The New Atheist Crusaders and their quest for the Unholy Grail

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The New Atheist Crusaders and their quest for the Unholy Grail

Hey all.  It's been a while since I've been on. I appologise, I've been busy. 

The title of this forum is the title of a book I just finished reading.  It's a catchy title, so I figured it'd be a good way to grab someone's attention on here.  The book is written by Becky Garrison. 

If her name doesn't sound familiar, that's fine, it shouldn't.  So why am I wasting your time telling you about this book?  Well, I'm glad you asked.  This is a book written by a True Christian.  HUH?  For all of you who have discussed with me in the past, you understand what I'm talking about and for those of you who haven't you can research my blogs.  Caposkia is my name. 

Anyway, It's written from the viewpoint of how a true Christian feels about of course the atheists in the world today, but more importantly for you, how she feels about Christians in the world. 

This is for all of you arguing with me about how Christians have to be black and white.  How you have to follow a religion and there's nothing outside of religion etc.  She touches on all of this.  I truly think you'll enjoy reading this book and I would like to hear from those of you who have read it if anyone.  If not, I"ll wait till someone finishes it.  It's not a very long book.

When I first came onto this site, I wanted to discuss directly with those who were involved in the infamous television debate that RRS was involved in about the existence of God with Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron.  They didn't have time and the other non-believers I came across were too opinionated to involve themselves in a conversation that made any progress.  Instead I got into other debates which for the most part were a lot of fun, but I digress. 

Becky mentions this debate as well in her book at the end.  This is for all of you on here I've talked to who would not believe me or had other personal issues with the fact that my opinion didn't flow with their idea of a Christian.  I will breifly say that I hold her viewpoint when she says that if she was at that debate, she would have "crawled out of that church in shame. "

Simply put, we both agree that both sides put forth deplorable excuses for their side and did not defend their side succesfully.  I know I know, many of you will disagree and say that RRS did disprove the existance of God in that debate, but enough with the opinions, I'm saying the other side did just as good of a job proving God.  This debate is a poor excuse to not follow Christ and this book talks about those types of Christians.

This book should clarify many misunderstandings of how True Christians are and I hope bring light to a new understanding of our following. 

It is written differently than most books, but is an informational peice and uses a lot of researched information.  It does focus on the "New Atheists" and is not a book preaching to the masses.  As said, it is from the point of  view of a True Christian.

enjoy, let me know your thoughts.  I would also request, please be respectful in your responses.  I'm here to have mature discussions with people. 

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Quote:i do still accept that

i do still accept that burden of proof is on me.

GOOD, another positive step in the right direction.

So, unless you can come up with something other than your untested claim and alleged "model"........WAIT, humanity already has something universal. But you don't want to put your god under that microscope because that would destroy your illusion.

AGAIN, take what you have in your head you claim to be an argument, and plug another deity into that claim and ask yourself if that argument still makes sense.

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jcgadfly wrote: That

jcgadfly wrote:


That separation "not God but equal to God" is why I claim you've added another god. The messiah would make no such claims. He represents God and has the authority of God (like an ambassador) but doesn't claim equality with God.

Thank you for taking Jesus out of the running for Messiah.

Ah, and here is the age old debate... what does John 5:18 really say?  It seems that the Jews understood that by the claims that Jesus was making, he was making himself out to be equal to God simply by claiming to be God's son.  Is this an equality as we would understand it or just equal in the sense that they are both spiritual beings?  To claim to be God's son, it must be more than just the spiritual sense, but how equal is the equality being understood here by the Jews?  

Does this really take him out of the running for Messiah?  If so, why?  

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caposkia wrote:jcgadfly

caposkia wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:


That separation "not God but equal to God" is why I claim you've added another god. The messiah would make no such claims. He represents God and has the authority of God (like an ambassador) but doesn't claim equality with God.

Thank you for taking Jesus out of the running for Messiah.

Ah, and here is the age old debate... what does John 5:18 really say?  It seems that the Jews understood that by the claims that Jesus was making, he was making himself out to be equal to God simply by claiming to be God's son.  Is this an equality as we would understand it or just equal in the sense that they are both spiritual beings?  To claim to be God's son, it must be more than just the spiritual sense, but how equal is the equality being understood here by the Jews?  

Does this really take him out of the running for Messiah?  If so, why?  

I don't give a ratts ass. If ifs and butts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a party. You are arguing once again, interpretation, which has nothing to do with establishing this alleged disembodied brain, much less any disembodied brain.

This attempt to separate Jesus and as not being part of god, is not, nor ever was the popular belief of Christians who "interpret", the scriptures, like you are distracted with yourself. Your attempt is nothing but trying to have it both ways, "I like Jesus, so Christians and Jews have the same god, but dont". WHICH IS IT?

It is pointless. If Jesus was just a man, then you should be a Jew and not a Christian because they do not regard him as their central spokesperson, magical or "metaphysical" or any which way. Jews came before Christianity, which says to me you are back peddling trying to retrofit Christianity to something Jews today, still reject.

You simply like the Jesus character and have to incorporate Jewish Scripture to make your character work, which is why the first Christians used the prior writtings, so they could market their new wears. But there was no Yahweh or God of the Christian bible. THERE are just Jews and Christians who falsely believe in an invisible super brain with super powers just like Muslims and all other religions, past and present.

"interpretation" IS A DODGE AND A COP OUT! It is when you do it, and when Jews do it, and when Muslims do it.

What no god believer, prior to the Hebrews and all the new age bullshit claimed today have, is evidence of an invisible friend in the sky.


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caposkia wrote:jcgadfly

caposkia wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:


That separation "not God but equal to God" is why I claim you've added another god. The messiah would make no such claims. He represents God and has the authority of God (like an ambassador) but doesn't claim equality with God.

Thank you for taking Jesus out of the running for Messiah.

Ah, and here is the age old debate... what does John 5:18 really say?  It seems that the Jews understood that by the claims that Jesus was making, he was making himself out to be equal to God simply by claiming to be God's son.  Is this an equality as we would understand it or just equal in the sense that they are both spiritual beings?  To claim to be God's son, it must be more than just the spiritual sense, but how equal is the equality being understood here by the Jews?  

Does this really take him out of the running for Messiah?  If so, why?  

We'll never know what the Jews were thinking as John was written by a Greek several decades after the alleged incident. It makes more of a case for the incident (and possibly the character) being fictional.

Why is he out of the running? As i said, the Messiah would never claim to be God or equal to him. An ambassador does not put himself equal to the leader who sent him. 

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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jcgadfly wrote:caposkia

jcgadfly wrote:

caposkia wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:


That separation "not God but equal to God" is why I claim you've added another god. The messiah would make no such claims. He represents God and has the authority of God (like an ambassador) but doesn't claim equality with God.

Thank you for taking Jesus out of the running for Messiah.

Ah, and here is the age old debate... what does John 5:18 really say?  It seems that the Jews understood that by the claims that Jesus was making, he was making himself out to be equal to God simply by claiming to be God's son.  Is this an equality as we would understand it or just equal in the sense that they are both spiritual beings?  To claim to be God's son, it must be more than just the spiritual sense, but how equal is the equality being understood here by the Jews?  

Does this really take him out of the running for Messiah?  If so, why?  

We'll never know what the Jews were thinking as John was written by a Greek several decades after the alleged incident. It makes more of a case for the incident (and possibly the character) being fictional.

Why is he out of the running? As i said, the Messiah would never claim to be God or equal to him. An ambassador does not put himself equal to the leader who sent him. 

Again, agreeing with this still misses the point that this is a distraction to the core goal of Cap in "My god exists".

So it doesn't matter if Cap wants to say that he is ambassador equal to god or not equal to god. "My book says this" or "You are not interpreting this right" misses the point that the alleged god has not been established outside this circular argument. Either way it is self serving which is why Cap has no choice but to move the goal posts and try to have it both ways.

Arguing the words in any holy book does not establish the existence of any god. "It means this or that" does nothing to establish that a disembodied brain BY ANY NAME, exists.

He wants us in his version of "interpretation" because that is the only cover he can hide behind. Once we ignore this  superfluous distraction he has nothing.

He knows he wouldn't buy "The Quran says this, not that, therefore Allah exists" But wont' apply that same rightful rejection to their circular reasoning to his  "My scriptures say this, not that".

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Brian37 wrote:I don't give a

Brian37 wrote:

I don't give a ratts ass.

i know you don't... which is why the questions were not directed toward you.  they're a little more advanced than our conversation

Brian37 wrote:

"interpretation" IS A DODGE AND A COP OUT! It is when you do it, and when Jews do it, and when Muslims do it.

interpretation is likened to plausibility in science when rationally approached.  it is the reasoning of understanding when enough facts aren't available for a clear concise understanding.  Sadly interpretation is manipulated by sects every day.  


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Brian37 wrote:"IT CANNOT BE

Brian37 wrote:


Once again, glad you agree. Now take that one step further.

With what you claim should convince others, take that argument and ask yourself if you would buy your own argument if someone was plugging another god into your argument?

What you/they have is nothing but "I like the way it sounds, even though it cant be tested".

You wouldn't blindly swallow the argument's of others without the ability to kick the tires, so do not expect us to do that for you either.

until you'd buy your own approach... (which i know you won't because I've tried it with you already), don't expect me to consider excuses from you.  Of course I'd accept my own reasoning for another god... funny how I have never gotten or heard of a similar approach.  It's also funny that you take that approach for your defense when you have not taken the time to really understand why i believe.

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caposkia wrote:Brian37

caposkia wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

I don't give a ratts ass.

i know you don't... which is why the questions were not directed toward you.  they're a little more advanced than our conversation

What you are trying to "argue" is not advanced at all. It is merely elaborate superfluous garbage. Others here are merely more patient in wading through your self deluded trip down the yellow brick road. You simply don't like me cutting to the chase.

Flinging water colors on craft paper and putting your hand print in it to make a "turkey", might be pretty and more "complicated" the more colors you add, but it doesn't make the turkey real. It just makes YOU imaginative. You just don't like me skipping all the crap and saying, "no, that turkey is just your hand print which you colored and want to merely believe it is a real turkey".

The people here you are "addressing" your questions to merely have more patience than I do with your superstition and are willing to wade through all your convoluted tripe in hopes that by slowly deconstructing it you'll see what we are saying. I merely am putting the entire thing on fast forward because I already know your game.



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Quote:you have not taken the

you have not taken the time to really understand why i believe.

Translation: "Why won't you just believe, I like it, even though I cant test it, it feels really good, so therefore it must be true, so it should be good enough for you too without testing it"

Sorry, and dont lie to me and say you do that for others, that is bullshit, otherwise you would believe in their gods too.

FYI I do understand WHY you believe you just don't want to accept why you believe and make shit to ignore reality of why you really believe. Why? Because I used to believe myself.  Once I accepted that it was all in my head and merely something I wanted, and nothing real, I got over it and left it in the dust like a kid gives up on Santa.



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jcgadfly wrote: We'll never

jcgadfly wrote:


We'll never know what the Jews were thinking as John was written by a Greek several decades after the alleged incident. It makes more of a case for the incident (and possibly the character) being fictional.

Nah, general history has been agreed to have been written... sometimes much longer after the actual events.  Most immediate news was verbally passed around and not written in this era and location be it that paper (or papaya) was a scarce source.    it's if anything more congruent with a historical document of the time suggesting that it's actually more of a case for it's legitimacy.

jcgadfly wrote:

Why is he out of the running? As i said, the Messiah would never claim to be God or equal to him. An ambassador does not put himself equal to the leader who sent him. 

Well he never did say he was God's equal now did he... He only mentioned he was the son of God.  he knew what would be deduced from that claim.  To claim to be God's son however is to claim to be more equal to God than to an angel let alone any human.  This i believe is what the Jews had a problem with.  he didn't fit their understanding of the comming Messiah and to claim such equality would  mean he was.  

Also, He claimed to be able to only do what God who sent him does... therefore making God still the ultimate authority regardless of equality.. thus he didn't first of all have a choice of how equal he was to God and 2nd he didn't claim equality strait out, but knew it would be deduced by claiming he can do what God can.  

So to conclude your claim that "an ambassador does not put himself equal to the leader who sent him"... he didn't and either way didn't have a choice

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Since you wont be honest

Since you wont be honest with yourself because you are in love with the idea of having a sky daddy, let me give you the answers.

Here is what you SHOULD be saying if you were being honest with yourself.

"I reject other people's gods because there is no evidence for them"

AND once you answer that question to yourself honestly, then you should aim that same mirror you put in other people's faces and look into it yourself.

WHEN you do that, everything we are arguing will make sense to you.

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caposkia wrote:jcgadfly

caposkia wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:


We'll never know what the Jews were thinking as John was written by a Greek several decades after the alleged incident. It makes more of a case for the incident (and possibly the character) being fictional.

Nah, general history has been agreed to have been written... sometimes much longer after the actual events.  Most immediate news was verbally passed around and not written in this era and location be it that paper (or papaya) was a scarce source.    it's if anything more congruent with a historical document of the time suggesting that it's actually more of a case for it's legitimacy.

jcgadfly wrote:

Why is he out of the running? As i said, the Messiah would never claim to be God or equal to him. An ambassador does not put himself equal to the leader who sent him. 

Well he never did say he was God's equal now did he... He only mentioned he was the son of God.  he knew what would be deduced from that claim.  To claim to be God's son however is to claim to be more equal to God than to an angel let alone any human.  This i believe is what the Jews had a problem with.  he didn't fit their understanding of the comming Messiah and to claim such equality would  mean he was.  

Also, He claimed to be able to only do what God who sent him does... therefore making God still the ultimate authority regardless of equality.. thus he didn't first of all have a choice of how equal he was to God and 2nd he didn't claim equality strait out, but knew it would be deduced by claiming he can do what God can.  

So to conclude your claim that "an ambassador does not put himself equal to the leader who sent him"... he didn't and either way didn't have a choice

You do like to go back and forth don't you?

First you say he claimed equality with God then you say he didn't.  Making up your mind - it's a good thing.

You've also brought yourself back to the problem - if he didn't claim to be God why worship him as one?

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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caposkia wrote:jcgadfly

caposkia wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:


We'll never know what the Jews were thinking as John was written by a Greek several decades after the alleged incident. It makes more of a case for the incident (and possibly the character) being fictional.

Nah, general history has been agreed to have been written... sometimes much longer after the actual events.  Most immediate news was verbally passed around and not written in this era and location be it that paper (or papaya) was a scarce source.    it's if anything more congruent with a historical document of the time suggesting that it's actually more of a case for it's legitimacy.

jcgadfly wrote:

Why is he out of the running? As i said, the Messiah would never claim to be God or equal to him. An ambassador does not put himself equal to the leader who sent him. 

Well he never did say he was God's equal now did he... He only mentioned he was the son of God.  he knew what would be deduced from that claim.  To claim to be God's son however is to claim to be more equal to God than to an angel let alone any human.  This i believe is what the Jews had a problem with.  he didn't fit their understanding of the comming Messiah and to claim such equality would  mean he was.  

Also, He claimed to be able to only do what God who sent him does... therefore making God still the ultimate authority regardless of equality.. thus he didn't first of all have a choice of how equal he was to God and 2nd he didn't claim equality strait out, but knew it would be deduced by claiming he can do what God can.  

So to conclude your claim that "an ambassador does not put himself equal to the leader who sent him"... he didn't and either way didn't have a choice

Still moving the goal posts. So now Jesus was just a prop? He would have to be if he "had no choice".

YOU NO DAMNED WELL that Christians believe that Jesus was the son of god an part of god. THAT is the poplar interpretation and IMPLICATION. If he were just a man and a prop for god to use like a puppet, he would not be special in any way and no reason for you to believe him to be an important person.

Now you, with a minority interpretation are pointing fingers. This is laughable. This is like a Star Wars fan and Star Trec fan arguing over the existence of Yoda vs Kingons.

My point is WHO CARES which way you want to "interpret" it. Invisible friends in the sky BY ANY NAME in human history have never been universally established, other than people go around claiming them.

"Other Christians got it wrong" does not establish the existence of the god of Abraham, much less the Christian version. Just like quoting the Quran does not establish evidence of Allah being the one true and and only real god, much less the Sunni vs Shiite Allah.

Your problem with me is that I am going way too fast for you because you are stuck in your own elaborate claptrap .


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Brian37 wrote: What you are

Brian37 wrote:


What you are trying to "argue" is not advanced at all.

that's true... which puts this conversation into the "dumbass" category.    This particular thread will never be able to get "advanced" by the definition of the term.  It will only stem advanced conversations like it has into new threads.

Brian37 wrote:

 Others here are merely more patient in wading through your self deluded trip down the yellow brick road. You simply don't like me cutting to the chase.

I don't mind at all if you cut to the chase... but if you do, I expect you to say something substantial... and on top of that, any "claims" no matter how random you think they are need support just as you challenge me to do.

Brian37 wrote:

Flinging water colors on craft paper and putting your hand print in it to make a "turkey", might be pretty and more "complicated" the more colors you add, but it doesn't make the turkey real. It just makes YOU imaginative. You just don't like me skipping all the crap and saying, "no, that turkey is just your hand print which you colored and want to merely believe it is a real turkey".

not at all, i just don't like you making claims then hiding in a corner when I challenge you to support them.  Unlike your challenges, my challenges to you are reasonable and rational and I never ask you to do anything that's beyond our means.

Brian37 wrote:

The people here you are "addressing" your questions to merely have more patience than I do with your superstition and are willing to wade through all your convoluted tripe in hopes that by slowly deconstructing it you'll see what we are saying. I merely am putting the entire thing on fast forward because I already know your game.


Just as construction is the only way you'd end up believing... wait... the only way you'd end up believing is if Jesus walked up to you, smacked you in the face and said, "believe damn it" and then turned you into a turtle and walked away.  In other words, nothing you need to believe would likely happen because Jesus doesn't do magic like you think he does and I dont' think He'd smack you in the face.

Ultimately, reasonable rationality would be the only way to convince me that what I believe is not true.  I have expressed that I question everything including what I think I know.... yes, I know, that's devestating to your case, but it's true.  Therefore, any information passed my way I take into consideration and learn from it.  People on here have taught me a lot.  I have done a lot of homework for many people and have learned a lot from it.  Sadly our conversations have been less than educational and if anything lead me to believe that you're afraid to discover the possibility that what you know might not be the truth.  I know you say you're not, but the way you defend your understanding is the same way dispensationalists and works based religions defend themselves.    I thought you didn't like that part of religion.

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Brian37 wrote:Quote:you have

Brian37 wrote:

you have not taken the time to really understand why i believe.

Translation: "Why won't you just believe, I like it, even though I cant test it, it feels really good, so therefore it must be true, so it should be good enough for you too without testing it"

Thank you for validating my point.  The only way you have to defend your understanding is by trying to manipulate what I've said to mean something different.  You sure you're not a Jehovah's Witness or a mormon... or just an angry Christian sect?

Brian37 wrote:

Sorry, and dont lie to me and say you do that for others, that is bullshit, otherwise you would believe in their gods too.

well, i would if I got the same approach as you asked.  So far no one from another religion has given me the same explanation for their god... this is a big reason why i don't accept theirs.

Brian37 wrote:

FYI I do understand WHY you believe you just don't want to accept why you believe and make shit to ignore reality of why you really believe. Why? Because I used to believe myself.  Once I accepted that it was all in my head and merely something I wanted, and nothing real, I got over it and left it in the dust like a kid gives up on Santa.


I know you used to believe.   But your reasoning for not believing isn't everyone's and I'm not like you.  I actually had to do the homework and research in order to truly believe in the first place... which means it's going to take more than mere sarcasm and lack of logic to get me to not believe... you might actually have to do a bit of thinking and use rationality.  Otherwise what you're portraying to me is a fear of the unknown.

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Fine, since you don't mind

Fine, since you don't mind me cutting to the chase.




RIGHT, anymore than a Jew or Muslim can do it either.

If that doesn't fit your definition of "SUBSTANTIAL" then I am truly at a loss.

I think it would be SUBSTANTIAL if you could provide that evidence you say you have that none of the other 7 billion people and there pet gods have provided.

"You just don't want to see it"

No,  YOU don't want to put your own claim to a universal test that WOULD put all doubt aside and convince the world SUBSTANTIALLY. So you are merely stuck with what is in your own head. If you had more than what was in your head, there would be no debate and it would be accepted universally by everyone.

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Brian37 wrote: Still moving

Brian37 wrote:


Still moving the goal posts. So now Jesus was just a prop? He would have to be if he "had no choice".

you look like an idiot.  why don't you read before you comment.

I didn't move any goalposts.  The claim is still equality.. not that Jesus claimed it himself, but that it was understood...

see jcadfly said that Jesus claimed it..

I said He didn't claim it but that it was implied to be the son of God which places him above angels and humans.   This would place him in only one other category, which would be equality with God.... to what degree, i don't know, but it's understood that he was able to do what God could do, which would suggest equality.  

so that would mean that the goal posts were moved from Jesus being equal to God to Jesus being.... equal... to God.... uh... they haven't moved... oh... uh.. I guess this kills your defense yet again.  

Brian37 wrote:

YOU NO DAMNED WELL that Christians believe that Jesus was the son of god an part of god. THAT is the poplar interpretation and IMPLICATION. If he were just a man and a prop for god to use like a puppet, he would not be special in any way and no reason for you to believe him to be an important person.

So then you see why reading my posts carefully are important and why your manipulated interpretation of what i said doesn't hold water.  i simply deciphered the point that Jesus was never quoted saying.  "yo, peoples.. i's equal with da God!"  only that it was understood... you're sitting here trying to turn it into me moving goal posts and making a case for jesus not being who he is.  Good luck with that.

Brian37 wrote:

My point is WHO CARES which way you want to "interpret" it. Invisible friends in the sky BY ANY NAME in human history have never been universally established, other than people go around claiming them.

"Other Christians got it wrong" does not establish the existence of the god of Abraham, much less the Christian version. Just like quoting the Quran does not establish evidence of Allah being the one true and and only real god, much less the Sunni vs Shiite Allah.

Your problem with me is that I am going way too fast for you because you are stuck in your own elaborate claptrap .

If you honestly don't care, then why bother trying to make a case that has nothing to do with anything... ah.. I get it.  Diversion.  Good tactic.

too fast for me where?  Are you telling me that if i check back... say 10 pages ago and look at your posts, I'm going to see that they're different than what you're saying now... and that if I follow them up to the present i'll actually see a progressive conversation?  I think you need to recheck your posts my friend.


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jcgadfly wrote: You do like

jcgadfly wrote:


You do like to go back and forth don't you?

I only follow others leads

jcgadfly wrote:

First you say he claimed equality with God then you say he didn't.  Making up your mind - it's a good thing.

I haven't changed anything here... you seem to think he was quoted saying he was equal to God.  i only claimed that he didn't quote it.  It was understood that he was according to what was said.  By claiming to be the son of God, it is an implication of equality. 

jcgadfly wrote:

You've also brought yourself back to the problem - if he didn't claim to be God why worship him as one?

He's not worshiped as God... at least not scripturally.  he made it abundantly clear that we get to God through him... in other words, the worship always goes to YHWH... through Christ.  Not to Christ.  

I see now that it looked like I changed the rules... let's make it abundantly clear that I never claimed the equality thing to no longer be true.  Just that Jesus wasn't quoted saying it.  I saw that as something that needed to be  clarified by the ambassador statement you made.  

Just because he didn't say it doesnt' change what he is, only what he said... in other words, he didn't break any ambassador rules and still coudl be who he is.


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Quote:So far no one from

So far no one from another religion has given me the same explanation for their god... this is a big reason why i don't accept theirs.

And they can and do say the same about your claims.

Muslim, "So far no one from another religion has given me the same explanation for their god, that is why I reject Christianity and all other religions"

Jew, "So far no one from another religion has given me the same explanation for their god"


"Explanations" are not facts by themselves. They are descriptions of HOW someone comes to the conclusions they do. In the theistic mind they are EXCUSES to believe. That is not the same as putting something an empirical  test.

What you are really saying without realizing it is, "So far no other religion has given me the feelings I have for my beliefs".

You know the expression "Let me explain"

What if I said, "Let me explain why I believe in pink unicorns". Using the word "explain" does not establish the existence of pink unicorns. I would need FACTS to establish the credibility of my "explanation".

Otherwise the "explanation" is nothing but an utterance. They have "explanations" for their positions too and of course they are not the same. But that doesn't make yours true by default anymore than you think theirs is true by default.

"Their explanations are not the same" DUH, but that does not establish a damn thing except that you have a fetish for your position. So do they.



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caposkia wrote:Brian37

caposkia wrote:

Brian37 wrote:


Still moving the goal posts. So now Jesus was just a prop? He would have to be if he "had no choice".

you look like an idiot.  why don't you read before you comment.

I didn't move any goalposts.  The claim is still equality.. not that Jesus claimed it himself, but that it was understood...

see jcadfly said that Jesus claimed it..

I said He didn't claim it but that it was implied to be the son of God which places him above angels and humans.   This would place him in only one other category, which would be equality with God.... to what degree, i don't know, but it's understood that he was able to do what God could do, which would suggest equality.  

so that would mean that the goal posts were moved from Jesus being equal to God to Jesus being.... equal... to God.... uh... they haven't moved... oh... uh.. I guess this kills your defense yet again.  

Brian37 wrote:

YOU NO DAMNED WELL that Christians believe that Jesus was the son of god an part of god. THAT is the poplar interpretation and IMPLICATION. If he were just a man and a prop for god to use like a puppet, he would not be special in any way and no reason for you to believe him to be an important person.

So then you see why reading my posts carefully are important and why your manipulated interpretation of what i said doesn't hold water.  i simply deciphered the point that Jesus was never quoted saying.  "yo, peoples.. i's equal with da God!"  only that it was understood... you're sitting here trying to turn it into me moving goal posts and making a case for jesus not being who he is.  Good luck with that.

Brian37 wrote:

My point is WHO CARES which way you want to "interpret" it. Invisible friends in the sky BY ANY NAME in human history have never been universally established, other than people go around claiming them.

"Other Christians got it wrong" does not establish the existence of the god of Abraham, much less the Christian version. Just like quoting the Quran does not establish evidence of Allah being the one true and and only real god, much less the Sunni vs Shiite Allah.

Your problem with me is that I am going way too fast for you because you are stuck in your own elaborate claptrap .

If you honestly don't care, then why bother trying to make a case that has nothing to do with anything... ah.. I get it.  Diversion.  Good tactic.

too fast for me where?  Are you telling me that if i check back... say 10 pages ago and look at your posts, I'm going to see that they're different than what you're saying now... and that if I follow them up to the present i'll actually see a progressive conversation?  I think you need to recheck your posts my friend.


My case has everything to do with it.

You are stuck in the bible which is fun to rip apart all by itself, which others are taking the time to do, because they think you need to be walked backwards off the yellow brick road.

My case is none of the bible matters because even before you get the first word in it, you have still not established even the existence of your god. By using the bible you are using self serving circular reasoning.

BUT since you are stuck in it, I am merely having fun watching you try to dodge the land mines you keep stepping on and cant avoid.

Others might be willing to jump into the deep end with you trying to save you from drowning yourself. Me, I'm the one with the poll pushing you further under until you cant hold your breath any more.

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Brian37 wrote:Fine, since

Brian37 wrote:

Fine, since you don't mind me cutting to the chase.

lets do this!

Brian37 wrote:



Brian37 wrote:


not the evidence you're looking for... it's illogical evidence.  it's like asking me to show you the biological makeup of a cat through an orange.

Brian37 wrote:


by the means that we are capable of at this time if in fact you want to capture a peice of it, put it in a lab and poke at it.

Brian37 wrote:

RIGHT, anymore than a Jew or Muslim can do it either.

sure ok

Brian37 wrote:

If that doesn't fit your definition of "SUBSTANTIAL" then I am truly at a loss.

it fits my definitions of redundant and ignorant on your part

Brian37 wrote:

I think it would be SUBSTANTIAL if you could provide that evidence you say you have that none of the other 7 billion people and there pet gods have provided.

instead of me writing you a 50 volume encyclopedia and you getting frustrated with lack of direction, i figured I'd ask you to tell me what direction you want to take... any attempt at this has been redundantly ignored by you.  

Brian37 wrote:

"You just don't want to see it"

see what?  woop! *CRASH* oww.....

Brian37 wrote:

No,  YOU don't want to put your own claim to a universal test that WOULD put all doubt aside and convince the world SUBSTANTIALLY. So you are merely stuck with what is in your own head. If you had more than what was in your head, there would be no debate and it would be accepted universally by everyone.

If you would give me an approach to a universal test that WOULD put all doubts aside and convince the world substantially that was also rational and logical to consider for the topic at hand that you would actually consider as evidence when implemented, then I would do it... 

Regardless I will critique you on every aspect and I will call you out on every irrationality until you're approach is rational and logical.  

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caposkia wrote:If you would

caposkia wrote:

If you would give me an approach to a universal test that WOULD put all doubts aside and convince the world substantially that was also rational and logical to consider for the topic at hand that you would actually consider as evidence when implemented, then I would do it... 

Regardless I will critique you on every aspect and I will call you out on every irrationality until you're approach is rational and logical.  



One that has put men on the moon and proven that the earth is a globe and not flat. Now, if you have something better I am all ears.

But to expect me to accept any other approach is laughable.




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Brian37 wrote:And they can

Brian37 wrote:

And they can and do say the same about your claims.

they've tried.  Be it that none is like the Christian God, none have been claiming the same... no matter how bad you wish they were.

Brian37 wrote:

Muslim, "So far no one from another religion has given me the same explanation for their god, that is why I reject Christianity and all other religions"

is that an actual quote from a Muslim?  Knowing what i do about the muslim religion, I know that would not be a statement from a true Muslim.   Nice try though.

Brian37 wrote:

Jew, "So far no one from another religion has given me the same explanation for their god"

again, nice try, no sale.  A Jew would not make that claim, they don't need to.  My point for "the same explanation" is that no one can claim all that the Chrsitian God claims.  If they try, they will find themselves blaspheming their god.  it just doesn't work by the basic facts of what their gods claim.  You're making yourself look very uneducated.  stop while you're... well too late.

Brian37 wrote:


"Explanations" are not facts by themselves. They are descriptions of HOW someone comes to the conclusions they do. In the theistic mind they are EXCUSES to believe. That is not the same as putting something an empirical  test.

don't use the empirical test excuse unless you're goign to give me something logical and rational to try.

Brian37 wrote:

What you are really saying without realizing it is, "So far no other religion has given me the feelings I have for my beliefs".

is it now?  I'm so glad you brought that to my attention.  Thank you

Brian37 wrote:

You know the expression "Let me explain"

What if I said, "Let me explain why I believe in pink unicorns". Using the word "explain" does not establish the existence of pink unicorns. I would need FACTS to establish the credibility of my "explanation".

well, let me explain is a reason to continue listening.  Your problem is you would say literally what you just said and then expect me to accept it without further explanation.  Sorry, doesn't work that way

Brian37 wrote:

Otherwise the "explanation" is nothing but an utterance. They have "explanations" for their positions too and of course they are not the same. But that doesn't make yours true by default anymore than you think theirs is true by default.

of course it doesn't.  can we stop being redundant and actually make progress yet?

Brian37 wrote:

"Their explanations are not the same" DUH, but that does not establish a damn thing except that you have a fetish for your position. So do they.

So do you... so whereto from here?

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Brian37 wrote:I HAVE GIVEN

Brian37 wrote:


...and I'll propose the question to you for the... what 4th time?  What was the reason for not being able to meet the standards of your approach?  

think about it. 

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caposkia wrote: What was the

caposkia wrote:
What was the reason for not being able to meet the standards of your approach?  



Are you talking to yourself? NO, that is the question I have for you. WHY can't YOU meet that standard?

The REASON you cant meet that standard is because YOU have no credible evidence so rather than admit you are wrong, you hide behind your feelings to protect your own ego.

If your claims were true there would be a basis for them that could be universally demonstrated to even those outside your label. Merely going around claiming shit doesn't mean shit.



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caposkia wrote:Brian37

caposkia wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

And they can and do say the same about your claims.

they've tried.  Be it that none is like the Christian God, none have been claiming the same... no matter how bad you wish they were.

Brian37 wrote:

Muslim, "So far no one from another religion has given me the same explanation for their god, that is why I reject Christianity and all other religions"

is that an actual quote from a Muslim?  Knowing what i do about the muslim religion, I know that would not be a statement from a true Muslim.   Nice try though.

Brian37 wrote:

Jew, "So far no one from another religion has given me the same explanation for their god"

again, nice try, no sale.  A Jew would not make that claim, they don't need to.  My point for "the same explanation" is that no one can claim all that the Chrsitian God claims.  If they try, they will find themselves blaspheming their god.  it just doesn't work by the basic facts of what their gods claim.  You're making yourself look very uneducated.  stop while you're... well too late.

Brian37 wrote:


"Explanations" are not facts by themselves. They are descriptions of HOW someone comes to the conclusions they do. In the theistic mind they are EXCUSES to believe. That is not the same as putting something an empirical  test.

don't use the empirical test excuse unless you're goign to give me something logical and rational to try.

Brian37 wrote:

What you are really saying without realizing it is, "So far no other religion has given me the feelings I have for my beliefs".

is it now?  I'm so glad you brought that to my attention.  Thank you

Brian37 wrote:

You know the expression "Let me explain"

What if I said, "Let me explain why I believe in pink unicorns". Using the word "explain" does not establish the existence of pink unicorns. I would need FACTS to establish the credibility of my "explanation".

well, let me explain is a reason to continue listening.  Your problem is you would say literally what you just said and then expect me to accept it without further explanation.  Sorry, doesn't work that way

Brian37 wrote:

Otherwise the "explanation" is nothing but an utterance. They have "explanations" for their positions too and of course they are not the same. But that doesn't make yours true by default anymore than you think theirs is true by default.

of course it doesn't.  can we stop being redundant and actually make progress yet?

Brian37 wrote:

"Their explanations are not the same" DUH, but that does not establish a damn thing except that you have a fetish for your position. So do they.

So do you... so whereto from here?

Good question. All these competing claims so who is right?

Well, funny how microscopes and telescopes and DNA seem pretty universal and are rooted in scientific method and can be understood by all labels.

Seems to me when you have competing claims you come up with a universal standard. So far what humanity has come up with which is not rooted in superstition, myth and personal bias seems to be scientific method.

What you have and they have is an ancient Santa for adults. What I have are established tools that anyone can learn and use.

So if you want to compete I'd suggest you come up with something as universally solid if not better than scientific method.

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Brian37 wrote:caposkia

Brian37 wrote:

caposkia wrote:
What was the reason for not being able to meet the standards of your approach?  



Are you talking to yourself? NO, that is the question I have for you. WHY can't YOU meet that standard?

So you really don't read my replies.  and i was just being sarcastic before.  I've already explained to you why it doesn't work regardless of whether the metaphysical exists or not.  

Point:  If the metaphysical is real and God is real, your approach to study still does not work and would not be a logical approach. Why?  I'm not going to repeat myself yet again, reread.

Brian37 wrote:

The REASON you cant meet that standard is because YOU have no credible evidence so rather than admit you are wrong, you hide behind your feelings to protect your own ego.

oh is that what it is?  phew, i feel soo much better now.  Or it could possibly be what I already explained to you.  You have ignored what I've said because you know it kills your defense.  if it doesn't, then acknowledge it.  Why bother?  Because then that will prove to me and any other believer on here that you are in fact not a quack and actually do know what you're talking about.  Hey, it might actually get me thinking... you never know!

Brian37 wrote:

If your claims were true there would be a basis for them that could be universally demonstrated to even those outside your label. Merely going around claiming shit doesn't mean shit.


of course it doesn't... so why do you do it?

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Brian37 wrote: Good

Brian37 wrote:


Good question. All these competing claims so who is right?

Woah... stop right there... you finally asked something that might make progress in a conversation!!! I should just not read anything more.  Here you actually sound intelligent!... eh, I'll just see what you have to say.

Brian37 wrote:

Well, funny how microscopes and telescopes and DNA seem pretty universal and are rooted in scientific method and can be understood by all labels.

yea, be it that we're physical beings living in a physical world, it would actually make sense that if we use physical instruments to study physical "things" that it could be universally understood.  Not funny really.  Be it that microscopes and telescopes aren't calibrated to see the metaphysical, it would also make sense that it would be illogical to use those instruments to study the metaphysical... and last I heard, Science has not invented an instrument that can measure or study such realm of existence, therefore, to be able to measure the metaphysical if that's even possible by our standards is an illogical expectation at this point and thus it would be irrational to conclude anything at this point.

Brian37 wrote:

Seems to me when you have competing claims you come up with a universal standard. So far what humanity has come up with which is not rooted in superstition, myth and personal bias seems to be scientific method.

You seem stuck on the universal standard.  You add that it is so that "everyone" can accept it... here's the problem with that conclusion.  Even with science and history showing us that something actually exists and being able to prove it, there are still people in the world that don't accept certain scientific facts.  Is it because the scientific method has failed that aspect of science?  of course not.  It's because those people don't want to accept it and therefore have convinced themselves that it's not true.  

It seems to me statistically in the world, be it that over 80% of humans on this planet can accept the existence of metaphysical beings, that it is a universally accepted understanding.  So here, the metaphysical is in fact universally accepted statistically speaking

second, you expect scientific instruments... designed to study the physical to work when studying the metaphysical.  Let me ask you a question.   Would you use a catheter to check someone's pulse?  That's basically what you're asking me to do here.  simply put, it's the wrong instrument to use for the task.

Then of course you want me to invent my own instrument that can study something in a way that it has never been studied before and in a manner that might not be possible by our understanding.  

If you're serious.  i need to give me the unit of measurement you're asking me to use and the instruments needed.  I understand you don't want to do my homework so I'm making your work as minimal as possible.  Just those 2 things and I'll get started.  

Brian37 wrote:

What you have and they have is an ancient Santa for adults. What I have are established tools that anyone can learn and use.

You do have established tools that anyone can learn and use.  The problem is you're asking me to use those tools in a manner that they were not designed for.  all the tools you want me to use, with exception of the scientific method are designed to be used to study the physical.  Why do you keep trying to take my pulse with a catheter?  

Brian37 wrote:

So if you want to compete I'd suggest you come up with something as universally solid if not better than scientific method.

Why?  The scientific method works.  It's the approach that fails.

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We can't examine the

We can't examine the metaphysical with scientific tools - OK.

Your alternative is to take the metaphysical at face value (as there are no metaphysical tools).

This is also not acceptable


"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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Quote:You do have

You do have established tools that anyone can learn and use.  The problem is you're asking me to use those tools in a manner that they were not designed for.

NO, YOUR problem is that you cannot plug your claim into this tool. That is your problem, not mine. And yes, I am asking you to do that. It is the best way we have to date to settle competing claim issues. So go work on finding a working way to use science to prove your claim. Good luck with that. You'll get a Nobel Prize for sure if you can.

Otherwise you need to consider that you are wrong and the mundane human psychology of wishful thinking is the real answer. You certainly have no problem calling other people's claims "wishful thinking". And you'd be a fool if you didn't ask them to use science to prove their god.

The FACT you don't want to face is that you fell for an ancient superstition. It is all in your head just like every other god claimed, past or present, regardless of label. OTHERWISE your allegedly "all powerful" god certainly should be able to allow you to use the universal tool of scientific method for you to prove your claim. What a nice sky daddy you have, tells you a little secret but cant(because he doesn't exist) or wont allow you(because he is a selfish prick) wont allow you to use the tools we have in common to prove his existence.

How nice of your daddy. That would be like if my dad, when I was young, told me he played in the first Super Bowl and I excitedly told all my friends. Then they asked me to see video tape, but I had none. They asked me to see his paystub, but I had none. They asked me to see his jersy, but I had none. How nice would that be of my daddy, if he really did play, but decided to torture me by not allowing me to prove it to my friends.

But even I as a kid, fell for stories my dad told me that were not true. He had three fingers on one hand that were missing, and lost hearing in his left ear. He told me that it was in battle serving in the Korean war. The truth was he never saw battle, and he lost his fingers on a band saw teaching shop class, and lost his hearing at a local shooting range when someone shot a shotgun next to him when he wasn't wearing ear muffs. So I took the glamorous  version over the mundane reality because I didn't know better.

It "sounds" glamorous to have an invisible protector in the sky, and people all over the world fall for all sorts of magical super protector claims. But the mundane reality is that they are all made up because the placebo is more comforting than the harsh reality that the ride is finite and there wont be anyone to save a "chosen people" by any name.

Claiming, "I'm different" is nothing. Until you can test it, it is nothing but a claim, and will remain such until you can go beyond a mere naked assertion.  YOU are in the same boat as Muslims, Jews and the Ancient Egyptians who believed that the sun was a thinking being. It is too bad for you you don't want to see that.








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jcgadfly wrote:We can't

jcgadfly wrote:

We can't examine the metaphysical with scientific tools - OK.

Your alternative is to take the metaphysical at face value (as there are no metaphysical tools).

This is also not acceptable


The word "metaphysical" is nothing but another pseudo philosophy used to sound impressive, much the sound affect in a sight gag movie where a kitten lets out a lions roar.

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Quote:You seem stuck on the

You seem stuck on the universal standard.

It is why you and I type on computers, why we know what DNA is, why we have cars, why men have been on the moon, why we can scan the human brain. Why we know the speed of light.  So yea, damned right I'm "stuck" on it.

What you have elaborate pseudo intellectual garbage. J.K. Rollens is smart too and good at telling elaborate stories too. But the difference between her and you, is that when she tells the stories she knows Harry Potter doesn't fly around on brooms and she knows she is merely telling a story.

I'll take scientific method over any superstition any day and twice on Friday, Saturday and Sunday(covering all the Abrahamic Sabaths)'

You cant compete with it. All you can do is make shit up and believe it to avoid reality. When you can produce this "metaphysics" like we can produce a CT scan, then you'll have something. Dont worry, I won't hold my breath.

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Quote:The scientific method

The scientific method works.  It's the approach that fails.

RIGHT, scientific method works. GREAT, glad we agree. AND IT IS THE ONLY APPROACH that has any credibility, anything else is mere imagination.

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jcgadfly wrote:We can't

jcgadfly wrote:

We can't examine the metaphysical with scientific tools - OK.

Your alternative is to take the metaphysical at face value (as there are no metaphysical tools).

This is also not acceptable


Not at all, at this point, I'm simply trying to point out how irrational Brian's expectations are for means of study and approach to the subject.

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Brian37 wrote:NO, YOUR

Brian37 wrote:

NO, YOUR problem is that you cannot plug your claim into this tool.

Is it now.  Or can I.  I assume by "this tool" you're simply referring not to the lab study tools, but to the scientific method.  If so, then it can be applied and in history, the results can be seen as consistent.  

The problem is, everyone has their own mind so everyone approaches the broad subject of metaphysical existence differently, they all come to the same conclusion.  That it's real.  As far as who or what to follow as far as that existence is concerned, that's another approach altogether.  I have tried to work with you on an approach.  i think the scientific method is a great tool to use.  But once you start demanding God DNA or a piece of metaphysical... material... (contradictory right there)  then you're falling outside the definition and expectations of the scientific method which demands "specific principals of reasoning"... not irrational approaches to study that would result in no ability to study the subject at hand whether it exists or not.  remember trying to get my pulse with a catheter?   yea, kind of irrational to use for that means of study.  Same idea here.

Brian37 wrote:

That is your problem, not mine.

its your problem when you demand a rational method with irrational expectations.  

Brian37 wrote:

And yes, I am asking you to do that. It is the best way we have to date to settle competing claim issues. So go work on finding a working way to use science to prove your claim. Good luck with that. You'll get a Nobel Prize for sure if you can.

you bounce back and forth.  You challenge me to use scientific method.  I say ok, then you demand to study a piece of metaphysical.... something under a microscope.  I tell you it's irrational to think you can use a tool designed to study physical things to study the metaphysical and suddenly that means I can't use the scientific method?  The method has to do with the approach to the study, not science specifically.  Not that science can't be used as a piece, but you really need to pick an approach and stick with it.  Do you really want to get into this or not?  

It sounded to me a few posts back that you didn't care to.  I'm fine with that, but then stop.  What have you achieved in these years of redundant irrationality on this forum?  Honestly

Brian37 wrote:

Otherwise you need to consider that you are wrong and the mundane human psychology of wishful thinking is the real answer. You certainly have no problem calling other people's claims "wishful thinking". And you'd be a fool if you didn't ask them to use science to prove their god.

you seem to have a lot of answers about a topic you seem to have little if any knowledge about.

Brian37 wrote:

The FACT you don't want to face is that you fell for an ancient superstition. It is all in your head just like every other god claimed, past or present, regardless of label. OTHERWISE your allegedly "all powerful" god certainly should be able to allow you to use the universal tool of scientific method for you to prove your claim. What a nice sky daddy you have, tells you a little secret but cant(because he doesn't exist) or wont allow you(because he is a selfish prick) wont allow you to use the tools we have in common to prove his existence.

let's look at it this way... if you were a "sky daddy" would you allow irrational thought to define you?  You're asking God to turn the metaphysical into the physical so that you can see that the metaphysical exists... but is it rational to think first of all that God can or would turn the metaphysical into the physical let alone seeing a physical piece of the metaphysical would convince you of existence outside the physical?  

let's think about ti this way, in order to make the metaphysical physical, it would have to suddenly take on physical traits, which means, even if you saw it and I told you it was a piece of the metaphysical, because it is now physical, why would you accept that this physical piece is actually from the metaphysical?  

Brian37 wrote:

How nice of your daddy. That would be like if my dad, when I was young, told me he played in the first Super Bowl and I excitedly told all my friends. Then they asked me to see video tape, but I had none. They asked me to see his paystub, but I had none. They asked me to see his jersy, but I had none. How nice would that be of my daddy, if he really did play, but decided to torture me by not allowing me to prove it to my friends.

your dad might be very protective of his stuff and maybe didn't keep all that stuff but locked it away, however there would be documentation of his being in the Super Bowl, so you could take your friends to a library and open a book and show them that he was in it.... and they'd be a fool not to believe you.   However, due to the fact that you don't have anything first hand to show your friends, they might not care to take the time to go with you and see because the only way they'd believe you is if you could show them an actual piece of it and not documentation of its happening.  Either that, or they'd read it and still think it's just fictional and/or another person that happened to have your daddy's name that was in the Super Bowl.  Sure, the picture kind of looks like him, but that's not proof, it could be anyone.

it's not as secretive as your scenario makes it out to be though.  if it was, over 80% of the world would not be believers in the metaphysical like they are.

To make your scenario apply to the metaphysical, it'd be like saying most of your friends believe and accept your dad once being in the Super Bowl, but because of your lack of material possessions, there's  a small group in your school that refuses to accept it.  

Brian37 wrote:

But even I as a kid, fell for stories my dad told me that were not true. He had three fingers on one hand that were missing, and lost hearing in his left ear. He told me that it was in battle serving in the Korean war. The truth was he never saw battle, and he lost his fingers on a band saw teaching shop class, and lost his hearing at a local shooting range when someone shot a shotgun next to him when he wasn't wearing ear muffs. So I took the glamorous  version over the mundane reality because I didn't know better.

People tell stories.  it doesn't make every story told false.

Brian37 wrote:

It "sounds" glamorous to have an invisible protector in the sky, and people all over the world fall for all sorts of magical super protector claims. But the mundane reality is that they are all made up because the placebo is more comforting than the harsh reality that the ride is finite and there wont be anyone to save a "chosen people" by any name.

Sure, it sounds glamorous to be tortured and killed because of your profession of Jesus Christ, but in reality it's not.

Brian37 wrote:

Claiming, "I'm different" is nothing. Until you can test it, it is nothing but a claim, and will remain such until you can go beyond a mere naked assertion.  YOU are in the same boat as Muslims, Jews and the Ancient Egyptians who believed that the sun was a thinking being. It is too bad for you you don't want to see that.


yes, we're all in the same boat and you're in the water drowning, but still refusing the rope we throw out to you.   It's too bad you don't want to see that.

ok, metaphor aside

do you really want to go there or not?  If so, we need to work out together, a LOGICAL, RATIONAL means of study using the scientific method that would convince YOU if the results  prevailed.  


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Brian37 wrote:Quote:The

Brian37 wrote:

The scientific method works.  It's the approach that fails.

RIGHT, scientific method works. GREAT, glad we agree. AND IT IS THE ONLY APPROACH that has any credibility, anything else is mere imagination.

I'm not saying the scientific method approach fails.. I'm saying your approach fails.   You honestly think I'm as contradictory as you?  C'mon

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Well then...

 I came in this post way too late, it had turned into a scream fest between Brian and Cap.  I'm relatively new to the forum so I was browsing topics.  Now I know the OP was more then 2 years ago, but what drew my attention was the word 'Unholy'...  The obvious resonance to the 'Holy Grail' aside I believe it was in the title specifically to demonise atheists.  I read your opinion on it earlier that it just means not of god.  

As I was learning English I had to study a dictionary on regular basis.  Now both you and I know that your average person will read Unholy as Demonic, and your understanding of the word represents a minority.  Suppose the other side of the spectrum someone not familiar with English at all.  Here is the dictionary definition.



–adjective, -li·er, -li·est.

1. not holy; not sacred or hallowed.

2. impious; sinful; wicked.

3. Informal . dreadful; ungodly: "They got us out of bed at the unholy hour of three in the morning."

Here's a passage from the bible Lev 2 3:2

"For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, UNHOLY, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God..."

I'm not sure how you arrive at the conclusion that the author meant unholy as it's least offensive, counter popular understanding definition.  Perhaps you can highlight some of the ORIGINAL arguments that this author makes.  I like to get my mind blown once a week at least, and since I don't go to church anymore... 

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Cap, I do not know what

Cap, I do not know what happened with your font and color, but do try to fix it.

Cap, there will always be competing claims, even amongst scientists. The difference between your garbage and the universal tool of scientific method, is that the tool of scientific method is designed to weed out bias. Your claptrap is nothing but psuedo intellectual mental masturbation which cannot, nor ever will lead to things like IPODS or neurobiology.

All you have is something you want to be real, not something you can prove to be real.

Again, if you are going to ask me to measure the world with a Kaleidoscope vs a telescope, there is no debate. There  is only YOU fooling yourself with wishful thinking.

If what you had in your head was so earth shatteringly true, the foundation of the history of scientific method would be already on top of it and it would be taken seriously and would be taught as universally as entropy and thermodynamics.

I would bet though, that if we did a live scan of your brain while you had your "thoughts" of what you think is and how warm and fuzzy it makes you feel, it would not surprise me in the least if we found higher levels of activity in your brain responsible for releasing the "feel good" chemicals all humans have.

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caposkia wrote:Brian37

caposkia wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

The scientific method works.  It's the approach that fails.

RIGHT, scientific method works. GREAT, glad we agree. AND IT IS THE ONLY APPROACH that has any credibility, anything else is mere imagination.

I'm not saying the scientific method approach fails.. I'm saying your approach fails.   You honestly think I'm as contradictory as you?  C'mon

Yes I do think you are contrary to me. Because those who have evidence for what they claim don't simply utter it and claim it, and those outside that label can independently verify what the claimant is saying. Again, if you had something, I would be on your side. The fact is you don't.

I would simply advise you to take the SAME logic you use to reject all other claims besides the pet claim you have started here, and aim that same logic at your own claims.

IF YOU HAD SOMETHING, others outside your pet claim would pick up on it. Not as a mater of popularity, or marketing, they would pick up on it because it would be universally be demonstrable. Your claim is not, nor can it be, because it is rooted in myth, not science.

AND TO ANY MOD READING THIS, CAN WE CORRECT THE BLACK TYPE that suddenly hijacked the thread?

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caposkia wrote: Be it that

caposkia wrote:
 Be it that microscopes and telescopes aren't calibrated to see the metaphysical, it would also make sense that it would be illogical to use those instruments to study the metaphysical...

Don't be silly. We don't use scales to 'weigh' metaphysical philosophies either, because they're ideas, and NOTHING more. It's just philosophies conjured up by humans.

caposkia wrote:
and last I heard, Science has not invented an instrument that can measure or study such realm of existence,

And last I heard, no religion has EVER done anything more than produce claims.

caposkia wrote:
..therefore, to be able to measure the metaphysical if that's even possible by our standards is an illogical expectation at this point and thus it would be irrational to conclude anything at this point.

It's not rational at ALL to conclude that some 'all powerful' single creator created the universe, and everything in it, out of thin air.

It's downright inane to believe such an extraordinary idea.

caposkia wrote:
You seem stuck on the universal standard.  You add that it is so that "everyone" can accept it... here's the problem with that conclusion.  Even with science and history showing us that something actually exists and being able to prove it, there are still people in the world that don't accept certain scientific facts.  

Don't strawman that there's a problem with the scientific method, because there's people out there who ignore scientific findings.

caposkia wrote:
Is it because the scientific method has failed that aspect of science?  of course not.  It's because those people don't want to accept it and therefore have convinced themselves that it's not true.  

Well, duh...

caposkia wrote:
It seems to me statistically in the world, be it that over 80% of humans on this planet can accept the existence of metaphysical beings, that it is a universally accepted understanding.  So here, the metaphysical is in fact universally accepted statistically speaking

Which only proves how ignorance abounds, still, to this day, whereas centuries ago, 80% of humans thought the earth was flat, and that the sun revolved around the earth.

Science has no bias. People do.

What was your point again?

caposkia wrote:
 ...second, you expect scientific instruments... designed to study the physical to work when studying the metaphysical.  

F**k do like to strawman, or what?

STFU about trying to use 'instruments' to study the metaphysical. There's NOTHING but conjuring in metaphysics.

Read that again.

N O T H I N G.............................................................. but conjuring.


caposkia wrote:
Let me ask you a question.   Would you use a catheter to check someone's pulse?  That's basically what you're asking me to do here.  


All theists need to do, is produce facts.

So, in lieu of 'facts', they produce 'arguments', and 'conjecture'. AKA: "Hot Air"


caposkia wrote:
Then of course you want me to invent my own instrument that can study something in a way that it has never been studied before and in a manner that might not be possible by our understanding.  

That argument is soon going to become moot, as we come nearer and nearer to technological singularity, and artificial intelligence grows in complexity and computing power. And with Moore's Law being what it is, the 'answers' might actually appear in our lifetimes...


I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."

"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy" : David Brooks

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caposkia wrote:jcgadfly

caposkia wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

We can't examine the metaphysical with scientific tools - OK.

Your alternative is to take the metaphysical at face value (as there are no metaphysical tools).

This is also not acceptable


Not at all, at this point, I'm simply trying to point out how irrational Brian's expectations are for means of study and approach to the subject.

Translation, "Just accept what I say on face value"

Sorry, cant do that. It doesn't  work when Muslims or Jews or Buddhists or Wiccans do it either.

WE have a means of study. Otherwise humans would still believe the earth to be flat.

YOU are the one who is irrational, " I have this really neat stuff I want to share, but people outside me wont swallow it blindly".

So, if you want to win the war on competing claims you have to build something based in an accepted standard that goes beyond your pet claim. But to ask me to swallow what you are selling, OR ANY OTHER LABEL FOR THAT MATTER, is absurd.

Otherwise I could simply utter, "My computer runs on invisible hamsters" and because computers exist that must mean invisible hamsters are real.

YOU need to consider that god is merely a product of human anthropomorphism. It is merely our mundane drive of "self worth" that drives us to want to continue, but is mistaken for comic book super heros in charge. Our species has always had the ability to make shit up and successfully market needless shit. You think you have avoided Dawkins moth in mistaking the lightbulb for the moonlight. But you have not. You have fallen for the same appeal to emotion that ALL superstition and deity believers fall for.

Stop resisting yourself and do the intellectually brave thing and look in the mirror and use the very same tools you use to reject all other claims, besides your own. You will thank me if you do so.


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redneF wrote:It's not

redneF wrote:
It's not rational at ALL to conclude that some 'all powerful' single creator created the universe, and everything in it, out of thin air. It's downright inane to believe such an extraordinary idea.

Actually it's irrational to believe otherwise. Athiests always bitch and complain about science so I'll give you some science.

The redshift indicates that the universe is expanding i.e. stretching out from a single point. There are many references in the Bible of God "stretching out the heavens."  The Bible told us along time ago what science is now telling us about the expansion of the universe. Science can also tell us the universe is not eternal and had a beginning. I know you all know what the first words of the bible are so I won't elaborate any further. Disclaimer- In no way am I using this as proof for the existence of God I am using it as evidence only.



For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20

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Lee2216 wrote:redneF

Lee2216 wrote:

redneF wrote:
It's not rational at ALL to conclude that some 'all powerful' single creator created the universe, and everything in it, out of thin air. It's downright inane to believe such an extraordinary idea.

Actually it's irrational to believe otherwise. Athiests always bitch and complain about science so I'll give you some science.

The redshift indicates that the universe is expanding i.e. stretching out from a single point. There are many references in the Bible of God "stretching out the heavens."  The Bible told us along time ago what science is now telling us about the expansion of the universe. Science can also tell us the universe is not eternal and had a beginning. I know you all know what the first words of the bible are so I won't elaborate any further. Disclaimer- In no way am I using this as proof for the existence of God I am using it as evidence only.



Aren't the references in fact to God having "stretched out the heavens" as in he's not doing it anymore? By Biblical logic, the universe should no longer be expanding and should be in a static state.

Why is it when theists try to make science and the Bible fit together, the Bible is the only thing that gets manipulated?

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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Fixed that black text for

Fixed that black text for you guys.

Something Cap got into his post #1735, looked like a chunk of code from some Apple editor.

Got to be careful pasting anything in from anything but a simple plain text editor.

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Lee2216 wrote:redneF

Lee2216 wrote:

redneF wrote:
It's not rational at ALL to conclude that some 'all powerful' single creator created the universe, and everything in it, out of thin air. It's downright inane to believe such an extraordinary idea.

Actually it's irrational to believe otherwise. Athiests always bitch and complain about science so I'll give you some science.

The redshift indicates that the universe is expanding i.e. stretching out from a single point. There are many references in the Bible of God "stretching out the heavens."  The Bible told us along time ago what science is now telling us about the expansion of the universe. Science can also tell us the universe is not eternal and had a beginning. I know you all know what the first words of the bible are so I won't elaborate any further. Disclaimer- In no way am I using this as proof for the existence of God I am using it as evidence only.



That is utter bullshit, for "proof" or "evidence".

The bible does use any specific modern language of scientific evidence. If you are going to believe that shit, then you might as well believe in the Greek gods because they first used the word atom.

You are merely retrofitting modern science to suit the ambiguity of the bible. Muslims have also quoted "mountains moving" as proof of Muhammad knowing about plate tectonics. I also recently saw a Muslim website with a picture of a red super nova and they tried to claim the verse "the painted red sky" was proof the writers knew about deep space. BULLSHIT, "painted red sky" refers to the blood of their enemies.

Saying, "the sky is blue" SAYS NOTHING about your knowledge of the scientific reasons for it being blue.

There is absolutely NOTHING modern or specific IN ANY HOLY book that would indicate any rational knowledge modern science has uncovered. Ambiguity and retrofitting after the fact is not "evidence" or "proof" it is back peddling because science is leaving myth in the dust and the only way to hold on to the last thread is to falsely and wrongly bastardize science by trying to justify myth.

The bible WAS NOT written by people using geology, biology, astrophysics or evolution to measure reality. The bible was written over a 1,000 year period with books left out and 40 authors who had NO CLUE what the scientific reality of nature was.


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jcgadfly wrote:Lee2216

jcgadfly wrote:

Lee2216 wrote:

redneF wrote:
It's not rational at ALL to conclude that some 'all powerful' single creator created the universe, and everything in it, out of thin air. It's downright inane to believe such an extraordinary idea.

Actually it's irrational to believe otherwise. Athiests always bitch and complain about science so I'll give you some science.

The redshift indicates that the universe is expanding i.e. stretching out from a single point. There are many references in the Bible of God "stretching out the heavens."  The Bible told us along time ago what science is now telling us about the expansion of the universe. Science can also tell us the universe is not eternal and had a beginning. I know you all know what the first words of the bible are so I won't elaborate any further. Disclaimer- In no way am I using this as proof for the existence of God I am using it as evidence only.



Aren't the references in fact to God having "stretched out the heavens" as in he's not doing it anymore? By Biblical logic, the universe should no longer be expanding and should be in a static state.

Why is it when theists try to make science and the Bible fit together, the Bible is the only thing that gets manipulated?

No one manipulated the Bible. There are references of both "stretches and stretched." They fit nicely in fact. What did the verses mean then if they are not describing what science now tells us?

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20

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Lee2216 wrote:jcgadfly

Lee2216 wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

Lee2216 wrote:

redneF wrote:
It's not rational at ALL to conclude that some 'all powerful' single creator created the universe, and everything in it, out of thin air. It's downright inane to believe such an extraordinary idea.

Actually it's irrational to believe otherwise. Athiests always bitch and complain about science so I'll give you some science.

The redshift indicates that the universe is expanding i.e. stretching out from a single point. There are many references in the Bible of God "stretching out the heavens."  The Bible told us along time ago what science is now telling us about the expansion of the universe. Science can also tell us the universe is not eternal and had a beginning. I know you all know what the first words of the bible are so I won't elaborate any further. Disclaimer- In no way am I using this as proof for the existence of God I am using it as evidence only.



Aren't the references in fact to God having "stretched out the heavens" as in he's not doing it anymore? By Biblical logic, the universe should no longer be expanding and should be in a static state.

Why is it when theists try to make science and the Bible fit together, the Bible is the only thing that gets manipulated?

No one manipulated the Bible. There are references of both "stretches and stretched." They fit nicely in fact. What did the verses mean then if they are not describing what science now tells us?

You dippy. The "manipulation" can't be done by the writers because they didn't have the scientific tools to know what "stretching" WAS and "stretching" IS NOT what scientists call it today.

THE manipulation is being done by modern society who don't want their myth to die, so they conflate ambiguous words written by scientifically ignorant people to mean something THEY want it to mean.

BACK THEN there was no way the were even "on to something" BECAUSE THEY HAD NO CLUE, they could demonstrate any scientific knowledge. BECAUSE THAT WAS NOT THE WRITERS INTENT. Their only intent was to market their superstition. Everything to the writers was explained with "GOD DID IT".

You are using the tactic of word games.

AGAIN, if a Muslim quoted the Koran with an ambiguous verse, would you simply buy it because they said, "this word here fits with modern science"


"THE SKY IS BLUE" only says the sky is blue, it says nothing about WHY the sky is blue.

"MOUNTAINS MOVING" only says mountains move. It says nothing about the science of why mountains move, and back then when both the bible and Koran say, "mountains move" THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT "POOF" GOD DID IT, not modern science and that plates under the crust shifting cause earthquakes.

YOU are totally embarrassing yourself with this steamy pile of pony loaf.


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Brian37 wrote:The bible WAS

Brian37 wrote:
The bible WAS NOT written by people using geology, biology, astrophysics or evolution to measure reality. The bible was written over a 1,000 year period with books left out and 40 authors who had NO CLUE what the scientific reality of nature was.


I agree with you that they weren't using different fields of science to measure reality. That would be impossible for them to do in that period of history. Thanks for making my point Brian! This is evidence for the Bible being the inspired word of God. The authors had no clue what the scientific reality of nature was yet "stretches out the heavens" exactly describes what science is telling us about the universe. "Stretches out the heavens" is a very specific description! Your claim of ambiguity is baseless.


For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20

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Lee2216 wrote:jcgadfly

Lee2216 wrote:

jcgadfly wrote:

Lee2216 wrote:

redneF wrote:
It's not rational at ALL to conclude that some 'all powerful' single creator created the universe, and everything in it, out of thin air. It's downright inane to believe such an extraordinary idea.

Actually it's irrational to believe otherwise. Athiests always bitch and complain about science so I'll give you some science.

The redshift indicates that the universe is expanding i.e. stretching out from a single point. There are many references in the Bible of God "stretching out the heavens."  The Bible told us along time ago what science is now telling us about the expansion of the universe. Science can also tell us the universe is not eternal and had a beginning. I know you all know what the first words of the bible are so I won't elaborate any further. Disclaimer- In no way am I using this as proof for the existence of God I am using it as evidence only.



Aren't the references in fact to God having "stretched out the heavens" as in he's not doing it anymore? By Biblical logic, the universe should no longer be expanding and should be in a static state.

Why is it when theists try to make science and the Bible fit together, the Bible is the only thing that gets manipulated?

No one manipulated the Bible. There are references of both "stretches and stretched." They fit nicely in fact. What did the verses mean then if they are not describing what science now tells us?

So that's why when you try to show the Bible is scientific you have to reinterpret the Bible. The science book doesn't change.

What do the verses mean? Nothing really - poetic metaphor doesn't have to mean anything. It's main purpose is so sound pretty. To make it science, you have to interpret it according to the science book. Funny that - science doesn't have to be reinterpreted to fit the Bible does it?

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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Lee2216 wrote:Brian37

Lee2216 wrote:

Brian37 wrote:
The bible WAS NOT written by people using geology, biology, astrophysics or evolution to measure reality. The bible was written over a 1,000 year period with books left out and 40 authors who had NO CLUE what the scientific reality of nature was.


I agree with you that they weren't using different fields of science to measure reality. That would be impossible for them to do in that period of history. Thanks for making my point Brian! This is evidence for the Bible being the inspired word of God. The authors had no clue what the scientific reality of nature was yet "stretches out the heavens" exactly describes what science is telling us about the universe. "Stretches out the heavens" is a very specific description! Your claim of ambiguity is baseless.


Lay down the crack pipe.

The bible was written by ignorant humans because THEY wanted their god to exist. The only thing that "inspired" them was their own imagination.

"stretches out the heavens" IS NOT WHAT SCIENTISTS describe in modern language. This is nothing but MODERN HUMANS looking for something to fit their myth.

YOU are working backwards, not forwards.

AND even if I wanted to believe you, which I don't, by any "stretch" Your god must be one inept prick himself to leave "his word" up to inept people who couldn't make it clear from the start.


The ancient Greeks used the word "ATOM". That word existed BACK THEN. Does that mean their gods are real because we still use the word "atom" today?

The Greeks had no idea what a proton or neutron or electron was when they first used the word "atom". Were they "on to something"? NO, they were not, and "stretching" WAS nothing more than their imagination of "poof" AND still does nothing to prove any god, much less your authoritarian dictator god. And "stretching" IS NOT even what scientists say is going on. It is an expansion.

To mix an old tribal book of myth with modern science would be like using lift in airplane flight to justify boys flying around on brooms.



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