IS Destroying Ancient Artifacts

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IS Destroying Ancient Artifacts

 Granted, some people have told me that with all the crimes this group has committed that it is ridiculous for me to be outraged over the destruction of history. But having always had an affinity for the past and a fascination for it, this just sickens me to no end. Now while some of this could be hype, I am still very pissed to hear of this :



IS 'destroying ancient Iraq site'

File photograph of temples at Hatra

Islamic State militants have begun destroying the ruins of the ancient city of Hatra, Kurdish sources in northern Iraq say.

Hatra was founded in the days of the Parthian Empire over 2,000 years ago and is a Unesco world heritage site.

IS, which controls large areas of Iraq and Syria, says shrines and statues are "false idols" that have to be smashed.

It not yet clear how extensive any damage might have been.

Hatra, located about 110km (68 miles) south-west of Mosul, was a fortified city that withstood invasions by the Romans thanks to its thick walls reinforced by towers.

'War crime'

Said Mamuzini, a Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) local official, told Kurdish media that IS militants had started destroying the site.

Reports of the bulldozer attack in Nimrud, an Assyrian city founded in the 13th Century BC, emerged on Thursday.

On Friday Unesco head Irina Bokova condemned the "cultural cleansing" in Iraq as a "war crime".

Last week, IS released a video apparently showing militants with sledgehammers destroying statues and other artefacts in a museum in Mosul.

In the video, the objects are described as "false idols" and their destruction defended in religious terms.

The Parthian Empire was a major political and cultural force in ancient Iran. At the height of its power in the second century AD, it extended from modern-day Pakistan to Syria.


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 This is what religion

 This is what religion does. By their fucked up logic non Muslims would be justified in destroying Mecca. Religion turns humans into inslolent fucking brats. These morons are too stupid to see that their holiest site is really no different a monument to superstition. Congrats Islam for producing assholes. 

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I saw this on the news. So

I saw this on the news. So sad. In an ideological sense, this is similar to book burning...

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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butterbattle wrote:I saw

butterbattle wrote:

I saw this on the news. So sad. In an ideological sense, this is similar to book burning...

But some like to burry their heads in the sand and blindly protect religion. I am really sick of both theists and even atheists who think religion is good for humanity. Accepting that it is a part of our reality does not make it good. It merely means by accepting that reality you can contain it at a managable level and prevent bullshit behavior like this.


Religion is the cause of this. Just like religion is used to justify hiding pedophies. The gap filling created the art they are destroying but it is also the gap filling religion causes that leads them to destroy it. "Reliigon has pretty things in it" is not an excuse to hide behind to avoid scrutiny. The poison is allowing "pretty means good" as an excuse to avoid scrutiny. Cliffs on mountains look pretty too, but only a fool thinks there are no dangers in them. Dormant volcanos are also pretty.

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butterbattle wrote:I saw

butterbattle wrote:

I saw this on the news. So sad. In an ideological sense, this is similar to book burning...

So true. Makes ISIL no different than NAZIS. This is not the first time, when Islam spread to Eqypt in the 7th century they may or may not be the ones who finished off the libraries that held important historical records.  In 642 CE when the Muslim army captured Alexandria, led by Amr ibn al Aas he was asked about the documents. His reply supposedly was if the books agree with the Quron we have no need of them, if not destroy them. Though this report may not be true it does seem to represent the sentiment of Islam in the 7th century. There were at least 3 other possibilities how the documents in the Library at Alexandria may have been destroyed. Perhaps all of them destroyed part. Regardless of how, this loss of important documents still haunts the world today.

Then of course there was the Taliban's destruction of the great Budda's of Bamiyan in Afghanistan in 2001.

Historical sites and artifacts are very important to understanding history and how we became who we are today.

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pauljohntheskeptic wrote:

butterbattle wrote:

I saw this on the news. So sad. In an ideological sense, this is similar to book burning...

So true. Makes ISIL no different than NAZIS. This is not the first time, when Islam spread to Eqypt in the 7th century they may or may not be the ones who finished off the libraries that held important historical records.  In 642 CE when the Muslim army captured Alexandria, led by Amr ibn al Aas he was asked about the documents. His reply supposedly was if the books agree with the Quron we have no need of them, if not destroy them. Though this report may not be true it does seem to represent the sentiment of Islam in the 7th century. There were at least 3 other possibilities how the documents in the Library at Alexandria may have been destroyed. Perhaps all of them destroyed part. Regardless of how, this loss of important documents still haunts the world today.

Then of course there was the Taliban's destruction of the great Budda's of Bamiyan in Afghanistan in 2001.

Historical sites and artifacts are very important to understanding history and how we became who we are today.

Islam is currently the biggest trouble maker. But the concept of religion itself as a human invented idea to form a group is the root of all human divisions. It was not that long ago that Christianity was as barbaric. And even the OT has Yahweh selfishly selling the "chosen people" to Hebrews whom in turn are demanded to be loyal to him. 

It was understandable that humans followed these religions because they did not know better, and back then your survival depended alot on defending the tribe.  Any group that becomes dogmatic to ridgid politics basing it on superstition especially is going to lead to violence.  Their monothistic concepts are the same loyalty oath you can find in North Korea. The leader is fine with you as long as you worship and obey. The outsiders at best, might be left alone as long as they don't raise a peep.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Basically the crusades all

Basically the crusades all over again.

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