Atheist billboard vandalized: Are you good without God? Millions are ... also lost?!

Mr. XC
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Atheist billboard vandalized: Are you good without God? Millions are ... also lost?!

A billboard by the United Coalition of Reason was vandalized.  It simply stated "Are you good without God? Millions are."  Given that God has such loving followers, I am hardly surprised, but I thought that it would be good to share anyway.




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It's not surprising that it

It's not surprising that it happened, but the end result is way more publicity than any mere roadside billboard can offer. Fitting result if you ask me.

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[SARCASM]Awwwwww.That's just



That's just not very nice of those people to vandalize the humanist message. I mean after all, isn't he (Epstein) supposed to be the good guy humanist?

Giant billboards aren't the same kind of fundamentalist atheism that Epstein et al attack for being too gregarious and/or obstreperous.

This sort of thing should have only happened to those RRS assholes; not to the goody two-shoes benedictory humanists.



FUCK 'EM. FUCK 'EM ALL. If that son-of-a-bitch and his ilk are looking for sympathy then I'd direct them to look in the dictionary between shit and syphilis.

They don't deserve one iota of the effort Brian has put forth to attempt any kind of 'unification' of purpose.


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Diverse Message

I agree that trying for unification without utilizing Brian's experience is not efficient.  While I do not support Epstein, I think that it is important to allow for a diverse message.

I think that it is telling about how far atheism is in the US by how these benign messages are attacked.

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I don't mind a diverse

I don't mind a diverse message, but I do take offense when someone attacks other fellow ideologues with lies and insults to advance themselves in their own minds or monetary gains.


They drew first 'blood'.

I see no difference between a website dedicated to confront theism and a giant billboard espousing the 'superior' morality of the godless.

Essentially, they have moved from candy-assed atheists to hypocritical humanists to wannabe rationalists.

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 I'm a big fan of the

 I'm a big fan of the billboards.  I do however disagree with some of the politics of the people who inserted themselves into the existing sign campaign.  Ahh... long story to those who don't know.  Yeah Greg Epstein will stab an atheist in the back for profit, I still am reminded of the lack of morality from theists due to the defacing.  



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Honestly, I don't consider

Honestly, I don't consider that POS an enemy, just not a friend.

I wish that I could apply indifference or just silence when the name arises in connection with a subject.

Conditioned response.

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 Josh, I was aligned with

 Josh, I was aligned with the man who created the initial billboard before Greg Epstein had lodged his knife into the backs of the atheist community for a little free press.  The man who created that billboard gave permission to UnitedCor and other groups to put it up, he'd do the same for me.  So when I initially saw it defaced I thought of him, not Epstein.  In fact as far as I know Epstein has very little to do with that sign.

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darth_josh wrote:in the

darth_josh wrote:
in the dictionary between shit and syphilis


Hey!  Shocked

That's where I hide my stash!

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The difference is, if a

The difference is, if a humanist billboard gets vandalized, well people shrug their shoulders, shit happens. Someone might write an angry blog if they have time on their hands.

But imagine the violence, the suicide bombs, the wailing and gnashing of teeth  that happens when a religious book, billboard, or one of those holy crackers they eat at Communion, gets so much as touched. 

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If you aren't pissing people

If you aren't pissing people off you aren't doing it right.


I think that this vandalism is a great sign that the athiest message is getting out there at all.

It also shows how scared the hardcore theists are by that message no matter how benign and kindly it is put.


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