Ron Reagan Jr., unabashed ATHEIST, interviewed on ABC 20/20 last night (Details)

He said his dad was already starting to show signs of Alzheimer's in the White House and he said he finds it amusing that Palin keeps referring to Reagan in so many of her speeches because his dad is in no way like Palin AT ALL...0%!! It was AWESOME! The way he accentuated it you could tell he was trying to get a message to that bimbo!!
Regan has described himself as an "unabashed atheist".
What's really ironic is that Reagan said during his time in the white house that "for the first time we know Jesus Christ will be returning in our lifetime".
We need a good "psycho" or "insane" smiley!
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His mother was noted for, among other things, engaging the services of a psychic advisor. Is it any surprise that young Ron would seek out other explanations for his parents' beliefs?
That's true but usually when people are so bat sh*t insane as to think a mythical figure will magically come down to earth their kids are still at least somewhat religious. They usually don't come all the way to our side to join the force!
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I'm a Canadian and I get angry every time Sara Pailin speaks publicly. I can't even imagine what a rational USA citizen feels every time that retard opens her mouth. If she was even allowed to run for president it would be a true blow to USA's collective IQ image.
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
I know Ron Jr had a dad, but I didn't know he had a "did". No worries though, I am one to talk I always transpose there with their.
But what pissed me off about how successful the right wing was in this last cycle was pulling Regan's "list" as a litmus test to be Republican. Reagan Sr would have failed his own litmus test. Republicans are the worst revisionists.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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LMAO!! I LOL'd when I read your post! I'm sure everyone understands a typo like you said yourself. I changed it.
Being a football fan don't you want to add to the thread for this weekend's playoff games?
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I couldn't agree more buddy. Palin is the most retarded moronic brain dead politician in the history of the universe! Even McCain staffers complained about she wouldn't read reports on the economy and foreign policy but instead wanted to engage in prayer groups!!
She's downright DELUSIONAL to tell Barbara Walters that she could beat Obama in 2012!! She needs some Clozaril for her psychosis!
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She is not a retard. Anyone who can find a niche and market the most needless things, is not dumb. It only takes gullibility from the buyer. Otherwise the guy who invented the sticky spider toy you throw at the wall an it crawls down, would still be doing his old job.
You have to be smart to market anything, but being smart doesn't mean what you are selling is actually useful. Hitler was a smart marketer, unfortunately for humanity, he was way too good at it. Fortunately for humanity, he was less of a war strategist.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Of course I cannot predict the future (and how I wish I could) but it seems to me that the past decade or so has seen a great rise in the number of young people, and people in general, questioning their parents beliefs. I just hope that trend continues, especially in the good ole U. S. of A. !
There has been 2 trends. A trend against conservatism and a trend against Christianity. The trend against Christianity has been STRONGER as even noted conservatives like S.E. Cupp and Sam Breitbart say they are atheist or agnostic! That's pretty amazing!!
30 or 40 years ago they probably would've been stoned if they weren't bible thumping CHristians!! LOL..but you don't even have to be a Christian to be a Repuke anymore although they probably prefer it.
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