What can or cannot be done in 'Trollville' ? Asking about the rules for an obnoxious troll ???

THIS MAY BE 'premature' on my part, but I was unable to get an answer via electronic-mail. If a poster ends up in Trollville, that presumes he’s wrong and considerably violating net etiquette (netiquette), correct? Be nice if someone would touch on what rules even a obnoxious troll has to follow on this board. I sort of wanted to know,. I havent gotten an answer,. So, Share a link.
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I do not mind waiting for an answer. However, I am waiting on one of the three Adminstrator(s) to explain what goes on. At this point , I am putting this as a 'extreme-high' priority
The Rules of Conduct for our forum are here.
Something like is largely up to the discretion of the mods and admins.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whip cream."--Frank Zappa
http://atheisticgod.blogspot.com/ Books on atheism
Trolls found in Trollville ?
Thus far I heard that is "..something' .."is largely up to the discretion of the mods and admins" TGBaker What did you hear ? I have been one other boards, and if an Admin or SuperMod gets either irritated or even a little bit mad at Trolls. It's like "see ya", immediate banning. I guess Admin IS people, too. For someone so smart, I don't understand the amount of permissible violations (or 'type' of permissible violations) in Trollville. That is where my whole inquiry is directed towards.
"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whip cream."--Frank Zappa
http://atheisticgod.blogspot.com/ Books on atheism
Let me lay all the cards on the table, what else could I do ? Trollville has rules but usually those rules are much too flexible. Like w/ spamming. I was interacting with someone and all of a sudden he decided to-reply with an entire eleven pages. Eager to continue the back and forth. I ask him to eliminate that so I could continue. He had already replied and could no longer delete anything. Not even the eleven pages. It was a let down, 'cause I was willing to go on. It was not Okay. I am stuck in a sense because of the super spammingt. Not a little spamming, that'd be very understandable (it's trollville). But, Eleven pages, I dont know how to respond. I do NOT think you can ignore all of that. You see ? Automated emails are not doing it for me.
"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whip cream."--Frank Zappa
http://atheisticgod.blogspot.com/ Books on atheism
Looks like you had the misfortune of responding to a wacko. If that person believes as he claims then he is dangerous. I went to Trollville obviously to see what you were talking about. Ignore corner a moderator and plead your case.
"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whip cream."--Frank Zappa
http://atheisticgod.blogspot.com/ Books on atheism
Your help and experience is the greatest help to me. I really found myself in this, as if there was no place to go. I understand everything but Where to go ? How would I (or you) plead the case. Who do I address ?
One thing I would like everyone to know is I am not calling into question the Moderators nor desiring a rule change for all of Trollville. Please do not misunderstand what I am inquiring about. Okay? I have every intention of interacting some more with the guy. I do not need to see banning in this case.
Reference from the Rules of Conduct --
2.1. Antagonism.
Antagonism is giving one or more members a hard time. Cases typically comprise a series of provocations, each not necessarily sanctionable in its own right. Incidents can include, but are by no means limited to the following:
1. Slander/Libel
2. Clear intent to not argue a position, but to merely attack a person
3. Trolling
4. Abuse
5. Bullying
The notoriously fickle and blurry nature of such exchanges makes it nearly impossible to draw up a precise definition of exactly what constitutes Antagonism. Moderators are more often than not simply forced to draw upon their vast and collective experience
2.4. Spam.
The posting of spam to promote products, sites, or services not affiliated with RationalResponders.com, FreethinkingingTeens.com, Atheistnetwork.com, MargaretDowney.com, AsktheAtheist.com, CelebAtheists.com or any other site in the Rational Response Squad Network roof is strictly prohibited. Interested parties are welcome to take out ad-space at our affordable rates instead. Contact Offenders will be exiled and content deleted on sight.
And, Cross-postings, hit-and-run proselytism, and other posts that create unreasonable janitor-chores for the moderators
I don't understand the permissible violations in Trollville. I honestly would NOT know how to go about pleading the case (especially to who) ? Corner a moderator, which one ???
Can I ask, why?
I'm genuinely curious...
I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."
"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy" : David Brooks
" Only on the subject of God can smart people still imagine that they reap the fruits of human intelligence even as they plow them under." : Sam Harris
"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whip cream."--Frank Zappa
http://atheisticgod.blogspot.com/ Books on atheism
He has a weirdly interesting wrinkle in spirit possession or maybe they're something different, (in some subsection of 'Paleo~Anthropology') .. Still wanting him to define main-terms
Url http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/29090#comment-335423
.. An acquired taste
"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whip cream."--Frank Zappa
http://atheisticgod.blogspot.com/ Books on atheism
I cannot even understand trollville, It might be the internet equivalent to a tire-fire (allow it to burn out all on its' own).
re:: Look I know I am not that experienced with boards
C'mon "Funny" statements are funny statements. I have been quite biting in my posts (just short of rude), while still engaged in a conversation. I rest on your experience to tell me if this is trouble. I trust you'd tell me if I was missing something . My guess is he's a frustrated Trollish poster reaching out a hand. Isnt that the ominous tone you are putting on that . Am I missing something? The way I see it,. This is just his attempt to get the world to conform to his worldview, crouched in scientific terminology. Everyone's general take on his stark raving lunacy could be seen in that context. Back to what you are saying, I should start to worry? Nothing-said.
You are reading a copy/paste 'form' letter.
Like a 'template' filled with text.
They just fill in the 'field' with your 'name', so that is 'appears' that it is addressed to you specifically.
The troll isn't typing that sh1t in real time, as a careful, considerate, individual response to you, personally.
They have folders full of wall of text 'canned responses' for when you take the bait, in the hope that they've got you interested in what *cough* they are *cough* personally thinking.
They're just 'chumming' the waters, and looking to see who will come around and want to sample their bait.
It's how they get their kicks.
Don't be a sucker.
He's probably jerking off to your picture, fantasizing that in real life (a) you'd actually find him as intriguing, as you are here (b).
The odds are, this person is a ruse, or they are squirrel bait...
I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."
"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy" : David Brooks
" Only on the subject of God can smart people still imagine that they reap the fruits of human intelligence even as they plow them under." : Sam Harris
Stay Cool, Man.
I am sorry but what kinda question is that ? This is the very reason I dislike advocacy boards. If you don't believe the words .. take note of the pic (See: Image)
I'm not sure what you're trying to say...
I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."
"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy" : David Brooks
" Only on the subject of God can smart people still imagine that they reap the fruits of human intelligence even as they plow them under." : Sam Harris
I say something unpopular or unexpected and what's next my very own 'Troll Badge'
Are you under the impression I characterized you as a troll?
There is nothing more I should be saying about a guy who just made this statement
This isnt about you and frankly I was never under the impression you characterized me as 'a troll' If that were the case I'd say, "I am sorry but until you get that moderator spot you don't define me"
Your comments are not necessary if he's a real lunatic. It's up to us to not allow misdirection
Look, IF anyone is curious, follow the url or link --
Url http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/29104#comment-335971
Elijah Truth at
The Passionate researcher, PZ Myers esq; Professor Myers, man of true renown! Speaks of the Word of God once again in what must be called a negative Light! When he Professor Myers is of the scientific endeavor of God called Biology {{the very purpose for earth}} and the means in which science has now proven NOAHS ARK! WHAT?? Science the science of Microbiology has now proven Gods bible in many ways, especially the Book of Genesis!
Noah brought on to Gods ark those Animals who were sent by God, and God called all flesh, yet the Bible always eludes to the fact that God only speaks of that of His book of Life Rev:20:15! Science has found Gods enemy and ours called satan/death/8 unclean spirits cast to earth! And science just now over the last few years have discovered certain species of wolbachia phage that causes mutant forms of other Life forms of God, and even mutants from the mutants it caused to be! So when God told Noah the Son of Adam/God to build an Ark, and to make it comfortable for all Gods creations! We now know that very little of this earths species of Life are the original species unmarred! More proof of this is in the Book of Leviticus 19:19 where God tells Moses to teach the children of Adam to not mingle their beasts/cattle, or their fields with any other diverse form of Life, again pointing out that Gods Life is different from Gods enemies mutants!
So beautifully the Great Science of God which PZ MYERS Passionate man of truth, and others who strive for evidence of truth has bought forth such in the Field of Microbiology! PZ MYERS was prophesy in the Book of John, him and all His associates, John14:20 - and in that day, YE shall know that I am in the Father, ye in me, and I in you! In that day you will understand the sysmbiosis of Life/the day of Microbiology! So ""i"" know that this man, from reading His writings PZ Myers, is a passionate man of truth, searching for the proofs of not just Lifes way, but from which it came!
You will notice the colors of some of these so called black hole's, or dark matter, if it is unexplanable to nasa, it become's a black hole , or a decaying black hole, or a black hole rising, OR DARK MATTER!" when it is the light of god, battling against the dark angels of lite/SATAN!" The many colors of bacteria upon earth, are seen in large groups in heaven!" especially the black mold/hole's!" which when God gathers and bundles them, they make shapes!"{{ THERE ARE DARK HOLE'S/SPACES FOUND BY hUBBLE, AND TELESCOPES ON EARTH! bUT MANY ARE MASSE'S OF MOLD/YEAST/LEAVEN IN hERAVEN! And some made up of matter such as dust or stones}} All phages and viruse's after many years of stealing Life from Gods heaven turn black/mold/yeast/fungi/fungus!" the same enemy on earth, is His enemy in HEAVEN, SICKNESS/OLD AGE/DEATH/LUCIFER/WOLBACHIA/ALLAH/decomposers/bacteria!" WHAT DOE'S OUR LORD SAY? ON EARTH AS IN HEAVEN!"
IN The colume below! i am listing the bacterial enemie's of gods life/light!" to compare colors and ways!
Read His Word on the so called tomb of Jesus! Professor Pz Myers gives it a definite examination and came from the examine, with doubts not saying the Lords tomb was real, saying they proved nothing, and had no true evidence! Making all know, that Professor Myers is a passionate man of renown as Noah called Him, and all Sons of God!...For proofs of this Word on Life on earth and in Heaven Go to the proof in the news and science page on the gathering website of science and theology http://www.adamandeveseedgatheringministry.com and there on are proofs of Life in Heaven/space and proofs again of Gods enemy making mutants/that not of Gods book of Life...much respect to all of Gods book of Life...
Elijah Truth at IRCTORI YOU ARE NOT JUST A SMALL VERY CONCERNED CARTOON BUT BRILLIANT, THAT HAS BEEN NOW PROVEN BY SCIENCE WHEN THEY HAVE NOW PROVEN THAT THERE ARE CERTAIN MICROBES SUCH AS WOLBACHIA phage virus that infects other Life forms bringing forth mutants which yes have Mutant WHAT? Proteins you are amazing..do you know that science and theology is now gathering for the end of aging and death the infection which Eve first contracted in the garden and since we are all born into its plague....for many truths and proofs Go Google Adam and Eve seed gathering medical ministry and on the about page services page and proofs in the news and science page are much word of Gods now end of death and His love for those like yourself who are WHAT? Taught...for more word contact the site with specific questions...Source(s):
Just do a google if you wanna follow his cut and paste...
"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whip cream."--Frank Zappa
http://atheisticgod.blogspot.com/ Books on atheism
With something like this you "need" to find that sweet spot. Seriously enough to follow the words, not so serious you cant enjoy a laugh. I think this is interesting, I am all ears. You may want to consider finding that place, you have not found that, yet ?
I can't figure out what this thread is about. I don't know if I've just gone a little daft because it's close to the end of the day, or if Dana is speaking some kind of half/Moon language.
Sorry to detract from the conversation... is this a conversation?
re : Rules for trolls I had someone in mind as I wrote
To answer your question. Progression from 'the rules' to the Troll in question.
Dana, I've read some of your posts on your attempt to get mods to take action/pay attention to your situation.
Unfortunately, I'm not clear on what you're looking for. A nice, clear, concise, straightforward statement of the problem, including quotes and/or links as needed to clearly specify examples, along with your opinion and desired outcomes, would be very much appreciated.
Another 'unfortunately', I am loathe to spend a lot of time reading through long threads in Trollville, especially from Elijah, who I read once, decided he was not worth my time, and have avoided ever since. So, if you could clarify without asking us to wade through piles of troll dung, that would be great.
As to some of your general questions about the rules for Trollville, as far as I am aware (as a low-level mod, and I could be getting some of these points wrong, so take this with a grain of salt), the main purpose of Trollville is as a kind of sewer/cess-pool, where we can keep the toxic waste, without contaminating and stinking up the rest of the site which most regulars and guests deal with. Why have Trollville at all? Because we like evidence, and it is often useful to keep evidence of trollish nastiness, just to prove that such trolling has occurred when false claims and allegations are made by people who get banned from the site, or leave in a huff, with a chip on their shoulder. Essentially, we give the trolls a sewer, and let them drown themselves in it.
You are free to wade into that morass, but I would recommend to you that it is 'at your own risk'. You will be surrounded by trollish behaviour, and not many mods will be interested to spend the time there to enforce the standard rules of the site, which are definitely in effect in all the other forums. However, if there is some serious transgression, you are correct to report it and bring it to our attention. We will take action if we get a clear statement of the problem.
For example, if you get an 11 page response to a simple question, well, what do you expect? It's Trollville. Odds are, you are talking to a troll. Trolls tend to do things like that.
So, I guess this is why you haven't gotten the response you were hoping for. First, it's not clear what response you're hoping for. Second, ... well, it's Trollville, right? So, ... like ... you want some more obvious warning sign, like "Here be trolls"? If you interact with trolls, you'll get trolled.
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I am sorry to DISAGREE, by the third sentence you wrote it is clear you DO NOT completely 'understand' The more I read ElijahT the more endlessly fascinating his posts guaranty to be.. loads and loads of fun . Having ElijahT IS fascinating. Naturally I want to get as much feedback from the ones who are strangely still remaining silent. How far a Troll can go? The answer is anything they can give me that helps to understand .All I was ever asking for is clarification (that was right). And, REALLY ANYTHING available. I don't give a F*** what form it's in.
Fascinating ..
To be clear , No one is asking for removal or anything. Actual I was talkin' like a Dutch-Uncle to ElijahT not to do anything that would almost certainly guaranty his banning (on any other place online). Sometimes you have to poke and probe at something to get a sense for what is actually going on. I dont understand Trollville. I am just now getting a sense of the place. Yep! If you dont understand something you have (to) poke and probe a bit. What the h3ll do you think these Aliens have been doing w/ their time :~ Your thought life is in the gutter!
The holybible states 'there MUST BE NO filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not for the edification' of us all.
I initially created trollville to allow people who were incapable of debating and conversing within the rules. I don't like being accused of stripping people of the opportunity to convey their point however I don't want people who are incapable of conveying their point to ruin discussions amongst people that are.
I am now able to put [trollville] in the title of a thread sent to trollville (something mods should do when moving a thread) and then the thread will no longer appear in the "recent posts" tracker. Once this happens I don't care much what happens in trollville. It's sort of a mosh pit of rejects and if you feel like acting the part when you venture in there I'm not going to hold it against you. As you can see by users like ElijahTruth and Jean Chauvin we are very lose with what we allow.
Lately I have simply been deleting Elijahs posts as I see them. He is cutting and pasting much too much information, he has many similar posts up already. Technically he should have been banned a long time ago however I believe he gives some people a reason to come back, and for that I'm thankful.
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Yes that too. If Elijah gets banned and then creates a blog telling everyone that he followed all the rules we can refer those people to the body of his work as proof that all he did was spam his stupid site and cut and paste his retarded posts.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whip cream."--Frank Zappa
http://atheisticgod.blogspot.com/ Books on atheism
Actually, if you read it again, by the second sentence, I explicitly STATE that I did not completely understand.
Well, if the trolls make such a stink that it starts to bubble up out from the sewer, then we'll probably flush 'em out with some high-powered steam jets. Or something metaphorically similar to that.
As long as they don't make excessive trouble for anyone (such as requiring significant forum maintenance), I think the mods will likely just let them go on trolling.
However, there are definitely things that will not be tolerated, and a good rule-of-thumb would be: Anything illegal. Including libel or online harrassment (pretty hard to be a victim of that tho, unless you constantly stick around in Trollville). Any kind of threats, posting illegal images, posting of someone's private or personal information, etc. That'll get someone banned for sure, Trollville or not.
If you are ever concerned that something's going on in Trollville that you think is dangerous in any way or illegal, or just too serious, contact the mods without hesitation. We're lax about Trollville, but we would never want it to get too far out of control.
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What do you think ? Bewildering no ?
* Spiritual Warrior DanaEternal esq;Why would "i" fear any man . .
If you browser doesnt take you there it is on page nu# "2" http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/28956?page=1
I am astounded and confused by this thread. I would like to take a course in half/Moon speak please.
Wow, love the thing about bacteria controlling our minds, and being the 'demons' the Bible speaks about. That's actually pretty interesting as an interpretation of the whole demon nonsense. I guess modern anti-biotics must be like super-mega-holy water then, eh? Our prayers were answered! Praise Jesus, the levofloxacin cured Grandpa's gonorrhea! Praise the Lord!
Reminds me of why I don't spend much (any) time in Trollville.
Dana, is there something specific you are trying to bring our attention to? It would be helpful to quote something specific if that is the case, not just linking to a whole thread full of bizarre (probably indicating mental illness, unfortunately for Elijah, though I am not in any way a mental health professional) claims and delusions.
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