Primus Live At Red Rocks 2010 [THEIST MORALS SUCK]

Threads from Thetheist where you can see him act like a child:
Looking For Atheist / Theist Debate And Discussion |
The Irrational Nature Of Atheism - An Explanation Of God, Gods And Goddesses | The Theist |
01 Pudding Time
02 In The Flesh
03 Here Come The Bastards
04 Behind My Camel
05 Groundhogs Day
06 Those Damn Blue Collar Tweekers
07 Golden Boy
08 American Life
09 Big In Japan
10 Over The Falls
11 Drums - Whamola
12 Eleven
13 Jerry Was A Racecar Driver
14 Over The Electric Grapevine
15 Harold Of The Rocks
16 Tommy The Cat
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Sapient wrote:Why do you keep posting copyright material that's being hosted on a video site illegally?
Well, you stupid fuck, because the more I do that the more likely your site will be blocked by the copyright police in the near future.
You're true colors come out, when you cant win with debate, you go on a Jihad like a suicide bomber. You simply don't like the "uppity" atheists raising his voice. Now yet another reason I do not want to hear others here complain about my word choice.
I don't go to Christian sites and try to take them with deceptive dishonest tactics.
The irony here is that your storied motif about your robot atheist avatar having a short circuit, when it seems to me you are the one having it. Just what a bully does when they don't get what they want.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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Weird about our theists lately.
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Well, you stupid fuck, because the more I do that the more likely your site will be blocked by the copyright police in the near future.
The OPIE is not a Chrisitan but a member of a cult that broke away and became another cult. Thus he will be dwelling in hell with TG Baker and the rest of you guys.
he violates conseqence of consistency via the system of Christianity and is thus a heretic.
People like the OPIe are just those not trained in thinking and travels from one non thinking cult to the other.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
I thik this Thread should stay. If necessary you can delete any content as you see fit, that is all.
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Weird about our theists lately.
I am JeanChauv-it-in and I approve of this message....
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TheTheist wrote:Well, you stupid fuck, because the more I do that the more likely your site will be blocked by the copyright police in the near future.
I thik this Thread should stay. If necessary you can delete any content as you see fit, that is all.
Why this thread and not the response to the history of God video, or any of the relevant ones? Let me guess. The petty ignorant atheist complex? Where they have to make the Christians look morally inferior?
Psssttt!!! I'm not a Christian. And unlike what the resident idiot Christian Gomer Pyle (AKA Jean, Jean) says. I'm not a cultist either.
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Weird about our theists lately.
Someone slipped some acid into the communion wine?
I'm usually the first person to defend anyone when banning is suggested. But I see no redeeming quality in the theist. Maybe I'm just in a pissy mood tonight. Or maybe its because we haven't had even a 1/2 sane theist in awhile.
Most likely it's Prozac's fault, that damn avatar had me thinking I was reading Jean for a moment and spun my world upside down when I realized I was reading Prozac. So because Prozac fucked with my subconscious I say go ahead and ban the theistard.
Beyond Saving.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
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Uh oh ! The Theist better start actually saying something coherent or perhaps he's about to lose his chance forever.
I don't have high hopes for you The Theist.
Your contributions ( temper tantrums ) so far don't even qualify as superficial.
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Why do you keep posting copyright material that's being hosted on a video site illegally?
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Well, you stupid fuck, because the more I do that the more likely your site will be blocked by the copyright police in the near future.
The Theist is beginning to crack up. Sad and pathetic how so many admitted Christian theists only pay lip service to personal piety. This man of spiritual insight now ironically reverts to infantile temper tantrums to exact his "revenge" upon us. His mask is cracking and now we can see who he really is and it isn't pretty.
What a douchetool.
Not getting your way so you deliberately are trying to cause harm to others.
Ah... I forgot.. that's the christian way.
I find it grossly insulting that you'd rather resort to petty ploys of sabotage to try and get a reputable website shut down that just so happens to disagree with your narrow views, myopic understanding and slippery discussion maneuvers when faced with very hard-hitting questions. Not since FurryCatHerder have I seen such a blatant disregard for the community or other people's opinions. You've been nothing but an annoying earwig that scuttles around here that ignores reality and lives life in a fantasy bubble concocted to suit your own selfish desires and the sickening part is you've tried your best to troll that emotional agenda onto us ever since you've posted here.
What you've done is so heinous and childish that those words don't seem to cut it. It goes without saying, but your days are numbered.
Oh, and I never actually gave you permission to use my description as your quote so, technically, you're in violation of copyright infringement, ASSHOLE.
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia
Brian, can't you just delete this thread ? As with all exchanges with The Theist there's no content here worth saving anyway.
I know forum moderator AnswersinGeneSimmons once arbitrarily deleted a thread just because he thought the topic was redundant.
I'm not sure how to handle it. I'm not concerned much as we are in no violation of any copyright that he is concerned about. It would seem to me that he himself is taking on more risk in posting the material especially because he admitted his intent. He is trying to go out in a blaze of glory. He is begging for a ban, I'm considering it, but only because folks are asking me to.
Let me ponder for a bit.
If it makes you guys feel better one of us can remove the content from his first posts. I don't want to delete the thread at all, it is a perfect example of what Christians have to offer us.
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Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia
Is this our David Henson "The Theist"
David Henson received his Master of Arts from Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California, after receiving a Lilly Grant for religious education for journalist. He is currently a postulant for the priesthood in the Episcopal Church and writing his first book. He is a father of two young sons and the husband of a medical school student.
He also once chased my stolen Jeep Grand Cherokee at dangerous speeds down an Interstate in California. He didn’t catch it.
Connect with David through his Facebook page or on Twitter. He enjoys hearing from anyone who reads his work, especially, but not exclusively, if they like it.
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Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
I just wrote this article on Facebook and linked to this thread.
A Christian blogger and owner of at least one theist website came on to Rational Responders recently and had a virtual mental breakdown because nobody bought in to his immature semantic argument. In it's simplest terms he argued that anything can be god, like Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, or even poop. And since anything can be god, then the definition of atheism is stupid because atheists believe in gods like Hendrix and poop.
He has since lost his mind, and instead of admitting the flaws in his argument as is typical of people who argue on behalf of religion he decided to post full length copyrighted movies and music on our site in about 10 separate threads. He just explained his reason when I asked "Well, you stupid fuck, because the more I do that the more likely your site will be blocked by the copyright police in the near future."
So as you can see religious people argue dishonestly and when proven wrong are not willing to accept it. Furthermore in order to quiet their opposition they are willing to violate laws and try to make it appear as if you are in violation in hopes that they can silence you, because it's the only way they can win. Throughout history atheists have been silenced far too often.
Reverse the trend. Refuse to be silenced. Speak out against religion.
If anyone would like to link to the funniest David Henson posts or help create a profile of this sorry individual I can help ensure that this page returns a high worth in google searches for the many years to come and to ensure that this story is told. Such negative actions should be turned into positive ones. If the despicable hypocrisy and attempts at censoring atheists fuel just one atheist to speak out more this will be entirely worth it.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
I say don't delete the thread or block him. He's a great example of what religious people stand for. He is a moron on parade!
Is this our David Henson "The Theist"
I looked at both websites and at least at a glance both the writing and theology seem different.
reminds me of last time, with a little more venom. Bit of a shame really. I don't agree with Dave but enjoy his ideas. Shame we can't keep talking around it without things getting messy.
I say 'non' to banning Mr Henson. But he's earned his stripes, that's certain.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
I have mixed feelings about this "person" and based on my experiences with people like them I have several concerns.
The first is that people on forums like to pretend and role play. With this in mind, names mean nothing to me, but intent does.
My first concern is that this person has admitted they wanted to mess with this website and cause problems. While it is true that no one here is doing any thing wrong (such as posting the links), this site is responsible or could be responsible for removing the information once it is found.
I speak from experience. When I was much, much younger, I was a bit of a "early day" hacker/pirate. I ran a BBS for seven years and I won't get in to what I actually did during that time. I saw a lot of friends and acquaintances go the way of the dodo when large corporations came knocking at the doors. If warnings didn't work then the lawyers and police got involved. Sometimes the FBI and the CIA.
Today is a different ball game and not being a lawyer I'm behind the eightball on knowledge of who is responsible for what; and what is illegal. I'm sure Sapient has connections protecting the site but why play that risk?
I believe that since Sapient knows the information is copyrighted he is now responsible for removing the information and also punishing the user who did the action, which I bet is in the terms/rules when we created our accounts. Besides, I didn't come to this site for movies and music (even though on occasion we do talk about such items), there are "other places for this stuff" but not here.
We have all grown tired of the silly arguments and "evidence" which is lacking. I believe the nutsack has over stepped their rights and their time on the board as a contributing member has passed.
I think we should sit around and whup this religious som'bitch into shape. Hell, yes!
This here monster is a blight on the spotted ass of rationality, that's fer damn sure.
He's so mean! Urgghhh. It just makes me so mad that this non-infidel would stoop to such a low place in our faithless perception of reality that . . . I tell you, I'm so goddamn mad right now I can't even think.
HERE! HERE! Bum, Trying to cause harm to others - ADMITTEDLY! By posting copyrighted material on, of all places, this forum where for six fucking years every sad assed atheist has done the same.
Say, uh . . . Beachbum, is that avatar of yours copyright of Zumuda or the family of Kaufman?
Well, I'm sure that doesn't matter much, 'cause goddammit we need a scapegoat, and this arrogant queer nigger may just be what we have been looking for. The coffers are dry. Donations are down. Rake the shit, Andy! In the name of all that is philosophical.
Got any coke?
Now the way I understand it, this FurryCatHerder wannabe thinks he is Ssooo smart he has even posted the same material on his website forum to take it out as well! Just check the link! Go to his forum. Same stuff and even more so.
I don't know Sage, I think we should feel sorry for this punk. I mean sure, he posted copyrighted material and well big business has its intellectual properties. Demons, I tell you. They must be real! Like that avatar of yours. It makes my nipples hard. Did you make that? Can I borrow it?
Anyway. Some day there may come a time when we are free.
I thought you left this sad rag because you realized they were all pricks.
Well, weigh your options. On the one hand it surely must be good for traffic to have someone to rail against. On the other hand the ones who donate money to you are surely pissed because this wise ass is making them look, well, like the idiots they are.
I say you let him hang around a little bit and look bad for himself, get all the old pot smoking pill popping cock sucking old broads that frequent this bitch and hand over their money to your arrogant skeptical TV evangelist for the Infidels ass soak in their own juices and then pull the plug like a smug hero.
We got faith in you, dufus, after all, that is you with Kirk.
Good for you! That will show him. [Laughs] Some poor bastard is thinking to himself: "What the fuck is this idiot on about? Could he have done some research? It reminds me of Ricki Lake firebombing that fake fur factory in the name of animal rights. "
Solidarity, Reg!
Yeah . . . this mother fucker has got it right on. [Laughs] A moron on parade.
What do you get out of it?
You know where to find me.
You know what I think? I think Jean needs our prayers. I think he is sitting back thinking he was such a clever buttocks. I think you know you have a copyrighted image that is unmolested and you see that. And you know that the only reason why these cunts are bothering me is that they know I can rip their world apart. I think you see some of that in your own struggles for what is real, and I think that is a good thing because you are not so fucked up ego as they are. You know this but you play it cool.
It would be fun to have me around. Imagine the next few years slapping these evil ignorant cunts on the back for fun.
You will be gone the next sock puppet I resurrect.
Fucking dumbass gucci punk ass bitch.
I do at least have the decency to say, with all seriousness, that link ain't mine. I'm not that David Henson, don't bother him on my account.
Really. That ain't me.
Considering your track record on honesty, you just lent the theory some credibility.
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Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
The OPIE is not a Chrisitan but a member of a cult that broke away and became another cult. Thus he will be dwelling in hell with TG Baker and the rest of you guys.
he violates conseqence of consistency via the system of Christianity and is thus a heretic.
I would actually agree with you atheists on this one. Even though you liberal bums are against freedom and capitalism and against the freedom of speech and are highly hypocritical on this matter I agree that this moron is acting like an atheist liberal would act.
Freedom of speech was designed to protect offensive unpopular speech.
People like the OPIe are just those not trained in thinking and travels from one non thinking cult to the other.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
... or that I used my sites as an awareness campaign for SOPA/PIPA as the largest atheist sites that boycotted to raise awareness. Or that I have been somewhat of a copyright crusader over the years, whether it was with Kent Hovind or Uri Geller. Copyright has become one of my areas of expertise. Leave it up to "The Theist" to be dishonest and ignorant.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
So what, you're both a couple of religious lunatics, and nobody here gives a shit about your theological differences.
Stop Jean you're giving me nightmares !
Funny, he says the same thing about you.
Most true liberals would be horrified by many of my political views.
Good thing for you that you have that protection or you would have likely talked your way into a prison by now.
Maybe you could convince the poor, misguided The Theist to join your John Calvin nuthugger
cult ?
You're pretty persuasive, uh, wait a minute....actually you're not persuasive at all.
Good point, as always. /hat_tip
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
I say we keep him as long as he provides free lulz.
That was just fucking painful to read...
...but then, I realized you're serious about everything here.
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)