"Connections" produced by James Burke

The link to this series "Connections" produced by James Burke , though not specifically about the theory of evolution itself, has some interesting parallels. It is more to do with how things are connected and how little things/ideas build to make bigger ones.
I think it illustrates in a profound way how man has harnessed natural effects to increase his chance of survival.
Now you might say , well what has that to do with evolution, and my answer would be these small natural effects are not just harnessed
by man, In fact the all natural things harness natural world effects to survive.
This is a very good example of "bottom up" design , which is opposite to the Theists view of top down design.
I consider "bottom up" the corner stone of the theory of Evolution.
The first episode in the series and there are many starts here:-
The second episode starts here:-
I hope you enjoy it , I know I did. my apologies in advance, it is a bit lengthy, but there are some great facts to be learned
from the series, some you might not even have heard of. Pete
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My favorite question to ask Creationists is "Why can't G-d have done it that way?"
It reframes the entire discussion from "G-d exists" / "Does not" / "Does too" to "Okay, let's take it as a given that G-d exists. What is it about G-d which makes 'Evolution' the wrong answer to how G-d did it?"
It's a lot like martial arts -- someone punches and instead of punching back, you take their energy and turn it around and slam them in the face with it. Heck, you could even argue that studying "Evolution" should be made a religious sacrament since it's a way to study G-d ...
"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."
My favorite question to ask Creationists is "Why can't G-d have done it that way?"
a very good question.. and if he/she/it existed it would be a valid question.. but It is very difficult though to debate with Theists, they keep pulling out the faith card..
and a intensive desire to make you one of the them.. It is like trying to understand chaos..
Heck, you could even argue that studying "Evolution" should be made a religious sacrament since it's a way to study G-d ...
A very plausible proposal.. , and I would recommend it to politicians who believe in connecting , non related fields of understanding
lack of evidence, is the basis fro all Theist dogmatism, and I like to think that the shows they put on are as interesting as counting cars on the Freeway ..
kind regards
Yeah, it shows how God does his best to make everything look just as one would expect it to if he didn't exist...
Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality
"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris
The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me
From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology
Yeah, it shows how God does his best to make everything look just as one would expect it to if he didn't exist...
and god is doing this all for the worshippers... very odd behaviour Umm ? , perhaps God should have written a mystery novel instead.. encrypted of course !
There is no one way anything is supposed to look, regardless of G-d's existence. Which is sort of the point of arguing against the "Everything is just right, therefore G-d did it" claims.
"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."
how very zoharic of you.
"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson
I used to watch his 'Connections 2' series in the early 90's.