Greetings From the Bible Belt

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Greetings From the Bible Belt

Hello All!


I found this site yesterday while searching for anti-religious quotes - and found some good ones.

After reading a few of the threads, I decided to register and chime in.


A brief history of me:

Father Church of Christ, mother Catholic but, religion was never discussed while I was growing up - going to church was only on Easter and, I think, for the purpose of my mother and I displaying our new Easter outfits. Christmas was all about Santa.

I've dabbled in various Eastern philosophies 'in search of god' and about 7 years ago, I became a full fledged, 'born again' Christian zealot - self-proclaimed because I never joined or went to a church.

I debated on a few forums, got banned from one and learned a lot about the bible. Since then, especially the past three years, I've out grown religion and have abandoned it altogether.

Now, on the forums, I am on the side of the atheists and I debate against the zealots.

But, alas, I am getting bored with them and so seek to engage with those more rational, logical minds that are possessed by the atheist.

So, here I am.

 PS, I, too, wear the post-menopausal, recently unemployed T-shirt. Hi CJ!

'Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.' A. Einstein

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             Welcome to the forums. I'm in the deep south of Canada myself, no bible belt here, don't be shy  post often.

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Thanks for the Welcome,

Thanks for the Welcome, Jeffrick

I'm an atheist in Tennessee.

A fact best kept to oneself, in these here parts.

'Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.' A. Einstein

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Tennessee, where the fundies

Tennessee, where the fundies are fundies and the sheep are nervous.

I live in the middle of nowhere too. But with the northern transplants and retirement communities, it is slightly more diverse, but NC is not exactly a bastion of liberalism.

Anyway, be sure and pick up your copy of "Barbecue Kitten, An Atheist's Guide" and have some goats blood on the house.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Rich Woods
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I am sooooo glad that you

I am sooooo glad that you are not the same Sandy Cane who I know from the Opie & Anthony show...


So Welcome Smiling

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Rich Woods wrote:I am sooooo

Rich Woods wrote:

I am sooooo glad that you are not the same Sandy Cane who I know from the Opie & Anthony show...

I've heard that before on the're thinking of Sandy Kane, I'm Sandycane. No comparrison, I promise!


So Welcome Smiling

Thanks for the welcome.

'Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.' A. Einstein

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One more thing I wanted to

One more thing I wanted to add about myself...just so you know, I wasn't homegrown in the South (although, my father was born here). Just wanted you all to know I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday.

'Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.' A. Einstein

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Sandycane wrote:One more

Sandycane wrote:

One more thing I wanted to add about myself...just so you know, I wasn't homegrown in the South (although, my father was born here). Just wanted you all to know I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday.

One of Bob Spence's friends and my friend as well IS the stereotypical redneck. Online, although he doesn't post here that much, he goes by the name Hillbillyatheist. When I first met HB I only saw his posts and thought his name was somewhat of a joke about where he lived. BUT, when I first heard his voice online that blew me away. A southern draw with the skepticism of an atheist, what a combo.

HB loves OLD style country and banjo music and wears cowboy hats. But he mad skills in debunking the bible and a ton more patience with theists than I do.

While it is true atheists are outnumbered, the good thing I see is that the younger generations increasingly are not buying into the old school fear mongering, even if they never leave theism.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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I'm from tennessee as well

I'm from tennessee as well just northeast of nashville now but formerly the backwoods jesus freak town of union city in the northwest corner.

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Welcome Sandycane!! ~ the

Welcome Sandycane!! ~ the number of women on the site are increasing ~ hooray  Smiling

Slowly building a blog at ~

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Thanks for the welcome,

Thanks for the welcome, guys.

I've been here, what?, maybe a week or two and am enjoying the conversations much!

I just edited out some personal info from a previous reply...didn't realize it would bump to the top of the list.  Sorry.

'Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.' A. Einstein

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I, too, live in The Bible

I, too, live in The Bible Belt, unfortunately. Georgia. It blows.

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Greetings, also from Bible

Greetings, also from Bible Belt.

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BeyondForlorn wrote:I, too,

BeyondForlorn wrote:
I, too, live in The Bible Belt, unfortunately. Georgia. It blows.

Georgia blows but North Carolina sucks.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

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Brian37 wrote:BeyondForlorn

Brian37 wrote:

BeyondForlorn wrote:
I, too, live in The Bible Belt, unfortunately. Georgia. It blows.

Georgia blows but North Carolina sucks.




"You want suck?  I got suck.  You want blow?  I got blow.  You want intelligent conversation?  Bugger off."  -- says the Suckubot from the game, Starship Titanic by Douglas Adams.  Missed it?  Too bad for you.


-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken

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