JoeParker wants you to know he was banned from this forum multiple times...

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JoeParker wants you to know he was banned from this forum multiple times...

In his post Joe Parker states...

I WAS Banned From the Rational Response squad Forums! many times with different usernames

From our rules...

2.2. Sock Puppetry and Screen Names.
Sock puppetry is the registration of multiple accounts or the purposeful act of creating login-names that mimic other people's monikers. Sock puppet accounts will be deleted. Screennames that are misleading may be asked to change their name, such as theists using names like "An Atheist" or "Rational Thinker" or a male using the name "younggirl20."

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Fucking DUH!! I had my

Fucking DUH!!

I had my doubts before, I thought he was playing 'stupid'. Nope, he really is that stupid. 

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"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.


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Don't remember him but he

Don't remember him but he looks like a moron from his writing.

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Oh yeah.  I banned him

Oh yeah.  I banned him once and sniffed him out another time.

I'd love for him to make another sock puppet so I could ban him again.  It gives me a warm tingly feeling every time I hit the big red "BAN DUMBASS" button.


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Hambydammit wrote:

Hambydammit wrote:

Oh yeah. I banned him once and sniffed him out another time.

I'd love for him to make another sock puppet so I could ban him again. It gives me a warm tingly feeling every time I hit the big red "BAN DUMBASS" button.


Hambi, what the hell are you doing? I mean, what skin is it off your nose if people provide false information and mimic the names of others. Next thing you are going to tell me is that steeling social security number is moral? You and your petty morals. WHAT KIND OF ATHEIST ARE YOU!

Now, in lue of the Hail Marys, for each one you might have said in the confessional if you were Catholic, you are hereby ordered to barbaque a kitten for each rosary. If you cannot stumach that, then pinch a Christian for each rosary, that should give them sufficiant cooties.

Thus it is written in the Almighty Book of Snarfwidgets. Copywrite(whatever I feel like, whenever I feel like).......Oh crap, now I sound like a disgruntled fellon.

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Poor lil' feller.  He just

Poor lil' feller.  He just wants to be a part of the group.  He doesn't realize that one must have a frontal lobe to participate around here. 

Perhaps we could start a mirror site where people with one too many chromosomes could congregate?  It could be called "The Retarded Response Squad."  They could debate issues such as: where helmets come from; chocolate vs. vanilla pudding; and who lives inside the drive-through speaker at McDonald's. 


(For anyone who wants to defend the honor of Downs Syndrome children, don't.  It will only cause me to giggle.)

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Nero wrote: Perhaps we

Nero wrote:
Perhaps we could start a mirror site where people with one too many chromosomes could congregate? It could be called "The Retarded Response Squad."

I don't know...I think the "Righteous Response Squad" already beat us to it.

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MrRage wrote: Nero

MrRage wrote:
Nero wrote:
Perhaps we could start a mirror site where people with one too many chromosomes could congregate? It could be called "The Retarded Response Squad."
I don't know...I think the "Righteous Response Squad" already beat us to it.


All the good ideas are taken.