Atheist Billboard Defaced

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Atheist Billboard Defaced The sign says "One Nation Indivisible" and someone spray painted "Under God" with an arrow pointing to the under side of One Nation

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 I saw it earlier today.

 I saw it earlier today. Funny how I haven't heard of the atheists running around being jackasses like this.

The "religious" are such hypocrites.

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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Made the local news were I

Made the local news were I live too. Happened Friday night or Saturday morning.

What believing readers don't want to face is that atheists do get upset when their property is damaged too. When a church in our area was vandalized, and when the churches in Texas were burned down, I was horrified. Not because I find claims of virgin births or zombie Jesus credible claims. But because those who wish to live in a civil society, no matter what position they hold, should not want this happening to anyone, even those we don't like.

I have no fear of calling the god/s of Abraham childish tantrum throwing narcissist who burns his army men in his sandbox when he cant arrange them the way he wants. But, that is not an opinion of humans, it is an opinion of the claims humans make.

Vandalism is unacceptable behavior in a civil society, no matter who is doing it.

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The change was made in 1954,

The change was made in 1954, which I don't remember seeing as I was only 3.  I do remember being about 6 and hearing my mom complain she could never remember to stick "under god" in after stumbling over the words.  We did a lot of family stuff at the VFW then, and they always started everything - even the square dancing - with the pledge.

People --- some of us are jerks sometimes and some of us are jerks all the time.

-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

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robj101 wrote: I saw it

robj101 wrote:

 I saw it earlier today. Funny how I haven't heard of the atheists running around being jackasses like this.

The "religious" are such hypocrites.

Lets not make a label the inventor of morality. Atheists are not special, we are not moral just because we say we are. All humans are capable of the same range of human emotions and actions, including atheists.

A church in Murrells Inlet in South Carolina was vandalized and they spray painted a circle with a line through the word God, on it. The perps weren't caught as far as I know. It could have been atheists, or merely rebelious teens looking to get themselves in the news.

I don't like it when atheists say they are moral because they are atheists. The only honest thing any human can say is that all humans are capable of being moral or immoral. "Atheist" only describes our position, it is not a moral code.

A human is a human is a human and a label doesn't mean you are automatically good or bad.

But I do agree, we don't hear much about atheists committing acts of vandalism as much as we do gang members(who tend to be less educated and more religious).


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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The only two church burnings

The only two church burnings I know of in my own area were found to have been perpetrated by teens, who were not defined as atheists, simply "problem kids".

There have been many church break in's as well, those go unreported these days as it happens with such frequency as to be normalized.

I didn't say we as atheists were moral at all, I am just mentioning the fact that I have yet to see a headline reading "atheists vandalize so and so sign or building" or anything similair.

Christians who continue to make the grand claim that they are the moral ones seem to me to be the immoral however in many cases. This could be said about their general attitudes as well when confronting those who lack "faith" on an internet forum. Note youtube comments etc with remarks in the more colorful spectrum of phrasing used in their dealings with said non-believers.

I repeat, hypocricy (The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness) abounds.

Not to say an atheist has never used bad manners /cough but I don't use bad manners in the name of a god who is supposedly all knowing, wise and loving while claiming to be a good "christian".

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
"By simple common sense I don't believe in god, in none."-Charlie Chaplin

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I think a defining point

I think a defining point here is that by definiton christians are supposed to hold a higher moral standard. I'm surprised (well not completly) that some would risk tarnishing the entire religions name by doing this. I wouldn't go defacing churches because:

A) It's illegal/ morally wrong

B) It reflects badly on all atheists


But whatever, we're the bad guys

Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible

dudeofthemoment wrote:
This is getting redudnant. My patience with the unteachable[atheists] is limited.

Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.

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Hypocritical Theists?








