scientology a criminal organization?
Apparently Belgium thinks so. I don't know a whole lot about Scientology but I have read some things that make me think it's more like a cult than a religion.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
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Dammit, I was going to post this. Wonder what they can do with this - put Tom Cruise in jail? That organization has a huge legal team - and often harrasses critics. They definitely should be considered a cult.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
This channel gives some good examples of their tactics and track record. The featured video recounts how they got in the good graces of the municipal government.
There are no theists on operating tables.
I agree with the extortion charge.
From what I have read about scientology's 'audit' practices, it sounds very much as if those people are being extorted for their money.
My son and I watched an old episode of South Park dealing with scientology and his jaw dropped when I confirmed that those really are their beliefs. Then a friend sent this to us. My son was astounded that people actually subscribe to these beliefs and that it makes sense to them to pay for 'auditing'.
Just for fun I asked him what was the difference between their beliefs and xian beliefs and why is one considered bizarre but the other acceptable. He thought about it for a while and finally said there really isn't any difference other than timing.
What's interesting about the Scientology website I've just been perusing is that they make no mention of having to pay for your auditing sessions. They make it seem like you just meet up with some 'auditor' who listens to you and talks things through with you, like a shrink. I mean, other religious officials will do that, but they don't charge you $750.00 a session.
Yup, that smells like a filthy rip-off to me.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
For anyone researching anything about $cientology:
Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. - Seneca
That gives a 404 error.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
It is fixed now Matt.
Not exactly sure scientology is any worth than any other religion, its all bollocks.
Through what is interesting is scientology is the only religion i know of that actually copyrights its holy books and dues sue if published (apparently if you arent attuned you can explode if you read them)
This is good news. I grew up in East Grinstead which is a town about 30 miles south of London. It is the European headquaters for scientology. They have a large estate with a catsle (I shit thee not) just outside the town and this is where they train their auditors and what not.
They own many businesses in the town. They have seats on the council. Have an interst in both the local papers (you never see a bad word printed about them in these publications), they have inflitrated the local police. I know for a fact that they intimidate and threaten people who cross them. Its all very sinister.
I've worked with these people and for businesses that are scientology owned (which also means they are tithed). My conclusions are that for the most part scientologies victims are just that victims, they are lifes victims. The people I worked with where; ex drug addicts, ex alchoholics, people with mental health problems, really ugly people, people with no social skills, or ex prision convicts. They all had stories of woe before they became scientologist. They where weak and vulnerable and the organisation latches on to that. This is why they have crimanon and narcanon. Suposedly these are criminal and drug rehab programs in reality its a fertile recruitment ground for people who are vulnverabel and down on their luck.
Mind you having said all of that all of the above can be levelled at the "legitimate" religions of the world also.
Here's a 30 min docu on Goodle Video...scary!
Panorama - Scientology and Me
(Panorama is a long running BBC docu series)
I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind.