The Keep

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The Keep

The majesty of the trees are silhouette upon the night skies,

While a wind calls forth the choir of their leaves in voices gentle and


And the forest sounds of abundant life are surely their assembled orchestra.

My soul whispers I must kneel in awe and with reverence of the sacred


For how can I by such revelation not be carried to the Most High Holy Place

And in turn blessed by the raptured vision of God's Spirit manifest.

Soon, I am warmed by pillars of the Dawn's light through Trees now defined.

Voices awakened sing to me of humble rebirth and the gift of a new Day.

The morning's dew bids me to drink deep my soul's longing. I can thirst

no more.

Thus, I am risen to a beckoning of the Forest's tent and told I may

dwell evermore.

Suddenly, the Goddess sends forth Her Sparrow to proclaim me Her chosen


My worldly wardrobe is stripped from me as I am clothed by Her nature


So are we all blessed

And so are we all One.

The Seeker's robe is gone.

And what revealed is but God.

"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whip cream."--Frank Zappa Books on atheism

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TGBaker wrote:The majesty of

TGBaker wrote:

The majesty of the trees are silhouette upon the night skies,


While a wind calls forth the choir of their leaves in voices gentle and




And the forest sounds of abundant life are surely their assembled orchestra.


My soul whispers I must kneel in awe and with reverence of the sacred




For how can I by such revelation not be carried to the Most High Holy Place


And in turn blessed by the raptured vision of God's Spirit manifest.


Soon, I am warmed by pillars of the Dawn's light through Trees now defined.


Voices awakened sing to me of humble rebirth and the gift of a new Day.


The morning's dew bids me to drink deep my soul's longing. I can thirst


no more.


Thus, I am risen to a beckoning of the Forest's tent and told I may


dwell evermore.


Suddenly, the Goddess sends forth Her Sparrow to proclaim me Her chosen




My worldly wardrobe is stripped from me as I am clothed by Her nature




So are we all blessed


And so are we all One.


The Seeker's robe is gone.


And what revealed is but God.

Is this the one you had published?


Certainly "pretty" but also delusional.

. I like the fact that you post yours, because it inspires me to write responses.


Sense of Awe, By Brian37


How cruel you are


To allow us to dream

Drunk on placebos


Looking at the pretty

Forgetting the nasty

Inserting superstition

In place of a gap


How strong this urge

To be lazy

In seeking comfort

To make sense of it all


I need not of deties

To see the pretty

And just as awsome

Is the distruction


A super nova, a black hole

The speed of light

Our bountiful emptyness

Between celestial bodies


That silhouette

Of sleeping trees

Rustling leaves

Against the starry sky


Impressive and inspiring

But what an illusion

For that same sky

Harbors hurricanes


The older trees

Last much longer

While humans die

Every day



And bacteria

Outnumber humans




Some want to claim

When off this dot

We cant escape


Full of death

In all its forms

From disease to crime

And useless war


What a deadbeat

He must be

With folded arms

He watches our toil


I prefer

A natural answer

Both good and bad

Are merely what is


I have no need

For childish tales

Penned in antiquity

When we didn't know better.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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Brian37 wrote:TGBaker

Brian37 wrote:

TGBaker wrote:

The majesty of the trees are silhouette upon the night skies,


While a wind calls forth the choir of their leaves in voices gentle and




And the forest sounds of abundant life are surely their assembled orchestra.


My soul whispers I must kneel in awe and with reverence of the sacred




For how can I by such revelation not be carried to the Most High Holy Place


And in turn blessed by the raptured vision of God's Spirit manifest.


Soon, I am warmed by pillars of the Dawn's light through Trees now defined.


Voices awakened sing to me of humble rebirth and the gift of a new Day.


The morning's dew bids me to drink deep my soul's longing. I can thirst


no more.


Thus, I am risen to a beckoning of the Forest's tent and told I may


dwell evermore.


Suddenly, the Goddess sends forth Her Sparrow to proclaim me Her chosen




My worldly wardrobe is stripped from me as I am clothed by Her nature




So are we all blessed


And so are we all One.


The Seeker's robe is gone.


And what revealed is but God.

Is this the one you had published?


Certainly "pretty" but also delusional.

. I like the fact that you post yours, because it inspires me to write responses.


Sense of Awe, By Brian37


How cruel you are


To allow us to dream

Drunk on placebos


Looking at the pretty

Forgetting the nasty

Inserting superstition

In place of a gap


How strong this urge

To be lazy

In seeking comfort

To make sense of it all


I need not of deties

To see the pretty

And just as awsome

Is the distruction


A super nova, a black hole

The speed of light

Our bountiful emptyness

Between celestial bodies


That silhouette

Of sleeping trees

Rustling leaves

Against the starry sky


Impressive and inspiring

But what an illusion

For that same sky

Harbors hurricanes


The older trees

Last much longer

While humans die

Every day



And bacteria

Outnumber humans




Some want to claim

When off this dot

We cant escape


Full of death

In all its forms

From disease to crime

And useless war


What a deadbeat

He must be

With folded arms

He watches our toil


I prefer

A natural answer

Both good and bad

Are merely what is


I have no need

For childish tales

Penned in antiquity

When we didn't know better.


Nice one. Yea I have a collection of early delusional TGB's


"You can't write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say sometimes, so you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whip cream."--Frank Zappa Books on atheism

atheistScience FreakSuperfan
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Brian37 wrote: That

Brian37 wrote:


That silhouette

Of sleeping trees

Rustling leaves

Against the starry sky


Impressive and inspiring

But what an illusion

For that same sky

Harbors hurricanes


Slow clap.  I stopped for about 30 seconds after reading those two verses.