Athiest music artists

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Athiest music artists

Hi folks.

Looking to find some intelligent atheist music that's not just god bash crap.

I have a favourite artist in that department that I listen to a lot. I'd like to share this artist with you guys and I'll be excited to hear of any of you who already know of this artist. His name is Roy english folk singer who's material is in my opinion...brilliant.

To name but a few of my fav Roy songs would be 'Black cloud of Islam', 'Berliners', 'If'.

I also listen to his son Nick Harper who does not do the same anti establishment type music but is great in it's own right.

I want to hear more music of the likes but not into the parody or comical side of it i fyou get me. So a few suggested artists I can look into would be nice if anyone has some favs of their own to share.

I look forward to hearing new music.

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Thank you.That gives me

Thank you.

That gives me something to run with for now.

I know some of those artists but I will look into the ones I don't.

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Also, Lily Allen is good she

Also, Lily Allen is good she is agnostic i think but she sings alot about social problems. She has a song "Him" which is about what she thinks of a "God" there is also another song where she insinuated robing jesus/church for money for a flat(every things alright), along with trashing the religious side of gay rights in the awesome song "Fuck you (very much)"  I heard in the UK she has gotten shit for saying the truth in her songs "every ones at it". 

"So you've got a prescription,
And that makes it legal.
I find the excuses,
Overwhelmingly feeble.

You go to the doctor,
You need pills to sleep in.
Well if you can convince him,
Then I guess that's not cheating.

So your daughter's depressed,
We'll get her straight on the prozac.
But little do you know,
She already takes crack.

Why can't we all,
All just be honest,
Admit to ourselves,
That everyone's on it.

From grown politicians,
To young adolescents,
Prescribing themselves,

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What's wrong with bashing

What's wrong with bashing god? It's not like you are bashing something real that can hurt you.

Don't confuse blasphemy and criticism with bigotry. It is one thing to value human rights and to be nice to people in a given context. It is quite another to set up taboos to avoid hearing things that might offend you.

When people say, "Don't pick on my god" I get the image of a midget standing spread eagle in front of the Terminator shouting "DON'T HIT MY GOD, YOU MIGHT HURT HIM".

Why would an all powerful god need a finite human to defend it? I think what offends believers is the prospect that they are wrong and their god does not exist. But it is absurd to think that you can offend something that does not exist.

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I guess I should have been a

I guess I should have been a tad more specific about my musical tastes.

I'm not real big on female singing voices. Don't dislike them but I prefer a male singer. Not in the least way whatsoever gay related I'd like to add to clear any Q's from here on out. But I do occasionally like to hear a female if the right mood fits. Annie Lennox type.

I'll give all suggestions a listen within my tastes.

I'm sort of soft rock genre, HUGE classical music lover. HUGE Acoustic lover, I am an acoustic guitar player myself (amateur though). Can't stand METAL...UGHH.

As for what I meant about GOD BASHING I was meaning like extreme's kinda hard to explain I guess. Just not stupid sounding. I like to hear intelligent music and lyrics.

I'm going to look into some tonight and I'll post my findings.

I appreciate all the input thus far.

Thank you.

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I love Roy Harper! I have

I love Roy Harper! Laughing out loud I have "HQ", "Stormcock", and "Flat Baroque and Berserk".

Hmm...David Gilmour and Roger Waters of Pink Floyd are both atheists. There's a band called Atheist. John Lennon was pretty much an atheist. Jethro Tull's "Aqualung" album has some criticisms of organized religion. Nothing else is coming to mind, but I think that you don't really have to worry about anything besides explicitly Christian music.

"The Aim of an Argument...should not be victory, but progress."
-Joseph Joubert (1754-1824)

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed."
-Richard Adams, Watership Down, 1972