Hey atheist if you find a bible believing christian you can get rich!!!!!

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: "Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again." (Luke 6:30, repeated in Matthew 5:42) Try asking Christians for their houses and possessions, and see how faithful they are to the teachings of Jesus. Borrow a Christian's car and see if they ever ask for it back. Modern believers know that Jesus was wrong and the bible is not to be taken literally.
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Or there's no such thing as a good Christian, and the lot of humankind - Christian or not - are sinners.
"The map appears more real to us than the land." - Lawrence
How so? Did you pull this out of your ass? Because it smells like shit(wondering why I smelled it -.-). Where is your proof we are all sinners?
"When I die I shall be content to vanish into nothingness.... No show, however good, could conceivably be good forever.... I do not believe in immortality, and have no desire for it." ~H.L. Mencken
Thank god i'm a atheist!
There are to many contradictions between Jesus and Paul so therefor it's impossible to follow the NT.
There is a fine line between being religious and not having any common sense. What you suggest is that in order to be Christian you must dot you i's and cross your t's. This application of what Jesus said is clearly hyperbole, like when Jesus said that if your right hand causes you to stumble to cut it off.
Funny how only the non-Christians tend not to get things like this. It makes me wonder if it is deliberate.
"Truth is the cry of all, but the game of the few." George Berkeley
"Truth is always strange — stranger than fiction." Lord Byron
Fixing the world, one dumb idea at a time.
Explain the contridictions between Paul and Je--s.
So you say this to not follow parts of the bible you don't like?
If by "deliberate," you mean intellectually honest, then yes. Who gets to decide what in the bible is hyperbole and what is to be taken literally? You?
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Luke 19:27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
Surah 9:3 Slay the pagans (non muslims) wherever you find them..
Funny how christians can shamelessly present the lamest dodges as real justifications for ignoring their holy manual. Hyperbole? What is this, advertising? I THOUGHT THE BIBLE WAS THE DIVINE WORD OF GOD AND THE ONE PURE TRUTH!?!?!?
Lazy is a word we use when someone isn't doing what we want them to do.
- Dr. Joy Brown
Proof of sin against a God you don't believe in? Yeah, I'll get right on that...
Seriously though, it's basic reformed Christian theology. Salvation by grace. Jesus offers to more than one person works that might warrant salvation, as God the Father did with the covenant to the Jews. The point isn't that works cannot merit salvation, but that we are not capable of performing sufficiently. Ergo, we are all sinners.
"The map appears more real to us than the land." - Lawrence
sinner is a christian thing.
And remember that sinner isn't always evil.
That's both presumptuous and false. The only valid response after faith in God and acknowledgement of inability is submission to God as Lord. Hence the phrase "Lord and Savior" in reference to Jesus. Not all Christians have gotten through both steps, of course.
This is, of course, after faith. I don't expect it to be shared; I am only hoping to clarify the Christian position.
"The map appears more real to us than the land." - Lawrence
Luke 19:27 is illustrating the spiritual death to be suffered at the Judgement by those who reject the Kingdom of Jesus. What's your point?
"With its enduring appeal to the search for truth, philosophy has the great responsibility of forming thought and culture; and now it must strive resolutely to recover its original vocation." Pope John Paul II
And in conclusion, I would like to say that Lactobacillus acidophilus only restores floral balance to the guts of psittacines when species-specific strains are used.
Thank you.
Books on atheism, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
umm where did you get spiritual death from?? cause to me it dose not read, slay them before me but only spiritualy.
also how do u spiritualy slay someone?
I think Jesus is pleased with the muslims ^_^
There is no line between religion and nonsense. If something makes sense, you don’t need faith to believe in itSir Valiant for Truth wrote:
I suppose that Paul’s negative attitude toward homosexually was simple hyperbole as well. Good, I can tell all my gay Christian friends that they can stop committing suicide now.
I said at the beginning, all people are sinners. Suicide is not an answer for any sin. If you want to offer your gay Christian friends Biblical advice, tell them they'd be better refraining from any sex, regardless of whom it may be with.
"The map appears more real to us than the land." - Lawrence
Because abstinence has such a successful track record.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.