I AM COME that ye might have Life and have it more abundantly

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I AM COME that ye might have Life and have it more abundantly

  In John 10:10 the Lord explains to us that satan/death is the thief, and destroyer and killer/murderer, and tells us that He has/had come to bring us again Life and that we might have it more abundantly!  Evangelicals and catholics, and mormons, and Theologists 99% percent state that He meant life of riches and full of love and joy, yet our Lord makes it clear in all books that He came and fought the spirit of death and Has sent us the keys / code for the now end of Sickness and premature death!  He our Lord has contacted me, as proven by the posts in this What some call trollville and others call their only venue here too reach those who are missing their Great purpose and Destiny...This is the most Epic era of earths existance...So as our Lord has commanded me, "i" also am come that ye might have Life and have it now even more abundantly living centuries instead of Decades!  In Matthew 20:16 our Lord states So the Last shall be first and the first last!  Many who "i" contact here have the opportunity to become one of Gods first on earth and in Heaven!  This is a very special generation, we all have increased knowledge availble too learn and availble to use it too now destroy premature death and sickness, a disease Adam and Eve contracted in the Bible/Garden...So as the Lord entered taverns, and parties too bring forth from there those who are called... "i" enter Taverns and blogs looking for His chosen few Matthew 20:16 - So the last shall be first and the first Last: for many are called, but few are CHOSEN..... IT HAS BEGUN....

I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..

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And now you're Jesus...

And now you're Jesus...

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 note to mods: posts like

 note to mods: posts like the one Elijah just made can stay in Atheist Vs Theist.  The cut and paste posts that Elijah makes go to trollville and you have to add the word "trollville" to the title so it doesn't show in the recent posts.


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ElijahTruth wrote:  In John

ElijahTruth wrote:

  In John 10:10 ... blah blah blah

I have a question for you:

WHO is that hot hunk in your avatar photo!

'Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.' A. Einstein

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Sandycane wrote:ElijahTruth

Sandycane wrote:

ElijahTruth wrote:

  In John 10:10 ... blah blah blah

I have a question for you:

WHO is that hot hunk in your avatar photo!

He wouldn't go for you, I heard he's gay.

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From the book of "Sharper

From the book of "Sharper Than A Serpents Tooth" by Simon R Green chapter 10 page 171: "The very well connected families of the thirteen reasonable men you slaughtered want you dead, John, and they don't care how much it costs them." This is obviously in reference and relevant to...something yes.

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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Sapient wrote:Sandycane

Sapient wrote:

Sandycane wrote:

ElijahTruth wrote:

  In John 10:10 ... blah blah blah

I have a question for you:

WHO is that hot hunk in your avatar photo!

He wouldn't go for you, I heard he's gay.

I think I could fix that...


'Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.' A. Einstein

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SandyCane Esq;

  Is is/was/are none more Virile than the Holyone, He is the Virileone,  When Mary was anointing His head and feet, and the Apostles tried to stop her, His Words were, let Her be, She do a good work on Me!  Can you image the women our Lord could have taken, all swooning for Him, And He the Son of GOD!  The Honor He could have anointed them with is surely beyond all others!  Yet He stood for us, and passed by all wanting women too fight satan/death for Us!  Now thats a God.....much respect

I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..

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  You and your red eyed dog are possessed..."i" am wiser than the serpent, and its tooth/fangs...it has Begun

I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..

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ElijahTruth wrote:  Is

ElijahTruth wrote:

  Is is/was/are none more Virile than the Holyone, He is the Virileone,  When Mary was anointing His head and feet, and the Apostles tried to stop her, His Words were, let Her be, She do a good work on Me!  Can you image the women our Lord could have taken, all swooning for Him, And He the Son of GOD!  The Honor He could have anointed them with is surely beyond all others!  Yet He stood for us, and passed by all wanting women too fight satan/death for Us!  Now thats a God.....much respect

lol, wtf? 

"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc

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Not sure "i"

  Understand what you mean by Atheists vs Theists, do "i" dare try to venture too Another Forum???

I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..

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WHY cannot kush read

  It is very much explained in the post, the LORD commanded me, His smallest prophet to reiterate, and prove His Word, NO THERE IS BUT ONE CHRIST THE LORD and He comes's in this generation....it has Begun

I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..

Beyond Saving
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 Hey, what's your problem

 Hey, what's your problem with red-eyed dogs?


And where is my hurricane. It has been several days since you predicted a hurricane and I haven't seen it yet. 

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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ElijahTruth wrote:  It is

ElijahTruth wrote:

  It is very much explained in the post, the LORD commanded me, His smallest prophet to reiterate, and prove His Word, NO THERE IS BUT ONE CHRIST THE LORD and He comes's in this generation....it has Begun

and you think you are him - why that is I haven't figured out. The NT is filled with examples of Jesus/God talking to himself. Why not you?

Given that you thing aging, disease, death, and some bacteria are "Satan" calling yourself Jesus is one of the more lucid things you've posted.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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YES HE """IS""" The Mightyone

  All women desired HE Jesus THE SON OF GOD, And He more than Manly, More than Heterolsexual!!!  Here is just how Powerful His desire can be for Woman!  He is the Life of our Bodies, He was/is the first born  now each day, and eons ago His body was born, then every sperm since has been born of His body, reproduced again and again from Him!  He told us that HE is the Life and surrection of the Body, each man or woman born are made from His original essence and is why He knows all we do, He His spirit expands through Heaven each time any are born of God, it is His rebirth and then Him Developing us the new spirit created within the body, while He keeps it going breathing heart beating, and Yes love Making!  So when any man says, "i" want to make love to my Wife, the Lords says "i" can help you with that and Amazingly we make Love...Not that is the Virileone......it has Begun

I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..

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Noticed a double response so a double response in return

  Have you met DANAETERNAL, She also was born with One Eye???  HA..  You have a beautiful Eye, as does the Mighty Dana, yet it is some what discomforting to look into one eye.... And ElijahTruth has never written BLAH BLAH BLAH ...Just for the record .... It has Begun .... He has sent me for His One Eyed beauties, and for His Mighty Sons whom are lost, in this His Epic Generation of Destiny......  He comes's we have much to be found so doing....

I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..

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ElijahTruth wrote:  Have

ElijahTruth wrote:

  Have you met DANAETERNAL, She also was born with One Eye???  HA..  You have a beautiful Eye, as does the Mighty Dana, yet it is some what discomforting to look into one eye.... And ElijahTruth has never written BLAH BLAH BLAH ...Just for the record .... It has Begun .... He has sent me for His One Eyed beauties, and for His Mighty Sons whom are lost, in this His Epic Generation of Destiny......  He comes's we have much to be found so doing....

flattery will get you anywhere! lol, though I'm not sure what cyclops beauties have to with anything...   you are funny elijah even if you come across as nutty as as peanut butter.

"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc

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First time here, I'm tempted

First time here, I'm tempted not to post this, due to privacy reasons, but heck, he's the one using the same avatar.

I was semirandomly trying to find the source of his pic avatar and discovered

Elijahtruth has a video series on a site called ustream.tv that he talks about some of these things. I didn't link it, but it can be found by google searching "elijahtruth".

Hi Elijahtruth! Always neat to see what people look like. I guess I should at least upload an avatar pic...

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ElijahTruth wrote:  All

ElijahTruth wrote:

  All women desired HE Jesus THE SON OF GOD, And He more than Manly, More than Heterolsexual!!!  Here is just how Powerful His desire can be for Woman!  He is the Life of our Bodies, He was/is the first born  now each day, and eons ago His body was born, then every sperm since has been born of His body, reproduced again and again from Him!  He told us that HE is the Life and surrection of the Body, each man or woman born are made from His original essence and is why He knows all we do, He His spirit expands through Heaven each time any are born of God, it is His rebirth and then Him Developing us the new spirit created within the body, while He keeps it going breathing heart beating, and Yes love Making!  So when any man says, "i" want to make love to my Wife, the Lords says "i" can help you with that and Amazingly we make Love...Not that is the Virileone......it has Begun

More than heterosexual? So he's bi?

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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No only kushites are such

  As on Oprah, where is shows black men who stand down town looking for what they call sex with other men, saying they are not gay just want sex with men and women!  Thats as the heathen does now and in the old testament!  But in the books of Moses the Lord teaches us any who lay with a man as though he was a woman is strange and must be destroyed then and ignored now!  HE IS THE VIRILEONE, THE UNIQUEONE, THE FLAMBOYANTONE THE MIGHTYONE, AND He is/was a Mighty Ladies Man, yet could not take Time too do so, yet has babies everyday, NOW THATS A GOD!  So when you see you and your brothers down town, Eying one another, you that is not normal to Gods soul as yours, that is the way of the heathens spoken of by God in the old testament...and why He destroyed sodom then and comes's this day again ...it has Begun

I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..

Beyond Saving
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jcgadfly wrote:ElijahTruth

jcgadfly wrote:

ElijahTruth wrote:

  All women desired HE Jesus THE SON OF GOD, And He more than Manly, More than Heterolsexual!!!  Here is just how Powerful His desire can be for Woman!  He is the Life of our Bodies, He was/is the first born  now each day, and eons ago His body was born, then every sperm since has been born of His body, reproduced again and again from Him!  He told us that HE is the Life and surrection of the Body, each man or woman born are made from His original essence and is why He knows all we do, He His spirit expands through Heaven each time any are born of God, it is His rebirth and then Him Developing us the new spirit created within the body, while He keeps it going breathing heart beating, and Yes love Making!  So when any man says, "i" want to make love to my Wife, the Lords says "i" can help you with that and Amazingly we make Love...Not that is the Virileone......it has Begun

More than heterosexual? So he's bi?


Well, he is routinely having threesomes with men and their wives.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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jcgadfly wrote:ElijahTruth

jcgadfly wrote:

ElijahTruth wrote:

  All women desired HE Jesus THE SON OF GOD, And He more than Manly, More than Heterolsexual!!!  Here is just how Powerful His desire can be for Woman!  He is the Life of our Bodies, He was/is the first born  now each day, and eons ago His body was born, then every sperm since has been born of His body, reproduced again and again from Him!  He told us that HE is the Life and surrection of the Body, each man or woman born are made from His original essence and is why He knows all we do, He His spirit expands through Heaven each time any are born of God, it is His rebirth and then Him Developing us the new spirit created within the body, while He keeps it going breathing heart beating, and Yes love Making!  So when any man says, "i" want to make love to my Wife, the Lords says "i" can help you with that and Amazingly we make Love...Not that is the Virileone......it has Begun

More than heterosexual? So he's bi?

He's more than bi, he's trysexual.  If it has anything to do with sex, he'll try it.

"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc

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ElijahTruth wrote:  It is

ElijahTruth wrote:

  It is very much explained in the post, the LORD commanded me, His smallest prophet to reiterate, and prove His Word, NO THERE IS BUT ONE CHRIST THE LORD and He comes's in this generation....it has Begun

It comes in this generation from you his smallest prophet..with a bag of chips and a jug of mountain dew..behold!

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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ElijahTruth wrote:  You and

ElijahTruth wrote:

  You and your red eyed dog are possessed..."i" am wiser than the serpent, and its tooth/fangs...it has Begun

Possessed by this bowl of butter beans and cornbread at the moment, yum!

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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If of Adam and Eve HE IS THE LIFE

 OF THE MAN AND WOMANS BODY, while they make the decision to make Love, and He when the man becomes prepared as the woman He is the desire for Love between them, He said be fruitful and multiphy and He assists us in our Love, we have the power too cause the body to begin the process of making Love, but His Life within us must make it happen, He is disconnected from the physical exterior, yet in full control of the interior .... It has begun....  "YOUR" dog needs to meet mine, and it would turn them red eyes too pink with a smile knowing that there is nothing tough about IT...

I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..

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Try Navy

  With a big piece of onion, and some more corn Bread....  Thats yum....

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Go to the site Adam and Eve

 On the about page are pictures of some of those "i" love, and me with two of my Daughters..."i" hide from knowone...It has Begun... You are well traveled

I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..

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The oldest trick of None believers

  Say He thinks he's God, and all will believe, "i" as you know call myself by His Command His smallest prophet, and state He came to bring us Life abundant and that "i" also am to Reiterate His way and Words, so FAIL, again kush is exposed.... It has begun...

I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..

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"i" pray to MY GOD

  That you are a woman, "i" flatter women with Beautiful Eye's, not men acting as a woman, my Brothers "i" tell how they are strong and hansome, and are of Gods Destiny, "i" tell Women, if they have one or hopefully two Beautiful Eye's that they are Amazing beautiful daughters of Destiny....It has Begun  "i have been anywhere "it" can be a very nice Place...

I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..

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Hi Elijahtruth.You are much

Hi Elijahtruth.

You are much easier to understand now, and interactive, thank you.

Some of us are curious about the origin of your avatar pic. It looks like Jesus as a boxer.

edit: found it! artist Stephen Sawyer at www.art4god.com/html

edit again:this one is interesting also, same artist, jesus with a tattoo: http://www.art4god.com/html/?go=product&id=nan

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ElijahTruth wrote:  Say He

ElijahTruth wrote:

  Say He thinks he's God, and all will believe, "i" as you know call myself by His Command His smallest prophet, and state He came to bring us Life abundant and that "i" also am to Reiterate His way and Words, so FAIL, again kush is exposed.... It has begun...

I am aware of what you call yourself. It is called false humility. Isn't pride a sin for you (according to Proverbs 16:18)?

You decided that you received the command of God. Did God actually have a say in this?

It seems that once again "kush" knows God's holy book better than God's self-appointed prophet.

I think it's pretty much over.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin

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ElijahTruth wrote:  That

ElijahTruth wrote:

  That you are a woman, "i" flatter women with Beautiful Eye's, not men acting as a woman, my Brothers "i" tell how they are strong and hansome, and are of Gods Destiny, "i" tell Women, if they have one or hopefully two Beautiful Eye's that they are Amazing beautiful daughters of Destiny....It has Begun  "i have been anywhere "it" can be a very nice Place...


"it" certainly could be nice....


-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken

"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.

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Sandycane wrote:ElijahTruth

Sandycane wrote:

ElijahTruth wrote:

  In John 10:10 ... blah blah blah

I have a question for you:

WHO is that hot hunk in your avatar photo!

I think it's some 80's Wrestling superstar.


“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)

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No actually the research of bronze exposed

bronze researched and located the artist of the Mighty Lord God Jesus Christ,  yet "i" some how deleted it before being able to fully examine, the artist has apparently many paintings...."i" was given it from another website, it is a very intriging painting shows the true POWER OF GOD! ....  It has Begun

I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..

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If you were a man "i" would be angry, yet being you are merely

 girl with one Eye, "i" will just say, you have offended yourself and all others with your perversion ... Rational it is not, proving your desire for The Lords Power and strength it does...it has begun...

I am sent by God, the Scientific soul His Son JESUS to awake those on the highways and byways who have been lost due to the many infected souls controlling Gods Word here on earth! It has begun..

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When are we going to live

When are we going to live more abundantly, I'd like some chips ahoy and milk right about now and your thread is a tease.

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin