This is the kind of shit that proves Israel deserves to die

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This is the kind of shit that proves Israel deserves to die

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A source close to Dutch

A source close to Dutch diplomats in the West Bank told Haaretz that these softly worded statements cover the anger brewing in the government of the Netherlands, a close friend of Israel’s, at the damage to the humanitarian project.

Israel's government are nothing more than bullies.

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Israel just needs its

Israel just needs its Lebensraum.


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 Are they trying to

 Are they trying to alienate everone else? This can't continue forever. 

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mcc1789 wrote: Are they

mcc1789 wrote:

 Are they trying to alienate everone else? This can't continue forever. 

Welcome back? Where have you been for 5 years and 30 weeks?

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 I have never liked

 I have never liked Isreal's long term right wing leaning government, but to condemn an entire population is disgusting. It is exaclty the very same thing they claim to hate about their surrounding neighbors. I hate Bibi as much as I hate Trump and our far right here in America.

And as I have consistantly said and my position still holds, NO you cannot force any religion out of existence by force. But this is the bullshit all sides hide behind. They hide behind words like "race", "culture", "ethnic", "nationalism", and the reality has always been, it is religion itself ON ALL SIDES causing this. 

I do think Isreal is still milking the Holocaust and Bibi is using that to scare his population and I think he is one coorupt asshole. But no, even given that, I refuse to condemn entire populations as individuals. Christians and Muslims and Jews all stem from the same linage of main characters of the god of Abraham. Religion will not go away, but it is a horrible way of conducting political diplomacy. 

To claim Isreal's neighbors are 100% innocent because they have more weapons and a bigger military is bullshit. There are no winners in this. There are points of view certainly. But again, our species was arround far longer than any religion or nations. Do I personally know how to get rid of Bibi? No, no more than I do the leaders of the theocracies of Saudi Arabia or Iran.

But I do know our species needlessly murders each other for temporary success. No, I do not want Israel wiped off the map. Not because I agree with everything they do, but because there are human beings living under that goverment. Just like I refuse to prevent Hispanics or Arabs fleeing poverty, crime or war, from trying to survive.



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Condemning an entire

Condemning an entire population is perfectly valid when an entire population treats another population like slaves for decades. Fuck off you slimy sociopath.

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 Kinda like how Canadian

 Kinda like how Canadian settlers treated Native Americans? Now with those savages gone, in your safe environment, you can condemn Israel for doing the same.

Yes. I know your genocide was somehow different than all the others. Just like the next incarnation of a socialist dictatorship will be different.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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There is no comparison you

There is no comparison you retard. Granted, both our countries treated the indigenous population horribly (yours much worse than mine I should point out). But today the indigenous population has more rights than any who came later. There's still a lot of work to be done, but there is actual progress.

The same is not true for Israel. Israel has presided over the largest and longest lasting concentration camp in human history. Hitler was kinder than the Israelies. At least he put people out of the misery he put them in. Israel just keeps their victims in perpetual misery.

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 You are the finest example

 You are the finest example of a culturally myopic person ever. Have you never travelled outside your bubble?

Because Canada has always had an enormous land mass relative to population, there has been little pressure to kill competing tribes for limited land and other natural ressources. The struggle to survive in Canada has been to survive the long harsh winters. Which means people have had to cooperate rather than kill in order to survive. But even so you're not innocent with Native Americans.

In Israel/Palestine you have a lot of immigrants, a high birthrate and very little land and water. So it is kill or be killed. Cooperation would mean mandatory birth control for all. Palestinians have been wiping out competing groups for centuries, that is why there are Palestinians.

Get a fucking clue how life works, your ancestors wages war sucessfully all the time. That meant doing a lot of things far worse than what Israel is doing. So then by your logic, youi deserve to die.

It is just life on a competitive plantet full of irrational people that think we don't need to cooperate on population levels.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote: Have you never

EXC wrote:

Have you never travelled outside your bubble?

Not that I care about the discussion, but that one sentence is a fallacy. I'm not sure how you meant it, but travelling does not make one worldly.


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digitalbeachbum wrote:Not

digitalbeachbum wrote:

Not that I care about the discussion, but that one sentence is a fallacy. I'm not sure how you meant it, but travelling does not make one worldly.

It is obvious to me that Vastet lives in a bubble of Canadian socialist propaganda. He's completely incapable of understanding where anyone else is coming from or how life is for people living in countries with high population densities like Israel/Palestine. Any arguements or ideas that might burst his bubble are "retarded".

Travelling and reading different points of view are good ways to make one worldly.  The leftist will tell you "stop listening to Fox news and Rush Limbaugh". Just like religious leaders tell their followers to not listen to atheists. They are both happy to live in their bubble.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote:You are the finest

EXC wrote:
You are the finest example of a culturally myopic person ever.

Says the chronic pathalogical liar and sociopath.

EXC wrote:
Have you never travelled outside your bubble?

Says the guy living in a bubble who has steadfastly refused to learn anything at all for at least 10 years as he endlessly repeats the same lies over and over despite mountains of evidence proving he's a liar.

EXC wrote:
Because Canada has always had an enormous land mass relative to population, there has been little pressure to kill competing tribes for limited land and other natural ressources.

The US was in the exact same place 200 years ago, but EXC ignores reality to make shit up:

EXC wrote:
The struggle to survive in Canada has been to survive the long harsh winters.

Lol EXC doesn't know shit about Canada or winter.

EXC wrote:
Which means people have had to cooperate rather than kill in order to survive.

Except it was about profit, because survival is easy. Canada out capitalised the US, who simply annihilated the indigenous population with hunting parties so they could steal land they didn't need.

EXC wrote:
But even so you're not innocent with Native Americans.

EXC repeats my own position as if I hadn't made my position clear, because EXC is stupid and incapable of taking part in conversations.

EXC wrote:
In Israel/Palestine you have a lot of immigrants, a high birthrate and very little land and water.

EXC pretends the biggest concentration camp in history is justifiable even though the Israeli's have more land, food, and water per capita 10 times over the Palestinians. So EXC supports Palestinians. lol.

EXC wrote:
So it is kill or be killed. Cooperation would mean mandatory birth control for all. Palestinians have been wiping out competing groups for centuries, that is why there are Palestinians.

EXC making shit up.

EXC wrote:
Get a fucking clue how life works, your ancestors wages war sucessfully all the time.

EXC says this gem of stupidity despite the fact that I appear to be the only human intelligent enough to recognise that war is the natural state of the universe, and despite the fact I've said as much dozens of times. lol EXC is so retarded.

EXC wrote:
That meant doing a lot of things far worse than what Israel is doing.

EXC confuses war with concentration camps, because EXC is retarded. lol.

EXC wrote:
So then by your logic, youi deserve to die.

More lies by EXC. My logic doesn't include killing people without cause. Perhaps EXC simply has too little a grasp of English to understand the difference between calling for the death of a nation and calling for the death of a nation's people.

EXC wrote:
It is just life on a competitive plantet full of irrational people that think we don't need to cooperate on population levels.

Says a retard who has no idea what would constitute overpopulation.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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EXC wrote:digitalbeachbum

EXC wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

Not that I care about the discussion, but that one sentence is a fallacy. I'm not sure how you meant it, but travelling does not make one worldly.

It is obvious to me that Vastet lives in a bubble of Canadian socialist propaganda. He's completely incapable of understanding where anyone else is coming from or how life is for people living in countries with high population densities like Israel/Palestine. Any arguements or ideas that might burst his bubble are "retarded".

Travelling and reading different points of view are good ways to make one worldly.  The leftist will tell you "stop listening to Fox news and Rush Limbaugh". Just like religious leaders tell their followers to not listen to atheists. They are both happy to live in their bubble.

This whole post is nothing more than a description of EXC, provided you convert all the leftist terminology to rightist. Whereas I actually am a centrist, a right wing extremist nutjob like EXC will even paint right wing moderates as leftist because EXC is a fascist.

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Vastet wrote:Condemning an

Vastet wrote:
Condemning an entire population is perfectly valid when an entire population treats another population like slaves for decades. Fuck off you slimy sociopath.

Fucking utter bullshit. And bat shit insane on top of that.

If everyone living under a government loved that government, which is a clear presumption on your part, then that means I support Trump, and you fucking damned well know I don't.

Humans are called refugees and defectors for a reason, and the case is the same in every fucking country.

When it comes to Isreal I AGREE, they fuck up alot. But just like I won't presume every citizen of Iran or Saudi Arabia loves the theocracies they live under, I wont presume that about every individudual in Israel. Otherise why not condemn the likes of Ayaan Hirsi Ali or Malala based on label? 

I guess you forget how common it is for theists to equate atheists to the likes of Stalin, Hilter and Po Pot.

You need more of Sagan's Pale Blue Dot and less of your bullshit tribalism.

If you want to condemn Bibi and their right wing politics, I see it as no different, but say more watered down but also just as agressive as the Arab theocracies they fight agianst.


If you believe that every single individual living under a governnment agrees with that government, and deserves death as a result, then you are no better than Hitler or ISIS and you might as well presume I love Trump merely because I live under his presidency right now.

I find it sick that you would justify genocide in the same manor as the God of Abraham does in it's tribalism between Jews and Muslims and Christians. 

I would like to think an atheist cant be a fucking dick, but then you post vile garbage like this and prove me wrong and give the theists more reason to be needlessly suspcious of us.



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EXC wrote:digitalbeachbum

EXC wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

Not that I care about the discussion, but that one sentence is a fallacy. I'm not sure how you meant it, but travelling does not make one worldly.

It is obvious to me that Vastet lives in a bubble of Canadian socialist propaganda. He's completely incapable of understanding where anyone else is coming from or how life is for people living in countries with high population densities like Israel/Palestine. Any arguements or ideas that might burst his bubble are "retarded".

Travelling and reading different points of view are good ways to make one worldly.  The leftist will tell you "stop listening to Fox news and Rush Limbaugh". Just like religious leaders tell their followers to not listen to atheists. They are both happy to live in their bubble.

No offense, but I keep hearing people use the term "lefist" but I'm pretty sure that people who use it do not know what it means or where it comes from as a word. It is a misnomer in American politics.

Your statement is still a fallacy. Travelling does not make one worldly. I know plenty of people who travel and they are ignorant people. So there is another source to being worldly other than travelling.

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Brian37 wrote:Fucking utter

Brian37 wrote:
Fucking utter bullshit. And bat shit insane on top of that.

Right back at you scum.

Brian37 wrote:
If everyone living under a government loved that government, which is a clear presumption on your part, then that means I support Trump, and you fucking damned well know I don't.

There are no civilians in Israel retard. Every single member of the population has directly and personally supported the biggest concentration camp in history. When was the last time you did anything to support Trump? Didn't think so, not comparable, go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.

Brian37 wrote:
When it comes to Isreal I AGREE, they fuck up alot.

No, they are the definition of fuck up. There LITERALLY hasn't been a regime is evil as Nazi Germany on Earth since 1945 EXCEPT for Israel. Even Americans are overshadowed.

Brian37 wrote:
But just like I won't presume every citizen of Iran or Saudi Arabia loves the theocracies they live under, I wont presume that about every individudual in Israel.

Saudi Arabia isn't a democracy with mandatory military service. Not comparable, go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.

Brian37 wrote:
Otherise why not condemn the likes of Ayaan Hirsi Ali or Malala based on label?

If they're Israeli and of age then they are guilty. Period. Every Israeli of the age of majority is a war criminal. Period.

Brian37 wrote:
I guess you forget how common it is for theists to equate atheists to the likes of Stalin, Hilter and Po Pot.

When someone or something is actually comparable to someone or something it is perfectly valid to draw the comparison. Other people drawing comparisons where there are none is irrelevant.

Brian37 wrote:
You need more of Sagan's Pale Blue Dot and less of your bullshit tribalism.

Says the most tribal and uneducated fuckwit to ever post here.

Brian37 wrote:
If you believe that every single individual living under a governnment agrees with that government, and deserves death as a result, then you are no better than Hitler or ISIS and you might as well presume I love Trump merely because I live under his presidency right now.

Oh look, Brian and EXC are both making up the same lies.

Brian37 wrote:
I find it sick that you would justify genocide in the same manor as the God of Abraham does in it's tribalism between Jews and Muslims and Christians. 

Says the guy who has repeatedly called for genocide against theists and conservatives both. Hypocrite scum.

Brian37 wrote:
I would like to think an atheist cant be a fucking dick

Yet here you are, a dick. Lol.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Vastet wrote: This whole

Vastet wrote:
 This whole post is nothing more than a description of EXC, provided you convert all the leftist terminology to rightist. Whereas I actually am a centrist, a right wing extremist nutjob like EXC will even paint right wing moderates as leftist because EXC is a fascist.

Do you even know what the definiton of fascist is?

With a few exceptions, I don't want the government to force things on people, how in any way does that make me fascist? You on the other had are total planned economy with massive taxation and elimation of competing idea and persons, Mr. Guillotine.

I support mandatory birth control which has only been implemented by red China. Does make me right wing?

I want to see an end to private ownership of land and other natural resources and see them used for the benefit of all, for which right-wingers call me a communist.

Beyond that, I don't support government using deadly force for anything except stoping violent crime and invation by foreign armies or groups.

I'm all for health care for all, a welfare system, free education. Hell, I want to bring Canadian health care to America. I just think people should do these things voluntarily not because government puts a gun to your head.

The problem with Vastet is he is completely duped by elites that contol the poltical parties, media and education. His socialist utopia is actually turning countries into monopolistic corporations like Hugo Chavez Inc. or Castro Brothers Inc. He thinks government stealing the fruits of worker's labor in the form of taxation is good for the workers. They've completely duped him, his pride would never allow him to admit he is wrong. His socialist party would actually be a giant corporation running every aspect of the economy and not letting you do anything without going through them. The Robber Barons just join his socialist party to steal from all. He is there little puppet to convince the workers to give away the fruits of their labor.

The solution to the political dilema is opensource/crowdfunded society where people do things vountarily, because they are rational and because they are forced.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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Vastet wrote:Brian37

Vastet wrote:
Brian37 wrote:
Fucking utter bullshit. And bat shit insane on top of that.
Right back at you scum.
Brian37 wrote:
If everyone living under a government loved that government, which is a clear presumption on your part, then that means I support Trump, and you fucking damned well know I don't.
There are no civilians in Israel retard. Every single member of the population has directly and personally supported the biggest concentration camp in history. When was the last time you did anything to support Trump? Didn't think so, not comparable, go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.
Brian37 wrote:
When it comes to Isreal I AGREE, they fuck up alot.
No, they are the definition of fuck up. There LITERALLY hasn't been a regime is evil as Nazi Germany on Earth since 1945 EXCEPT for Israel. Even Americans are overshadowed.
Brian37 wrote:
But just like I won't presume every citizen of Iran or Saudi Arabia loves the theocracies they live under, I wont presume that about every individudual in Israel.
Saudi Arabia isn't a democracy with mandatory military service. Not comparable, go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.
Brian37 wrote:
Otherise why not condemn the likes of Ayaan Hirsi Ali or Malala based on label?
If they're Israeli and of age then they are guilty. Period. Every Israeli of the age of majority is a war criminal. Period.
Brian37 wrote:
I guess you forget how common it is for theists to equate atheists to the likes of Stalin, Hilter and Po Pot.
When someone or something is actually comparable to someone or something it is perfectly valid to draw the comparison. Other people drawing comparisons where there are none is irrelevant.
Brian37 wrote:
You need more of Sagan's Pale Blue Dot and less of your bullshit tribalism.
Says the most tribal and uneducated fuckwit to ever post here.
Brian37 wrote:
If you believe that every single individual living under a governnment agrees with that government, and deserves death as a result, then you are no better than Hitler or ISIS and you might as well presume I love Trump merely because I live under his presidency right now.
Oh look, Brian and EXC are both making up the same lies.
Brian37 wrote:
I find it sick that you would justify genocide in the same manor as the God of Abraham does in it's tribalism between Jews and Muslims and Christians. 
Says the guy who has repeatedly called for genocide against theists and conservatives both. Hypocrite scum.
Brian37 wrote:
I would like to think an atheist cant be a fucking dick
Yet here you are, a dick. Lol.


I DEFY YOU to QUOTE ME anywhere in anyone of my posts in my history here LINKING SPECIFIC TREAD AND POST NUMBER, where Ihave ever called for the genocide of any group. FUCK YOU SICK LYING ASSHOLE!

I have said, that religion is a horrible way of conducting political diplomacy. That is not the same as suggesting mass murder to purge the world of it. FUCK YOU if you think that is what I mean by that. 

I DO think it is horrible that the Koran and Hadtiths have historically pitted Sunnis against Shiites. I do think it is horrible that a Tibet Buddhist and Chinese Buddhist and Japanese Shinto Buddhists have had their histories of political divisions. I do think it is horrible that Protestants and Catholics in Ireland have had their violence. I do think it is horrible that white Trump voting Baptists and black Obama voting Baptist use the same bible and cant see the political divisons that causes.

How the fuck your twisted brain comes to the conclusion that somehow that means I want to use force of genocide is insane. That is not what I desire in pointing that out you stupid fuck. The reason I point that out is to suggest a priority shift to humanity away from those thing that politically divide us to get humanity to focus more on what we have in common.


I am going to start calling you Trump because you are just as delusional and fucked in the head as he is. 




"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Vastet wrote:Brian37

Vastet wrote:
Brian37 wrote:
Fucking utter bullshit. And bat shit insane on top of that.
Right back at you scum.
Brian37 wrote:
If everyone living under a government loved that government, which is a clear presumption on your part, then that means I support Trump, and you fucking damned well know I don't.
There are no civilians in Israel retard. Every single member of the population has directly and personally supported the biggest concentration camp in history. When was the last time you did anything to support Trump? Didn't think so, not comparable, go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.
Brian37 wrote:
When it comes to Isreal I AGREE, they fuck up alot.
No, they are the definition of fuck up. There LITERALLY hasn't been a regime is evil as Nazi Germany on Earth since 1945 EXCEPT for Israel. Even Americans are overshadowed.
Brian37 wrote:
But just like I won't presume every citizen of Iran or Saudi Arabia loves the theocracies they live under, I wont presume that about every individudual in Israel.
Saudi Arabia isn't a democracy with mandatory military service. Not comparable, go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.
Brian37 wrote:
Otherise why not condemn the likes of Ayaan Hirsi Ali or Malala based on label?
If they're Israeli and of age then they are guilty. Period. Every Israeli of the age of majority is a war criminal. Period.
Brian37 wrote:
I guess you forget how common it is for theists to equate atheists to the likes of Stalin, Hilter and Po Pot.
When someone or something is actually comparable to someone or something it is perfectly valid to draw the comparison. Other people drawing comparisons where there are none is irrelevant.
Brian37 wrote:
You need more of Sagan's Pale Blue Dot and less of your bullshit tribalism.
Says the most tribal and uneducated fuckwit to ever post here.
Brian37 wrote:
If you believe that every single individual living under a governnment agrees with that government, and deserves death as a result, then you are no better than Hitler or ISIS and you might as well presume I love Trump merely because I live under his presidency right now.
Oh look, Brian and EXC are both making up the same lies.
Brian37 wrote:
I find it sick that you would justify genocide in the same manor as the God of Abraham does in it's tribalism between Jews and Muslims and Christians. 
Says the guy who has repeatedly called for genocide against theists and conservatives both. Hypocrite scum.
Brian37 wrote:
I would like to think an atheist cant be a fucking dick
Yet here you are, a dick. Lol.


I DEFY YOU to QUOTE ME anywhere in anyone of my posts in my history here LINKING SPECIFIC TREAD AND POST NUMBER, where Ihave ever called for the genocide of any group. FUCK YOU SICK LYING ASSHOLE!

I have said, that religion is a horrible way of conducting political diplomacy. That is not the same as suggesting mass murder to purge the world of it. FUCK YOU if you think that is what I mean by that. 

I DO think it is horrible that the Koran and Hadtiths have historically pitted Sunnis against Shiites. I do think it is horrible that a Tibet Buddhist and Chinese Buddhist and Japanese Shinto Buddhists have had their histories of political divisions. I do think it is horrible that Protestants and Catholics in Ireland have had their violence. I do think it is horrible that white Trump voting Baptists and black Obama voting Baptist use the same bible and cant see the political divisons that causes.

How the fuck your twisted brain comes to the conclusion that somehow that means I want to use force of genocide is insane. That is not what I desire in pointing that out you stupid fuck. The reason I point that out is to suggest a priority shift to humanity away from those thing that politically divide us to get humanity to focus more on what we have in common.


I am going to start calling you Trump because you are just as delusional and fucked in the head as he is. 




"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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EXC wrote:Do you even know

EXC wrote:
Do you even know what the definiton of fascist is?

Yes I do.

EXC wrote:
With a few exceptions, I don't want the government to force things on people, how in any way does that make me fascist?

You claim that, but your actual comments on issues show otherwise.

EXC wrote:
You on the other had are total planned economy with massive taxation and elimation of competing idea and persons, Mr. Guillotine.

A ten year old lie. *Yawn*

EXC wrote:
I support mandatory birth control which has only been implemented by red China. Does make me right wing?

Yes. Left wing nuts go for corporate regulation and personal freedom. Right wing nuts look for corporate freedom and personal regulation. Mandatory birth control would be a personal regulation. duh.

EXC wrote:
I want to see an end to private ownership of land and other natural resources and see them used for the benefit of all, for which right-wingers call me a communist.

You claim this but have never proposed a workable alternative. Only a socialist centred system could accomplish such a thing, and you're against that.

EXC wrote:
Beyond that, I don't support government using deadly force for anything except stoping violent crime and invation by foreign armies or groups.

Which leaves the people with no redress against a crime that doesn't involve violence. Pillage at will!

EXC wrote:
I'm all for health care for all, a welfare system, free education. Hell, I want to bring Canadian health care to America. I just think people should do these things voluntarily not because government puts a gun to your head.

Socialism can't work unless everyone takes part.

EXC wrote:
The problem with Vastet is he is completely duped by elites that contol the poltical parties, media and education.

I'm not duped by anyone. But you certainly are.

EXC wrote:
His socialist utopia is actually turning countries into monopolistic corporations like Hugo Chavez Inc. or Castro Brothers Inc.

Lies. Ironically though, both those leaders made their countries comparable to America despite America doing everything they could, including attempted assassinations, to take them down. So even if your premise weren't a blatant lie, you'd still be defeated by their success.

EXC wrote:
He thinks government stealing the fruits of worker's labor in the form of taxation is good for the workers.


EXC wrote:
They've completely duped me, my pride would never allow me to admit I am wrong.


EXC wrote:
His socialist party would actually be a giant corporation running every aspect of the economy and not letting you do anything without going through them.


EXC wrote:
The Robber Barons just join his socialist party to steal from all. He is there little puppet to convince the workers to give away the fruits of their labor.


Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Brian37 wrote:I DEFY YOU to

Brian37 wrote:
I DEFY YOU to QUOTE ME anywhere in anyone of my posts in my history here LINKING SPECIFIC TREAD AND POST NUMBER, where Ihave ever called for the genocide of any group. FUCK YOU SICK LYING ASSHOLE!

Already did that months ago you sick lying fuck. Find it yourself.

Brian37 wrote:
I have said, that religion is a horrible way of conducting political diplomacy. That is not the same as suggesting mass murder to purge the world of it. FUCK YOU if you think that is what I mean by that. 

No fuck YOU, lying sack of shit.

Brian37 wrote:
I DO think it is horrible that the Koran and Hadtiths have historically pitted Sunnis against Shiites. I do think it is horrible that a Tibet Buddhist and Chinese Buddhist and Japanese Shinto Buddhists have had their histories of political divisions. I do think it is horrible that Protestants and Catholics in Ireland have had their violence. I do think it is horrible that white Trump voting Baptists and black Obama voting Baptist use the same bible and cant see the political divisons that causes.


Brian37 wrote:
How the fuck your twisted brain comes to the conclusion that somehow that means I want to use force of genocide is insane.

Because you literally said as much. The real question is why you and EXC both made up the lie that I called for genocide. Twisted shit stains both of you.

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Vastet wrote:Yes. Left wing

Vastet wrote:

Yes. Left wing nuts go for corporate regulation and personal freedom. Right wing nuts look for corporate freedom and personal regulation. Mandatory birth control would be a personal regulation. duh.

Of course everything the government does is a personal regulation. One's political view is what those regulations are. So how am I a right-winger when the only regulations I want are communist ideals? How am I anti-worker when I say the government should never tax a man's work?

Please explain how I'm a right winger. I only believe in regulation to protect the environment and prevent overpopulation.

Vastet wrote:
Only a socialist centred system could accomplish such a thing, and you're against that. 

Why? Seems to me hiding having a baby would be more difficult than hiding one's income from the taxman. Soon, sexual reproduction may become obsolete. The goverment regulates biomedical labs now, so why not add one more thing.


Vastet wrote:
Which leaves the people with no redress against a crime that doesn't involve violence. Pillage at will! 

Look up the definition of Pillage. It is a violent act. 

For non-violent crimes, people will be punished socially. Someone will take back the stolen property, no one will hire them, date them, etc... Yelp now is a kind of police force. Corporate boycotts are punishing  bad behavior.

Also, if population pressures are eliminated, much of the incentive to commit crime goes away.

Vastet wrote:

 Socialism can't work unless everyone takes part.

Everyone taking part would mean everyone pays equally the taxes to support it. But then how come leftist/socialist say if you can't pay taxes, that is OK you can still take part in the benefits?
That is why the SJW left is total BS. A social contract where half the population doesn't pay into it, WTF. Or supporting illegal immigrants getting benefits when they pay no income tax. Or letting families with lots of kids take lots of benefits than those that don't. 

What exactly is the problem with me not taking part? Suppose USA went socialist, if I stayed in USA and used no services of the socialist state or if I left the country, what would be the difference? You're going to have these issues as technolgy has allowed people to live and work where they please.

You obviously have not upgradded your politics for the 21st century.


Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote:Of course

EXC wrote:
Of course everything the government does is a personal regulation.

No. Corporations aren't people. Wars aren't regulations. As usual, you don't have a clue.

EXC wrote:
So how am I a right-winger when the only regulations I want are communist ideals?

You don't have many, if any. And personal regulations are right wing. How many times does 2+2 need to be explained to you?

EXC wrote:
How am I anti-worker when I say the government should never tax a man's work?

That is an anarchist standpoint, not socialist or communist. Anarchists are right wing.

EXC wrote:
Please explain how I'm a right winger. I only believe in regulation to protect the environment and prevent overpopulation.

If you can't figure out 2+2, I can't help you understand why the answer is 4 without a paycheque. Because clearly educating you even on simple matters would take years.

EXC wrote:

A question you've never answered except with lies and strawmen.

EXC wrote:
Seems to me hiding having a baby would be more difficult than hiding one's income from the taxman.

Lol. You're a real special snowflake aren't you?

EXC wrote:
Soon, sexual reproduction may become obsolete.

Not on this planet. Not unless we all die.

EXC wrote:
The goverment regulates biomedical labs now, so why not add one more thing.

Because it's stupid and pointless and wasteful and accomplishes nothing. I love refuting simple statements I've refuted dozens of times.

EXC wrote:
Look up the definition of Pillage. It is a violent act. 


EXC wrote:
For non-violent crimes, people will be punished socially.

No they won't. People who don't like their actions may punish them if they have the ability to, but the vast majority won't have such an ability. And, those who like the offender might actually reward him or her, outweighing any punishment significantly. You live in a dream lol.

EXC wrote:
Someone will take back the stolen property, no one will hire them, date them, etc... Yelp now is a kind of police force. Corporate boycotts are punishing  bad behavior.

Yet cicfilla or whatever it's called survives because people agree with them. People with bad reviews still get hired. Boycotts are very rarely effective.Unless everyone has the exact same moral code you're talking a pipe dream that is literally impossible. Since no 2 people have the exact same moral code, it would never work. People would become professionals at screwing people and that's it.

EXC wrote:
Also, if population pressures are eliminated, much of the incentive to commit crime goes away.

Population pressures have no impact on crime because there are no population pressures. Capitalism is the reason there is crime, not the size of the population.

EXC wrote:
Everyone taking part would mean everyone pays equally the taxes to support it.

Not unless everyone is equal. Since everyone is not equal, that's bullshit.

EXC wrote:
But then how come leftist/socialist say if you can't pay taxes, that is OK you can still take part in the benefits?

I don't, despite you claiming this repeatedly for a decade I've never once said that you should be entitled to benefits without participation. This is one of many things that proves you're literally stupid.

EXC wrote:
What exactly is the problem with me not taking part? Suppose USA went socialist, if I stayed in USA and used no services of the socialist state or if I left the country, what would be the difference?

Just living there gives you benefits, as has been pointed out many times. Yet another thing that proves you're literally stupid.

EXC wrote:
You obviously have not upgradded your politics for the 21st century.

Says the retard who's living before the christian era. lol

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Vastet wrote: I don't,

Vastet wrote:
I don't, despite you claiming this repeatedly for a decade I've never once said that you should be entitled to benefits without participation. This is one of many things that proves you're literally stupid.  

OK, so you're really a free market capitialist then? Because you believe everyone needs to participate in the economy and be rewarded accordingly. But then latter you bitch that capitalism is the root of all evil. Which is it?

You're just a very confused person.

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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EXC wrote:OK, so you're

EXC wrote:
OK, so you're really a free market capitialist then?

Nope. Participation in capitalism has no guarantees. You could have a full time job and still not afford rent. Capitalism is primitive and wasteful.

EXC wrote:
Because you believe everyone needs to participate in the economy and be rewarded accordingly.

Yeah, but capitalism doesn't do that, so no.

EXC wrote:
But then latter you bitch that capitalism is the root of all evil. Which is it?

I never said capitalism is the root of all evil, or even suggested as much.

EXC wrote:
You're just a very confused person.

Look in the mirror.

EXC wrote:
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society.


EXC wrote:
The higher the tax level, the greater the failure.


EXC wrote:
A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

A fool. Neither extreme is sustainable. A totalitarian society will inevitably be brought down by those who run it, and an anarchist society will inevitably be conquered. Only someone who didn't have a clue would say something so stupid.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.