Atheist Alliance International Convention tickets now available!!!

“Unsinkable Atheism,”
14th Annual Atheist Alliance International (AAI) Convention
September 25—28, 2008 - on the historic Queen Mary, in Long Beach.
Featured Guests include: Michael Shermer, P. Z. Myers, Michael Newdow, Eddie Tabash, Julia Sweeney, Herb Silverman, Mikey Weinstein, Jeremy Hall, Lori Lipman Brown, and Ellen Johnson.
Get all the details and register here.....
Space is limited and last year sold out FAST!
Summary of events....
Thursday night
A secular wedding and reception featuring DJ Kelli G. and Professional dancer John Edwards
Friday - “Atheists In Foxholes”
Margaret Downey (AAI president)
Herb Silverman (President of the Secular Coalition for America)
Carlos Bertha (associate professor of philosophy - US Air Force Academy),
Kathleen Johnson (American Atheists Military Director),
Jason Torpy (president of Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers)
Mikey Weinstein (founder and president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and
Specialist Jeremy Hall will receive the first “Valiant Atheist Medallion of Honor.”
Late-night concert of “Freethinking Music” featuring original music by Joel Pelletier.
Saturday workshops....
Jennifer Bardi ~ Editor of Humanist magazine
“Anchoring Your Atheist Story”
August Berkshire ~ President of Minnesota Atheists
“Catching the Wave: Start Your Own Atheist Radio Show”
M. J. Christensen ~ Co-Founder of Scouting for All
“Throwing Prejudice and Bigotry Overboard”
James Underdown ~ Executive Director of the Center for Inquiry-Los Angeles
“Navigating the Media”
Lori Lipman Brown & Sasha Bartolf ~ Secular Coalition for America
“All Hands on Deck for Political Tempests”
Troy Conrad ~ Comedian
“Manning the Humor Lifeboat”
August Brunsman ~ Executive Director of the Secular Student Alliance
“Singing your Siren's Song on Social Networking Sites”
Ellen Johnson ~ Executive Director of the Godless Americans Political Action Committee
“Let’s Weigh Anchor and Start Using Our Power as Secular Citizens”
Cathe Jones ~ Writer and Humorist
“Atheists and Loss: Navigating Grief”
Saturday Afternoon and Evening...
Julia Sweeney will give the 2008 Richard Dawkins Award to a secret person.
Jill Sobule will sing a special song to the honoree.
Michael Shermer ~ Publisher of Skeptic Magazine
“Chicken Soup for the Atheist’s Soul: Finding Spirituality in a Godless Universe”
P. Z. Myers ~ Biologist, University of Minnesota
“Science as an Instrument of Change”
Michael Newdow ~ Attorney and Physician
“Establishment Clause: Floaters and Sinkers”
Eddie Tabash, Esquire (who made a gallant run for the California State Assembly in 2000) “Electing Atheists to Public Office.”
Video presentation of Congressman Pete Stark accepting the first annual AAI “Freedom of Conscience Award
After the formal speeches, stay for a musical presentation of Religiomania by Michele Rundgren, Debra Ryll, and Wanda Plimmer.
Sunday Morning
Annie Laurie Gaylor, Margaret Downey, Kathleen Johnson and Bobbie Kirkhart present opinions about why women must be encouraged to be from religion.
You Can Bring the Kids....Mini - Camp Quest – on site!
Chris Lindstrom and Amanda Metskas will run a Mini Camp Quest for the children of conventioneers. Reservations are required and can be done at the AAI website. Children ages 6—13 are welcome.
Get all the details and register here.....
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
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I am so excited!
Tracy and i are going to attempt a vacation around this as his brother lives in San Diego!
I have never seen the ocean~~
Slowly building a blog at ~
Website for Reservations:\ca340
Should read:
Website for Reservations:
This is the time of year that I have to move from Minnesota to Oregon. I attended the American Atheist conference in Minneapolis in March, and that was a good experience. I can't imagine how much fun this convention would be, not to mention the sightseeing/ tourism. I might have to purchase a password to see it online. But I will see it.
I will be attending and I hope to see you all there.
This is awesome. Totally and utterly awesome. I work on the Queen Mary. I hope I can meet a lot of you. That would be awesome
The implication that we should put Darwinism on trial overlooks the fact that Darwinism has always been on trial within the scientific community. -- From Finding Darwin's God by Kenneth R. Miller
Chaos and chance don't mean the absence of law and order, but rather the presence of order so complex that it lies beyond our abilities to grasp and describe it. -- From From Certainty to Uncertainty by F. David Peat
Huh. I've never gone to a Con before. I was thinking of heading to GenCon or maybe DragonCon, but I always wanted to go to one of those as a vendor, and that won't be for a couple of years at least.
...Err... would folks in my demograph (around 23-ish?) likely to be attending? At a Con that I imagine will have a more limited attendance and thus more 'intimate' feeling, I really wouldn't want to show-up looking like the dorky outsider alongside a group of intellectual peers. I envision those times I was at 'the company Christmas party', sitting alone at table and feeling like a moron... except this time the crowd would involve people like Christopher Hitchens, to really reinforce the point.
Ah, what the Hell. I'll probably just sign-up tomorrow night anyway.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Kevin! You should come. I have never been to this particular conference but I can only imagine there will be plenty to do. There will be a Rational Responders booth set up ( every day?) so you could feel at home there
Slowly building a blog at ~
It's the Queen Mary.
It's The Rational Response Squad.
'Nuff Said.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
...Err... is the rate $149.00 per night, as far as the hotel room is concerned? Or does that cover the entire length of the convention (from Thursday on)?
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Yeah, I'm going. Any excuse to book airline tickets is a good one.
I love flying.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
This year's business trip to LA just got scheduled around AAI 08. Wunderbra.
That sounds more like a per night rate.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
I'm going thats for sure. The best part of it all, I'm volunteering as a photographer with AAI.
v1ktor =)
2[Y] | Success Lies Within Us All
Am I the only one to cavil at the inclusion of "kosher pickles" on the menu.
Those things really are kosher, and part of the cost goes towards the organisation that awards the "kosher" label. That is aside from the cost of being "kosher". Seems contradictory to me.
Thanks for the heads up! Can't miss it this year!
Nialler, that is just too funny. I didn't even give it a thought. I buy kosher pickles all the time. I've never noticed NON kosher pickles...what is the deal with that???
But if it makes you feel any better, look above and you'll see that ham is on the menu, too.
Kevin, the tickets are $140.00 if you buy them now. This does not include hotel or meals. If you want to stay on the Queen Mary, the room rates start at $149.00 a night.
I can't wait to go!
Nialler, you crack me up. I mentioned the "kosher" thing to Margaret. I am hoping that she will do an, er, anti-kosher ceremony. THAT would be funny.
Yup. I decided it'd be a good idea to double-check my passport first, though, and... of course, it's expired.
No big deal. I just want to renew it so I know I'm good to go before I purchase the tickets.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
I'm considering going... but my 21st birthday is September 25, so I'm not sure I'll be able to get out of celebrating with family & friends.
Then again, I see lots of happy hours on the schedule above, so if I did attend, you all can expect to see me with a gin & tonic in each hand, shouting blasphemous things for the entire trip.
Sounds like a blast...wish I could come.
Have enough fun for everyone, okay? 
Trust me, it's a lot of fun.
I celebrated my 21st bday this year at the American Atheist Conference.
My gift? I met Margaret Downey, Ellen Johnson, Richard Dawkins, got a book signed with happy birthday wish from Lawrence Krauss, and many many more. Can't wait for AAI.
Just imagine, my 21st birthday on Easter sunday at atheist conference....hahaha =)
You'll have a blast there, we shall PARTY
v1k =)
2[Y] | Success Lies Within Us All
I might show up for this.
I wish I could go, but the my mom's dog suffered depression when we left her at the kennel for the last convention. Plus it is on the west cost and I hate flying.
Take lots of pictures folks, and say hi to Downey for me, I really enjoyed working with her.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Sorry folks, Kelly and I made the tough call about 2 weeks ago based on finances that we'd be unable to attend AAI this year. Lori and Rook decided just a few days ago to stay home as well. In addition to tight budgets Lori has something similar to a persistent earache, with a doctors note that she's unable to work, and has been home. The doctor originally seemed to think she'd be fine in a week, but now it's been almost two. It's basically a ringing in her ear that can affect her balance and overall feeling. (scientific info) In some cases it can last months, and so just in case, they're not booking flights to AAI. Damn gas prices are making trips to L.A. expensive from the east coast.
We still hope that many RRS folks attend the AAI conference. Margaret does an amazing job organizing her event and it's shaping up to be quite a convention again. LeftofLarry and Beca are getting married to start things off (Thurs), with Margaret Downey performing the ceremony. We wish them a long, happy, prosperous life together.
If you're willing to give more than 7 inches of hair, Locks of Love will be collecting at a nearby shop in conjunction with Margaret. You can give blood on Friday in an atheist blood drive by NYC atheists. Comedy Jesus will be conducting a discussion on humor in atheism (give em hell, Jesus), PZ Myers will be there, along with a whole cast of service people who are "out of the closet atheists."
Get all the details and purchase tickets from Atheist Alliance International.
Sorry again that we aren't going. Please prepare to post as many pictures as possible on the net.
Any RRS members that are going, please feel free to say so in this thread for purposes of meeting up. Get an RRS shirt to meet up!
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Confirmed so far...
Herb Silverman and Margaret Downey
Speakers and Workshop Presenters:
Jennifer Bardi - Editor of the Humanist magazine
August Berkshire - President of Minnesota Atheists
Ellen Johnson - Exec Dir for Godless Americans Political Action Committee
M. J. Chritensen - Co-Founder of Scouting For All
Annie Laurie Gaylor - Freedom From Religion Foundation President
Kathleen Johnson - American Atheists Board Member
Cathy Jones - Godless Grief, Writer and Humorist
Troy Conrad - Comedian (Comedy Jesus)
Lori Lipman Brown - Lobbyist for the Secular Coalition for America
PZ Myers - Biologist, University of Minnesota, Pharyngula
Michael Newdow - Attorney and Physician
Michele Rundgren - Comedienne
Michael Shermer - Publisher of Skeptic Magazine
Eddie Tabash - Lawyer and Atheist/Secular Humanist
Marlene Winell - Psycological Consultant
Jason Torpy - Military Assoc. of Atheists and Freethinkers
Jeremy Hall - Army Specialist and plaintiff
Mikey Weinstein - Founder of Military Religious Freedom Foundation
Carlos Bertha - Professor at the U. S. Air Force Academy
Also Appearing:
Joel Pelletier -
Artist and MuscianThe Camp Quest Players
with Michele Rundgren, Debra Ryll, and Wanda Plimmer
Jill Sobule -
lyricist, singer and composerJulia Sweeney
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Hello Everyone,
I live in So Cal and am anxious in having you all here. I just happened to see this page from an email I got. As a member of a local group, Atheists United, and co-coordinator of an atheist group nearby, I plan on contacting the organizers to see what I can do to help.
And could we all come up with some way to help Brian and Kelly be there? I personally will donate $50 if someone can put something together to facilitate this. When they totally destroyed Kirk and the Banana God that was damn good. You guys rock...
Thanks for the idea to attempt to get us there lionspoint, but I see us being much further behind than we'd like to be. It's not just the actual transportation to the event, but also things like food, and time away from work at home. Unfortunately, we're so far behind financial goals for this year that I don't think it'll happen short of several thousand (like 5k). Since we have yet to pay off the server acquired at the beginning of this year, I don't see it happening.
For now I think the best mode of thought is for people to chip in to our server donation so that we can consider making a convention next year. We do really want a strong RRS delegation there. Hopefully everyone will wear an RRS shirt (making it easier to find each other), get together, and have a big party at the event.
We make about 35% on the shirts, and the shirts are sent directly from a reliable operation in Cafepress.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
First off
Thanks a lot for all you do. I am trying to get started here on the west coast and I clearly see an uphill battle on my hands. But all things worth a lot take a lot to earn. Personally, and I give this info to everyone I consider to be friends to look into a guy named Robert Kiyosaki. He is a brilliant man that has far more information on wealth accumulation than you could imagine. Especially look into Rich Dad Poor Dad. My uncle is a self-made multi millionaire that directed me to his books. I haven't made it happen yet, but I have little doubt in my future. If you haven't heard of him, it would serve you well to learn from him. Let me know what you think: [email protected]
Thanks again for all you, Kelly and everyone else is your group does,
Douglas V Burgeson
In 2007, AAI invested in technology that allowed live Internet streaming video to be seen around the world. The technology was used to stream the 2007 AAI “Crystal Clear Atheism” convention to hundred of people around the world.
Many passwords were also purchased by individual viewers. AAI received an overwhelming amount of compliments and thanks! After the 2007 convention, people wrote to say how pleased they were to have hosted large house parties, meetings, presentations at theaters and presentations at colleges. They also commented about the clarity of the picture and the fantastic audio that was provided. Consequently, AAI is offering live Internet streaming video of the 2008 AAI “Unsinkable Atheism” convention taking place September 25-28, 2008 on the Queen Mary (permanently docked in Long Beach, California).
The best news of all is that the live Internet streaming video service will be available at a much lower rate then in 2007. Here are the new prices:
1. $75 for all three days (Friday night-Sunday morning)
2. $20 Friday night only
3. $40 Saturday (all day and all night)
4. $20 Sunday morning only
(consult the AAI Convention Schedule on line at: or in the files section of this group)
Please consider purchasing a password to host a local mini-convention in your area. To purchase a password, please visit:
In 2007, many passwords were used for viewing at colleges, group meetings, and in private homes. Help spread the word by hosting an event in your area using a purchased password. This is a great way to see a convention in progress without investing in travel, hotel, convention fees, and other expenses related to attending a convention.
If your affiliate group would like to serve as satellite convention host for the weekend of the convention, please let AAI know. We will make sure to do a special “shout out” to your group on the nights you host a live Internet video viewing.
We suggest that you secure a local venue with an Internet connection and a large viewing screen. In Philadelphia, a cooperating theater is being used. You may want to ask for assistance at a local college or library. With this type of set-up it would be like running a local conference, except that all of the presentations would be transmitted in via the Internet for your guests to watch. Praise technology!
Since the broadcast service involves some cost, we suggest that you ask for donations at the event your group sponsors. The price for the viewing is so minor, however, that you may not feel the need to ask for donations. We leave it up to you.
As an extra bonus, you will be able to log on after the show and download the WMV file so that you can watch it from your own hard drive. The shows will be posted after the live broadcast, and the convention activities will remain on the server for a week to be viewed or downloaded only by people who have purchased passwords.
Please note that the following restrictions apply:
1. You cannot log on from more than 1 computer at any time using the same password. This prevents anyone from sharing a password. If the same password is used on another computer, both computers will stop receiving transmission.
2. Anyone with a slow ISP such as a dial up will not be able to watch in real time as their computer will frequently pause to "buffer" the stream.
3. The deadline to sign up and pay will be Sept. 22, 2008.
Please consider this option and let us know if we can be of further assistance.
Margaret Downey, AAI President
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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Concerning the streaming video feed;
If anyone is interested in getting together to watch it in the Philadelphia area, I am working with The Freethought Society of Greater Philadelphia to gather some people to do so. Location to be determined (in the next week). If interested, email me and I can give you more information as I get it.
I'll fight for a person's right to speak so long as that person will, in return, fight to allow me to challenge their opinions and ridicule them as the content of their ideas merit.
To anyone that went....
How'd it go? How'd you like it?
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient