Cript Keeper Kellyanne Conjob to "The Hill", "I like the way he treats women".

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Cript Keeper Kellyanne Conjob to "The Hill", "I like the way he treats women".

While everyone gets that there are always things we might say in private we would not say in public, what our fake Stockholm victim here doesn't realize, is he is not the host of shock jock radio or Jerry Springer. His attacks are not a one time thing, and not just with women, but multiple groups and he has been vilifying everyone for 5 years now.

So lets see if Kellyanne would put up with it if Obama had said about her, "If you pull your tampon string your mouth sounds like a lawn mower." No, not ok in politics?

Kellyanne, much less the tiny handed marmalade goo factory understand that when you are in political power especially that high up, you don't do that.

Imagine Reagan or JFK commenting on a women's face lift? Imagine either of them shitting on war heros. Imagine either of them basically telling 17 agencies they are all full of shit. Not even Bush Jr or Bush Sr conducted themselves like that in office.

We literally have a man baby merely occupying the office being baby sat. I could give a shit less if people don't like me personally. I am not out to win a popularity contest, but if you support a party please don't hand me any bullshit that 45 was the best you could come up with.

A barfing baboon flinging it's poo is far more suited for office than that asshole.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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 I would lick Kellyanne's

 I would lick Kellyanne's sweaty butt hole.

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 How are modern

 How are modern 'progressive' and 'enlightend' men supposed to think of women?

Are they just as strong, tough and capable as men? Or are they helpless snowflakes in constant need of a white knight like Brian to ride in and rescue them from bullies like Trump?

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The day of statesmen and

The day of statesmen and gentlemen with honor has passed. The GOP and Drumpf are making a power grab. They intend on making America a dictatorship.


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digitalbeachbum wrote:. The

digitalbeachbum wrote:

. The GOP and Drumpf are making a power grab. They intend on making America a dictatorship.



  Oh my....a "dictatorship" you say ?

Do we have another James Hodgkinson posting at RRS ?

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EXC wrote: How are modern

EXC wrote:

 How are modern 'progressive' and 'enlightend' men supposed to think of women?

Are they just as strong, tough and capable as men? Or are they helpless snowflakes in constant need of a white knight like Brian to ride in and rescue them from bullies like Trump?

Fuck you asshole. Women are tough, but that does not mean they want to be treated like shit. If you talked to my mom the way Trump has she would tell you to fuck off. You are the one who supports a party who treats women as second class and too weak to handle life. Otherwise why the fuck is it wrong for women to control their own reproduction? GOP think it is, which is why those sickos do what they do, because the thought of a women controling her own body frightens men, and it is just as holy book based as Isis and the Taliban when they force women to cover up.

Testosterone and brawn are NOT the most important triat of evolution. It still takes TWO sets of DNA to manifest into a new life. Females are equale to men, and especially now, brains matter far more than the brawn of antiquity.

Kellyanne isn't wrong because she has a vagina, and I am not threatened by her because she has a vagina. She is wrong becuase she supports an abusive asshole. And Trump isn't just an asshole to women, but war heros and the intel our nation needs to protect national security. 



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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digitalbeachbum wrote:The

digitalbeachbum wrote:

The day of statesmen and gentlemen with honor has passed. The GOP and Drumpf are making a power grab. They intend on making America a dictatorship.


I have a friend who has claimed, "they both make this argument" . And in the long term scheme of things that isn't totally wrong, it amounts to nobody likes losing. Historically speaking left or right, you see an "oh shit" attitude by the  losing side. That part is true.

But this time it is different. It isn't laypeople, no name people bitching at a politicaly demagouge level. You have a world leader who won doing that, and is still doing that. 

Trump is a very dangerous person to national and global stability. He isn't Rush Limbaugh, he isn't Bill Maher or Howard Stern or Jerry Springer. He is using vilification and demagoguery as a political tactic. Bush Jr nor Bush Sr nor Reagan ever ran like Trump. His political rhetoric goes way beyond what a politician in the pluralistic civil west should conduct themselves. 

There is a huge difference between no names like us who hate each other on this website, and what all of us should want regardless in either party's politicians. Trump either doesn't understand, or does and does not care, that he is no longer a private citizen. 



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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ProzacDeathWish wrote: I

ProzacDeathWish wrote:

 I would lick Kellyanne's sweaty butt hole.

Man... eww. And I don't say that because she's conservative. I'd take her over Clinton if I were forced into a choice. But I prefer women born in my century and not half plastic, tbh.

Brian37 wrote:
But this time it is different. It isn't laypeople, no name people bitching at a politicaly demagouge level. You have a world leader who won doing that, and is still doing that.

All that has really changed with Trump is the professionalism is gone. But anyone who expected professionalism from an amateur that has been dogfighting celebrities for decades is a fool. And frankly, it's refreshing. There's more honesty coming out of the white house today than there has ever been in the lifetimes of my parents. That there's also as much or more bs as ever is just standard American politics.

Brian37 wrote:
Bush Jr nor Bush Sr nor Reagan ever ran like Trump.

Bullshit. Bush Jr drew a line in the sand for the entire planet and then declared you were "with us or against us." Nothing Trump has done yet comes remotely close to that level of stupidity. I wish I could send all the retards singing Bush praises back in time 15 years to remind them of just how slimy that fucktard was, because he blows Trump away. He didn't know what he was doing any more than Trump does, but he actually had intelligent and knowledgeable people helping him, which made him significantly more dangerous. Trump's posse of clowns is a joke in comparison. He can't even accomplish the #1 Republican goal for the last 5+ years and he has all 3 branches of government as well as the Supreme Court. It's fucking hilarious.

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Vastet wrote:ProzacDeathWish

Vastet wrote:
ProzacDeathWish wrote:

 I would lick Kellyanne's sweaty butt hole.

Man... eww. And I don't say that because she's conservative. I'd take her over Clinton if I were forced into a choice. But I prefer women born in my century and not half plastic, tbh.
Brian37 wrote:
But this time it is different. It isn't laypeople, no name people bitching at a politicaly demagouge level. You have a world leader who won doing that, and is still doing that.
All that has really changed with Trump is the professionalism is gone. But anyone who expected professionalism from an amateur that has been dogfighting celebrities for decades is a fool. And frankly, it's refreshing. There's more honesty coming out of the white house today than there has ever been in the lifetimes of my parents. That there's also as much or more bs as ever is just standard American politics.
Brian37 wrote:
Bush Jr nor Bush Sr nor Reagan ever ran like Trump.
Bullshit. Bush Jr drew a line in the sand for the entire planet and then declared you were "with us or against us." Nothing Trump has done yet comes remotely close to that level of stupidity. I wish I could send all the retards singing Bush praises back in time 15 years to remind them of just how slimy that fucktard was, because he blows Trump away. He didn't know what he was doing any more than Trump does, but he actually had intelligent and knowledgeable people helping him, which made him significantly more dangerous. Trump's posse of clowns is a joke in comparison. He can't even accomplish the #1 Republican goal for the last 5+ years and he has all 3 branches of government as well as the Supreme Court. It's fucking hilarious.


Fuck off!


Calls to loyalty have always happened. Friend and foe alike. But in the west, those calls are to western ideas, not to one politician. Trump wasn't and has never  called for natinal loyalty other than lip service. Trump when he calls for unity and loyalty is talking like Nixon.

As intept as Bush Jr was, when he said "You are for us or against us" I believed him, even though I thought he was full of shit on how he thought we should progress forward. Trump isn't just beyond full of shit, Trump is about Trump and nothing else.

I cant believe how hypocritcal you have been. I get that you dispise me, but you are starting to talk like you support a far right theocracy, while falsely accusing me of wanting a one party facist state.

I cant't even agree with you in that Canada gets far more right at this point in history, without you crying like a baby even when I AGREE WITH YOU.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:Fuck off! No

Brian37 wrote:
Fuck off!

No you fuck off, retard.

Brian37 wrote:
Calls to loyalty have always happened. Friend and foe alike. But in the west, those calls are to western ideas, not to one politician.

Bullshit. The US president has been glamorised and celebritised for the entirety of US history. It's one of the reasons the US sucks so bad.

Brian37 wrote:
Trump wasn't and has never  called for natinal loyalty other than lip service. Trump when he calls for unity and loyalty is talking like Nixon.

I love how you contradict yourself in a single paragraph.

Brian37 wrote:
As intept as Bush Jr was, when he said "You are for us or against us" I believed him, even though I thought he was full of shit on how he thought we should progress forward.

Which makes you as dumb as he was. No surprise there though. I think he's quite a bit smarter than you.

Brian37 wrote:
I cant believe how hypocritcal you have been.

I have never been hypocritical. Your lies expose your failure.

Brian37 wrote:
I get that you dispise me, but you are starting to talk like you support a far right theocracy, while falsely accusing me of wanting a one party facist state.

Ridiculous. I support any regime in the US that damages the US. The US is the most backwards and corrupt power in the world. And that's saying something. I would never take action against the US personally unless my country went to war with yours for some unforeseeable reason, in no small way because I have a lot of American friends, but I cheer anything that reduces the power and influence the US has abused for nearly a century.

Bernie Sanders may have been able to truly make the US a great nation, inside and out. Instead his own party screwed him in what will go down as the dumbest political move in American history. And while Trump won't make America great, but he will reduce the global American footprint, and that's a great thing.

Brian37 wrote:
I cant't even agree with you in that Canada gets far more right at this point in history, without you crying like a baby even when I AGREE WITH YOU.

You're the only one crying like a baby. Also, I will never deny that Canada has issues. But most people here don't give a shit about Canada so the only time it tends to be brought up is when EXC makes up a bunch of bullshit in a vain attempt to win an argument. You want to talk about Canada's issues? Go for it. Canada has issues. But we aren't the ones with military bases all over the world constantly trying to force other countries to do what we want and losing our heads when the shit we dish out gets served back at us.

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Vastet wrote:ProzacDeathWish

Vastet wrote:
ProzacDeathWish wrote:

 I would lick Kellyanne's sweaty butt hole.

Man... eww. And I don't say that because she's conservative. I'd take her over Clinton if I were forced into a choice. But I prefer women born in my century and not half plastic, tbh.

Ha ha, I'm just trolling....