I wrote this log and never finished... (Hovind fact recall)

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I wrote this log and never finished... (Hovind fact recall)

I called the Hovind ministries this morning at 9:40 am est, and was told that neither Eric or Kyle were available. I was told Eric would be in soon and I settled on calling back in half an hour.

I gave him until 10:20, and called back. At that point I was told that Eric wasn't in yet and after hearing my name I was told I needed to call back in a half hour. I was too anxious, I've been up all night working on this, I needed to make sure that CSE knew what they were doing was wrong before they did it again. A friend gave me Eric Hovinds home phone number and I called. I got his wife Tanya who informed me that Eric was feeling sick today (I hope it wasn't that guilty feeling you get when you know you've done something so very wrong) and to call back in 2 hours.

At around 10:30 am I contacted Michelle Heldmyer again (the prosecuting Federal attorney who put Kent in jail). I spoke to her assistant who was clearly not able to speak at length, in detail, or with accuracy as to the legality of CSEs actions. Even if I had gotten Ms Heldmyer on the line she would have to had spent time researching the case before being able to give me much. I did however leave that phone call feeling as if something had been accomplished. I wont go in to details, the suspense is better. Eye-wink

At around 11am I finally was able to get in touch with Kyle at Kent Hovind ministries who started the call by telling me he would be recording it. We talked for 15 minutes. I can't tell you it went great, but I can say it didn't go bad. It would seem as if Kyle feels the actions of CSE were justified. To be honest my only purpose in calling was to make sure that CSE understood what the laws were, which ones they violated, and why. I was hoping that with this information CSE would stop sending take down notices. People who believe the Earth is 6,000 years old, that dinosaurs lived at the same time as humans, and that Noahs Ark actually happened, are ignorant to a large part of how the world operates. I thought it would be reasonable to deduce that there was a large potential that CSE was simply ignorant to how the law works when it comes to copyright. It would seem as if Kyle did in fact have a basic understanding of copyright law, however he'd probably only get a "C" on a test about the issue. He tried to explain to me what he claims are rules that have been around for a while, however I'm not inclined to believe his story. His claim is that there are clarifying terms to Kents claim that "none of this material is copyrighted" listed here. He tried to make it seem as if his clarifying rules for copyright have always existed, however I seem to have caught him in a lie. I've looked at the archive for his site, and you'll notice the bottom of the site has changed. This act is dishonest to the highest degree. When I initially left the phone call I hadn't challenged his claim about his copyright notice always being there, because I didn't have the data. Now I do. It's plain as day. They have altered their site sometime in the last 3 months (presumably within the last day or two).

I stopped writing there, and am too busy to finish what I intended. I thought some of you would want the info though.

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Every new update brings a

Every new update brings a happy feeling to my insides.

(You could take a power nap or something, though!  You don't want to start having sleep deprivation hallucinations when the DA calls, do you??)


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Like you said in the other

Like you said in the other video, all that crap will come out in the wash in discovery, if there's ever a civil suit. Let's see the Hovinds swear on a stack of their favourite books that they didn't change the site just a few days ago. Not that I'd put it past them.

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Keep up the work guys,

Keep up the work guys, you're fighting for all of us. But remember, part of fighting a war is handling your resources. Don't overextend yourselves! We are all pulling for you, and doing what we can as well.

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 That guy talking sounds

 That guy talking sounds like some kind of freak.

I have to say, I have watched many of Hovind's debates. And I have never been impressed with the evolutionists. They never deal with the arguments. Hovid has killed every evolutionist he has debated. In one of the debates he takes on three evolutionists at the same time. He absolutely demolished them.

The creationists are winning the argument everywhere. There are multiple websites, scholarly articles and books clearly proving that the evolutionists do not have any solid evidence or any pursuasive arguments whatsoever.

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ApotheonThe creationists

Apotheon wrote:
The creationists are winning the argument everywhere. There are multiple websites, scholarly articles and books clearly proving that the evolutionists do not have any solid evidence or any pursuasive arguments whatsoever.

Please furnish us with these scholarly articles (in mainstream, peer-reviewed journals) that prove "... evolutionists do not have any solid evidence ..." 

Why didn't this evidence come out in the Dover, PA trial?   Why did Judge Jones rule that ID creationism is not science, and point to the Behe Incident as a lucid example of this.

(For the Behe incident, see http://www.pamd.uscourts.gov/kitzmiller/kitzmiller_342.pdf, page 78 ... In fact, read the whole damn thing - it's f'n beautiful!)

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Creation/Evolution Debates

In 1985 I went to an evolution/creation debate at George Mason University.  Dr. Duane Gish's rational arguments demolished the weak rationalizations of the George Mason professor.  I wish I had a DVD of that debate. 

Can you direct me to where I can purchase DVDs of recent evolution/creation (or intelligent design) debates?



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Apotheon wrote: That guy

Apotheon wrote:

 That guy talking sounds like some kind of freak.

I have to say, I have watched many of Hovind's debates. And I have never been impressed with the evolutionists. They never deal with the arguments. Hovid has killed every evolutionist he has debated. In one of the debates he takes on three evolutionists at the same time. He absolutely demolished them.

The creationists are winning the argument everywhere. There are multiple websites, scholarly articles and books clearly proving that the evolutionists do not have any solid evidence or any pursuasive arguments whatsoever.

Self delusional are you? I would personally own Hovind in less than 5 minutes. So would 4/5ths of the people on this site. Even many of the theists would completely destroy him.

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Has kent ever defended

Has Kent ever defended creation in a debate? All that I have seen is him on the attack against evolution? He basically says evolution is a lie repeatedly very fast.

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Tapey wrote:Has Kent ever

Tapey wrote:

Has Kent ever defended creation in a debate? All that I have seen is him on the attack against evolution? He basically says evolution is a lie repeatedly very fast.

Yes, (edit: Hovind did more debates than these, but these are the best, haha) actually. I know of at least two instances where he got completely annihilated. 

This one is my favorite. Molecular Geneticist. Ouch.


This one might be even more brutal.




Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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 LMAO no wonder those

 LMAO no wonder those weren't on the christian site I got the rest from. I love the practical application of creation. Classic


The second one was just murder, there is no other way to put it. 

Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.