Sorting out the mess, an attempt.

There is no "theory of evolution".
Evolution is a mechanical concept in the physical world, a word we use to describe flux, or change, or natural processes that happen over time, on a whole. It is what we can observe. Like for instance how a galactic cloud can gather - evolve - into a star system by virtue of natural forces working over time. Or how a hunter-gatherer nomad culture can change - evolve - into a farmer-trader city state over time. There is no "good" or "bad" about that. It is a value-neutral, scientific observation, or study, of how one thing changes into another thing over time, both on a small and a large scale.
"Darwinism" is a bastard concept that has no intrinsic meaning. Nature isn't "darwinistic". Darwin suggested the idea of "natural selection" as a way of understanding how similar animals can develop different characteristics under varying environmental circumstances. He did not - I repeat NOT - invent "the teory of evolution". All he did was to suggst a scientifically valid way to explain the diversity of the species; tied it up to the basic concept of evolution.
There is no such thing as "evolutionism". It is as idiotic a concept as to speak of "timespaceism". Things exist in a three-dimensional space. Time is the principle of duration. Evolution is the name for how things change. It is a fallacy to think that evolution is a process which starts with simple things and move towards complex things. It CAN be that, but it can also be entropy (more or less the opposite).
To insist that there was, is, or will be "creation" is just stupid. It is an evolutionary dead end - as ideas go. To ay so brings no understanding,nor any new data. But you are free to try to prove your hypothesis in the usual ways, which of course you can't, because it is an irrational concept. If the evidence you present is that "the bible says so" you are not only stupid, you are also insane. There will be no negotiation over this. Religion is a mental perversity. A private and fetishistic assembly of pet ideas and comforting beliefs that you "need" in order to make sense of the world.
And you know what? That is cool. Just keep it in your pants in public, please. Your mental-idiosyncratic fetishes are as private as your sexual preferences. Trying to push any of those onto a non consenting person is abuse. Yes you are free to think and believe what you like. Of course! You are even free to invite others to discuss it with you. But your freedom of speech will never imply my duty to listen, much less share your beliefs.
Again: There is no "theory of evolution". It is not something you can choose to believe or not believe like that. No more than you can choose to believe or not believe in time and space, which I suppose you can question in many ways with respects to how it works and what makes it happen, but debating its fundamental existence only makes you look like a moron.
Lastly, if you want to think that *I* am a moron for saying this, please feel free to knock yourself out. I can live with that with not much more emotional engagement than a shrug.
"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)
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It is about time I found someone with some damn common sense. Good post!
I tell you, I see almost no difference between the majority of believers and those who support Darwinism as you call it.
The majority of them have the same faith as believers do, in the idea. not in Darwin himself of course.
That simple concept escapes them. So their retort is they do not have faith in Darwin. I mean its like talking to a 3 year old sometimes. That tells you right there who you are dealing with.
How many times has fraud occurred in the discovery of the so called missing link?
This to me reveals a lot, how much faith must you have in an idea to give up your morals and outright lie to prove you are correct?
That would be a whole more lot faith in that idea than I have.
Well I liked both of your posts, its nice to talk to someone online that is emotionally stable, for a change!,HAHAHA
You have a Happy New year.
Clearly someone doesn't understand the OP at all. Not that there's any surprise in that mind you...
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
You're pulling our chains, right? What does emotional stability have to do with believing that evolution has been proven by reproducible evidence? Abiogenesis is probably the key question that hangs over evolutionary biology but hey - here we are. Whether we like it or not our presence, if there is no god, proves abiogenesis happened.
As far as Darwin is concerned focusing on this guy - a trait many theists cling to - ignores 150 years of painstaking science and the latest discoveries in genetics. Thinking evolution begins and ends with Darwin is like suggesting the last word in data comms dates back to the laying of the first transatlantic cable in 1858. And bear in mind the first transatlantic phone cable wasn't laid until 1959.
Anyway champ. Whether you admit it or not, you've arrived with a pretty obvious agenda and it sounds unpleasantly familiar to me.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
Fortunately he's of the type that proves his own stupidity with every post. I don't expect him to last very long. They get frustrated easily, and there aren't enough of his comrades in foolery here to feed his delusions.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Below are the Hominid species and the numbers of fossils paleontologists have found of each one. Look at the numbers Orff - it's a fucken lot. Why always with the Piltdown Man?
What other conspiracy theories have you got going on, Orff? No such thing as global warming? September 11 was staged by the CIA and Mossad? Osama bin Laden is alive and well and running a kebab shop in Granville? Yeah, ok - so the last one is true but all the know what I mean.
Click on a region of the map to see what sorts of hominid remains have been found there
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
The only one I am aware of is "Piltdown Man".
This might be of some interest though:
"The idea of God is the sole wrong for which I cannot forgive mankind." (Alphonse Donatien De Sade)