Earth pole shift 2012? Is there any real evidence?

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Earth pole shift 2012? Is there any real evidence?

Alright, I placed this under the science forum because I want to know if anyone has any scientific evidence or knowledge to refute the clams made by all these theories surrounding the year 2012.

Here is a video and a link to an interesting information site of what I'm talking about if you need be informed.

My interpretation is that sometime between the years 2008 - 2015 our solar system will quite rapidly pass though the gravitational pull created by the super massive black hole in the center of our galaxy. The implications of this I have still yet to find a suitable answer that I can actually believe without the indoctrination of dogmatic theories. I just want to know what everyone’s rational opinion is on this matter.


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Just did a quick scan of the

Just did a quick scan of the first video. Seems like a bunch of bullcrap to me on par with the wacko 9/11 conspiracy nuts.

 I guess they are saying the earths axis has tilted in the past and will tile again in 2012? I think there is evidence to refute this. We have a history of earths magnetic field shifting many times in earths history. It will shift again. I think they can determine the axis of the earth by lining up these shifts to show that the artic has always been where it is today.

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One reason they are obsessed

One reason they are obsessed with the year 2012 is that the Mayan calendar was only made up until Dec 2012 (of course the Mayan culture ended in the 15th century - do we have any calendars made for, say, 2634?)

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I think they just got lazy

I think they just got lazy with making the damn calendar and stopped at 2012.

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It really doesn't make much

It really doesn't make much sense to make calendars for so far ahead - it would be easy with a computer, but imagine how hard it must've been to make one for so far in the future with basically stone age technology - though the Mayans were very advanced in mathematics and astronomy.

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FSMllama wrote: I just want

FSMllama wrote:
I just want to know what everyone’s rational opinion is on this matter.

My humble opinion is that you should stop getting your science from obvious cranks. 

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Even if the crackpots are

Even if the crackpots are right about the solar system somehow entering a gravitational superfield(cough), it wouldn't result in the earth spinning in a different direction. It would take an impact to do that. A gravitational pull strong enough to change the axis of the earth would rip the entire solar system apart, if gravity could even accomplish an axis change on it's own that is. And we're nowhere near the black hole either.

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FSMllama wrote: Alright, I

FSMllama wrote:

Alright, I placed this under the science forum because I want to know if anyone has any scientific evidence or knowledge to refute the clams made by all these theories surrounding the year 2012.

Here is a video and a link to an interesting information site of what I'm talking about if you need be informed.

My interpretation is that sometime between the years 2008 - 2015 our solar system will quite rapidly pass though the gravitational pull created by the super massive black hole in the center of our galaxy. The implications of this I have still yet to find a suitable answer that I can actually believe without the indoctrination of dogmatic theories. I just want to know what everyone’s rational opinion is on this matter.

The Horizon Project


Are you talking about a magnetic pole shift?  Sure, it's happened in the past, and it will certainly happen in the future.  Our magnetic field is weakening, which likely signals an impending shift.

I don't know if it's going to have anything to do with a black hole, though. 

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Earths magnetic pole is

Geomagnetic reversals can be measured and dated easily in the deep sea. The do NOT match with mass extinctions.

Earths magnetic pole is instable over long time scales but stable for almost all of earths history. The north pole is moving and its recent movement has been measured. Earths magnetic pole is expected to swap in rougly 200 ears around 2200 CE wich is relatively soon measured on a time scale of years.

Earths pole will NOT weverse 2012, that is just common "end of the world prophecy paranoya". What "end of the world predictions" miss is that there habe been thousands of them and none of them ever happened. Most "end of the world prophecies" are made up by poor authors to sell books and it is not a coincidence that everyone places the date of the end of the world far bast his own life expectancy to avoid any responsibility and loss of credibility in chase of being wrong, wich of course was allways the case.

arths magnetic pole has swapped a few times in earth history. this is bad for more complex life forms because while it swaps and weakens over a few years the surface is hit by more gamma rays causing more mutations, usually infertility and cancer

However this this will only affect polar regions where the magnetic field is weakest all the time, causing polar lights. Earths atmosphere itself shields enough from radiation near the aequato, it wont make much of a difference there if the magnetic pole would swap or reduced drastically.

i hate this forum type. it is unnecessarily complex and makes spell checking hard so fuck it. 

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Anytime you run into a

Anytime you run into a youtube or google video with any of these keywords:

Free mason


New World Order


Adamic race

Michael Tsarion

911 truth

International Bankers




realize you're dealing with bullshit ... often its funny and tremendously entertaining bullshit (this is one of my favs.), but there is no truth to any of it.  The creationist-christian fundamentalist-conspiracy theorists are also extremely hilarious ...

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The reason for this shift

The reason for this shift is this:

Every moon and planet has an orbit, and so does every star system, just like our Solar System, which is just another name for Star System. Our sun (the star of our solar system) orbits what is known as the central sun called Alcyone. This central sun is the central star of the Milky Way Galaxy and is located directly in the center of our galaxy in between what is known as the Photon Belt, which was discovered back in 1961. This Photon Belt which is made up of tiny energy particles extremely capable of realigning our atomic structures. Anyway, there are a total of eight suns in the Milky Way Galaxy, ours being the youngest and Alcyone being the oldest. Our sun and six others (Teygela, Maya, Marope, Atlas, Cosieno, and Electra) orbit around Alcyone, Marope being the sun that orbits the closest to Alcyone. The length of time it takes for a Star System to orbit through the Northern or Southern segment of the Photon Belt is 2000 years. Currently, our Solar System is approximately 4-6 years apart from the southern segment of this photonic energy field. Once completely through the southern part of the Photon Belt, (which will take 2000 years to complete) our Solar System will have finished a cycle that it takes 26 thousand years to complete, 22,000 years outside of the Photon Belt, (Eastern and Western orbit centers) and 4,000 years inside of the Photon Belt. (Northern and Southern segments of the Photon Belt-2,000 years North and 2,000 years South) Extreme weather and changes in human behavior have been a result of the increase in Earth’s frequency, because of this photonic energy. This increase in Earth’s frequency will cause a flip in the Magnetic Field of the Earth. It is said that this flip will also cause us to open up to a higher consciousness, because of a growth in our pineal gland.

Every age has a peak before achieving greatness, and the signs of that peak would be for example, war, poverty, famine, and human suffering, meaning when life grows to a certain peak of negativity, it abruptly changes for the better. Because of this discovered cycle of Star Systems, it is believed that Earth along with our Solar System and the other six suns along with their Star Systems, have gone through the Photon Belt many times in the past. The trajectory through this energy field is also believed by the Mayan Indians that an extraordinary change for humanity will occur.

{fixed aiia}

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*blink blink* Did you write

*blink blink* Did you write that with a straight face?

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INFEXION9288 wrote:The

INFEXION9288 wrote:

The reason for this shift is this:

Every moon and planet has an orbit, and so does every star system, just like our Solar System, which is just another name for Star System. Our sun (the star of our solar system) orbits what is known as the central sun called Alcyone. This central sun is the central star of the Milky Way Galaxy and is located directly in the center of our galaxy in between what is known as the Photon Belt, which was discovered back in 1961. This Photon Belt which is made up of tiny energy particles extremely capable of realigning our atomic structures. Anyway, there are a total of eight suns in the Milky Way Galaxy, ours being the youngest and Alcyone being the oldest. Our sun and six others (Teygela, Maya, Marope, Atlas, Cosieno, and Electra) orbit around Alcyone, Marope being the sun that orbits the closest to Alcyone. The length of time it takes for a Star System to orbit through the Northern or Southern segment of the Photon Belt is 2000 years. Currently, our Solar System is approximately 4-6 years apart from the southern segment of this photonic energy field. Once completely through the southern part of the Photon Belt, (which will take 2000 years to complete) our Solar System will have finished a cycle that it takes 26 thousand years to complete, 22,000 years outside of the Photon Belt, (Eastern and Western orbit centers) and 4,000 years inside of the Photon Belt. (Northern and Southern segments of the Photon Belt-2,000 years North and 2,000 years South) Extreme weather and changes in human behavior have been a result of the increase in Earth’s frequency, because of this photonic energy. This increase in Earth’s frequency will cause a flip in the Magnetic Field of the Earth. It is said that this flip will also cause us to open up to a higher consciousness, because of a growth in our pineal gland.

Every age has a peak before achieving greatness, and the signs of that peak would be for example, war, poverty, famine, and human suffering, meaning when life grows to a certain peak of negativity, it abruptly changes for the better. Because of this discovered cycle of Star Systems, it is believed that Earth along with our Solar System and the other six suns along with their Star Systems, have gone through the Photon Belt many times in the past. The trajectory through this energy field is also believed by the Mayan Indians that an extraordinary change for humanity will occur.

Does your handle refer to a terminal brain-eating disease that is destroying your ability to process information? Because my six year-old daughter knows more about the solar system and the galaxy than you apparently do.

Here's a few quick facts:

1. There are a few more than eight stars in the Milky Way. For starters, every single star that you see when you look up at night is in the Milky Way. And that is a tiny percentage of the total, which is approximately 100 billion.

2. There is no central sun at the centre of the galaxy. There is a massive black hole there, but this is not a sun by any stretch of the definition of the word. It maybe USED to be a sun, but it has long since collapsed into something quite different.

3. There is no galactic structure called a Photon Belt. This is a complete fabrication.

4. "Photonic energy" is light. Light does not create changes in human behaviour and consciousness, unless you count squinting and blinking. Light certainly cannot affect the earth's magnetic field.

5. The function of the pineal gland is to regulate circadian rhythms and sleep by secreting melatonin. So unless your "higher consciousness" simply means being awake or asleep all the time, the pineal gland can't have anything to do with it.

6. Light from the galaxy does not cause changes in human history because the light from the galaxy is the same all the time. Even if we did pass through some kind of brighter region of the galaxy, the effect would be slightly less dark nights. If we got a sudden spike in cosmic radiation, the effect would be cancer, blindness, mutation and death. Luckily our sun and our atmosphere protects us from most of that. 

7. Human history gets better after it is bad for a while because people get sick of the bad condition and work to change it. Then, after it is good for a while people stop paying attention and allow things to slip until they are bad again. And around we go. No Photon Belt required. 

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MattShizzle wrote: It

MattShizzle wrote:
It really doesn't make much sense to make calendars for so far ahead - it would be easy with a computer, but imagine how hard it must've been to make one for so far in the future with basically stone age technology - though the Mayans were very advanced in mathematics and astronomy.

Maybe they thought they were advanced as they would be and didn't forsee calculating devices in the future being invented and therefore making their work fruitless. 

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Tilberian wrote: Here's a

Tilberian wrote:

Here's a few quick facts:

1. There are a few more than eight stars in the Milky Way. For starters, every single star that you see when you look up at night is in the Milky Way. And that is a tiny percentage of the total, which is approximately 100 billion.


Actually, not everything you see when you look up into the sky at night is a star. Many of them are stars, that's true, but many of them are also galaxies that are so far away that their stars appear like single points to your eyes, even though they are actually made of billions of stars.

I have no idea if this is truth or bullshit, but someone once told me that when you look into the night sky and see the purplish, gaseous-looking belt of the milky way, then you are looking through the disc of the milky way. If you're looking anywhere other than through that belt, you are gazing above or below the disc of the milky way.

But my main point is that not all of those are stars and not all of them are in the milky way. 

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The Black hole thing sounds

The Black hole thing sounds made up. As someone mentioned before, the earths magnetic pole can shift, there was some paeleological finds which suggested it had done at some stage in our visible history. However, a reliable scientific model (Glatzmaier and Roberts, Los Alamos Labs) would suggest that pole reversals are natural and spontaneous functions of a geomagnetic field, no black hole need be involved.

This simulation appears to deny an imminent pole shift (not completely ruling it out but looks unlikely), and totally debunks ALL the galactic anomaly faux-theories that some quacks come up with about magnetic earth changes.

Also: If perchance a pole shift occurred in our lifetime, the chances are high that it would be gradual over a course of some thousand or so years and would cause disruptions but not on a catastrophic scale.


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This claim of a pole shift

This claim of a pole shift in 2012 seems to me yet another case of imagining that the Earth is like a spinning top on a flat surface, a spinning top that will someday tip over.

The Earth does not rest on any surface, so it cannot tip over in that fashion.

Instead, the Moon and the Sun continually pull on its equatorial bulge. That adds in vector fashion to the Earth's rotation, forcing the Earth's spin axis to go in a circle around its orbit axis. This precession has close to a constant rate with a period of about 25,700 years. The Earth's orbit suffers precession of its own, with periods somewhat greater than that, though only by a few degrees. These two effects combine to keep the Earth's spin precession from being an exact circle.

Also, the Earth's magnetic field has often reversed itself over geological time. But it does not suddenly tip over; instead it shrinks, acquires a relatively complicated shape, and then gets a stronger but simpler shape with its polarity reversed. In more technical terms, its dipole part goes from positive through zero to negative. And when it does, it is much like it is now, but in the opposite direction.

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history channel

I dont know if this is true or not, but it was featured on the History Channel, and some scientists were speakin as if it were a certainty.  They did say that if it does happen it isn't guaranteed that the world will end,  they said it all depends at the rate of the polar shift.  For example, if it happens over weeks we will die, if it happens over years, we will live.

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Imyopoppa3 wrote: I dont

Imyopoppa3 wrote:
I dont know if this is true or not, but it was featured on the History Channel, and some scientists were speakin as if it were a certainty. They did say that if it does happen it isn't guaranteed that the world will end, they said it all depends at the rate of the polar shift. For example, if it happens over weeks we will die, if it happens over years, we will live.
There is no basis in that whatsoever.  Magnetic pole reversals/shifts have occured numerous times in the past and over differing time periods.  The rate of decrease and the current strength are within the normal range of variation based on past readings so it's already taking place.  It not an on-off mechanism.

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We are all going to die. The

We are all going to die. The Earth pole is going to shift, global warming is going to fry our brains, our oil supply is going to run out and we will become an anarchy, terrorists are going to nuke the world, the bird flu is going to wipe everyone out worse than the Bubonic Plague, an asteroid is going to crash into Earth, the sun is going to burn out, and if all of that doesn't get us Judgement day is coming. So you better go buy life insurance.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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My dad is obsessed with

My dad is obsessed with this kind of shit.


"Hey son, you know about atlantis?"


"That's a myth, dad."


"No its not, Atlantis used to be in antarctica, but after the magnetic field shifted, antarctica moved to the south pole, so it got really cold."

 "First of all, dad, magnetic fields have nothing to do with plate tectonics, and second, if antartica ever moved from the tropics to the south pole it would have been hundreds of millions of years ago"

 "Wait, so you're saying magnetic fields don't make us stick to the world?"

 "Wha...?" *shakes head and walks away*


Oh, and here's another gem from yesterday.

Dad: "So if you were on the north pole, how many time zones would you be in?"

Me: "Geographic or magnetic?"

Dad:"The one in the north"

Me: "uh, well if you're on the geographic north pole, you'd be in all timezones at once."

Dad: "So time would stand still?"

Me *thinking he's joking*: "Yeah, if you're talking politics."

Dad *actually serious*: "So how has anyone come back? I mean, wouldn't they be stuck there forever?"

Me: "You can't be serious. Timezones are a human convention. They have nothing to do with actual time."

Dad *yelling*:"But Einstein said time was relative! He said if you flew around the Earth from west to east time would go backwards! That's why we have jet lag!"


How did this man make it through high school? 


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Quote: How did this man


How did this man make it through high school?

He couldn't have. You're supposed to be taught the Einstein Field Equations in Grade 12. 

"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.


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Glad to see there's other

Glad to see there's other rational thinkers in this place!

Here's some good rational information on the subject:



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hello? guys

i've read your commitments and think you guys better watch which is possitive news channel. if you watch it you'll definitely see enlightened spiritual master Ching Hai talking about 2012. She says "our earth is getting warmer and poisonous gas will come out of ocean which is enough to kill everyone. all the ice will melt down by 2012."

watch about it on

i don't think that all the starseed, indigo, lightworker came here to see the world collapse.

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if you watch it you'll definitely see enlightened spiritual master Ching Hai talking about 2012. She says "our earth is getting warmer and poisonous gas will come out of ocean which is enough to kill everyone. all the ice will melt down by 2012."

And does an "enlightened spiritual master" sound like the sort of person who is "qualified in any way whatsoever" to speak about such occurances, or don't you think such information should be gleaned from a climatologist?

There is absolutely no way whatsoever that nearly 400 trillion tons of ice could disappear in four years. Perhaps, with the fastest climate change models, 30 years or 50 years. Not four. No way. As for the idea that "poisonous gases" will come out of the sea, that was simply made up. Which gas, precisely? Most gases do not dissolve in water. Why does this one, and which is it? What induced change by raising the temperature would cause its release (such can only be known by providing the precise name of the gas). Without giving the exact IUPAC name of the gas, all such statements are worthless, since without it, no claims like that can be evaluated? So which poisonous gas is it? Nearly all toxic gaseous compounds are organic, and none of those dissolve in water (they will dissolve in xylene or cyclohexane, or other organic compounds) Inorganic gaseous compounds tend to be single gaseous atoms or diatoms. Please provide the precise IUPAC nomenclature of the gas in question, so that this silly claim may be put to the test.

"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.


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FSMllama, If you have


If you have difficulty determining if an internet source is reliable, there is a really good rule of thumb:

what is Survive 2012?
Survive 2012 is a non-fiction book I am working on. Progress is currently slow as need to work hard in the corporate world to build the necessary funds. My thoughts & plans are constantly evolving in line with my continual research. Survive 2012 is also the name of this website which is an online version of the completed chapters, some half-finished chapters and some other bits and pieces. A brief explanation of my theory is here.

Future chapters will look into:

* Global Grids
* Evolution
* Unicorns
* Space Threats
* Carbon Dating
* Myths
* Doomsday Scenarios
* How and where to survive

If a web-site mentions Unicorns!, then it might not be a reliable source of information.

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The Mayans never actually

The Mayans never actually predicted gthe end of the world in 2012.   It just happened to be the end of the current 'Long count' of the Mayan calendar.   Once the date is reached, the cyclical calendar can be started again from zero

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Magnetic Pole Switch

History shows the magnetic poles switch periodically. Meaning the negative pole becomes positive, and the positive pole becomes negative. A harmless event. So here's my dumb question: When this phenomenon next occurs, which could be tomorrow or thousands of years from now, does that mean all the compasses will point south instead of north? I mean, mankind will live through this shift, but what practical changes will have to be made? Swapping the 'S' with the 'N' on your compass? What else?

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rationaldan wrote:History

rationaldan wrote:

History shows the magnetic poles switch periodically. Meaning the negative pole becomes positive, and the positive pole becomes negative. A harmless event. So here's my dumb question: When this phenomenon next occurs, which could be tomorrow or thousands of years from now, does that mean all the compasses will point south instead of north? I mean, mankind will live through this shift, but what practical changes will have to be made? Swapping the 'S' with the 'N' on your compass? What else?

All navigation systems will need to be reset/reconfigured, but other than that I'm not too sure.  There's plenty of doomsayers talking about possible systems failing due to nobody knowing the true effects, but I can't imagine they'd be that much.

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2012 Conspiracy

Hells Bells gang.  This talk of 2012 pole shifts has been an absolute HOOT! 

First: Nostradomus was a godless cook.  His predictions were so vague that anyone could wordsmith them into historical events.


Second: Maybe the Mayans calendar ended because the project was defunded, or there was a party that night.  How far out does your computer's calendar extend ?  Gee, I wonder if the nut-jobs in 2098 are going to predict the end of the world in 2099 becauseWindows XP's calendar only goes out that far ?


Third:  Wormwood, the Biblical prediction is either a comet or an asteroid.  It will hit during the tribulation period.  There will be mass deaths because it will poison the water supplies.  However, the Bible does not say it will stop the earth, flip the poles or sing Yankee Doodle Dandy.


Fourth:  The 'known' universe is 26 billion light years across.  There are countless galaxies like our Milkyway.  At the center of most is a black hole, which is a super-condensed field of gravity that is so dense that  light itself cannot escape it.  That is scientific fact.  Where the hell did the nut-jobs come up with theory of all these stars revolving around each other every nth-millenia.  Hell fella's I got confused reading that one.  How did ole buzzard-butt write it, let alone believe it ?  It gave me a headache.


Fifth and Final:  Holes in the Ozone are naturally occuring phenomenon.  The holes form to let excess carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.  We don't want the holes to close, because then it will get hotter than blazes on the planet's surface.  To decrease greenhouse gases, force Al Gore to apply anit-perspirant deodorant.  His armpits are disgusting.


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theotherguy wrote:My dad is

theotherguy wrote:

My dad is obsessed with this kind of shit.

My dad was heavy into Deepak Chopra at one point. I feel your pain.

Also, and more on topic: everyone, it's okay; I've shifted my pole, and nothing bad happened. I know you were worried, what with all that magnetism and mass, but it turns out it only makes the earth shake locally.

(I couldn't resist.)

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HisWillness wrote:

theotherguy wrote:

My dad is obsessed with this kind of shit.

My dad was heavy into Deepak Chopra at one point. I feel your pain.

Also, and more on topic: everyone, it's okay; I've shifted my pole, and nothing bad happened. I know you were worried, what with all that magnetism and mass, but it turns out it only makes the earth shake locally.

(I couldn't resist.)


Ahahaha! I've got a former family friend/nut too. His site's good for a giggle:

To quote his about page: "Joseph is a former President and CEO of a biomedical research firm, and has held engineering and management positions for Aerospace and NASA projects. He masterfully blends the hard sciences with extensive research and training in Interpersonal Neurobiology, Psychoneuroimmunology, Neurolinguistic Programming, biofeedback and clinical hypnosis."

We're (mostly) all skeptics here. You do the math. Psychoneuroimmunology, heheh.


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rationaldan wrote:History

rationaldan wrote:

History shows the magnetic poles switch periodically. Meaning the negative pole becomes positive, and the positive pole becomes negative. A harmless event. So here's my dumb question: When this phenomenon next occurs, which could be tomorrow or thousands of years from now, does that mean all the compasses will point south instead of north? I mean, mankind will live through this shift, but what practical changes will have to be made? Swapping the 'S' with the 'N' on your compass? What else?

Oh, the usual. Birds will fly backwards, salmon will live in the rivers and swim out to the ocean to spawn (thereby killing off the bear populations in Alaska), moss will grow on the south side of trees, bees will build their honeycombs inside-out, termites will eat plastic, and Christian priests will stop molesting little boys.

We'll live in Bizzaro-world!

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What we don't know

Not saying I'm believing in global destruction in 2012, but I will say we don't really know what we do to our environment. The gasses from the ocean is actually a plausible scenario. 

Oddly enough I watched this documentary a few nights ago with Edward Norton doing the voice over. As it happens, overfishing leads to increased amount of smaller life forms which the fish feed on. I'm a little hazy on the details, feel free to read the site, but I do remember the big parts. Normally fish eat the little organisms. Now there are not enough fish to eat the little organisms. The little suckers multiply and multiply and constant fishing stops the fish population from booming. Eventually you've got a thick ocean floor of these deals. When they decompose they do something crazy, and basically they form into gasses under the surface. Low pressure zone hits, on the coast there only once ever 50 or so years, and then a few bubbles pop up. The bubbles react with the water and then the gas changes and gets bigger creating more low pressure. This is helps bring up more bubble which lower the pressure more bringing up more bubbles, ect. Point being Hydrogen Sulfide and some other crap  gets released. We're not talking small fry stuff here, in the documentary it was miles along the coast i believe, but I can't find it on the internet.

Final point, just because you can't prove it exists, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It means we don't know as much as we think we do. I guess that's why I believe in God!

Sorry for the super late post. Just saw a creepy thing on the history channel and went searching for pole shifting time frames and stuff like that. To be fair, I haven't seen anyone of consequence saying they know how long a pole shift will take. I think we don't have a clue, my physics prof said a week, I have a hard time believing that but I really think noone has any idea.

Everything in the field is theoretical and untested so it's all pretty up in the air at this point.

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ctpmn wrote:Not saying I'm

ctpmn wrote:

Not saying I'm believing in global destruction in 2012, but I will say we don't really know what we do to our environment. The gasses from the ocean is actually a plausible scenario. 

Oddly enough I watched this documentary a few nights ago with Edward Norton doing the voice over. As it happens, overfishing leads to increased amount of smaller life forms which the fish feed on. I'm a little hazy on the details, feel free to read the site, but I do remember the big parts. Normally fish eat the little organisms. Now there are not enough fish to eat the little organisms. The little suckers multiply and multiply and constant fishing stops the fish population from booming. Eventually you've got a thick ocean floor of these deals. When they decompose they do something crazy, and basically they form into gasses under the surface. Low pressure zone hits, on the coast there only once ever 50 or so years, and then a few bubbles pop up. The bubbles react with the water and then the gas changes and gets bigger creating more low pressure. This is helps bring up more bubble which lower the pressure more bringing up more bubbles, ect. Point being Hydrogen Sulfide and some other crap  gets released. We're not talking small fry stuff here, in the documentary it was miles along the coast i believe, but I can't find it on the internet.

Final point, just because you can't prove it exists, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It means we don't know as much as we think we do. I guess that's why I believe in God!

Sorry for the super late post. Just saw a creepy thing on the history channel and went searching for pole shifting time frames and stuff like that. To be fair, I haven't seen anyone of consequence saying they know how long a pole shift will take. I think we don't have a clue, my physics prof said a week, I have a hard time believing that but I really think noone has any idea.

Everything in the field is theoretical and untested so it's all pretty up in the air at this point.

That is an interesting article! From the article:

Thanks to burgeoning technologies and collaborations of the global scientific community however, we can now see how our actions fit into the overall matrix of living systems. Empowered with this new perspective, we can work to conserve not just ocean life but also the links that comprise the ocean’s diverse ecosystems. As renowned naturalist John Muir mused at the turn of the century, “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” And we as citizens can “hitch” our efforts together to make a difference. Here’s how:

  • Support policies for the protection of whole ocean regions through marine protected areas.
  • Support fisheries measures that keep entire habitats, not just single species, in mind.
  • Stay informed on ocean issues. Visit the World Ocean Observatory Off-site Link Forum.
  • Make wise choices at the market and only purchase seafood that has undergone rigorous certification standards to ensure its sustainability, like those from Marine Stewardship Council—certified fisheries.

Please explain how this event and well documented observations explaining HOW the event happens has to do with your statement: "Final point, just because you can't prove it exists, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It means we don't know as much as we think we do. I guess that's why I believe in God!" 

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The magnetic poles move

The magnetic poles move more-or-less continuously, and from time to time actually fade in intensity and re-appear in opposite polarity. They will always stay close to the actual poles of the earth's axis of rotation, ie True North and South, because the generation of the earth's magnetic field is closely connected with the rotation of the earth, almost certainly interacting with the Sun's magnetic field. The fact that the composition of the earth's interior is not perfectly uniform will mean that the field will not line up perfectly with the axis of rotation.

The axis of rotation is much more stable. There are two kinds of shift possible:

1. A shift of the axis of rotation relative to the earth itself, eg if changed so that it rotated about an axis passing thru New York (and a point on the opposite side of the globe).

2. Shift of the axis relative to the plane of the solar system and the distant stars, which includes the earth's orbit around the Sun.

Unlike the variations in the magnetic field of the earth, either effect would require large amounts of energy, in the form of either a collision or a very close encounter with a very massive body.

The axis does actually slowly shift with respect to the plane of the orbit in a cycle lasting about 25000 years. I think the angle with respect to the plane of the orbit remains about the same, but it slowly shifts in a circle like a wobbling spinning top. This is observed on the earth as a shift of the seasons and a change in the point in the sky about which the stars appear to revolve. This is due mainly to the gravitational tug of the moon and sun on the equatorial bulge of the earth.

Talk of the earth passing near the black hole at the center of the Galaxy is total bullshit - since we are about 28000 light years from the center of the Galaxy, and the solar system is moving around the center, not in any way toward it... go figure. If the sun took a 90 degree turn and accelerated to the speed of light it would take 28000 years to get there - missing 2012 by quite a wide margin.

General predictions of future catastrophe are no-brainers - eventually something really bad is likely to happen, giant asteroid hit or explosion of super volcano (like Yellowstone, or larger) is way too likely for our comfort within a time period not completely beyond our grasp, like 1000's to 10's of thousands of years.


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poles... what i heard

there is no crazy beam of energy or whatever, the earth, the sun, and the black hole at the center of our galaxy will align like they do alot, but on 12.20.12 the magnitic poles of all three will align and that may cause a flip. and yes if that does happen the tectonic plates will move, because that huge electromagnet we know as the earth's core will reverse so will the mantle. side affects include BAD weather and electrical issues  thanks for your time and i cant wait for y'all to tell me where i was wrong...peace      

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rahl692 wrote: i cant wait

rahl692 wrote:

 i cant wait for y'all to tell me where i was wrong...    


Im going to say... your whole friggin post

What Would Kharn Do?

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The Doomed Soul

The Doomed Soul wrote:

rahl692 wrote:

 i cant wait for y'all to tell me where i was wrong...    


Im going to say... your whole friggin post


oww, my pride.

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Well, that is a relief...

Well, that is a relief... Because you see, many "end of the worlds" have been predicted. First, Y2K, then 6/6/06, and now this 2012 bull. Notice that 6 year gap? Wierd...

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Negative People

I think what he said makes some sence because yes when you are asleep you are in a higher state of consciousness also when a wake you are in a state of consciousness and to say light affects nothing is just stupid ignorant. It affects everything. Also Evaloution is real after all it's said we evolved from monkey and we are like 90% water and i think that is strange in itself


Every age has a peak before achieving greatness, and the signs of that peak would be for example, war, poverty, famine, and human suffering, meaning when life grows to a certain peak of negativity, it abruptly changes for the better. Because of this discovered cycle of Star Systems, it is believed that Earth along with our Solar System and the other six suns along with their Star Systems, have gone through the Photon Belt many times in the past. The trajectory through this energy field is also believed by the Mayan Indians that an extraordinary change for humanity will occur.



I MEAN COME ON HOW NARROW MINED IS HE!!!!!! you just explained exactly what he was on about I mean that is what he said about the GALAXY going round and round and its coming to the end off the cycle time for a change its negative people like you thats holding the open minded people like us and yourself back from the change the world greatly needs your the kinda people that put jesus on the cross  because your scared of change or life. And im not a beliver well i belive in somthing just not sure what it is. OMG im babbaling time to go Every one should just sit back and watch the world be destroyed oh i forgot were all doin that now

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the Mayan calendar docent

the Mayan calendar docent end it is cyclical and in 2012 a new cycle (370 some thing years) is supposed to start, its just that the new one this time happens to be the the first.

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Right, im confused. if this has happened before why didnt half the life species die out. wouldnt that result in evoloution sort of starting over, like from the start of life on Earth. ive heard alot of these end of the world things from youtube and i dont trust any of it. im just gonna wait till the time comes. im only 14 and by then i would be almost 18. i hope i can have my 18 birthday lol its on the 31st december so i will go crazy if it happens and we all die. im not the best at science, but i know my fair share of knowledge about the sun and solar system. but i dont see how a black hole could affect the gravatational pull. anyway hope this helped.


ps could someone tell me about how the life never died out on earth.

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neal wrote:Right, im

neal wrote:

Right, im confused. if this has happened before why didnt half the life species die out. wouldnt that result in evoloution sort of starting over, like from the start of life on Earth. ive heard alot of these end of the world things from youtube and i dont trust any of it. im just gonna wait till the time comes. im only 14 and by then i would be almost 18. i hope i can have my 18 birthday lol its on the 31st december so i will go crazy if it happens and we all die. im not the best at science, but i know my fair share of knowledge about the sun and solar system. but i dont see how a black hole could affect the gravatational pull. anyway hope this helped.


ps could someone tell me about how the life never died out on earth.

I think you are confusing "end times" with the magnetic poles reversing.

There's no evidence that the reversal has killed any life.

I doubt we are going to die if the poles reverse and there is no "endtimes".

The people who preach endtimes are probably mentally ill.


People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.

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There will be an Epic Ball

There will be an Epic Ball Game, and to the victor goes the fate of the universe.


No, seriously. Look that shit up.

"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940

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Sheerly for self

Sheerly for self amusement.....

INFEXION9288 wrote:

The reason for this shift is this:

Every moon and planet has an orbit, and so does every star system, just like our Solar System, which is just another name for Star System.

Wrong on the first line. Everything orbits everything else. The sun orbits the earth orbits the sun. Yes, I'm being picky. Though I suspect Infexion is actually unaware of this.

INFEXION9288 wrote:
 Our sun (the star of our solar system) orbits what is known as the central sun called Alcyone.

Sol does not orbit any particular star, but every star and body that exerts gravity upon it, including the black hole in the approximate centre of the Milky Way.

INFEXION9288 wrote:
 This central sun is the central star of the Milky Way Galaxy and is located directly in the center of our galaxy in between what is known as the Photon Belt, which was discovered back in 1961.

There is no star in the centre of the Milky Way, there is a black hole.  As for some photon belt, I congratulate you on making me look something up. That doesn't happen too often with irrational statements. I must also congratulate you on getting your own fiction wrong, something I have not often encountered with fringe beliefs. Alcyone is: "a star system in the constellation Taurus. It is the brightest star in the Pleiades open cluster. Alcyone is approximately 440 light years from Earth. It is named after the mythological figure Alcyone, one of the mythological Pleiades" ~ Wikipedia.

It cannot be in the middle of the galaxy. And we are not traveling towards it.

INFEXION9288 wrote:
This Photon Belt which is made up of tiny energy particles extremely capable of realigning our atomic structures.

Fiction. A photon is an element of light, small as an atom(I use laymans terms here people, so lets not get picky. This guy can't handle it.)

INFEXION9288 wrote:
Anyway, there are a total of eight suns in the Milky Way Galaxy, ours being the youngest and Alcyone being the oldest.

There is something between 200 billion and 400 billion stars in the Milky Way. Not 8. In fact, the very definition of "galaxy" does not permit such a small number of stars. Anything with only 8 stars is, by definition, not a galaxy.

INFEXION9288 wrote:
 Our sun and six others (Teygela, Maya, Marope, Atlas, Cosieno, and Electra) orbit around Alcyone, Marope being the sun that orbits the closest to Alcyone.

We are too far away for Alcyone's gravity to override the gravity of millions of stars which are closer. 

INFEXION9288 wrote:
 The length of time it takes for a Star System to orbit through the Northern or Southern segment of the Photon Belt is 2000 years.

Ridiculous. Nothing galactic in scale happens on a 2000 year time cycle. It takes between 225,000,000 and 250,000,000 years for Sol to travel around the galaxy.

INFEXION9288 wrote:
Currently, our Solar System is approximately 4-6 years apart from the southern segment of this photonic energy field.

You do know that this was said back in 1992 as well? And numerous other times? When are you people going to get the math right anyway?! Let me help. The solar system travels one light year every 1400 years, give or take some seconds here and there. Since Alcyone is 440 light years away, it'll take us 616,000 years to get there. Except we aren't heading in that direction....

INFEXION9288 wrote:
 Once completely through the southern part of the Photon Belt, (which will take 2000 years to complete) our Solar System will have finished a cycle that it takes 26 thousand years to complete, 22,000 years outside of the Photon Belt, (Eastern and Western orbit centers) and 4,000 years inside of the Photon Belt.

As shown above, that's impossible. 

INFEXION9288 wrote:
(Northern and Southern segments of the Photon Belt-2,000 years North and 2,000 years South)

Are you talking galactic north south? lol. That means you're contradicting yourself. If it's 2000 years in both directions, then it would take 4000 years to cross the entire region.

INFEXION9288 wrote:
 Extreme weather and changes in human behavior have been a result of the increase in Earth’s frequency, because of this photonic energy. This increase in Earth’s frequency will cause a flip in the Magnetic Field of the Earth. It is said that this flip will also cause us to open up to a higher consciousness, because of a growth in our pineal gland.

Absolutely ridiculous. Do you work for a church?

INFEXION9288 wrote:
Every age has a peak before achieving greatness, and the signs of that peak would be for example, war, poverty, famine, and human suffering, meaning when life grows to a certain peak of negativity, it abruptly changes for the better.

That makes so little sense that I actually don't know how to respond. 

INFEXION9288 wrote:
 Because of this discovered cycle of Star Systems, it is believed that Earth along with our Solar System and the other six suns along with their Star Systems, have gone through the Photon Belt many times in the past. The trajectory through this energy field is also believed by the Mayan Indians that an extraordinary change for humanity will occur.

So, in other words, it's time to stop living in mommies basement and go back to high school.

{fixed aiia}

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Just to toss something else

Just to toss something else into the mix, I am led to believe that a pole shift is not the big worry for life, but rather a weakening of the magnetic field.  Mars, it is theorized, once had a magnetic field.  If earth is to also lose its field, that would spell the end of all life.


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Hambydammit wrote:Just to

Hambydammit wrote:

Just to toss something else into the mix, I am led to believe that a pole shift is not the big worry for life, but rather a weakening of the magnetic field.  Mars, it is theorized, once had a magnetic field.  If earth is to also lose its field, that would spell the end of all life.

We have a contingency plan for that. If that happens, we'll just drill to the earth's core and set off a series of nuclear explosions.

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While I'm poking my nose

While I'm poking my nose into this thread, where the hell is Luminon?  Surely he believes that a pole shift is going to kill us all pretty soon.


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It could well be that we

It could well be that we would be able to survive the Earth losing it's magnetic field, depending on how far in the future it happens. As per this

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snafu wrote:The Mayans never

snafu wrote:
The Mayans never actually predicted gthe end of the world in 2012.   It just happened to be the end of the current 'Long count' of the Mayan calendar.   Once the date is reached, the cyclical calendar can be started again from zero

Snafu hit the nail on the head. After 2012 it's the 14th baktun. No end of the world, just a new count.