Ousted pastor, thanks to Jesus, is now 'completely heterosexual'

Thanks to theism, this man is "cured" of homosexuality.
Homo sapiens sapiens? How about homo insipiens sapiens: the foolish, wise human.
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Until the next time he wants to sleep with a man.
Did they handle his meth addiction as well or did they think that wasn't a large enough sin?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
And where is the cure for his lying and hypocrisy?
Haggard is the best thing that could happen to the cause of rationalism, an absolute monster - why aren't his millions of supporters queuing up to apologise for backing him.
That's bullshit. You can't change from what your orientation was before. I have to say, I'm more of an activist for gay rights than anything else, and this article is stupid.
I went to a church thingy with one of my friends and got into an arguement with the leader woman person about this kind of thing. She said that she turned a guy straight through "god" and I said "Well, then he is either hiding his feelings, or he was never really gay in the first place". She was determined to tell me that he was, in fact, gay and she did turn him by reading the bible to him. Also that he "wept for his sins every night and his choice in genders" or something like that.
I dunno, but it really pissed me off. I went all 'well, if "god" loves everyone, wouldn't he love someone though they were gay? You can't help who you look at or who you fall in love with' and so, I was being ganged up on by three Xtian girls and the leader. But I think I gave some pretty good responses.
I think what is MORE disturbing is that he is going to college to study Psychology. Are you getting at where this is going? Study Psychology. Say you're a leader. Say you know gays. Say they can change. Say that you know because you were one. Help create laws to bash gays because YOU know. Ugh.
Flemming Rose: “When [christians] say you are not showing respect, I would say: you are not asking for my respect, you are asking for my submission….”
Then again, remember what happened to the Exodus anti-gay ministry.
The men who founded the organization fell in love.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Yes Lynette, that is what I was thinking when I heard the ideas. Although on CNN they just said they were going to go into "counseling." If they don't turn that spin off I'm going to concider them FOXed.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is it even possible to be a 0 (completely straight) on the Kinsey Scale if you're a man that had sex with a man? Doesn't that make you some fraction gay no matter how much Jesus you have?
What scares me, is what they must have done to this man psychologically to convince him of this. There must have been some serious fear and scare tactics. I really feel sorry for him in that regard, poor guy can't be what he really is.
The Regular Expressions of Humanistic Jones: Where one software Engineer will show the world that God is nothing more than an undefined pointer.
I suspect that he was participating in "sin" because he couldn't help it. He was compelled to do it because it was wired into his brain (by Satan, no less). He might not have even enjoyed it, though probably did, which disturbed him too. Once others found out, he got the "help" he needed. He was shamed by the dogma he tried to live by, admitted his mistake and returned to Jesus' bossom and eternal salvation. Now he can say just about anything he wants against gays because he has experienced the sin of sodomy.
Throw in some study of psychology, twist it just so with your own irrational perceptions, and you've got a recipe for self-righteous condemnation.
Homo sapiens sapiens? How about homo insipiens sapiens: the foolish, wise human.
That whole idea of "gay curing therapy" is an irrational precept.
I thought Haggard was claiming that he only 'received a massage' from this gay gentleman that he was doing crystal meth with. Wait, scratch that, buying crystal meth from but not using it.
I wonder why Christians continue to follow abject hypocrites like Haggard and realize that it's just a sheep mentality. Even if your shepherd is a worthless, lying, evil, foul hypocrite, it's still better to follow him than actually think on your own.
When you realize exactly how much the average theist wants to hide their head in the sand, it shows exactly how daunting our task is in eradicating their silliness.
Oh, and thanks for letting me onto the boards.
"Like Fingerpainting 101, gimme no credit for having class; one thumb on the pulse of the nation, one thumb in your girlfriend's ass; written on, written off, some calling me a joke, I don't think that I'm a sellout but I do enjoy Coke."
I like how John Stewart explained this:
This is just so freaking stupid!
You can't "turn" gay because of the "power" of "Jesus" is on your side. That's so full of b.s.
This pisses me off. Lock him up in a place with gay guys, jail or something, and see if he doesn't "sin" or even think about it.
I bet his sex with women isn't satisfying without Viagra.