Are ISIS members just rebels?

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Are ISIS members just rebels?

I'm sure you all have heard this...

I know it was dumb think to twitter, but I sort of understand where he was coming from with his post.

What is actually "evil"? If the norm of a society is to kill all the kittens and puppies by ripping out their hearts while they are alive and drinking their blood, then people from outside that society come in and see this process they freak out and think it is evil.

I don't see ISIS as evil. I see them as fucking lunatics following a lunatic religion with lunatic dogma and lunatic bullshit leaders who slaughter innocent people because they think some lunatic god is going to give them grapes and virgins for eternity.

but that doesn't make it evil, it makes them fucking dumb assess.


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He's right, and it's nice to

He's right, and it's nice to see someone in politics with the balls to tell it like it is. Too bad the bullshit is so deep it swallowed him whole.

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Vastet wrote:He's right, and

Vastet wrote:
He's right, and it's nice to see someone in politics with the balls to tell it like it is. Too bad the bullshit is so deep it swallowed him whole.

Yeah. Your right. Too bad. The fucking media and the public are too fucking dumb to know the truth. Or the media knows the truth and they are too fucking greedy to tell it.

The local radio station here made this report yesterday and I'm listening to their comments about this politician. I'm agreeing with them that it was just plain stupid to twiiter that stuff. And that it is amazing how many people cut their own throats when they use twitter. Think before you post idiots.

However the announcer went on to say very dramatically how ISIS was evil and that they weren't doing any thing which the community wanted.

He was wrong because there are people over there that want that "sharia law" crap. They want to be ruled and punished because they believe in that form of religion. And it isn't just men who want it. There are women who want to follow those crazy laws.

I was thinking about sending the dumb fuck an email and telling him to pick out which scenario was ISIS then give him four scenarios where British, American, German and French governments did some thing similar to people to control them. Those governments have all killed, raped, stolen, enslaved and caused genocides of people and it was widely accepted by the public of those governments.


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digitalbeachbum wrote:I'm

digitalbeachbum wrote:

I'm sure you all have heard this...

I know it was dumb think to twitter, but I sort of understand where he was coming from with his post.

What is actually "evil"? If the norm of a society is to kill all the kittens and puppies by ripping out their hearts while they are alive and drinking their blood, then people from outside that society come in and see this process they freak out and think it is evil.

I don't see ISIS as evil. I see them as fucking lunatics following a lunatic religion with lunatic dogma and lunatic bullshit leaders who slaughter innocent people because they think some lunatic god is going to give them grapes and virgins for eternity.

but that doesn't make it evil, it makes them fucking dumb assess.


I see them as evil, but for the reasons you said. So we are not in disagreement. 

Now here is where the three stooges will have a childish kneejerk reaction to the use of the word "poison". The idea that forming a group and calling it a "religion" is what sets up "in group vs out group" and the "evil" is thinking that it never gets ugly, Isis is an example of religion getting ugly. Christians once looked like them. Jews have had their own bagggage. The worst idea humans have ever came up with is the idea of a "chosen people". The "poison" that some here ignore is that you rightfully condemn those actions, but do the same stupid politically correct crap by having  a childish kneejerk reaction to why it should be caused poison. Because Isis is a direct result of someone looking in a book,  and because of their narrow view and false persecution, and or ignorance, they use that book to justify harm to others. 

Religion makes humans do stupid shit. Religion makes people, even if not all, deny science. Is used to justify violence, xenophobia, bigotry, sexism. It is only when we treat it as poisonious, that we can put a leash on it and make it more civil. 

I stand by calling ALL relgions poison. I simply think some here take the use out of context to justify saying "the way I criticise relgiion is right, and the way you do it Brian is wrong". 

The fact nobody here likes Isis doing what they do, doesn't mean religion isn't the cause. If it is the cause, which Digital is rightfully saying. Isis isn't evil, but religion makes them evil. So if he is going to say that, evil is the dark poisonous side of our species. Cancer happens to, and you cant completely always stop it. And I don't think anyone here is inhuman and wants to commit genocide of the entire Arab world or force Islam out of existance.


I just want you morons to understand WHY the word "poison" is an apt word. Isis would not do stupid shit if there were not words in a book of myth that dipict violence they could read to justify it. I am only arguing to treat all holy books as weapons and or volcanos, because ignoring it leads to bad acts, and Hitchens has said, that religion gets otherwise what could be decent humans do do horrible things. 

Funny that you righfully agree that Isis is not evil but religion makes them evil. But when I say it, everyone gets their panties in a bunch.

The only difference between religion in the west and religion in the east is that the west has had a longer time of having a leash on it. I would not  be surpised in the least, that if secular law in the west were scrapped as a concept, that it would not take Christianity long to regress back into the same barbarity everyone here rightfully points out about Islam.

Poison is an apt discription of creating a club and grouping based on naked assertions and fantastic claims and old myths. Mushrooms can be both safe to eat, and make you sick or even deadly. Religion is poison because nobody wants to point out that while some people in religion have no ill will, their are poisonious mushrooms in every group.


Accepting that you cant force relgion out of existence without becoming a monster yourself, is fine. But religion as an IDEA sets up humans to potentially do these horrible things. Religion IS poison and Isis is a result of religion.







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 All government is evil.

 All government is evil. The very foundation of a group declaring they have a right to use violent force to make others do what they want is evil. Some are just less evil than others. Most of the people under ISIS rule probably don't give a shit. They just go about living their lives and don't worry about it much as long as they don't become a target for the violence. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving wrote:Most of

Beyond Saving wrote:
Most of the people under ISIS rule probably don't give a shit. They just go about living their lives and don't worry about it much as long as they don't become a target for the violence.

This has always been and will always be true. As long as the average joe's life isn't regularly threatened, the average joe has little interest in fighting toe to toe with or against those who would be kings.

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Brian37 wrote:Religion makes

Brian37 wrote:

Religion makes humans do stupid shit. Religion makes people, even if not all, deny science. Is used to justify violence, xenophobia, bigotry, sexism. It is only when we treat it as poisonious, that we can put a leash on it and make it more civil. 

You are mistaken. Everything comes from the ego. Religion doesn't make you do anything. It's a placemat and an excuse for what people do.

Every thing is driven by the human ego. We don't even need religion to do shit like this, because there is plenty of non-religious shit out there which does the same.

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It would be rather nice


If everyone on the planet embraced the idea that as soon as violence is introduced, an argument is lost. Inculcating any doctrine with violence is an admission of empirical and rational defeat. 

The pollie was not incorrent. Morality is subjective. If a religion holds that those of a different viewpoint deserve to die, then a significant minority of adherents will accept this as true. Only a small minority will be prepared to actually kill unbelievers but that's all it takes as an ignition point. Next, the more people die, the angrier people get, the more people die.

The issue in my opinion, is doctrinal. Simply changing the Qu'ran's threats to the past tense would be a big help. I often wonder what body count it might require to lead the mung beans in government to recognise doctrinal appeals to force as a source of sectarian violence. 

Watching left wing think tanks on TV recently, it was intensely clear that social liberals have no sense at all that believers, believe. 




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