For those who think there is any difference at all between islam and christianity...

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For those who think there is any difference at all between islam and christianity...

The ONLY difference is that christians were kicked out of government and muslims weren't. Otherwise christians would be suicide bombing and threatening people too. More than 10,000 christians just proved their religion is just as bad.

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Vastet wrote: The ONLY difference is that christians were kicked out of government and muslims weren't. Otherwise christians would be suicide bombing and threatening people too. More than 10,000 christians just proved their religion is just as bad.

I agree. 


Times change over time so don't falsely assume that Christianity cant backslide into it's prior barbarity in the future.

I apply this to all religions worldwide. Humanity WORLDWIDE was far more violent in antiquity. You can point in every history to more or less violent periods, but no society in our species history has been 100% peaceful. 

The Terracotta Warriors of ancient China were very brutal. Even in WW2 the religious of Asia were brutal to each other. Japan and China have had pleanty of wars in their history and they are not religion free.

I'd only agree at this point in history by comparrison   to the rest of the world Islam is still stuck far too much in it's own dark ages. 


Nobody should  give the history of Christianity a pass. Secular law made us less violent,  not the bible itself. All religions can be used as a weapon and all have been used as a weapon. It is only secular concepts that keep religons on a leash.


Islam is a spin off of the God of Abraham of which Christians are a spin off of the Hebrews. All of those religions were started in an age of rival tribal kingships. 


I don't trust today's right wing Christinas. Not taling about liberal Christians, but if our Right wing Christians had thier way they'd do alot of what parts of the middle east do if they could. 


Time and empathy broke the old interpretations. We had Christians in our own history use that bible to jsutify Genocide of Native Amerians, slavery, lyncing of blacks, denial of women's right to vote, and oppression of LGBT.


 I read a story out of Isreal a few years ago where som Othrodox Jews defaced an ice cream shop. This wasn't the story, but the extreme right wing exist in every religion.



Buddhists are no different.

Hindus are no different.

It isn't to say most humans are bad, no, most humans are good, but just that humans can base very cruel actions on their religions.

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