A thread where a Christian gets banned for lying.
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I heard this on the Way of the Master series hosted by Ray Comfort, who I heard you had on your show before. It's called the athiest test. Tell me what you think about this.
Do you know the number of hairs on the back of a Tibetan yak? Do you know the number of grains of sand on the combined islands of Hawaii?
The answer is no, and it should be, you're not omniscient, you don't know everything. God used this same test on Job with a series of questions that proved that out of all the knowledge in the universe, he know squat. What's the point of this test? At most you know 1% of all the information ever. That's an impressive amount, seriously. But out of the 99% you don't know is it possible that there is something that proves the existance of a God? You can't deny it and be a truly rational thinker. So you really don't know if there's a God cause there could be evidence of a God out there somewhere. You just don't know for sure.
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I call this the Do you know if Ray Comfort is lying to you in his books test?
It's simple, I give you a fact, and you answer:
Ray admitted to me in our interview that the definition of atheism he uses doesn't encompass weak atheists.
Now the test: Did you know that?
Now of course the irony is, in order for you to be a theist you have to be able to pass the same test. Even though Ray tries to pretend as if you don't. Do you know 100% sure that God exists? If not, do you admit that in the 99% of knowledge that you don't have, there might be ample evidence for his non-existence?
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This argument is logically flawed. And here's why. You are assuming there is 99% of knowledge out there we don't know. about the hair on a yak or grain of sand, there are mathematical formulas you can use based on the size of the hair or sand granule and the area of the yak or desert you are looking at and you can figure it out. so in essence you COULD find out how many strands of hair are on a yaks back. ASsuming that we only know 1% of information is flawed. How do YOU know we only know 1% first off, and..as sapient says.. within that 99% of supposed knowledge we lack..can you prove that god is indeed existent? This is a quick, fool the ignorant...non rational test..the xtian right uses this kind of argument all the time, because they know for a fact that the followers aren't very rational or smart.
Here is another example. the xtian right group at the university where I work put a seminar together to refute evolution and gain support for ID. They used a "sceintist" a tenured professor here. He gets on the podium and starts throwing all these big sceintific words that to someone who is not very science based (98% of the people there) sound very convincing..however...his argument was flawed because he used flawed statisttics and that old argument of "if you find a watch in the jungle, do you think it was put together by chance?" (that is the most retarded fucking argument) anyway...this guy yeah he was a "scientist", but his field is gynecology. Not evolutionary biology. Funny thing is..they tried to get a biologist that shared their ideological mindset, but could not find one so they got a gynecologist who happened to be a member of their church..and here they are...talkign about how he's a sceintist blah blah blah....it's bullshti...I emailed the sponsor and told him, next time you have a seminar about evolution, make sure you have biologist as a speaker not a gynecologist. I do not bring a mechanic to have a seminar about brain surgery. And here's the thing..if you're goign to refute evolution or atheism using science...make sure you know how science works...and also, if you choose to not believe evolution, then you can't use modern medicine. Any microbiologist will tell you how "selective pressure" pricnicples are used to develop drugs or study microbes for pathogenicity. Also epidimiologic data cannot be refuted from a realistic, rational standpoint.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
To use an illustration from taht same episode, To say there is no proof of a God is like saying there's no gold in china. To know that for sure I would have to say that know what's in every rock, in every person's mouth, built into every structure. But to say there is proof of God is like saying there is gold in China, all I'd have to do is see one piece of gold in china and I could say beyond a shadow of a doubt, there is gold in china. I don't need the other 99% of the information. I've witnessed things that prove to me God exists, and that's enough for me to say there is a God.
Just wondering, can you say, without a doubt that there is no God even though you don't know all there is to know?
This is ridiculous. You can say you've witnessed conclusive proof of God all you want, but you haven't. Let's see it. Let's test it. Verify the proof scientifically. You can't. If you could, you'd be the most well known person on Earth. Are you so incapable of seeing how dishonest your argument is?
It is no different than if I said "I have witnessed proof that God doesn't exist." I won't say that though, because I'm not a liar. (hint hint)
I can say without a doubt the Christian God doesn't exist, and since that's the one you believe in, let's leave it at that.
Can I say no god exists, no. I never did, and that's not what atheist means.
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Sigh. I could let you guys go on, but I think it is fair... this isn't an argument, although you can use an argument ad absurdum.
Now, bobojo, can I ask you one question? Why do you feel the need to justify your belief with your ignorance? Don't answer this yet.
I'm a dipshit.
Why ask a question he's not supposed to answer yet?
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This church was my first target, I tried to set it up on the inside of the toilet seat in the children's bathroomd, but it didn't work out, it fell right in, but the water didn't seep throughso it just sat on top, the original idea was to have it taped to the seat so that they'd lift up the lid and see the paper, then read it to see what it said, clever, but didn't quite work out. But my printer paper was surprisingly waterproof and just as planned, I saw a girl ask her mom the questions on the paper!
This is the second church. I snuck this one into the cabnet where they keep the communion cups.
Third church: Put this one on the pastor's desk, it was folded when I put it in there, but then I had to run cause someone was coming, but when I came back, it was open...hmm...
Fourth church on the hit list:
I put this one in the pastor's printer so that one of the elders will see it and hopefully start some controversy, worth a shot.
And the final church:
I saw some girl's lunch box and slipped one in. I do not have a DVD and would like one
Because he will answer it. It is rhetoric. The art of persuasion. I will let my secret be known- by making a question unanswerable, he will not assume I want him to answer it to prove him wrong. With this assumption, many conscious, or my desired effect, unconscious, conclusions will result in his head. Suddenly, the question that is not to be answered, is plagued with curiosity, giving it much more consideration that a quick reply on the board would be. Soon enough, the person the rhetoric is directed for, asks themselves questions, and an analysis of the self is exactly what this thread is thwarting from.
Sometimes a purely rational or logical answer is not desired or is too boring and ignored, Sapient. Humans are artists, naturally. Sometimes, we need to embrace that random and abstract quality in our mind.
I'm a dipshit.
In other words, make some sort of nonsense up!
Yeah, we could do that, or we could actually be rational.
Charlatans blow.
I'm not talking about being fradulent. It's rhetoric, enthymeme, all that crap. I would say rational is good, but sometimes rationalizing is not good, and half of you guys don't know even know what "rational" is.
I'm a dipshit.
When is rationalizing not good?
When you are required to believe something that is irrational!
Of course, faith.
Kinda like Ray Comfort telling us to stop rationalizing so he can "appeal to our conscience"
"Character is higher than intellect... A great soul will be strong to live, as well as to think."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Exactly! As Mark Twain said "faith is believing in that which I know ain't so!"
It's funny cause this guy named Rudy or Truth Dealer on myspace...a theist...told me that logic is blinding me from the truth...he said my rational thinking and my logic are keeping me from seeing god.
I laughed.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Ok, for those who don't know, we are very loose with our moderation of this board. We don't allow sockpuppeting. You can't have two screen names here. One name only. Furthermore the members here don't deserve to waste their time with people who are a theist in one post, and a lying atheist in another.
The original poster here bobojojo seems to be an ignorant Christian, I don't mean that in a derogatory sense, but in the "not educated" sense. Additionally, the original poster felt the need to pick up the persona of atheist and fake a war on Easter mission.
Notice the mission posted above by King Brad, now disected:
1. All the Church pictures are odd sizes, not something you'd see someone do with a digital camera. Who goes out of their way to make their pictures displayed in odd sizes?
2. (at least) Two of the Churches are located in Bloomington Indiana, yet King Brads' IP address originates in Florida.
3. The toilet picture (rather residential looking), the sofa/lunchbox (living room?)picture, and the cabinet (kitchen?) picture are not your typical pictures from inside a Church.
4. The likelihood of putting a flyer on a pastors desk, walking away, and coming back to an open picture is extremely low.
5. The IP address of Bobojojo, whom has made several amateur arguments defending Christianity matches that of the atheist fighting Easter "King Brad"
You know Ray Comfort says that liars are hypocrites, and that the definition of hypocrite is "pretender." And that you are not actually a Christian, you are just a lost pretender. Way to go :smt023 Bobo/KingBrad... you make baby Jesus cry. :smt022
If you come back from another IP address ever, you're posts will be deleted immediatly, and account will be banned (again).
Good riddance!
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Hehe, funny stuff Sapient, be careful because some IPs are always the same, like I think AOL users all get similar IP addresses (I don't know, one time I was on AOL and I was looking at wikipedia, and I had a hundred messages telling me not to vandalize articles- I don't know why or how, but just because IP addresses match, doesn't mean it is the same computer - could be a university wireless link (something I'm on commonly))
*Still don't think he should have been banned. Besides, you would have had more fun exposing him slowly.
I'm a dipshit.
He was on sprint dsl connection.
I don't have time for dumb games. (which is why I don't deal with you often)
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Exactly, don't have time for dumb games, as we're busy with important battles, like fighting a War on Easter, and ending theism.
Only you would see a cow and call it a rabbit, gravity.
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But Sapient, surely you have seen a rabbit chew cud?
I'm a dipshit.
More on the King Brad/Bobojojo scandal, and conclusive proof they are one and the same.
I received an email from "King Brad" tonight the atheist persona:
Now if you go to myspace and search for the email address you find it belongs to this profile:
Here is the picture of the person who owns that profile, from their profile:
Here we see that that account belongs to two groups on myspace:
Hardcore Christians, and some corny Chuck Norris group run by: a "Cardboard Samurai." See the similarity in the "cardboard" name.
Here is the kid in a video he made: http://youtube.com/watch?v=PCvd4sdAe3Q (notice the pink couch a minute in to his shitty video is the same one he claims was at a Church) Does the kid look familiar?
Here is the cardboard samurai profile picture:
The thread starter about the War on Easter at Hardcore Christians was Cardboard Samurai.
The fifth post on this page shows the cardboard samurai/bobojojo/kingbrad mentioning that he would hide the flyer in a toilet.
I'm done here. Like I said I don't have time for stupid games, but I thought some of you would get a real laugh at the dishonest hoops some Christians are willing to jump through for a copy of a movie that disproves their god. :twisted:
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