Jean has once again made it all about himself

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Jean has once again made it all about himself

 So I start this blog about my health and its like I am in a hospital room. Everyone is expressing their well wishes and a egomaniac Christian comes in and makes it all about him. He is very good at doing that I must say. 

Religion Kills !!!

Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

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I said banned in a moment of anger

 I said banned in a moment of anger. 

I believe in the freedom of speech, even for asswipes (which is a nice word for Jean). like Jean. 

Like Vastet just pointed out. He can post his bullshit and we can feel free to tear him a new one or ignore him . 

“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
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I allowed Jean to wind me up a little too in this case

So, he won that one.

I also vote against banning.

Jean Chauvin
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In this age of Post-Modernism of strict political correctness, when the truth confronts it head on instead of examing the position and refuting it, people react irrationally and emotionaly.

Harley, you're a hardcore whimp. I'm not sure if your father left you as a young kid or your mother never breast fed you, but whatever it is, you need to grow a pair. The truth hurts when applied to the practicial but is amusing when it is abstract theoretical.

To simply state the truth in a hardcore fashion does not then make me mean lol. Rather it makes all of you liars for not telling the truth.

Truly X will suffer beyond repair in hell and no Drug will take that pain away. The fact that X wears this as a badge of honor is what one would expect to find.

I picketed a mormon church on memorial day weekend. Some whimpy "christians" were there from a Crystal Cathedral Robert Shuler type church. They were pickiting us by saying that the mormons are find, we love you and you're going to heaven. Similar to that feminist weak woman above. While we were telling the mormons the truth and cared enough to stand out for hours on a 3 days weekend to tell them about the real Jesus and that they are wrong.

I have prayed for X and Harley. While the truth may convict you, and while the means of that truth may seem harsh (it is).. that does not mean compassion does not lie in the heart of the subject.

If you wish to ban me that's fine, but it will be a rare chance in hell for you to see another consistent Christain again.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

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Jean Chauvin wrote: Harley,

Jean Chauvin wrote:


Harley, you're a hardcore whimp. I'm not sure if your father left you as a young kid or your mother never breast fed you, but whatever it is, you need to grow a pair. The truth hurts when applied to the practicial but is amusing when it is abstract theoretical.


Internet tough guy is all that you are. Keyboard theistard commando. 

Grow a pair ? Hehe. If we were face to face you would need a whole lot of dental and health insurance. 

Trust me. 

“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno

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Jean Chauvin wrote:Hello,In

Jean Chauvin wrote:


In this age of Post-Modernism of strict political correctness, when the truth confronts it head on instead of examing the position and refuting it, people react irrationally and emotionaly.

Yes we know, we watch you do it all the time.

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Jean,The divinity of Jesus


The divinity of Jesus was decided by a vote of church leaders, none of whom ever met Jesus, hundreds of years after Jesus was dead.  How do you reconcile that historical fact with the 2nd Commandment --

"You shall have no other gods before me"

In addition to worshiping a dead guy named Jesus (assuming he ever existed, since there is no historical evidence he ever did), you also seem to fancy yourself a god by claiming that you know X and others here are going to Hell (not that I believe in Hell, but just saying) when only G-d knows that.

The way I see your behavior, you not only worship false gods, but you've set yourself up as one.

Oh, praying to dead people is another sin, but not as high up the list as "don't worship other gods".

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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FurryCatHerder is that you ?

 Hi Furry

  I dont mean to add a random element but I have missed you Smiling


   Jean opened a thread recently you might have missed altogether; it talks about (quote/unquote) 'Apostates', check it out  whenever the chance arises.

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"If you wish to ban me

"If you wish to ban me that's fine, but it will be a rare chance in hell for you to see another consistent Christain again."

Pfft. You're full of yourself. We get consistent christians all the time. All christians are consistent with fallacies and falsehoods. You aren't special.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Hello Feminist Furry

Feminist Furry,

These arguments arguments have been dealt with and are due to your public education.

The council of Nicea was against Arianism and to bring the bishops together to discuss his herey and to denounce him since it was deceiving people. Arianism today would be like the Jehovah Witnesses. So it was really how to deal with this heretic.

Also, we have church fathers before the council of Nicea recognizing the deity of Christ in reference to the Greek and LXX and Hebrew (Genesis 19:24, John 8:58, etc.).

Based on your horrible understanding of basic history, I see that you are a prudent student of the public education system.


Regarding the "existence" of Jesus the burden is switched with the Mishnah, Midrash, archeological of P52, P46 and 010-012 and 020 MSS.


REgarding hell, while in the end God is the judge, we do have the Scriptures to help us understand. These pagans/apostates  are living so evil, should they continue, logically hell is there new home. This qualification as I have said before is a perpetaual elipsis.


Now onto you my Furry Pagan Feminist, bear your burden regarding the adhominal means of Jesus in history. : )



Harly, you continue to threaten me which further demonstrates the point that you are not a logical rational person but simply in this for the games and the amusement. YOu are irrational and a good "atheist" as a result.


Keep up the good work.



Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

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Vastet wrote:"If you wish to

Vastet wrote:
"If you wish to ban me that's fine, but it will be a rare chance in hell for you to see another consistent Christain again." Pfft. You're full of yourself. We get consistent christians all the time. All christians are consistent with fallacies and falsehoods. You aren't special.

yeah, once again, i second this.  there is absolutely nothing "rare" or unique about jean, other than perhaps his avatar of luther about to take it up the shit-chute.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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danatemporary wrote: Hi

danatemporary wrote:

 Hi Furry

  I dont mean to add a random element but I have missed you Smiling

   Jean opened a thread recently you might have missed altogether; it talks about (quote/unquote) 'Apostates', check it out  whenever the chance arises.

Am I the most missed Panentheist of the bunch here or something?!?

I figure 80% or more of my friends are Atheists.  You people aren't going to trick me, no way!

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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Jude,Genesis 19:24 is about


Genesis 19:24 is about when G-d rained fire and sulfur on a couple of cities.  Don't you mean some other verse which doesn't support your absurd claim that G-d (l'havdil) has a bunch of little godlets running around, or that G-d (l'havdil) has sex with virgins, like the Greek and Roman gods that the "church fathers" worshiped?

As for your attacks on my Feminism, I suppose that the false god you worship has a penis?  Does your god have a penis?  I'd like to know.  Because I'm sure you think that is important, somehow.  You know, worshiping a god that has a penis.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

Jean Chauvin
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Hi Furry Feminist

Hi Furry Feminist

You demonstrate the reason why a woman should not be a pastor, or president of a contry for that matter. Woman are generally emotional (there are exceptions) and less logical. This is why they are absolutely the weaker sex.

Genesis 19:24 is talking about 2 Yahveh's. The Yahveh from heaven giving fire to the Yahveh on earth to bomb a city. (what would Jesus bomb? there's the answer)..

The Yahveh on earth is indeed the 2nd person of the Trinity as can be seen by the context starting with Genesis 18.This is known as a theosophy.

I'm currently eating cultured yogurt, never had it cultured and it's good. Since you cleary have ADD i threw that in to assist you.

While Jesus Christ absolutely had a penis, and since Jesus is God and fully man the answer is yes in relation to the hypostatic union. Otherwise spiritually sex is not involved but is used via figuratative genre since the Father is the head of the home in the human sense and is anthropomorphically noted.

Unlike the feminists witches who worship Diana with 64 million boobs on her chest. Pretty strange lesbians in this day and age.

Regarding the paganism of your panentheism, how can the finite hold the head of the infinite? Some view this as the body being the earth itself. Where does gravity fit in and would not this break the neck of your god? Or is the infinite head weightless?

You're religion is like that show 3rd rock from the son where they worshipped the giant head. You do realized that was intended for comedy and not reality don't you? lol


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).


A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

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Jean,There aren't two


There aren't two different "Yahveh"s in Gen 19:24.  Here, have some Hebrew --

"וַֽיהוָה הִמְטִיר עַל־סְדֹם וְעַל־עֲמֹרָה גָּפְרִית וָאֵשׁ מֵאֵת יְהוָה מִן־הַשָּׁמָֽיִם׃"

The four letter name of G-d is the first word (right to left) as well as the 8th.

As for paganism, you're thinking of Pantheists.  "Nature is god" -- that's what those crazy people believe.  They worship trees and rocks and things like that.  Panentheists believe that G-d is everything.  Which sort of goes with the whole "G-d is infinite" thing.  There is nothing that is not G-d.  Or put another way, the Universe (and gravity ...) doesn't exist =outside= of G-d, the Universe (and gravity and all that other stuff) exists INSIDE of G-d.

You're free to worship dead carpenters.  I'll stick with the Creator of everything in the Universe, including that dead carpenter.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

Jean Chauvin
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Hello Furry Feminist


lol, Since I know Hebrew and can understand context is where the meaning is derived, it is clear that there are 2 YahVeh's there. The Yahveh from heaven giving fire to the Yahveh on earth to direct towards Sodom.

While atheists worship self thus causing paganism to fall upon them since the self they relay is an animal, then logically they are their own animal they worship resulting in paganism. While pantheism is a type of paganism there is also panentheism which is just as pagan. Maybe you've heard of panentheism?

Actually I believe the Greek notes Him as a construction worker. And logicaly He is no longer dead. You will understand this empirically while you burn in hell.

Your pagan god that has a finite body (earth) and an infinite head? Again, would this not break his neck? Would not this entail an infinite amount of weight or is the Great Head you worship weightless?


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).






A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

Jean Chauvin
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Hello Furry Feminist


lol, Since I know Hebrew and can understand context is where the meaning is derived, it is clear that there are 2 YahVeh's there. The Yahveh from heaven giving fire to the Yahveh on earth to direct towards Sodom.

While atheists worship self thus causing paganism to fall upon them since the self they relay is an animal, then logically they are their own animal they worship resulting in paganism. While pantheism is a type of paganism there is also panentheism which is just as pagan. Maybe you've heard of panentheism?

Actually I believe the Greek notes Him as a construction worker. And logicaly He is no longer dead. You will understand this empirically while you burn in hell.

Your pagan god that has a finite body (earth) and an infinite head? Again, would this not break his neck? Would not this entail an infinite amount of weight or is the Great Head you worship weightless?


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).






A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

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No need to worry .. "Gam Ze Ya’avor"



Jean Chauvin wrote:

Hi Furry Question mark:

 "Since you cleary have ADD .. I threw that in to assist you"

   ".. witches who worship Diana with 64 million boobs on her chest."   ¬Jean Chauvin .



  You dont need to worry about any of the witch types, fore (literally) Gam Ze Ya’avor , left as is so easily googled.




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Jean Chauvin

Jean Chauvin wrote:


lol, Since I know Hebrew and can understand context is where the meaning is derived, it is clear that there are 2 YahVeh's there. The Yahveh from heaven giving fire to the Yahveh on earth to direct towards Sodom.

Bob went to the store so Bob could have a beer after work.

How many Bobs?

Claiming there are two gods is 100% contradictory both to the plain meaning of Hebrew and Judaism.

While atheists worship self thus causing paganism to fall upon them since the self they relay is an animal, then logically they are their own animal they worship resulting in paganism. While pantheism is a type of paganism there is also panentheism which is just as pagan. Maybe you've heard of panentheism?

Of course I've heard of Panentheism, you idiot, since that's what I am.  If I were able to have a "Panentheist" badge, I'd have one.

Panentheism isn't the least bit "pagan" since many mainstream Jewish, Christian and Islamic sects are Panentheistic.

Actually I believe the Greek notes Him as a construction worker. And logicaly He is no longer dead. You will understand this empirically while you burn in hell.

Hell would have to exist for me to burn in it.  "Hell" is a Greek and Roman invention -- it allows them to construct the classic struggle between the "good" gods and the "bad" gods.

Your pagan god that has a finite body (earth) and an infinite head? Again, would this not break his neck? Would not this entail an infinite amount of weight or is the Great Head you worship weightless?

The G-d I worship doesn't have a head, or a body, or a penis.

However, the G-d that I worship created everything in the entire Universe which has a head, or a body, or even a penis.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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Jean Chauvin wrote:While

Jean Chauvin wrote:

While Jesus Christ absolutely had a penis, and since Jesus is God and fully man the answer is yes in relation to the hypostatic union.



       Penis ? ...fully man  ...hypostatic union ?   Is that the correct term for what happened between Pastor Ted Haggard and Mike Smith his male prostitute friend ?  Did Jesus snort crystal meth, too ?





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@ harleysportster I'm not

@ harleysportster
I'm not going to speak for Sapient or others, but I approve your response. Jean's arrogant and asshole response shows why religions are so horrible, while our responses show how irrelevant to being a good person religion is.

Jean's posts will probably stay, because this site is anti-censorship.

However, so will all the responses that tear him a new one for being such an anti-social loser with no sense of respect or compassion.

To ex, good luck. I don't know how you sat still long enough to post this topic. When I get a migraine, which is the most pain I've experienced, my intellect goes to shit and I can't do anything more than go closer and closer to insanity. I hope you get back to "normal" asap!

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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 Please continue this

 Please continue this thread here and get out of my room.

Religion Kills !!!

Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

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Beyond Saving

Beyond Saving wrote:


*falls over laughing*

Re: Jean.

Someone should do a study on the rate of attention whores in various religions. I'd be interested to see whether it was the moslems or christians who were the most whorish, or if another religion would cut them both out.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Vastet wrote:Beyond Saving

Vastet wrote:
Beyond Saving wrote:


*falls over laughing*

It is funny as can be.

If, G-d forbid, I ever became an Atheist, I'd immediately switch my religion to Pastafarianism.  For which those napkins would come in handy, on account of all the pasta sauce which must be consumed.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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harleysportster wrote: I

harleysportster wrote:

 I said banned in a moment of anger. 

I believe in the freedom of speech, even for asswipes (which is a nice word for Jean). like Jean. 

Like Vastet just pointed out. He can post his bullshit and we can feel free to tear him a new one or ignore him . 

Thank you Harly. Sometimes I have a hard time explaining to well intended people on the PC left why asswipes like Jean should be allowed to spew their bullshit. I even had a brief couple of days where I went off the deep end in response to Jean's post about the Japanese Tsunami, he not knowing my x was Japanese, demanding his ban.

Now I just let him hang himself and every time he posts remind everyone that his god likes taking hostages to make threats to follow him.




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Beyond Saving wrote: Don't

Beyond Saving wrote:


Don't make me like you you Rand loving robber baron!

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote: Thank you

Brian37 wrote:


Thank you Harly. Sometimes I have a hard time explaining to well intended people on the PC left why asswipes like Jean should be allowed to spew their bullshit. I even had a brief couple of days where I went off the deep end in response to Jean's post about the Japanese Tsunami, he not knowing my x was Japanese, demanding his ban.

Now I just let him hang himself and every time he posts remind everyone that his god likes taking hostages to make threats to follow him.



Like others have pointed out, he makes a better case for Atheism than most of our well known spokesmen. 

I look at it like this : Would I agree with the views of a Ku Klux Klan member ? Nope. Would I take away his rights to free speech ? Nope. Let him make an idiot out of himself. 

Same thing for Jean. If he wants to be willfully stupid, then let him show his ass to everyone. 

“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno

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Jean is too proud to say he's sorry but feel the love:

re:: Jean is too proud to say he's sorry but feel the love. I THINK ?!?


Quote from Jean wrote:

  You might not have  caught this but this was left by Jean in another area of the board (check the time dating):

 He wrote:


 " I feel loved in this forum, almost like christmas morning.

Harley, plese note #1 and the rest for that matter lol.

Brian, in the this forum, we are good friends, Harley too : )

I do not know if Jesus loves you, He may hate you, I do know that life is short and that answer will absolutely be known by you someday very soon.



Jean Chauvin (Jude 3) " 


 This is what he wrote.


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 I'm so glad this thread

 I'm so glad this thread got separated.  I was going to do the same thing.  Kudos to whichever mod pulled the trigger.


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harleysportster wrote:

Brian37 wrote:


Thank you Harly. Sometimes I have a hard time explaining to well intended people on the PC left why asswipes like Jean should be allowed to spew their bullshit. I even had a brief couple of days where I went off the deep end in response to Jean's post about the Japanese Tsunami, he not knowing my x was Japanese, demanding his ban.

Now I just let him hang himself and every time he posts remind everyone that his god likes taking hostages to make threats to follow him.



Like others have pointed out, he makes a better case for Atheism than most of our well known spokesmen. 

I look at it like this : Would I agree with the views of a Ku Klux Klan member ? Nope. Would I take away his rights to free speech ? Nope. Let him make an idiot out of himself. 

Same thing for Jean. If he wants to be willfully stupid, then let him show his ass to everyone. 

We have that luxury now, but there was a time when the KKK did have power in congress. I know there are google pics somewhere if you look them up, of marches of the Klan on Washington, and they yielded power over congress, many were members. Our nation was quite lucky they made the mistakes they did over the years. Vigilance is the only way to put people like Jean rightfully on the zoo animal display they deserve.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Jean Chauvin

Jean Chauvin wrote:


lol, Since I know Hebrew and can understand context is where the meaning is derived, it is clear that there are 2 YahVeh's there. The Yahveh from heaven giving fire to the Yahveh on earth to direct towards Sodom.

While atheists worship self thus causing paganism to fall upon them since the self they relay is an animal, then logically they are their own animal they worship resulting in paganism. While pantheism is a type of paganism there is also panentheism which is just as pagan. Maybe you've heard of panentheism?

Actually I believe the Greek notes Him as a construction worker. And logicaly He is no longer dead. You will understand this empirically while you burn in hell.

Your pagan god that has a finite body (earth) and an infinite head? Again, would this not break his neck? Would not this entail an infinite amount of weight or is the Great Head you worship weightless?


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).



To Furry, I know there is no doubt you are docile compared to the likes of Jean. But being the outsider between two competing claims


Yours "I was here first"

His, " God made a a sequel, so get with the times"


And although I don't think he has any hope of coming around, I think you are a nice person. I think you are capable of understanding that god claims in our species evolution, are merely our own wishful thinking.


He is an ignorant dick. I am a dick for a reason, he hates anyone who disagrees with him. I merely hate claims, not people. He gets offended by blasphemy. I have been called every name in the book for being an atheist, and it isn't that the believer  does that, that is the price one pays for living in a free society. What offends me is the lack of evidence FOR ANY GOD or deity or super natural being. Yours and his, or Hindus, any in human history.


He is an asshole. I don't nor have ever viewed you that way. I think you are simply passionate, but mistaken, like all humans. Just like you and I accept that the Egyptians made up a sun god.





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.. deep inside this armor; .. deep inside this armor . .

harleysportster wrote:

Brian37 wrote:


Thank you Harly. Sometimes I have a hard time explaining to well intended people on the PC left why asswipes like Jean should be allowed to spew their bullshit. I even had a brief couple of days where I went off the deep end in response to Jean's post about the Japanese Tsunami, he not knowing my x was Japanese, demanding his ban.

Now I just let him hang himself and every time he posts remind everyone that his god likes taking hostages to make threats to follow him.



Like others have pointed out, he makes a better case for Atheism than most of our well known spokesmen. 

I look at it like this : Would I agree with the views of a Ku Klux Klan member ? Nope. Would I take away his rights to free speech ? Nope. Let him make an idiot out of himself. 

Same thing for Jean. If he wants to be willfully stupid, then let him show his ass to everyone. 



   Jean is obviously much much younger than you all take him for.  He has a whole host of spurious sham 'accomplishments' he continues to claim that partially attest to this. Over a long long time with him. Most males in their mid-to-late twenties do not feel the need to act tough. Not directed at any one individual but I am really surprised you have not realized this. There are only a few conclusions one can draw from this behaviour.






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danatemporary wrote:

   Jean is obviously much much younger than you all take him for.  He has a whole host of spurious sham 'accomplishments' he continues to claim that partially attest to this. Over a long long time with him. Most males in their mid-to-late twenties do not feel the need to act tough. Not directed at any one individual but I am really surprised you have not realized this. There are only a few conclusions one can draw from this behaviour.


I hadn't thought much about it, but I suppose I did assume that he is aged 25 years or older.

Still, I don't think I'm very good at analysing this sort of thing; possibly related to being male and very rarely meeting young people in the flesh.

His use of lol would indicate youth, but could also be ironic.

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Let's break down some emotional barriers ..

re :Let's break down some emotional barriers ..


x wrote:

danatemporary wrote:

   Jean is obviously much much younger than you all take him for.  He has a whole host of spurious sham 'accomplishments' he continues to claim that partially attest to this. Over a long long time with him. Most males in their mid-to-late twenties do not feel the need to act tough. Not directed at any one individual but I am really surprised you have not realized this. There are only a few conclusions one can draw from this behaviour.


I hadn't thought much about it, but I suppose I did assume that he is aged 25 years or older.

Still, I don't think I'm very good at analysing this sort of thing; possibly related to being male and very rarely meeting young people in the flesh.

His use of lol would indicate youth, but could also be ironic.

  Yes, It is Interesting. To be serious a moment, None could feel right about documenting the evidence for this, or to start putting the answer to this together. With no indication of having been able to navigate between four completing 'sets' of thoughts, feelings, and most all all desires locked in conflict with one another ? What are you to think? Although,  Life would be a lot easier if someone would conduct a intensive analysis of these completing factors and were to explain what is happening, why integration has alluded him ? Whatever the age, it might not entirely matter. Jean loves the board too, I am almost positive. (I know better than to include the title but it'd all approach analysis & 'therapy').




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danatemporary wrote:

harleysportster wrote:

Brian37 wrote:


Thank you Harly. Sometimes I have a hard time explaining to well intended people on the PC left why asswipes like Jean should be allowed to spew their bullshit. I even had a brief couple of days where I went off the deep end in response to Jean's post about the Japanese Tsunami, he not knowing my x was Japanese, demanding his ban.

Now I just let him hang himself and every time he posts remind everyone that his god likes taking hostages to make threats to follow him.



Like others have pointed out, he makes a better case for Atheism than most of our well known spokesmen. 

I look at it like this : Would I agree with the views of a Ku Klux Klan member ? Nope. Would I take away his rights to free speech ? Nope. Let him make an idiot out of himself. 

Same thing for Jean. If he wants to be willfully stupid, then let him show his ass to everyone. 



   Jean is obviously much much younger than you all take him for.  He has a whole host of spurious sham 'accomplishments' he continues to claim that partially attest to this. Over a long long time with him. Most males in their mid-to-late twenties do not feel the need to act tough. Not directed at any one individual but I am really surprised you have not realized this. There are only a few conclusions one can draw from this behaviour.






Did you mean "do feel a need to act tough"? I know in my 20s I had that need. I remember not wanting to show any sign of weakness back then because there were other guys who would and did take advantage of that. Bullies are quite common when you are young. Now that I am pushing 60 I find men my age are more sympathetic. I can be more honest and not worry about being chewed up. And when those occasions arise it doesn't bother me. I have less to prove.

I guess I would place Jean in his mid 30s.

Religion Kills !!!

Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

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Others asked about the age thing long before me ..


 Luca asked :


luca during the I'm Dying Thread wrote:
At this point it would be useful if you could tell us where you are from and how old are you...

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There is hope for people like Jean

Some more Nietzsche may be required...


*** mod edit. I had trouble with the link. If you do CLICK HERE




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danatemporary wrote:

re :Let's break down some emotional barriers ..


x wrote:

danatemporary wrote:

   Jean is obviously much much younger than you all take him for.  He has a whole host of spurious sham 'accomplishments' he continues to claim that partially attest to this. Over a long long time with him. Most males in their mid-to-late twenties do not feel the need to act tough. Not directed at any one individual but I am really surprised you have not realized this. There are only a few conclusions one can draw from this behaviour.


I hadn't thought much about it, but I suppose I did assume that he is aged 25 years or older.

Still, I don't think I'm very good at analysing this sort of thing; possibly related to being male and very rarely meeting young people in the flesh.

His use of lol would indicate youth, but could also be ironic.

  Yes, It is Interesting. To be serious a moment, None could feel right about documenting the evidence for this, or to start putting the answer to this together. With no indication of having been able to navigate between four completing 'sets' of thoughts, feelings, and most all all desires locked in conflict with one another ? What are you to think? Although,  Life would be a lot easier if someone would conduct a intensive analysis of these completing factors and were to explain what is happening, why integration has alluded him ? Whatever the age, it might not entirely matter. Jean loves the board too, I am almost positive. (I know better than to include the title but it'd all approach analysis & 'therapy').




I'm sure you have noticed Jean's obsession against public schools and anyone who attended.  Like the child mother wouldn't let play outside and jealousy grew to hate for those he watched out the window.

Smells like home-school spirit. Some take a while to let go of their high school years.  

See also:  Field trips to volcanoes on buses and "my new friend the atheist"

"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia

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danatemporary wrote:




   Jean is obviously much much younger than you all take him for.  He has a whole host of spurious sham 'accomplishments' he continues to claim that partially attest to this. Over a long long time with him. Most males in their mid-to-late twenties do not feel the need to act tough. Not directed at any one individual but I am really surprised you have not realized this. There are only a few conclusions one can draw from this behaviour.



Can't say that I can totally agree with that particular assessment. No doubt that he is full of shit about his accomplishments but I have met men older than me ( I am in my mid thirties) that STILL had that chest - thumping, wannabe Alpha Male mentality. Their usually pretty much all talk, no action and a whole lot of insecurity. 

I really don't care one way or the other. 

There are 19 year olds and much younger that commit rape and murder. Does their immaturity give them an edge ? Not in my world. 

Granted, I had a streak of immaturity in me when I was a lot younger, but no one cut me any slack for it, so his age is beside the point to me. 

To be honest, I don't think he believes 99% of the horseshit that he posts on here. I think he likes getting people riled up and the best thing to do is ignore him. That is my plan from now on. 

Like the little narcissist fuck that he is, once he sees that he is getting no more attention, he'll eventually have to take his game elsewhere. 

“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno

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x wrote:Some more Nietzsche

x wrote:

Some more Nietzsche may be required...


*** mod edit. I had trouble with the link. If you do CLICK HERE




I thought I would immediately related to his deconversion, but he immediately had doubt. When I went to college it was not the same for me. I identify more with Bart Ehrman's experience. College, even a fundamentalist college, can shake your faith.  Education is a dangerous thing when you are religious. That devil is wily.

I went to a SDA college and didn't have the conflict that Dan Fincke had. I was essentially groomed from birth to think like an SDA. My grandmother took me there and told me to guilt my parents into coming. Funny years later they did and I resisted joining.  Subsequently I did join through a high measure of guilt as I have written about before. I quickly consumed E.G. Whites dozens of books. The first thing that was tearing away at me is all the fucking rules. You must dress this way, you must think this way, you must only listen to this kind of music, you must resist sexual thought, you must stay in the community to avoid being tempted away, and on and on. I remember walking by one students room who I believe was trying to resist masterbating and he was yelling at the top of his voice over and over "Satan get away from me". How could I possibly live up to all these rules? But it was necessary. Faith without works is dead (James 2:14-26). If you don't exhibit good works you are not saved. But works alone would not save you. Quite a conflict. Am I saved? Do my works show it? Am I doing good works by only faking it? What kind of works would be good? There was a short period in Adventist history (1880s) where grace without works became popular but it quickly died out. Sitting in the pews and preaching from the pulpit, I knew, works were critical, but still a gamble in my way of thinking.

Another thing that really affected me was Church History. In one course I just was bewildered by how sad it was. Aren't these Christians? Shouldn't their behavior be measurably better than non-Christians. After one class a number of us students were sitting around and talking about how awful it was and how bummed we were. There were few courses where I felt such a bond of thought. 

Pre-destination was never an issue for me in college. It was just free-will, never any doubt. It was never challenged. We of course studied Calvin briefly and stated he was just wrong. Now years later as an atheist I think the weigh of evidence in the Bible leans towards pre-destination but there are definitely text to the contrary.

The bible is internally inconsistent. Faith and works. Predestination and free-will. These two alone account for why there are many denominations. There are certainly other reasons but I would rank them at the top.

Thanks for posting the link.

Religion Kills !!!

Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

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Still Unapologetic our Jean

TonyJeffers wrote:
I'm sure you have noticed Jean's obsession against public schools and anyone who attended.  Like the child mother wouldn't let play outside and jealousy grew to hate for those he watched out the window.

Smells like home-school spirit. Some take a while to let go of their high school years.  

See also:  Field trips to volcanoes on buses and "my new friend the atheist"

  Hey Tony :  Jeans's a scrapper (or at least claims to be).  About Tony, he has this practical and insightful amalgam of learning, and knowledge along with his deconversion experience I consider extremely useful, (always want  his contribution on a speculative matter).  I am not sure if you hear it enough but you have this knack of producing 'thought'.  Elements of Jean's presentation do come across as 'self taught' is evident.  It is difficult to cut through all the snarkiness w/ the man.  He did insist on crowing about winning debates in high-school; which to me, makes your remarks all the more thought provoking. I guess, It's not unheard of to come up having been placed in private 'christian' schools  full or part time.


   Something people might not know is I had an opportunity to watch Jean in action on a christian board. No undue offense but people were not interacting with him. No point. At the time, I hadnt made much of it. But, Assessing his actual age, One of the greatest 'tells' is his use of language, relating to his descriptions.

  'X'  I havent read your link but be sure I will make the time to definitely read it.

 =  == =


 Headline : Still Unapologetic our Jean



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I was re-reading what Tony cited, in it, is a plea to be friends

re : I was re-reading what Tony cited, in it, is a plea to be friends . . .

Jean Chauvin wrote:

Hi Furry Feminist

You demonstrate the reason why a woman should not be a pastor, or president of a contry for that matter. Woman are generally emotional (there are exceptions) and less logical. This is why they are absolutely the weaker sex.

Genesis 19:24 is talking about 2 Yahveh's. The Yahveh from heaven giving fire to the Yahveh on earth to bomb a city. (what would Jesus bomb? there's the answer)..

The Yahveh on earth is indeed the 2nd person of the Trinity as can be seen by the context starting with Genesis 18.This is known as a theosophy.

I'm currently eating cultured yogurt, never had it cultured and it's good. Since you cleary have ADD i threw that in to assist you.

.. since Jesus is God and fully man the answer is yes in relation to the hypostatic union. Otherwise spiritually sex is not involved but is used via figuratative genre since the Father is the head of the home in the human sense and is anthropomorphically noted.

Unlike the feminists witches who worship Diana with 64 million boobs on her chest. Pretty strange lesbians in this day and age.

Regarding the paganism of your panentheism, how can the finite hold the head of the infinite ..

Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).



  Jean why does your snarkiness and ultra-calvinistic leanings make this sound so damn misogynistic? When others from Theologically identical views on the roles of women in the church, don't?  I am starting to wonder, I noticed you never asked to be friends with me.


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x wrote:

Some more Nietzsche may be required...


*** mod edit. I had trouble with the link. If you do CLICK HERE

Thanks, I'll have to look out for how long links can be truncated in future.

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I can never decide

harleysportster wrote:

To be honest, I don't think he believes 99% of the horseshit that he posts on here. I think he likes getting people riled up and the best thing to do is ignore him. That is my plan from now on. 

Like the little narcissist fuck that he is, once he sees that he is getting no more attention, he'll eventually have to take his game elsewhere. 

I used to lean towards the idea that he was just a satirist, but now I'm not so sure. It's that aspect of his posts that amuses me so.

Never having lived in a deeply religious environment, it is hard for me to comprehend that such people exist, but the Taliban do.

Calvinists do seem to be quite a bit like them, so maybe he's like an apprentice for the intellectual wing of the Christian Taliban. I won't find him so funny if their goons take power.


He should be thoroughly enjoying the fact that since it is a fairly quiet time on the forum, we're devoting so much time to analysing him.



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Reminds me of the old joke

ex-minister wrote:

I thought I would immediately related to his deconversion, but he immediately had doubt. When I went to college it was not the same for me. I identify more with Bart Ehrman's experience. College, even a fundamentalist college, can shake your faith.  Education is a dangerous thing when you are religious. That devil is wily.

I went to a SDA college and didn't have the conflict that Dan Fincke had. I was essentially groomed from birth to think like an SDA. My grandmother took me there and told me to guilt my parents into coming. Funny years later they did and I resisted joining.  Subsequently I did join through a high measure of guilt as I have written about before. I quickly consumed E.G. Whites dozens of books. The first thing that was tearing away at me is all the fucking rules. You must dress this way, you must think this way, you must only listen to this kind of music, you must resist sexual thought, you must stay in the community to avoid being tempted away, and on and on. I remember walking by one students room who I believe was trying to resist masterbating and he was yelling at the top of his voice over and over "Satan get away from me". How could I possibly live up to all these rules? But it was necessary. Faith without works is dead (James 2:14-26). If you don't exhibit good works you are not saved. But works alone would not save you. Quite a conflict. Am I saved? Do my works show it? Am I doing good works by only faking it? What kind of works would be good? There was a short period in Adventist history (1880s) where grace without works became popular but it quickly died out. Sitting in the pews and preaching from the pulpit, I knew, works were critical, but still a gamble in my way of thinking.

Another thing that really affected me was Church History. In one course I just was bewildered by how sad it was. Aren't these Christians? Shouldn't their behavior be measurably better than non-Christians. After one class a number of us students were sitting around and talking about how awful it was and how bummed we were. There were few courses where I felt such a bond of thought. 

Pre-destination was never an issue for me in college. It was just free-will, never any doubt. It was never challenged. We of course studied Calvin briefly and stated he was just wrong. Now years later as an atheist I think the weigh of evidence in the Bible leans towards pre-destination but there are definitely text to the contrary.

The bible is internally inconsistent. Faith and works. Predestination and free-will. These two alone account for why there are many denominations. There are certainly other reasons but I would rank them at the top.

Thanks for posting the link.

The failed masturbator could have tempted fate by crying out 'Get behind me Satan'.

My only encounter with the SDA was when I was roped in to help with a cat charity which had been allowed to use their school grounds and found that I couldn't get meat, tea or coffee, let alone drink and the missus couldn't get cola.

Thanks for your memories, but I now feel compelled to read up a little on the SDA. Never enough hours in the day.

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Public and private

danatemporary wrote:

TonyJeffers wrote:
I'm sure you have noticed Jean's obsession against public schools and anyone who attended.  Like the child mother wouldn't let play outside and jealousy grew to hate for those he watched out the window.

Smells like home-school spirit. Some take a while to let go of their high school years.  

See also:  Field trips to volcanoes on buses and "my new friend the atheist"

  Hey Tony :  Jeans's a scrapper (or at least claims to be).  About Tony, he has this practical and insightful amalgam of learning, and knowledge along with his deconversion experience I consider extremely useful, (always want  his contribution on a speculative matter).  I am not sure if you hear it enough but you have this knack of producing 'thought'.  Elements of Jean's presentation do come across as 'self taught' is evident.  It is difficult to cut through all the snarkiness w/ the man.  He did insist on crowing about winning debates in high-school; which to me, makes your remarks all the more thought provoking. I guess, It's not unheard of to come up having been placed in private 'christian' schools  full or part time.


   Something people might not know is I had an opportunity to watch Jean in action on a christian board. No undue offense but people were not interacting with him. No point. At the time, I hadnt made much of it. But, Assessing his actual age, One of the greatest 'tells' is his use of language, relating to his descriptions.

  'X'  I havent read your link but be sure I will make the time to definitely read it.

 =  == =


 Headline : Still Unapologetic our Jean



In the USA, are all private schools very religious? I went to a Catholic school, but few took the religious side very seriously. Home schooling seems like the next narrowest thing to no schooling at all.

Funny about Jean being ignored on a Christian site.

Yeah, I find Dan Fincke quite interesting; he can be deadly earnest, yet thought provoking.

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And thus avoid, Or guilty in defense, be thus destroy'd

What say you? will you yield, and thus avoid,
Or, guilty in defense, be thus destroy'd?   -- Henry V

 [From Mar 12th or 17th]

Calvin's own wrote:
TG Baker is most likely screaming because the pain is so tremendous. TG Baker  if he would have simply listened to me in what the Bible says and if he would have repented and turned to Jesus, he would not be in hell.  TG Baker, your friends on this website will be joining you soon. Sapient, Brian, Bob Spencer, that J.W. "Theist." are all on their way. Now it is too late for you. You are. stuck in constantly pain of the worse degree you've ever experienced forever. As you think of me you moron, realize that what I said regarding the Bible was right. Burn in hell you dummy and receive the punishment duly meant for your evil.

Respectfully, Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

[Posted on: March 12th or 17th, 2012]
In direct Reply :
tonyjeffers wrote:
tonyjeffers  :::   Jean Jean Jean

I believe Jeffrick said he died on Nov. 25, 2011. Your eulogy is a little late, but very eloquent. I'm sure his family would appreciate it. Congratulations! You still hold your title as "exalted ruler of the Theistards and humble servant to your Lord Jesus Harold Christ with a rubber crutch." Amen. Do you really have no control over how creepy you allow yourself to get?


   Not sure if I like the way one phrase sits with me .. he says, "your friends on this website will be joining you soon". Tom is sadly no longer with us, but some of us are young and want to live.  What am I saying? A mere reference to the brevity of the life, as he's quoted in this thread, I am sure that is all it is. No!  I'm sure that is all it is.





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danatemporary wrote:

TonyJeffers wrote:
I'm sure you have noticed Jean's obsession against public schools and anyone who attended.  Like the child mother wouldn't let play outside and jealousy grew to hate for those he watched out the window.

Smells like home-school spirit. Some take a while to let go of their high school years.  

See also:  Field trips to volcanoes on buses and "my new friend the atheist"

  Hey Tony :  Jeans's a scrapper (or at least claims to be).  About Tony, he has this practical and insightful amalgam of learning, and knowledge along with his deconversion experience I consider extremely useful, (always want  his contribution on a speculative matter).  I am not sure if you hear it enough but you have this knack of producing 'thought'.  Elements of Jean's presentation do come across as 'self taught' is evident.  It is difficult to cut through all the snarkiness w/ the man.  He did insist on crowing about winning debates in high-school; which to me, makes your remarks all the more thought provoking. I guess, It's not unheard of to come up having been placed in private 'christian' schools  full or part time.


   Something people might not know is I had an opportunity to watch Jean in action on a christian board. No undue offense but people were not interacting with him. No point. At the time, I hadnt made much of it. But, Assessing his actual age, One of the greatest 'tells' is his use of language, relating to his descriptions.

  'X'  I havent read your link but be sure I will make the time to definitely read it.

 =  == =


 Headline : Still Unapologetic our Jean




Nice of you to say.

Not surprising about the other boards, but amusing. I think his use of language is also him over-compensating for his lack of practical knowledge and the absence of wisdom that can only come with age and experience if reason is available.

Saving up a few big words just waiting for a chance to use them in a sentence tends to annoy people like the 'uncomfortably obvious name dropper kind of guy'. Throw pompous in and you have a jerk talking to himself.

Dream job 'Senior Editor for the Westboro Weekly Flyer'

Perhaps it is a good thing he has an imaginary avenger.  Although if he really wanted to act on his hate, I'm sure he wouldn't get far. Probably can't relieve himself without getting the front of his pants wet.

I imagine Jean is not too quick in real time. Days full of delayed come-backs perhaps not even thought of 'til the way home. Quickly heading on-line or to the dictionary concordance to arrange them for tomorrow only to find nobody cares any more than they did yesterday. A vicious cycle with RRS as a pit stop.

Allowing Jean to stay on the forum is a great service to the world. I'm sure those who have to deal with him in his daily world would be grateful if they knew.

Jean should be grateful as well.  If he didn't have a forum that allowed him to throw his poo and get it out of his system, he would likely be eating thru a straw wearing a bag on his hip.

I'm sure his demeanor is much different in real life, but you just never know. I've known people who just seem to get a kick out of spewing absurdities whether they sincerely believe them or not.

It's the adult (age only) form of what my Mama called "showing your fanny in public". Mine was the up-bringing of getting that fanny swatted a few times and then only a threat of "Go ahead, show your but and just wait 'til I get you home Mister" was needed.

Mother Chauvin (perhaps foster) clearly failed if she was present.

I would like to think if I met Jean I could have a descent conversation with him. I'm sure I could as I have had some interesting times with insane people.

Jean wants us to hate him, but I don't. 'I must be doing good if I'm pissing off atheists(or agnostics as he likes to say)' is his train of thought and his folly. What better place for Jean to find his exact opposites than a gaggle of folks seeking chat about science and reason. I'm sure he applies the same logic to every other person in the world and I'm sure it has lead him to a lonely existence.

Who knows what, on top of religion, life has dealt him to make him so twisted.  Some are just not equipped to rise above.

Don't worry Jean. If our paths ever cross I'll have a big hug waiting for you. Unless we meet at one of your whack activities like a funeral protest, then your hug might have to wait 'til after I help you up off the pavement.

"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia

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In terms of age to reactions

In terms of age to reactions I'm not sure myself. I mean I'm in my late 20's and I find I can get pulled into arguments fairly easily, then again I also like to argue so that might be a mitigating factor. I ended up wanting ot argue about religion today if only because when I was driving back home from a family vacation I saw a BUNCH of those damn creation museum billboards, and I was up in friggen Wisconsin, my fist thought was actually 'oh crap, containment breach, the stupid is going to get us all'

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FurryCatHerder wrote:


The divinity of Jesus was decided by a vote of church leaders, none of whom ever met Jesus, hundreds of years after Jesus was dead.  How do you reconcile that historical fact with the 2nd Commandment --

"You shall have no other gods before me"

In addition to worshiping a dead guy named Jesus (assuming he ever existed, since there is no historical evidence he ever did), you also seem to fancy yourself a god by claiming that you know X and others here are going to Hell (not that I believe in Hell, but just saying) when only G-d knows that.

The way I see your behavior, you not only worship false gods, but you've set yourself up as one.

Oh, praying to dead people is another sin, but not as high up the list as "don't worship other gods".


You bring up a couple interesting points from my perspective.

1. The divinity of Christ. What is your take on Isaiah 9:6?

2. The non existent pagan myth of hell and prayer. I have noticed that Jean has the odd habit of telling people they are going to hell while at the same time praying for them. Why petition the Lord in prayer to remove his own condemnation?

Jean is his own God.