarter than I am. It takes all of us, including you, to challenge absurd claims, not just claims about deities.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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re: It takes ..including you, to challenge absurd claims, ..

re: It takes ..including you, to challenge absurd claims, ..

Brian said, I am glad that you find value in my words

..  ..  ..

Brian37 wrote:
It takes all of us, including you, to challenge absurd claims,.."


  Thanks. {{Still hoping a  Mod willl  'delete'  ANY  redundancies, hint hint}}.

   The guy with the absurd claims is developing a very bad habit of side stepping direct questions. So It makes it impossible to pin him down  on anything. Is that because he hasnt a cognant thought in his head? I m really not sure.

  You might be familiar with Joe Nickell of CSICOP. I really luv  CSICOP.  Joe shows examples of people trying to LEGITIMIZE their ideas by using a smoke screen of scientific sounding terms. I am not sure, Isnt he just attempting to get the world to  conform to his worldview, crouched in scientific terminology  ........ As for me challenging absurd claims, the guy is  slippier than an eel.  And, To be honest,  I really haven't been taking alot of this very seriously at all.

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danatemporary wrote:re: It

danatemporary wrote:

re: It takes ..including you, to challenge absurd claims, ..

Brian said, I am glad that you find value in my words

..  ..  ..

Brian37 wrote:
It takes all of us, including you, to challenge absurd claims,.."


  Thanks. {{Still hoping a  Mod willl  'delete'  ANY  redundancies, hint hint}}.

   The guy with the absurd claims is developing a very bad habit of side stepping direct questions. So It makes it impossible to pin him down  on anything. Is that because he hasnt a cognant thought in his head? I m really not sure.

  You might be familiar with Joe Nickell of CSICOP. I really luv  CSICOP.  Joe shows examples of people trying to LEGITIMIZE their ideas by using a smoke screen of scientific sounding terms. I am not sure, Isnt he just attempting to get the world to  conform to his worldview, crouched in scientific terminology  ........ As for me challenging absurd claims, the guy is  slippier than an eel.  And, To be honest,  I really haven't been taking alot of this very seriously at all.

"singling you out is high praise", I thought you by proxy of starting this thread with my name in the title were "singling me out". You meant a theist "singling me out"?

But as far as throwing scientific terms in to sound lagit, that is a very common tactic, even for new age people as well. I've seen the science angle from pantheists and little green men conspiracy theorists.

It boils down to their own insecurities of having their claims tested in a real setting. They buy what some crackpot sells them because they already WANT it to be real.

Anyone on any subject blindly buying a naked assertion with no way to test it, is a lot like telling a friend "She really isn't into you", and they respond, "How do you know?" No matter what they peddle, once they have fallen hard for it, it is hard to drag them out.

As far as getting the threads deleted, that would be up to a mod.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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 I deleted the other

 I deleted the other thread.  Did you want this deleted as well?

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Actually I AM NOT starting a new Thread !!!!!!

I deleted the other thread.  Did you want this deleted as well?


  Okay. I think this is fine. Nothing wrong with the topic. This is fine as a topic

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Actually I AM NOT starting a new Thread !!!!!!

Actually I AM NOT starting a new Thread !!!!!!



People need to follow the link of Go Back to "Trollville"

 The Mods are at fault on this one.   Thanks for you time,  anyway

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Actually I AM NOT starting a new Thread !!!!!!

Okay. I think this is fine. Nothing wrong with the topic. This is fine as a topic



Sapient  Thanks for the assistance with the other topic, K?

Jean Chauvin
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Hi OP,

Are you in the occult? You look like a Witch.

Why would you compliment Brian? All he does is have temper tantrums. While I've been here I have yet to hear one logical proposition from this guy. If he replies, he will be profane.

Brian is nothing more then a Ad Hominem with Legs. He's like a Hopi Indian, hiding underground while he pops up to pout.

Look, if you want an honest analys from a person who knows more about atheism then anybody on here, ask me. I'm here to help.

Brian, let's be friends. Flush the PCP down the toilet and let's get a beer.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).



A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

Jean Chauvin
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Hey Sapient

Hey Sapient,

Why don't you ever come out to play? I understand why you are intimidated by me. But if you come out, I'll be gentle. Where's the red head that you debated Ray and kirk? Have her come out.

Look, if you come out, I'll wear pillows for fists. Wait, I've been doing that already.Okay, how about bigger pillows.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

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Jean, when are you going to

Jean, when are you going to present a logical argument?


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More than glad you say, boo :~

Are you in the occult? You look like a Witch


Well (huff)! I have never been so insulted in all my days :~

 Seriously, Most Theists are bitterly complaining or making excessive noise in complaining that people dont stick to the Topic.  Well,  What do we have here ?   My  face  is the topic ???  DAMN, I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN MY HAIR CUT :~

Jean Chauvin
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Hi OP,

I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry if I did. However, I know many real Witches and I thought I'd ask.

Hey Bob, you wouldn't know what an argument looked like if it gave you a left jab and a right uppercut followed by a tripple combination of an elbow and a headbutt to the face.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).




A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

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No need to apologize at all, I was totally kidding you anyway

No need to apologize at all, I was totally kidding you anyway.  Was I joking ?  Yes. Dont worry.


I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry if I did.

  You go over to 'Trollville' & become fully apprised about someone: ElijahTruth.   No-one seems to know just what will come out of that man's mouth (next).   Most of us are somewhat conflicted. Then with the rest of the board, not so much . Seriously, you need to read up before you can comment. He is shaping up to be a concern.  How do you come down on this one. Seriously read a couple of his posts BEFORE you comment on him,.

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Jean Chauvin wrote:Hey

Jean Chauvin wrote:

Hey Sapient,

Why don't you ever come out to play? I understand why you are intimidated by me. But if you come out, I'll be gentle. Where's the red head that you debated Ray and kirk? Have her come out.

Look, if you come out, I'll wear pillows for fists. Wait, I've been doing that already.Okay, how about bigger pillows.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

Because he has bills to pay. And no, he is by no means intimidated by a childish "Where's Waldo" fan like you.

And as far as Kelly, there would be no doubt, if you and she were the last two people on the planet, and the only way to save the species............. she'd commit suicide.

The only thing huge on you is your ego. Your balls are smaller than quarks. And quarks aren't mere speculation.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Jean Chauvin wrote:Hi OP,Are

Jean Chauvin wrote:

Hi OP,

Are you in the occult? You look like a Witch.

Why would you compliment Brian? All he does is have temper tantrums. While I've been here I have yet to hear one logical proposition from this guy. If he replies, he will be profane.

Brian is nothing more then a Ad Hominem with Legs. He's like a Hopi Indian, hiding underground while he pops up to pout.

Look, if you want an honest analys from a person who knows more about atheism then anybody on here, ask me. I'm here to help.

Brian, let's be friends. Flush the PCP down the toilet and let's get a beer.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).



I'm throwing "tantrums", while you gloss over what European Christians did to Native Americans to gain control over America?

I hate to tell you this, but people lived here before the Mayflower, before Columbus.

You and Andrew Jackson would make great butt buddies. But, I guess the Trail of Tears was justified because it was all sanctioned by your fictional zombie god?

Standing up to morons like you isn't "throwing a tantrum". It is merely knocking you off the pedestal you think you are sitting on.

Maybe if you don't want me "ad hominem", which is merely a fancy way of saying "name calling", then don't say stupid shit that deserves name calling.

If you don't want me calling you an asshole, then don't act like one.

Native Americans had a right to bitch about their land being taken from them, They had a right to fight against invaders, which the Europeans were.

We cant change the past, but your entitlement mentality is what lead the "settlers" to murder the "heathens".

They were not "settlers", THEY WERE INVADERS.




"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Let the circle be unbroken . . . .

 I am very fine with staying the hell  out of this  drama/δρᾶμα.  Jean Chauvin just stop..





"I" asked Jean Chauvin about the Topic, K?

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danatemporary wrote:
ElijahTruth offically is dead to me. I am not going to spend another moment enabling him...

ElijahTruth wrote: Dana is either the weakest man "i" have encountered lately or Hopefully / possibly a Female, with security issues, says they are moving in the morning due to my commenting upon one of her statements/comments of a topic within the forums of Rational response Squad!  He/She/what ever is very safe from me, but there are those on this blog/site that give even me some concern!  But more seriously my belief system is called the Word of God, the Word the bible is not a symbolic group of axoms or poems as so many believe, but the bible is the history and foretold History of our People if of Adam and Eve!  The bible is factual now and then during the forming of our Peoples understanding of existance since God brought our Father Adam unto earth!  Dana if a woman is very near cute, if a man "i" have concern for their mental status!  "i" have asked certain men and women here too send me an e-mail address so as for them to receive proofs/truths to give them a chance to BE RATIONAL IN THEIR RESPONSE

  ElijahTruth offically is dead to me. I am not going to spend another moment enabling him. I have bent over backwards defending him and trying to be far nicer than he deserves. ElijahTruth you want to talk to someone, go talk to yourself. I have no reason to speak to him let alone carry on a conversation. The problem is he is taking advantage of Trollville (that is all).

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re::"i" have concern for their mental status!

danatemporary wrote:
ElijahTruth -- I am not going to spend another moment enabling him...


ElijahTruth wrote: Dana is either the weakest man "i" have encountered lately or Hopefully / possibly a Female, with security issues, says they are moving in the morning due to my commenting upon one of her statements/comments of a topic within the forums of Rational response Squad!  He/She/what ever is very safe from me, but there are those on this blog/site that give even me some concern!  But more seriously my belief system is called the Word of God, the Word the bible is not a SYMBOLIC GROUP OF AXOMS  or poems as so many believe, but the bible is the history and foretold History of our People if of Adam and Eve!  The bible is factual now and then during the forming of our Peoples understanding of existence since God brought our Father Adam unto earth!  Dana if a woman is very near cute, if a man "i" have concern for their mental status!  "i" have asked certain men and women here too send me an e-mail address so as for them to receive proofs/truths to give them a chance to BE RATIONAL IN THEIR RESPONSE

 What the hell does he even mean "SYMBOLIC GROUP OF AXOMS"?  ElijahT.  You dont insult  people nor  the board and expect they will stand for "it". I will be sure to pass on to everybody your concern over 'their' "mental state".  Eye-wink


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Hi Witchgirl

Hi Witchgirl,

Um, you're talking to yourself. Is this Exhibit F of atheists going nutty nuts in their atheism? You need help. I suggest that you abandon your witchcraft, and repent of your sins but trusting in Jesus. He overcame death, and perhaps maybe so you can overcome the 2nd death of hell.

But, you're probably continue like Nietzche, and be nutty nuts for the rest of your life. Turn to Jesus if you wish to be helped.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

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Apparently to Xians words have lost their meaning.

re:: Apparently to Xians words  have  lost their meaning.

Jean Chauvin

 Hello How are you doing ? I want you to say something about ElijahTruth. I started a thread about him. I dont know if you read any of this thread about it wasnt originally asking you. You got in a minor dust up so I tried to include you the conversation. That means "Hey as long as you are here". VERY INCLUSIVE love to hear your opinion.

..repent of your sins but trusting in Jesus. He overcame death, and perhaps maybe so you can overcome the 2nd death of hell.But, you're probably continue like Nietzche, and be nutty nuts for the rest of your life. Turn to Jesus if you wish to be helped



 Oh I hate you and your mother dresses you funny but turn to Jesus.  Look do me a real favor stop calling me a witch I don't happen to go into that.  You are not making a good impression.  To set the record straight,  I used this picture because it is the internet, you f@ckin' dumbsh1t.  This time I am insulted! I am not sure what is giving you the indication that I am a witch. For all you know, this WAS  a halloween costume,. Ever heard of not judging a book by its' cover!!  You know why do you stop talking to me or talking at me and go directly to ElijahTruth. Yes, I said directly. If this was a Xian board he would have been debunked  &  attacked already over whether his Jesus was the actually Jesus. Before you talk to me.. check out the URL. Let's get this Thread back on track Okay?  Better yet, DON'T TALK TO ME!

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Jean Chauvin wrote:Hi

Jean Chauvin wrote:

Hi Witchgirl,

Um, you're talking to yourself. Is this Exhibit F of atheists going nutty nuts in their atheism? You need help. I suggest that you abandon your witchcraft, and repent of your sins but trusting in Jesus. He overcame death, and perhaps maybe so you can overcome the 2nd death of hell.

But, you're probably continue like Nietzche, and be nutty nuts for the rest of your life. Turn to Jesus if you wish to be helped.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

We don't need your fictional super hero to live our lives. This fictional god you worship includes the claim that anyone who doesn't kiss his ass will be tortured forever. You are a horrible salesman and I would want no part of a bully tyrant of a god.

Real love is letting someone go when they don't want to be with you anymore. Stalkers and abusive spouses follow you and threaten you and physically harm you when you try to leave.

Your god is a monster as a claim, if this is what you claim will happen to us.

How does it feel to worship a monster?

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Anyone who wouldn't

Anyone who wouldn't recognize Lulu from Final Fantasy X isn't worth a serious response.