Well looks like I'm the newbie.

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Well looks like I'm the newbie.


I'm just your average middle schooler I play soccer, chat with my friends (online, at school or church),

and that is pretty much all I'll say for now

I love to SPAM
-sorry unavailable

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Welcome, Non-Atheist.

Welcome, Non-Atheist.

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I guess

Middle school?  And you were saying in the other thread you were wasted?  My grandson is older than you are - and he is a lot smarter as well.  I didn't have to tell him, he figured out on his own that religion is a cop out and a rip.  And he doesn't waste his time getting high.

-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

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                   Your in middle school, your high before coming near to this site,  this I do not understand, least of all why you would tell us this.  You are still welcome but post when you are straight please.

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I personally think if any use of mind altering substances are to come into play, you first need a good solid mental foundation to begin with. Seeing as you have given yourself the name of one in opposition of a lack of belief, similar to calling yourself non-stamp collector when it comes to hobbies, I would advise to lay off the intoxicants until you can tell reality from fantasy when you're sober, let alone inebriated.

cj wrote:
I didn't have to tell him, he figured out on his own that religion is a cop out and a rip.  And he doesn't waste his time getting high.

I don't think the drugs, or lack thereof, had anything to do with your grandson being an intelligent person. Look at Carl Sagan.

I'm not saying kids should get high, I wish they would at least wait until they're older so they have developed physically and mentally before doing damage to the body, but I can't say anything since I was a total dreadlocked barefooter as a teen. I don't think a person who is rational and logical will lose it, or that a person who's "thinking" is fluff will instantly gain new insights.

Like those deceptive anti-drug commercials where the kid shoots himself while high. You have to be stupid to do that, whether your high or not doesn't matter.

So NON-aethiest, what evidence do you have of that claim?


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Many people my age cant say

Many people my age cant say we didn't do certain things. I can say however, that I wasted too much time trying to party instead of sticking to the books. Not to mention all the trouble I could have been in if I had been arrested. Not to mention the trouble I would have put my mother in being as she was a teacher.

It's not a matter of preaching as much as pragmatism. Even today I see adults who do stupid things like drinking and driving and smoking and driving. Doing stupid thins just to fit in is stupid. Educating yourself and staying out of trouble helps you long term.


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Brian37 wrote:Even today I

Brian37 wrote:

Even today I see adults who do stupid things like drinking and driving and smoking and driving. 

sorry to interrupt the middle schooler thread, but do you mean smoking pot and driving?  because i often smoke tobacco and drive.  hell, i don't think i could make the 5-hour drive from my mother's home in central tennessee to my father's home in eastern kentucky without my pipe or a pack of king edward imperials.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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iwbiek wrote:Brian37

iwbiek wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Even today I see adults who do stupid things like drinking and driving and smoking and driving. 

sorry to interrupt the middle schooler thread, but do you mean smoking pot and driving?  because i often smoke tobacco and drive.  hell, i don't think i could make the 5-hour drive from my mother's home in central tennessee to my father's home in eastern kentucky without my pipe or a pack of king edward imperials.


Just be extra careful.  My mom smoked for years.  She was slowing down for a stop sign, another car was already stopped.  Her ash dropped in her lap and set her skirt on fire.  Getting involved with putting it out, she didn't brake hard enough and rear ended the car in front of her.  Hit her nose on the steering wheel, resulting in a concussion and skull fracture.

-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

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cj wrote:iwbiek

cj wrote:

iwbiek wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Even today I see adults who do stupid things like drinking and driving and smoking and driving. 

sorry to interrupt the middle schooler thread, but do you mean smoking pot and driving?  because i often smoke tobacco and drive.  hell, i don't think i could make the 5-hour drive from my mother's home in central tennessee to my father's home in eastern kentucky without my pipe or a pack of king edward imperials.


Just be extra careful.  My mom smoked for years.  She was slowing down for a stop sign, another car was already stopped.  Her ash dropped in her lap and set her skirt on fire.  Getting involved with putting it out, she didn't brake hard enough and rear ended the car in front of her.  Hit her nose on the steering wheel, resulting in a concussion and skull fracture.

well, a similar situation could happen with anything.  anytime you multitask in a car you're taking a risk.  i think smoking is safer than eating or even changing a cd.  even your soda can could slip out of your grasp and distract you for a fatal second.

there's little chance anything like this would happen to me.  it's virtually impossible with a pipe, since no ash falls anywhere, and anytime i smoke a cigar i usually hold it out the window, so the ash is blown away.  besides, i almost always smoke while on the freeway, not in town where i have to stop a lot.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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cj wrote:Middle school? 

cj wrote:

Middle school?  And you were saying in the other thread you were wasted?  My grandson is older than you are - and he is a lot smarter as well.  I didn't have to tell him, he figured out on his own that religion is a cop out and a rip.  And he doesn't waste his time getting high.

Hey!  I "waiste" my time getting high from time to time.  I smoke a joint and write/record songs in my studio, or just play the paino and indulge myself completely in freestyle composition making note connections easier than with a sober mind, or watch a hawkings video, or at 3am because I'm wide awake and can't sleep.  I also work every day, and own my own business and am not lazy at all, now what's wrong with that?  Overuse of any intoxicant surely isn't good, but all things in moderation.  Here you are kindof making the statement anyone who get's "high" is unintelligent, and that couldn't be further from the truth, infact it can be quite the opposite sometimes (hitchens=scotch drinking chainsmoker, so many examples of brilliant people that use something)  I lived with my boss when I was about 17, his wife was blind from laser eye surgery gone wrong, she was a member of mensa and had an IQ in the 150's and a plentiful library downstairs filled with everybit of knowledge you could imagine of which she had read them all.  She smoked a joint EVERY night after her daughter went to sleep to calm her thoughts, and I'd have these great baked philosical conversations with this brilliant woman, quite an experience.   Moderation!!!

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NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:



In all things. 

I was not intending to say people were unintelligent for smoking - anything.  I see how the two sentences came together to give that impression.  I was just bragging about my grandson as he is the world's most perfect grandson.  As all grandchildren are.

I honestly believe all illegal drugs should be legal - though you really should need a prescription for antibiotics.  I just never started smoking - both pot and tobacco taste and smell disgusting to me.  And I have always been a control freak so loosing my inhibitions has always felt uncomfortable, not liberating or relaxing.  If it works for you, who am I to tell you no?

-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

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It might seem cool to talk

It might seem cool to talk about getting high with your friends, but most here are adults (I think*), and it is not that cool, it's immature.


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robj101 wrote:It might seem

robj101 wrote:

It might seem cool to talk about getting high with your friends, but most here are adults (I think*), and it is not that cool, it's immature.


That's rediculous I live in Vancouver, I know business owners, doctors, real estate agents, even cops, all kinds of "mature" people who choose to have a joint from time, I take offense to your poor overgeneralization. 

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Guess it's a bit subjective, this.


In 2 states in Australia it is legal to grow and smoke mujaja for your own use, which I think is probably how it should be. Bush weed is nowhere near as strong as the bikie/mafia grown ganja that is commonly sold in the states in Oz where grass is illegal. I think the THC levels for homegrown are 4 vs about 20 for hydro. A THC level of 4 is giggle gear. At 20 there's a risk to the brain.

I don't smoke much but I like to share a spliff and some red wine with a mate or girlfriend and do a bit of sailing or star gazing and shooting the breeze every so often. Moderation is the trick, I think. Now I've reached the halls of hallowed antiquity, moderation is all my body can tolerate.

Personally I think booze is way more damaging than a smoke but there are studies that argue against this position in the case of young people with a predisposition to mental illness. 








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NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:

robj101 wrote:

It might seem cool to talk about getting high with your friends, but most here are adults (I think*), and it is not that cool, it's immature.


That's rediculous I live in Vancouver, I know business owners, doctors, real estate agents, even cops, all kinds of "mature" people who choose to have a joint from time, I take offense to your poor overgeneralization. 

Well perhaps you should be on here telling us about it then eh? Because I don't see them running around bragging about it. I guess someone has too, and that would be the immature ones.

edit: Let me rephrase my statement. I guess the word "talk" was not highlighted. It is not immature to smoke dope or get drunk or whatever. (Personally I think drugs and alchohol are a crutch but my personal opinion has no bearing on this but I think many may agree with this assesment).

It is however immature to talk and brag about it. As far as I know everyone smokes dope, but they don't talk about it in public. Kids will brag about it because they know they are not supposed to be doing it and they think it makes them "cool". This is common knowledge.

As far as drugs go I'm all for legalizing marijuana, but I don't want my kids having an easy shot at legal drugs that are proven to be addictive and life threatening such as heroine or meth. From what I have seen marijuana has not been proven to be addictive or life threatening, at least any more so than alchohol...which has killed many.

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robj101 wrote:Well perhaps

robj101 wrote:

Well perhaps you should be on here telling us about it then eh? Because I don't see them running around bragging about it.

Oh you don't see?  What???  Do you know all the cops and doctors and real estate agents I know, NO!!!  Do you know all the "mature" poeple in the world who use light intoxicants?  NO!!!  So right away your off to a bad start.



robj101 wrote:

I guess someone has too, and that would be the immature ones.

Hmmm, not being mannerly I see, and making poor overgenerizations again.


robj101 wrote:

edit: Let me rephrase my statement. I guess the word "talk" was not highlighted. It is not immature to smoke dope or get drunk or whatever. (Personally I think drugs and alchohol are a crutch but my personal opinion has no bearing on this but I think many may agree with this assesment).

It is however immature to talk and brag about it. As far as I know everyone smokes dope, but they don't talk about it in public.

Why?  Are your friends big faky mc fake fakes, do they hide there lifestyle from others?  Hmmm, are you against people drinking and talking about coffee in public? Caffeine is a much more powerful drug and millions if not hundreds of millions of people are addicted to it worldwide.  Is discussion about caffeine ok to you because it is legal in your area and maryjuana use is not making discussion about it ``ìmmature``.  By that logic is it not immature to discuss maryjuana use in Amsterdam where it is legal and not in Vancouver where it is not although the culture is just as strong.  Are you perhaps a hypocritical biggot like my mother snickering at responsible maryjunana use as she tighly clutches her hands around her triple dark roast morning fix (1 every day for 30 years) without which her hands would shake uncontrollably and her mood would be significantly less pleasant before she pops her 3 extra strengths asprins for her headache?  Good questions anyone making poor overgeneralizations about such things should ask themselves.


robj101 wrote:

Kids will brag about it because they know they are not supposed to be doing it and they think it makes them "cool". This is common knowledge.

Again overgenelization but it may be true for many children.  Can anyone here point out where I am `Bragging`in my posts and not just discussing the topic.  Infact I clearly promote moderation and all I am referring to is your and cj`s poor comments about the issue and my experiences with it.  

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:

Hey!  I "waiste" my time getting high from time to time.  I smoke a joint and write/record songs in my studio, or just play the paino and indulge myself completely in freestyle composition making note connections easier than with a sober mind, or watch a hawkings video, or at 3am because I'm wide awake and can't sleep.  I also work every day, and own my own business and am not lazy at all, now what's wrong with that?  Overuse of any intoxicant surely isn't good, but all things in moderation.  Here you are kindof making the statement anyone who get's "high" is unintelligent, and that couldn't be further from the truth, infact it can be quite the opposite sometimes (hitchens=scotch drinking chainsmoker, so many examples of brilliant people that use something)  I lived with my boss when I was about 17, his wife was blind from laser eye surgery gone wrong, she was a member of mensa and had an IQ in the 150's and a plentiful library downstairs filled with everybit of knowledge you could imagine of which she had read them all.  She smoked a joint EVERY night after her daughter went to sleep to calm her thoughts, and I'd have these great baked philosical conversations with this brilliant woman, quite an experience.   Moderation!!!

Hmmm.  Doesn`t sound like braggin to me at all, it sounds like an adult opigion and experiences being put forth in the conversation. 



robj101 wrote:

As far as drugs go I'm all for legalizing marijuana, but I don't want my kids having an easy shot at legal drugs that are proven to be addictive and life threatening such as heroine or meth. From what I have seen marijuana has not been proven to be addictive or life threatening, at least any more so than alchohol...which has killed many.

Great, so we agree light intoxicants deemed not addictive should be legalized.  But according to you never talked about haha , ``talking`` about it makes the hole thing immature, im sorry but I can`t allow you to make such poor overgeneralizations about people, it`s actually quite disapointing and closeminded such censored `taboo`talk coming from my fellow athiests. 

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Atheistextremist wrote: In

Atheistextremist wrote:


In 2 states in Australia it is legal to grow and smoke mujaja for your own use, which I think is probably how it should be. Bush weed is nowhere near as strong as the bikie/mafia grown ganja that is commonly sold in the states in Oz where grass is illegal. I think the THC levels for homegrown are 4 vs about 20 for hydro. A THC level of 4 is giggle gear. At 20 there's a risk to the brain.

Nimbin has a little of both but in general most of the weed in australia was bush from my experience.  The maryjuana we have here in vancouver is so advanced it`s to strong for me aswell.

Atheistextremist wrote:

I don't smoke much but I like to share a spliff and some red wine with a mate or girlfriend and do a bit of sailing or star gazing and shooting the breeze every so often.

Yes spliffs are great, after my travels I slowly switched to spliffs, they have much less effect, and it`s more of a social thing than an intoxicant, I don`t particulaly like to `get high`, especially from  pure hydro it`s too strong, I like the taste and act of having a spliff over a good conversation, or before I write music.

Atheistextremist wrote:

Personally I think booze is way more damaging than a smoke but there are studies that argue against this position in the case of young people with a predisposition to mental illness. 

 Hmm, any good references to these studies.   







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Hey I smoked some weed last

Hey I smoked some weed last night dur. Yea how cool is that. Why don't you tell this kid to smoke it every day. You have completely missed my point and now it is pointless because * I was not talking about you in the first place. *

Kids will get on the internets and cuss and talk about all the shit they do thats inappropriate thinking it is so cool. So if you like, encourage them.

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robj101 wrote:Hey I smoked

robj101 wrote:

Hey I smoked some weed last night dur. Yea how cool is that. Why don't you tell this kid to smoke it every day. You have completely missed my point and now it is pointless because * I was not talking about you in the first place. *

Kids will get on the internets and cuss and talk about all the shit they do thats inappropriate thinking it is so cool. So if you like, encourage them.

  I am encouraging nothing other than open discussion on the topic, you are discussing censorship of the issue, no where am I being vulger, or innapropriate, or glorifying overuse of it, I am simply reffering to the issue for what it is.   Reasonable talk about the matter shouldn`t be censored, or spoken of with some overgeneralized words.  I am not immature for talking about it openly and reasonably, you are immature for not.

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NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:

robj101 wrote:

Hey I smoked some weed last night dur. Yea how cool is that. Why don't you tell this kid to smoke it every day. You have completely missed my point and now it is pointless because * I was not talking about you in the first place. *

Kids will get on the internets and cuss and talk about all the shit they do thats inappropriate thinking it is so cool. So if you like, encourage them.

  I am encouraging nothing other than open discussion on the topic, you are discussing censorship of the issue, no where am I being vulger, or innapropriate, or glorifying overuse of it, I am simply reffering to the issue for what it is.   Reasonable talk about the matter shouldn`t be censored, or spoken of with some overgeneralized words.  I am not immature for talking about it openly and reasonably, you are immature for not.

Thats your opinion, if you don't like the fact that I was trying to steer a kid away from drugs, in my own little way and are now sensitive because you may now realize thats all I was doing and feel threatened somehow because you realize you took it the wrong way, I apologize.

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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robj101 wrote: Thats your

robj101 wrote:


Thats your opinion, if you don't like the fact that I was trying to steer a kid away from drugs, in my own little way and are now sensitive because you may now realize thats all I was doing and feel threatened somehow because you realize you took it the wrong way, I apologize.

Not even in the slightest, I don`t feel threatened at all by your overgeneralizing, just dissapointed.  I am all for keeping kids away from heavy drugs and for that matter having sex to young, but you can`t censor what is, only educate about what is.  Censoring kids from weed is rediculous, like trying to censor kids from sex.  The only thing you do when acting this way around a teenager is label yourself the ``old fart`` kids will then hide there real life from you reflecting back at you your censorship of your life (kids are very good at picking this stuff up)instead of talking openly to you like you should to them.  The 1 thing I respected in adults when I was a teenager was being open and honest with me about the truth, the ones who acted like I was 8 only knew the `fake`side of me. 

For the record any young ones who might be reading this post:

 Moderation of all things in life could very well be one of the most important guidelines we could live by, a good balance of things is necessary.  For every bit of fun you get to have you have to do things `not fun.`  When you make a mess in your house, you have to spend the time cleaning it.  If you do something relatively unhealthy (eat burgers, sit on the couch all weekend, have a few beers, etc...) you should do something relatively `healthy`to balance it out (go for a walk, workout, eat a healthy meal, don`t drink this weekend etc...)   This is very important, maryjuana is just a ``thing,`` people overuse ``things.``  Overuse of anything is not good for you, eating only brussel sprouts isn`t good for you.  If you choose to try maryjuana which like alcohol almost all of you will,  do it responsibly, not before class or other important things.  Don`t ever let anything you do in your private life affect your professional life (school, work, business, etc...) this is also very important.  Keep your life balanced, and all things  as much in moderation as you can, and you will be just fine and don`t let anyone tell you otherwise. 

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 So, you suggest that I


So, you suggest that I openly discuss drug use with a 15 year old on an internet forum. Maybe tell um what weed is best, and how much to pay for a dime etc? How does this help? Oh yea being open and honest and making them feel good about, awesome.

You might discuss with a teen girl how to give a proper blowjob, that would be cool too and make her feel good for letting her know it's ok. Where do you draw a line?

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robj101 wrote: So, you

robj101 wrote:


So, you suggest that I openly discuss drug use with a 15 year old on an internet forum.



Yes, absolutely as long as it is reasonable and you are not promoting the overuse of it, or the use of hard very dangerous drugs, YES a 100- times YES!!!  These are 15 YEARS OLDS, not 6 years old, most 15 year olds have already either drank, had sex, smoked weed or all of the above.  This is some of the most important issues to teenagers, they are completely surronded by it,  for you to say `What am I suppose to just talk openly and honeslty about this stuff  with a 15 year old`shows where you stand on 15 year olds.   

robj101 wrote:


Maybe tell um what weed is best, and how much to pay for a dime etc? How does this help?


Well for instance myself and athiest extremeist were remarking an the large advancements done in maryjuana growth resulting in very powerful strains.  This is IMMENSLY important information, just as important as making sure teenagers know the difference between a shot of beer, and a shot of tequila.  Like athiestextremeist pointed out, one way of smoking can be to strong whereas another is vertually effectless.  I then went on to say that I stay to the very light stuff and mix it (like diluting your vodka with sprite) because I think the effects of advance hydropronic maryjuana can be to strong just like the effects of drinking to many straight shots of vodka is to strong.  How can you sit there and say this is not important information. 


robj101 wrote:

Oh yea being open and honest and making them feel good about, awesome.

This has nothing to do with `feeling`` good.  It has to do with talking openly about the issue so that they feel welcome and accepted by you, if they respect you in that way they `want`` to listen to your good advice, if they don`t respect you because you are acting fake or outdated they won`t want to listen to your advice at all, because they don`t want to be anything like you.  An adult that doesn`t understand teenagers (you kids with your rap music) is the absolute number 1 thing that teenagers don`t want to become, therefor they disregard ALL advice from such persons.  I remember wanting to listen, and taking to heart the advice of the reasonalbe adults who said things like in my previous post an NOT wanting to listen to the other ``Do as i say not as I do`` adults and cutting them off entirely. 


robj101 wrote:

You might discuss with a teen girl how to give a proper blowjob, that would be cool too and make her feel good for letting her know it's ok. Where do you draw a line?

At what`s innapropriate ofcourse so don`t be silly, this is complete bs, and now I am getting a real portrait of your side of this.  Ofourse I would never do such a thing.  However if a young girl asked me about the issue I would aswser her as honestly as I could without pushing the line, I certainly wouldn`t say `Sex is wrong, blowjobs are bad etc`` yada yada cut me out of your life bs.  If a girl asked me for advice in such a matter, I would be as open and honest as I could about it.  The first thing I would do is ask her alote of questions to find out where she is mentally so I can get a grasp of her experience and maturity on the issue.  I would surely promote responsible safe sex, and would certainly touch on my thoughts of what kind of `horn dog`creatures men are and that to respect herself she should choose her partners wisely, VERY WISELY, and to try not get sucked into populairty contests, peer pressure or doing any such acts for the wrong reasons.  I think the line is fairly clear.     

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NON-aethiest wrote:


I'm just your average middle schooler I play soccer, chat with my friends (online, at school or church),

and that is pretty much all I'll say for now

“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)

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NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:

robj101 wrote:


So, you suggest that I openly discuss drug use with a 15 year old on an internet forum.



Yes, absolutely as long as it is reasonable and you are not promoting the overuse of it, or the use of hard very dangerous drugs, YES a 100- times YES!!!  These are 15 YEARS OLDS, not 6 years old, most 15 year olds have already either drank, had sex, smoked weed or all of the above.  This is some of the most important issues to teenagers, they are completely surronded by it,  for you to say `What am I suppose to just talk openly and honeslty about this stuff  with a 15 year old`shows where you stand on 15 year olds.   

robj101 wrote:


Maybe tell um what weed is best, and how much to pay for a dime etc? How does this help?


Well for instance myself and athiest extremeist were remarking an the large advancements done in maryjuana growth resulting in very powerful strains.  This is IMMENSLY important information, just as important as making sure teenagers know the difference between a shot of beer, and a shot of tequila.  Like athiestextremeist pointed out, one way of smoking can be to strong whereas another is vertually effectless.  I then went on to say that I stay to the very light stuff and mix it (like diluting your vodka with sprite) because I think the effects of advance hydropronic maryjuana can be to strong just like the effects of drinking to many straight shots of vodka is to strong.  How can you sit there and say this is not important information. 


robj101 wrote:

Oh yea being open and honest and making them feel good about, awesome.

This has nothing to do with `feeling`` good.  It has to do with talking openly about the issue so that they feel welcome and accepted by you, if they respect you in that way they `want`` to listen to your good advice, if they don`t respect you because you are acting fake or outdated they won`t want to listen to your advice at all, because they don`t want to be anything like you.  An adult that doesn`t understand teenagers (you kids with your rap music) is the absolute number 1 thing that teenagers don`t want to become, therefor they disregard ALL advice from such persons.  I remember wanting to listen, and taking to heart the advice of the reasonalbe adults who said things like in my previous post an NOT wanting to listen to the other ``Do as i say not as I do`` adults and cutting them off entirely. 


robj101 wrote:

You might discuss with a teen girl how to give a proper blowjob, that would be cool too and make her feel good for letting her know it's ok. Where do you draw a line?

At what`s innapropriate ofcourse so don`t be silly, this is complete bs, and now I am getting a real portrait of your side of this.  Ofourse I would never do such a thing.  However if a young girl asked me about the issue I would aswser her as honestly as I could without pushing the line, I certainly wouldn`t say `Sex is wrong, blowjobs are bad etc`` yada yada cut me out of your life bs.  If a girl asked me for advice in such a matter, I would be as open and honest as I could about it.  The first thing I would do is ask her alote of questions to find out where she is mentally so I can get a grasp of her experience and maturity on the issue.  I would surely promote responsible safe sex, and would certainly touch on my thoughts of what kind of `horn dog`creatures men are and that to respect herself she should choose her partners wisely, VERY WISELY, and to try not get sucked into populairty contests, peer pressure or doing any such acts for the wrong reasons.  I think the line is fairly clear.     

We will simply have to agree to disagree then. This is all a matter or conjecture and opinion. There is no fact or anything to argue, we are arguing over a difference in opinion and we could go alllllllllllllllll day long and get absolutely nothing done.

If I offended you I apologize, again.

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
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robj101 wrote: You might

robj101 wrote:


You might discuss with a teen girl how to give a proper blowjob, that would be cool too and make her feel good for letting her know it's ok. Where do you draw a line?

I would like to add to your comment.  IT IS OK.  The circumstances of the situation make it either "right" or "wrong" for HER not you.  This is exactly what I'm talking about.  A 16 year old girl can and WILL make her own decision on that and it is her right to do so, what she would have been asking for if she came to you was your opigion on the circumstances that could make it "right" or "wrong" for HER.  Is she mature? Is it her boyfriend? How long have they been dating? Has he been tested?  Is she being pressured?  What does she think is "right" or "wrong" for her?    This is how I would approach a conversation about this issue with a young girl who came to me for my opigion, which would probably never happen she would go to a woman but just for example.  My awnsers would never be "nope, not gona talk about it, shouldn't talk about it, nope, nope, nope"  That would be the opposite of helpful for that person.   

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robj101 wrote:

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:

robj101 wrote:


So, you suggest that I openly discuss drug use with a 15 year old on an internet forum.



Yes, absolutely as long as it is reasonable and you are not promoting the overuse of it, or the use of hard very dangerous drugs, YES a 100- times YES!!!  These are 15 YEARS OLDS, not 6 years old, most 15 year olds have already either drank, had sex, smoked weed or all of the above.  This is some of the most important issues to teenagers, they are completely surronded by it,  for you to say `What am I suppose to just talk openly and honeslty about this stuff  with a 15 year old`shows where you stand on 15 year olds.   

robj101 wrote:


Maybe tell um what weed is best, and how much to pay for a dime etc? How does this help?


Well for instance myself and athiest extremeist were remarking an the large advancements done in maryjuana growth resulting in very powerful strains.  This is IMMENSLY important information, just as important as making sure teenagers know the difference between a shot of beer, and a shot of tequila.  Like athiestextremeist pointed out, one way of smoking can be to strong whereas another is vertually effectless.  I then went on to say that I stay to the very light stuff and mix it (like diluting your vodka with sprite) because I think the effects of advance hydropronic maryjuana can be to strong just like the effects of drinking to many straight shots of vodka is to strong.  How can you sit there and say this is not important information. 


robj101 wrote:

Oh yea being open and honest and making them feel good about, awesome.

This has nothing to do with `feeling`` good.  It has to do with talking openly about the issue so that they feel welcome and accepted by you, if they respect you in that way they `want`` to listen to your good advice, if they don`t respect you because you are acting fake or outdated they won`t want to listen to your advice at all, because they don`t want to be anything like you.  An adult that doesn`t understand teenagers (you kids with your rap music) is the absolute number 1 thing that teenagers don`t want to become, therefor they disregard ALL advice from such persons.  I remember wanting to listen, and taking to heart the advice of the reasonalbe adults who said things like in my previous post an NOT wanting to listen to the other ``Do as i say not as I do`` adults and cutting them off entirely. 


robj101 wrote:

You might discuss with a teen girl how to give a proper blowjob, that would be cool too and make her feel good for letting her know it's ok. Where do you draw a line?

At what`s innapropriate ofcourse so don`t be silly, this is complete bs, and now I am getting a real portrait of your side of this.  Ofourse I would never do such a thing.  However if a young girl asked me about the issue I would aswser her as honestly as I could without pushing the line, I certainly wouldn`t say `Sex is wrong, blowjobs are bad etc`` yada yada cut me out of your life bs.  If a girl asked me for advice in such a matter, I would be as open and honest as I could about it.  The first thing I would do is ask her alote of questions to find out where she is mentally so I can get a grasp of her experience and maturity on the issue.  I would surely promote responsible safe sex, and would certainly touch on my thoughts of what kind of `horn dog`creatures men are and that to respect herself she should choose her partners wisely, VERY WISELY, and to try not get sucked into populairty contests, peer pressure or doing any such acts for the wrong reasons.  I think the line is fairly clear.     

We will simply have to agree to disagree then. This is all a matter or conjecture and opinion. There is no fact or anything to argue, we are arguing over a difference in opinion and we could go alllllllllllllllll day long and get absolutely nothing done.

If I offended you I apologize, again.

Fair enough.

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NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:

robj101 wrote:


You might discuss with a teen girl how to give a proper blowjob, that would be cool too and make her feel good for letting her know it's ok. Where do you draw a line?

I would like to add to your comment.  IT IS OK.  The circumstances of the situation make it either "right" or "wrong" for HER not you.  This is exactly what I'm talking about.  A 16 year old girl can and WILL make her own decision on that and it is her right to do so, what she would have been asking for if she came to you was your opigion on the circumstances that could make it "right" or "wrong" for HER.  Is she mature? Is it her boyfriend? How long have they been dating? Has he been tested?  Is she being pressured?  What does she think is "right" or "wrong" for her?    This is how I would approach a conversation about this issue with a young girl who came to me for my opigion, which would probably never happen she would go to a woman but just for example.  My awnsers would never be "nope, not gona talk about it, shouldn't talk about it, nope, nope, nope"  That would be the opposite of helpful for that person.   

I wish I could find that silly creationist quote, the one they guy was droning on about how terrible it would be if this world was run by atheists. I just remember something about dad comming home, son is going to get some drugs, some random guys are in the bedroom humping each other etc etc. Funny yes, but you make it sound like a reality ... maybe they do have something to fear.

You also forgot to consider "why is this random 16 year old asking me how to perform a blow job"  Maybe there is a problem, thats what I would assume. Something is wrong in the first place.

I would sit my kid down and tell them about how drugs fuk up peoples lives, not where and how to get some more. I have seen it fuk up many lives and would not propogate it for my kids or anyone else in any form or fashion. I know three people personally who are in prison now over drugs, and two of them are repeats who will go in and out of prison untill they die.

I'm going to consider this a standard discussion now, no point in arguing over who's right and wrong because there is no right or wrong here. I am sharing my opinion and you are sharing yours.



Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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I'm going to play this

I'm going to play this portal game a bit, it's free until the 24th btw.

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robj101 wrote:  You also

robj101 wrote:



You also forgot to consider "why is this random 16 year old asking me how to perform a blow job"  Maybe there is a problem, thats what I would assume. Something is wrong in the first place.

Yes well i totally disregarded your example because said it was silly and far past the line, my previous comment was in regards to a girl asking advice on the matter. Don't confuse the 2.

robj101 wrote:

I'm going to consider this a standard discussion now, no point in arguing over who's right and wrong because there is no right or wrong here. I am sharing my opinion and you are sharing yours.

Exactly, which I have no problem with, I have a problem with overgeneralizations about the unintelligence or immaturity of resposible maryjuana users, or overgenerilizing what is "wright" or "wrong" for teens of various ages, at various levels of maturity, at various levels in theire sexual development.  It is different for every kid, and there are many greys, greys that need to be discussed with that individual.

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robj101 wrote: I would sit

robj101 wrote:


I would sit my kid down and tell them about how drugs fuk up peoples lives, not where and how to get some more. I have seen it fuk up many lives and would not propogate it for my kids or anyone else in any form or fashion.

Please explain in detail 1 instance in which maryjuana use completely f**ked up someones life. If you are refereing to hard drugs I have already agreed they are harmful and you should explain why they are harmful to teens.  So... 


robj101 wrote:

I know three people personally who are in prison now over drugs, and two of them are repeats who will go in and out of prison untill they die.

For maryjuana use?  Ok wait a minute you are either talking about hard drugs again which is completely different from the issue at hand or you are making absolutely no sense.  If these people you know are in jail for responsible use of maryjuana then all you are saying is it is illigal and so therefore they go to jail when they get caught using it.  If you are saying they go to jail because they grow it, then again all you are saying is it is illigal and so therefore they go to jail because they get caught growing.  None of these point to that it is wrong.  If you are saying that they are in and our of jail because they are addicted to harddrugs and do stupid things to get them and get involved in crowds of idiots, then all you are doing is confirming the blatant difference between the 2 intoxicants and that I have already agreed with.  Comparing responsible maryjuana use to someone stealing a car to buy some herion or smuggling 50kilos of crystal meth on the street is the equivalent of comparing responsible safe sex with unprotected prostitution, and I won't allow it.



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NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:

robj101 wrote:



You also forgot to consider "why is this random 16 year old asking me how to perform a blow job"  Maybe there is a problem, thats what I would assume. Something is wrong in the first place.

Yes well i totally disregarded your example because said it was silly and far past the line, my previous comment was in regards to a girl asking advice on the matter. Don't confuse the 2.

robj101 wrote:

I'm going to consider this a standard discussion now, no point in arguing over who's right and wrong because there is no right or wrong here. I am sharing my opinion and you are sharing yours.

Exactly, which I have no problem with, I have a problem with overgeneralizations about the unintelligence or immaturity of resposible maryjuana users, or overgenerilizing what is "wright" or "wrong" for teens of various ages, at various levels of maturity, at various levels in theire sexual development.  It is different for every kid, and there are many greys, greys that need to be discussed with that individual.

It seems that is the heart of our difference of opinion. I would not consider a 15 year old a "responsible marijuana user" I would consider it a kid who is doing drugs that are currently illegal and it is questionable about how good marijuana is for a 15 year old in the first place.

You still don't get my initial statement, I was not talking about you, I point out that kids like to brag about doing drugs and things thinking its the cool thing to do. It is not, it is immature, and that is my opinion. I tried to phrase it so that he would not take it too badly, but you did..and you are an adult whom I was not even adding to my "overgeneralization". I would HAPPILY talk to them about drugs, but, I would point out that drugs are bad mmm'kay? I would not tell them where to get drugs, or how to use drugs or anything like that, I would show them the crack files, of people that have used it for years and you can see them degenerating, stealing from their family etc etc for drugs. The only thing I can think of good that has come from drug use, is a lot of music, and a bit of literature, lol.


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"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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Dope Damages Young Brains


Heavy Marijuana Use May Damage Developing Brain In Teens, Young Adults

ScienceDaily (Feb. 3, 2009) — Adolescents and young adults who are heavy users of marijuana are more likely than non-users to have disrupted brain development, according to a new study. Pediatric researchers found abnormalities in areas of the brain that interconnect brain regions involved in memory, attention, decision-making, language and executive functioning skills. The findings are of particular concern because adolescence is a crucial period for brain development and maturation.

The researchers caution that the study is preliminary and does not demonstrate that marijuana use causes the brain abnormalities. However, "Studies of normal brain development reveal critical areas of the brain that develop during late adolescence, and our study shows that heavy cannabis use is associated with damage in those brain regions," said study leader Manzar Ashtari, Ph.D., director of the Diffusion Image Analysis and Brain Morphometry Laboratory in the Radiology Department of The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

The study appeared early last month in the Journal of Psychiatric Research. The current research builds on previous work by Ashtari and colleagues, who used the same imaging technology to analyze normal brain development in adolescent subjects.

In the current study, working with child psychiatrist Sanjiv Kumra, M.D., now at the University of Minnesota, Ashtari and colleagues performed imaging studies on 14 young men from a residential drug treatment center in New York State, as well as 14 age-matched healthy controls. All the study subjects were males, with an average age of 19. The researchers performed the imaging studies at Long Island Jewish Medical Center.

The 14 subjects from the drug treatment center all had a history of heavy cannabis use during adolescence. On average, they had smoked marijuana from age 13 till age 18 or 19, and reported smoking nearly 6 marijuana joints daily in the final year before they stopped using the drug.

The study team performed a type of magnetic resonance imaging scan called diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) that measures water movement through brain tissues. "The abnormal patterns of water diffusion that we found among the young men with histories of marijuana use suggest damage or an arrest in development of the myelin sheath that surrounds brain cells," said Ashtari. Myelin provides a coating around brain cells similar to insulation covering an electrical wire. If myelin does not function properly, signaling within the brain may be slower.

Myelin gives its color to the white matter of the brain, and covers the nerve fibers that connect different brain regions. "Our results suggest that early-onset substance use may alter the development of white matter circuits, especially those connections among the frontal, parietal and temporal regions of the brain," said Ashtari. "Abnormal white matter development could slow information transfer in the brain and affect cognitive functions."

Ashtari added that the findings are preliminary. Among other limitations of the study, such as a small sample size, five of the 14 subjects with heavy cannabis use also had a history of alcohol abuse, which may have contributed an effect. Also, it is possible that the brain abnormalities may have predisposed the subjects to drug dependence, rather than drug usage causing the brain abnormalities.

"Further research should be done to investigate the relation between repeated marijuana use and white matter development," said Ashtari. "However, our work reinforces the idea that the adolescent brain may be especially vulnerable to risky behaviors such as substance abuse, because of crucial neural development that occurs during those years."

The National Institute of Mental Health provided grant support for this research. Ashtari's and Kumra's co-authors were Kelly Cervellione, of Jamaica Hospital Medical Center, Jamaica, N.Y.; John Cottone, of Zucker Hillside Hospital, Glen Oaks, N.Y.; and Babak A. Ardekani, of The Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, Orangeburg, N.Y. Serge Sevy of Zucker Hillside Hospital also contributed to the project.




There are other studies if you chase them, I think. Some concern an increase in schizophrenia in young people with a disposition. The upshot is, kids should not smoke.

For the record, alcohol is considered much worse for teen brains, with permanent cognitive deficits for those who go too hard under the age of about 21/22. Neither is recommended...








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robj101 wrote: It seems

robj101 wrote:


It seems that is the heart of our difference of opinion. I would not consider a 15 year old a "responsible marijuana user" I would consider it a kid who is doing drugs that are currently illegal and it is questionable about how good marijuana is for a 15 year old in the first place.

I mostly agree, I haven't met to many "responsible" anyones at 15 (some but few), but this is the period when they  test life, make there own decisions,  and learn to become responsible for themselves, 15-16-17 is the age you start guiding and not ruling. 

robj101 wrote:

You still don't get my initial statement, I was not talking about you, I point out that kids like to brag about doing drugs and things thinking its the cool thing to do.

I get that, it is not cool at all to brag about getting high or drunk  just to glorify the intoxicant, this is immature.  But referring to a good memory where an intoxicant was involved is not bragging, it's just accurately representing a memory where an intoxicant was involved. 

robj101 wrote:

I would show them the crack files, of people that have used it for years and you can see them degenerating, stealing from their family etc etc for drugs.

So I guess you are going to continue to lump maryjuana in the same catagory of drug as drugs that make you steal from your family.  Nevermind, I'm saying one thing and trying to focus a discussion and you are talking about something completely different, that I've already agreed on. 

robj101 wrote:

The only thing I can think of good that has come from drug use, is a lot of music, and a bit of literature, lol.


Umm, that's alote right there.

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robj101 wrote:Hey I smoked

robj101 wrote:

Hey I smoked some weed last night dur. Yea how cool is that. Why don't you tell this kid to smoke it every day. You have completely missed my point and now it is pointless because * I was not talking about you in the first place. *

Kids will get on the internets and cuss and talk about all the shit they do thats inappropriate thinking it is so cool. So if you like, encourage them.

I sniff glue all the time. It explains a good bit of my behavior...

“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)

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Kapkao wrote:robj101

Kapkao wrote:

robj101 wrote:

Hey I smoked some weed last night dur. Yea how cool is that. Why don't you tell this kid to smoke it every day. You have completely missed my point and now it is pointless because * I was not talking about you in the first place. *

Kids will get on the internets and cuss and talk about all the shit they do thats inappropriate thinking it is so cool. So if you like, encourage them.

I sniff glue all the time. It explains a good bit of my behavior...

i'm a fairly heavy drinker.  everyday i usually have two shots of rum (i sip them, however; i don't down them all at once) along with a liter or liter and a half of good czech or slovak beer, which is stronger than american beer.  i suppose i'm an alcoholic in a way, though i'm not physically dependent because i can, and have, gone without it for as long as a month without craving it.

i also smoke twists of incredibly strong virginia and latakia tobaccos, with nicotine that could cause projectile vomiting in the inexperienced.

i indulge in these activities because i'm a fairly big guy with a high tolerance for both alcohol and tobacco.  i'm also like a fucking doctor when it comes to regulating my use: i know precisely, after years of trial and error, what i can handle and what i can't, even down to the pace at which i drink.

i've never done anything illegal in my life, including marijuana.  i'll probably go to my grave without having done it, because it just doesn't appeal to me.

however, to paraphrase my grandfather (who was a doctor), if one of my kids came up to me with a joint in one hand and a fifth of beam in the other--and i knew with absolute certainty they were hell-bent on doing something--and asked me, "dad, which one?", i'd point to the joint everytime. 

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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Kapkao wrote:robj101

Kapkao wrote:

robj101 wrote:

Hey I smoked some weed last night dur. Yea how cool is that. Why don't you tell this kid to smoke it every day. You have completely missed my point and now it is pointless because * I was not talking about you in the first place. *

Kids will get on the internets and cuss and talk about all the shit they do thats inappropriate thinking it is so cool. So if you like, encourage them.

I sniff glue all the time. It explains a good bit of my behavior...

Elmers glue doesn't count. Next you will be telling us how you ate paste once in school.

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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robj101 wrote:Kapkao

robj101 wrote:

Kapkao wrote:

robj101 wrote:

Hey I smoked some weed last night dur. Yea how cool is that. Why don't you tell this kid to smoke it every day. You have completely missed my point and now it is pointless because * I was not talking about you in the first place. *

Kids will get on the internets and cuss and talk about all the shit they do thats inappropriate thinking it is so cool. So if you like, encourage them.

I sniff glue all the time. It explains a good bit of my behavior...

Elmers glue doesn't count. Next you will be telling us how you ate paste once in school.

“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)

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Kapkao wrote: robj101

Kapkao wrote:

robj101 wrote:

Kapkao wrote:

robj101 wrote:

Hey I smoked some weed last night dur. Yea how cool is that. Why don't you tell this kid to smoke it every day. You have completely missed my point and now it is pointless because * I was not talking about you in the first place. *

Kids will get on the internets and cuss and talk about all the shit they do thats inappropriate thinking it is so cool. So if you like, encourage them.

I sniff glue all the time. It explains a good bit of my behavior...

Elmers glue doesn't count. Next you will be telling us how you ate paste once in school.

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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iwbiek wrote:i'm a fairly

iwbiek wrote:
i'm a fairly heavy drinker.  everyday i usually have two shots of rum (i sip them, however; i don't down them all at once) along with a liter or liter and a half of good czech or slovak beer, which is stronger than american beer.  i suppose i'm an alcoholic in a way, though i'm not physically dependent because i can, and have, gone without it for as long as a month without craving it.

Yeah. I tend to drink anywhere from two to six 12-oz beers a night -- mostly IPAs, porters, and other strong-ish ales. I am attempting to prove to myself (and my wife, though show doesn't hassle me about it) that I am not an alcoholic by going through the rest of the month without drinking. That's it -- just two weeks. It's hell, and I've only been doing it for a couple of days.

I stay away from the distilled drinks. I enjoy scotch and bourbon far too much. I can drink a $60 bottle of scotch in two sittings. And I usually will, if it's in the house.


however, to paraphrase my grandfather (who was a doctor), if one of my kids came up to me with a joint in one hand and a fifth of beam in the other--and i knew with absolute certainty they were hell-bent on doing something--and asked me, "dad, which one?", i'd point to the joint everytime. 

A-fucking-men. Bill Hicks explains it far better than I could:


"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers

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Joined: 2009-10-14
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nigelTheBold wrote:iwbiek

nigelTheBold wrote:

iwbiek wrote:
i'm a fairly heavy drinker.  everyday i usually have two shots of rum (i sip them, however; i don't down them all at once) along with a liter or liter and a half of good czech or slovak beer, which is stronger than american beer.  i suppose i'm an alcoholic in a way, though i'm not physically dependent because i can, and have, gone without it for as long as a month without craving it.

Yeah. I tend to drink anywhere from two to six 12-oz beers a night -- mostly IPAs, porters, and other strong-ish ales. I am attempting to prove to myself (and my wife, though show doesn't hassle me about it) that I am not an alcoholic by going through the rest of the month without drinking. That's it -- just two weeks. It's hell, and I've only been doing it for a couple of days.

I stay away from the distilled drinks. I enjoy scotch and bourbon far too much. I can drink a $60 bottle of scotch in two sittings. And I usually will, if it's in the house.


however, to paraphrase my grandfather (who was a doctor), if one of my kids came up to me with a joint in one hand and a fifth of beam in the other--and i knew with absolute certainty they were hell-bent on doing something--and asked me, "dad, which one?", i'd point to the joint everytime. 

A-fucking-men. Bill Hicks explains it far better than I could:


BRILLIANT!!! 3:40's the best