A letter from a hate filled conservative
Normally the RRS responds to letters and normally the letters posted in this forum are to the RRS, but this one was too rich. The following letter was sent to a friend of ours on myspace, you can formulate the response yourself and send it to the original emailer if you have a myspace account, if you wish.
From: chuck
Date: Feb 26, 2006 6:42 PMHey, buddy it would be nice if you fuckin tree huggin liberal bastards would keep your goddamn political opinions to your fucking self. Nobody wants to hear you bitch about bush. All you people do is bring this great country down. If you don't like it then get the fuck out. And get in your ignorant ass brain housing group that peace I nothing but a mere fantasey and will never happen. Oh, ya and if you're my future commander and chief...... prepare to be assassinated.
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Yeah when he sent me this I couldn't help but laugh.
If you don't like it then get the fuck out.
I've heard that one way too much. The counter is so simple and true though: "dissent is patriotic".
Leaving your country because something is wrong was what we pulled when we left Great Britain. We established a place where we wouldn't have to "get the fuck out" when something goes wrong. We could just...I know, crazy idea...fix it! Enter: dissent.
Opposing views show flaws and room for improvement. Only in business do you not want to have competition. But since the government and media and working together as a business these days, we have people like this man, "chuck", saying that he would kill me for being elected fairly by a majority of his fellow good Americans.
So patriotic.
I always thought that if you want to change the world then you have to start with yourself. So if the heads of state want to end terrorism, they should go ahead and kill themselves. - Anti-Flag
Yeah, if he doesn't like living in a country that (thinks it) has free speech, than he can get the fuck out.
:smt098 @ Chuck
Thanks for forwarding the letter on Ross.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
This is fucking hilarious. I'm about the furthest thing you can get from a tree hugging liberal on earth. I am a far right libertarian, a proud supporter of the NRA, and I'm a former animal research clinitian who has had physical run-ins with the "tree huggers" you equate me with. I hate them, and I, unlike most, actually have cause to.
And, we all have a right to bitch about our President and his cluster fuck of an administration. He's gone to war under false pretenses and false information, he's botched the administration of said war to no end, and he's convinced us that we ought to trade our civil liberties for some sort of vague, worthless "homeland security".
As wiser man than you said, "Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither". The minute we did that, we lost this war.
And you know what, I DID support this war when I was too uniniformed to realize the lies that were being told to us. I DID believe Iraq had WMDs or was at least working on them. So where are they?
We invaded, under false pretenses, this is obvious now. Now that we are there, we cannot leave. We've broken the MidEast, even more than it already was, and now I think we've an obligation to stay and fix it.
But don't you fucking dare call me a liberal and mean it as some sort of insult. I'm a liberal when it comes to civil and political freedoms, rest assured, but that has nothing to do with Iraq. I'm a conservative on economic issues, but that also has nothing to do with Iraq.
My opinion on Iraq isn't based on political ideology, it is based on a rational assessment of the situation. That assessment is: 1) The Iraquis don't want us there, they never did. 2) We went to war on false information and on false pretences. 3) Now that we're there, we can't in good conscious leave without fixing what we broke - this is a fucking shame, and should have never happened. 4) Either thousands of people have died for no reason, or they've died as a prelude to WWIII. 5) This war has been used as an excuse to restrict and curtail the very civil freedoms we are supposedly fighting for. 6) Revolution must begin from within. Until a country is ready and willing to stand up and fight for their own freedoms, outsiders won't be able to force those freedoms upon them. 7) Islam is a fucked up religion, people are willing to kill in its name
Christianity is a fucked up religion, out own President thinks God is guiding him. 9) Idiots who charge that people oppose the war, because they are "liberal" don't know their ass from their elbow. 10) It is people like the guy who wrote us who should "get the fuck out" if they don't like free expression and our Constitution, otherwise they can TRY to force this socially liberal, economically conservative, eco-terrorism hating, gun owning, freedom loving, atheist American out. Rest assured, I will fight back.
I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. - Richard Dawkins
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Nice response Mike.
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Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
You know, this guy reminds me of the countless 16,17, or 18 year old hardliner warmongering kids who always try to tell me I don't know a fucking thing about Iraq or what's going on there. I mean, shit, I was only there for 6 months, what the fuck do I know?
The people who are so hateful about this shit are the kind of people that will not listen, even for a second, to anything you say regarding this issue, unless it completely falls within their belief system.
I would like to point out to this guy that popular support will continue to fade for this war. Every single war in our history has had popular support initially. But the longer a war lasts, the more support will fade, especially since it's not in our national interest right now to be in Iraq. It's just like Vietnam: the Iraqis have more will to win than we do, I guarantee you that, and the Arab people are so very patient. They will extend this war for centuries if that's what it takes.
We are percieved as a threat to their way of life. They watch TV and they see American programming and they feel very threatened by what they see.
Tell me, bud, what would YOU do if your house was hit by a bomb from an invading country and your whole family was killed? Would you whistle Dixie and openly welcome the invaders with open arms?
Americans like kicking ass, and it's been our nature since we gained power in the mid-1800's. Unfortunately, occupations are doomed to fail. Don't you wish you read a little more history in school?
one thing I always find amusing is that these "liberal hating" neocons still believe in this false Left/Right paradigm. What they dont' realize is that there are very little (and usually social) issues that separate dems from republicans. But the neocons (which are found in both parties) have managed to brainwash this country into thinking that if you vote for one party or the other you are making a hell of a difference. Truth is, no matter how you vote, you are really voting for the same thing.
Politics, in this country has been hijacked by greed and a fear of the world, due to, in part, by our own selfishness and greed that is caused by capitalism.
The other thing is this...most people that vote for the "republican" party...tend to be very ignorant and only vote "republican" because they think it's the patriotic thing to do. In South West Va. (a very rural and very "red" part of the state) most people automatically; like it's ingrained in their genes, vote republican. Ask them if they know anything about the candidate or his stances, and most of them will tell you (and I know this from experience) well he's republican....plain and simple...that is it. These people put their complete and utter trust in the neocon republicans because they have been brainwashed to do so without questioning and without dissent. Sure, this happens with democrats as well, however, it seems as if the democrats at least have a little bit of a brain left, although they are surely, cowards. It's kinda funny how religion does indeed play into all of this..... blind trust in God, and in the Neocons. They are brainwashed to think that dissent is unpatriotic ( a very fascist way of government) but they dont' stop for one second to think about what it is they are supporting...personally, this needs to be attacked from an educational standpoint.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
1) He's Catholic
2) He lists Sean Hannity as one of his 'heroes' on his profile'
3) He dreams about killing people
4) He wears hats indoors.
'Nuff said.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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