Rogue One (spoilers)

digitalbeachbum's picture

 What is it about these writers who get paid a ton of money but put out scripts which suck?

I saw Rogue One on xmas eve when a lot of my in-laws where in town. It was good but damn was it filled with issues. I can get over some of the smaller stuff like why a storm trooper could get knocked out in a fight with a weak stick or by some terrible choregraphing. The fight scenes really sucked.

But on to the more serious flaws.

Can any one explain to me why Darth Vader is chasing after the disc at the end, the disc with the plans on it, only to see it take off in an escape ship? Which later in A New Hope, Vader asks Princess Leia about the transmissions beamed aboard her ship?

Well is it discs or is it transmissions? Make up your fucking mind!

Also, what the fuck was Princess Leia doing in the battle? Did they even think the logic of this script out? It is completely illogical for them to warp in to the battle with Princess Leia onboard with the chance that she was going to get slaughtered. Hell. Why not make multiple copies of the disc and send them out in all directions? Why didn't other ships in the attack receive the transmissions?


Besides the special effects the entire script sucked donkey balls. I can't believe this is the best they can do.

Vastet's picture

I'd try to explain but

I'd try to explain but Disney killed all reason and logic the day they bought the franchise, which is why Star Wars is dead.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

Brian37's picture

 SHORTLY after the last one

 SHORTLY after the last one came out a FB friend posted a spoof Star Wars logo that was nothing but "PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW, the end". I had had a good laugh on that one.

As simplistic as that was, and even though it like any macho John Wayne WW2 movie is, geek it up it still amounts to the folly of humans long term.

But entertainment reflects life and our projections of our own desires to have control over our environments. But ultimately it is an illusion and freind and foe alike are still temporary.

I still love the original 3 Star Wars, but looking back at it now, there are  ideas that draw from real religions.

Darth starting out being a genocidal murderer in the first one blowing up Alderan, only to be forgiven in Return of The Jedi smacks so much of the Saul/Paul motif. And Yoda is an obvious take of the religons of Asia. 




"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

Brian37's picture

digitalbeachbum wrote: What

digitalbeachbum wrote:

 What is it about these writers who get paid a ton of money but put out scripts which suck?

I saw Rogue One on xmas eve when a lot of my in-laws where in town. It was good but damn was it filled with issues. I can get over some of the smaller stuff like why a storm trooper could get knocked out in a fight with a weak stick or by some terrible choregraphing. The fight scenes really sucked.

But on to the more serious flaws.

Can any one explain to me why Darth Vader is chasing after the disc at the end, the disc with the plans on it, only to see it take off in an escape ship? Which later in A New Hope, Vader asks Princess Leia about the transmissions beamed aboard her ship?

Well is it discs or is it transmissions? Make up your fucking mind!

Also, what the fuck was Princess Leia doing in the battle? Did they even think the logic of this script out? It is completely illogical for them to warp in to the battle with Princess Leia onboard with the chance that she was going to get slaughtered. Hell. Why not make multiple copies of the disc and send them out in all directions? Why didn't other ships in the attack receive the transmissions?


Besides the special effects the entire script sucked donkey balls. I can't believe this is the best they can do.


I love catching script flaws and what is called in the bizz "jump cuts'.


I noticed in one of the newer movies which was a prequil that the emperial ground army fighters  were robots and not stormtroopers. WHAT THE FUCK?


I used to be a fan of the original "Hulk" with Lu Frarigno(sp)? Anywho I caught a rerun a few months ago, and damned did it look old. In that episode David gets on a passenger jet, but what he does not know at first is that the plane was planned to be robbed by one of the pilots and flight attendents. You find out later in the episode that what they were going to steal were ancient Egyptian artifacts from the cargo hold.

David gets susspicious and ends up in the cargo hold with the pilot in a fight. Well you know what happens when you piss David off. Jets fly at high speed, right? In reality if the door opens, you get sucked out and DIE. But in the fight the door flies off, The Hulk does get sucked out, but only to the point of hanging by the edge of the door holding on by his hand. BUT THE WORST PART is that he was hanging straight down! He wasn't even flapping like a flag sideways. 


But my favorite jump cut that made me laugh was in "True Lies". I lived near DC growing up, so I was quite familiar with Georgtown wich is a burrow of DC. So Arnald is on a horse chasing a bad guy on a motercycle through Georgetown DC. They end up in a underground parking garage and bust through double doors. But when you see the interior of the building they enter, it ends up being the Bonaventure Hotel in DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES! Which I had visted prior to that movie comming out. 





"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

iwbiek's picture

digitalbeachbum wrote:Can

digitalbeachbum wrote:
Can any one explain to me why Darth Vader is chasing after the disc at the end, the disc with the plans on it, only to see it take off in an escape ship?

LMFAO. i haven't seen it. i imagine i'll do this one like i did ep. vii: avoid watching it until my brother traps me into watching it next time i'm at his house because it's "fuckin' awesome, man."

however, i did get a mental picture of darth vader running down the corridor of a starship, his hand in the air, trying to catch this flying, frisbee-looking droid thing which is just out of reach, yelling, "i got it! i got it!" when it zips into an escape pod and blasts off, and darth vader kicks the pod bay door and screams, "GOD-FUCKING-DAMMIT!!!"

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

digitalbeachbum's picture

iwbiek wrote: however, i did

iwbiek wrote:

however, i did get a mental picture of darth vader running down the corridor of a starship, his hand in the air, trying to catch this flying, frisbee-looking droid thing which is just out of reach, yelling, "i got it! i got it!" when it zips into an escape pod and blasts off, and darth vader kicks the pod bay door and screams, "GOD-FUCKING-DAMMIT!!!"


I'm guessing your brother is a 'fan-boy'?

You should have fun with your brother. When the movie is over ask him why it is a disc in Rogue One and then a 'transmission' in New Hope?

When I was watching the end of Rogue One I was wondering why Darth didn't just grab the guy and drag him in to the light saber.

Vastet's picture

"I noticed in one of the

"I noticed in one of the newer movies which was a prequil that the emperial ground army fighters  were robots and not stormtroopers. WHAT THE FUCK?"

Bullshit, never happened. Unless it was post-Disney, in which case it doesn't matter because Star Wars is dead.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

iwbiek's picture

no, my brother's a fan but

no, my brother's a fan but definitely not that big a one, plus he's not a geek at all, so those little continuity errors fly right over his head. he just likes big-budget franchises with lots of explosions and flashy effects, like transformers. he's just a redneck who likes star wars. he did read a lot of expanded universe books though, back when we were kids...much more than i ever read.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

digitalbeachbum's picture

Vastet wrote:"I noticed in

Vastet wrote:
"I noticed in one of the newer movies which was a prequil that the emperial ground army fighters  were robots and not stormtroopers. WHAT THE FUCK?" Bullshit, never happened. Unless it was post-Disney, in which case it doesn't matter because Star Wars is dead.

I think that Ep1 is the movie of question. Ep1 had what was called 'battle bots' and they were used during the blockade by the Trade Federation.

The Trade Federation is not the Empire. They are manipulated by the Empire


digitalbeachbum's picture

iwbiek wrote:no, my

iwbiek wrote:
no, my brother's a fan but definitely not that big a one, plus he's not a geek at all, so those little continuity errors fly right over his head. he just likes big-budget franchises with lots of explosions and flashy effects, like transformers. he's just a redneck who likes star wars. he did read a lot of expanded universe books though, back when we were kids...much more than i ever read.

I was talking to a few neighbors last night. They asked if I had seen Rogue One. I said 'meh'. All of them were shocked. They were talking about how great everything was and blah blah blah.

I then threw out my observations of the disc vs the transmissions (RO vs Ep4) and then asked why Princess Leia was even in the battle on that ship. Then I threw out a bunch of other stuff. My wife just looked at me and said 'that's why I don't watch movies with him'.

I am not a fan of movies any more. Very few of them are worth my time. I find too many errors in the scripts and characters which aren't realistic. I enjoy animated movies because you can sort of let go of all the requirements.

Vastet's picture

digitalbeachbum wrote:Vastet

digitalbeachbum wrote:

Vastet wrote:
"I noticed in one of the newer movies which was a prequil that the emperial ground army fighters  were robots and not stormtroopers. WHAT THE FUCK?" Bullshit, never happened. Unless it was post-Disney, in which case it doesn't matter because Star Wars is dead.

I think that Ep1 is the movie of question. Ep1 had what was called 'battle bots' and they were used during the blockade by the Trade Federation.

The Trade Federation is not the Empire. They are manipulated by the Empire


Perhaps. If so then I'm going to have to reassess Brian's stupidity level downwards. How anyone could confuse the Empire with the Trade Federation is quite beyond me.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

digitalbeachbum's picture

Vastet wrote:digitalbeachbum

Vastet wrote:
digitalbeachbum wrote:

Vastet wrote:
"I noticed in one of the newer movies which was a prequil that the emperial ground army fighters  were robots and not stormtroopers. WHAT THE FUCK?" Bullshit, never happened. Unless it was post-Disney, in which case it doesn't matter because Star Wars is dead.

I think that Ep1 is the movie of question. Ep1 had what was called 'battle bots' and they were used during the blockade by the Trade Federation.

The Trade Federation is not the Empire. They are manipulated by the Empire


Perhaps. If so then I'm going to have to reassess Brian's stupidity level downwards. How anyone could confuse the Empire with the Trade Federation is quite beyond me.

Technically the Trade Federation was manipulated by the Sith, but even that isn't the Empire. The Empire didn't form until the end of Ep3. That is when the Senate was disbanded and The Emperor was created.

All pointless because writers who created scripts beyond Ep4, 5, 6 are all morons and shitheads. George Lucas being one of them. That guy might be rich beyond our dreams but he is also a fucking nut job.