Favorite South Park moments?
Favorite South Park moments? "Wendy's Song". Here are the lyrics, it can be found and played via utube... Mrs. Landers was a health nut, she cooked food in a wok. Mr. Harris was her boyfriend, and he had a great big.. cock-a-doodle-doodle the rooster just won't quit, and I don't want my breakfast, because it tastes like.. shitzus make good house pets,they're cuddly and sweet, monkeys aren't good to have 'cos they like to beat their... meeting in the office a meeting in the hall, the boss he wants to see you so you can suck his.. Balzac was a writer he lived with Alan Funt, Mrs. Roberts didn't like him but that's 'cause she's a.. contaminated water can really make you sick,your bladder gets infected and blood comes out your.. dictate what im saying 'cos it will bring you luck, and if you all don't like it, I don't give a flying fuck. (Lyrics from: http://www.metrolyrics.com/wendys-cunt-song-lyrics-south-park.html)
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This is a tricky one. The recent scene where the US Treasury made major financial decisions on the basis of the dancing of a headless chicken to kazoo music on a Wheel of Fortune style board is no doubt an immortal one, but it is not the only one. Another one is where the Intergalactic BDIU committed landed their ship in the middle of the face-off between Stan and John Edwards to announce that John Edwards was the Biggest Douche in the Universe. Then, of course, there was the scene where Cartman and his crew piloted the Hippie Digger to the stage of the South Park music festival.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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I liked it when the squirrel said "Hail Satan!" and thanked Stan for assisting in the birth of the Anti-Christ (Woodland critter Christmas is fantastic). Then they had a blood orgy.
Mine is from this episode, and I hold that it is the single best use of minimalist cartoon drawing in the history of animation. When Stan is hosting his own "psychic" show, he explains to the audience exactly what he's doing while he's doing it, and they still don't get it. I forget exactly what he says, but it's basically, "Ok, let's back up one step," or something like that. The whole audience physically backs up one step. Then the magic happens... Stan puts his fingers to the bridge of his nose, and his eyes go to this: ><
That use of two little sideways V's conveyed the absolutely perfect emotional response to mass stupidity. It is the greatest moment in cartoon history.
Other notable South Park moments...
* When the pope declares that the statue of Mary is bleeding out its vagina, not it's ass, and it's therefore not a miracle because women bleed out of their vaginas all the time.
* When the Stan... (is it Stan? or Kyle?) explains to the Marklar why the Christian missionaries are total douchebags.
* "Don't be gay. Don't be gay, Spark. Don't be Gay!"
* "Ah'm gonna need about tree fitty"
>Chef's Father: [at Chef's rehearsal dinner] Could I have everyone's attention, please?
[crowd quiets]
Chef's Father: Tomorrow, my son is gonna get married to a beautiful lady.
Chef's Father: I'm very happy for them both.
[begins to choke back tears]
Chef's Father: Ooh, there I go - I told myself I wasn't gonna cry.
Chef: It's okay, pop.
Chef's Mother: Thomas, you're gonna get me going now.
[begins to tear up]
Chef's Father: I remember when Chef was just a three-year-old little man, he came runnin' into me with a big smile and his little chef's hat on, and he says to me, "Poppa, poppa." I said, "What do you need, Chef, my boy?" He said, "I need about tree-fitty."
Chef's Mother: Tree-fitty!
Chef's Father: Well, it was about that time I begin to get suspicious. I said, "Chef, my boy, why do you need tree-fitty?" He said, "My imaginary friend Boo-Boo the dinosaur wants it." So I went to my son's room, and sure enough, there was that damn Loch Ness Monster!
Chef's Mother: Lord, it was scary!
Chef's Father: I said, "Dammit, monster, you quit bugging my children, now. We work for our money in this house - we don't just give money away!"
* Stan: What's a... homosexual?
Mr. Garrison: "Hoah, well, Stanley, I guess you came to the right person. Sit down.... Stanley, gay people ... well, gay people are evil. Evil right down to their cold black hearts, which pump not blood like yours and mine, but rather a thick, vomitous oil that oozes through their rotten veins and clogs in their pea-sized brains, which becomes the cause of their Nazi-esque patterns of violent behavior. Do you understand?"
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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South Park is my single favourite political cartoon in history, when they leave out the patently dumb fart jokes. I also absolutely loved the episode Hamby refers to there, with Stan and the whole speaking to the dead bs. One of my other favourites was the one where Stan was L. Ron's resurrected form. That was fucking hillarious as hell.
But my favourite episode is the one where Cartman pissed off Wendy. As evil as Carman is, he just doesn't compare. He never killed anyone himself(he got someone else to do the deed with Scott's parents), but Wendy did. DON'T FUCK WITH WENDY TESTIBURGER. Or however it's spelled. lol.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
The best one poking fun at religion was the daily orientation in hell. The evangelicals and other religions were pissed off that they ended up in hell. The orientation director tells them all "The correct answer is Mormonism, sorry but you picked the wrong religion".
The one I laughed hardest at was after 9/11 and all the airport security. Mr. Garrison invents a gyrating rapid transportation machine that is faster than the airlines. However, it requires the operator to insert a penis shaped object into their ass and suck on a penis like object with the mouth. The people all replied, "it's still better than the airlines".
BTW, the episodes are now all online at southparkstudios.com. Apparently Trey and Matt got tired of having to illegally download their own episodes.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
First, Wendy's a babe!
Don't read anything into my admiration of her character.
Second, y'all posted real long posts,... BUT instead of putting me to sleep or dying (again) of bordom, I busted
3 more ribs ....laughing at your posts.
S.P. (in my estimation) is the most creative program since "All in the Family",...
unafraid to poke fun at and criticize large groups of morons.
They've yet to grossly dissapoint me. I could post a book on JUST snippets of SP that had me in tears.
My favorite episodes?
When Dawkins fucks Mrs Garrison.
And when Chef falls of the rope bridge and gets eaten by the bear and tiger.
"He might still be alive, they say the last thing you do before you die is shit"...........(*PHHHCSHHHHHTTTTTT*)
"He's dead"
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
I remember this scene very well. It goes like this:
Announcer: At a very young age, one boy learned he had a very special gift...this is The Other Side (the name of Stan's show)
*Stan comes on stage*
Stan: Okay. Okay, everyone listen to me very carefully. This is a trick that I am about to do.
*Stan puts his fingers to his temples in mock concentration*
Stan: They want me to acknowledge Pete...or Peter
Woman in Audience: Yes, yes! My Peter.
*The woman starts crying*
*Audience gasps and applauds*
Stan: No! Stop clapping! All I did was pick a name at random and wait for someone in the audicence to respond. Now that I see there is a lone woman crying, I can infer that Peter was her husband, so I say "Peter was your husband?"
Woman: Yes, yes!
*Audience gasps and applauds*
Audience member: You knew Peter was dead!
Stan: I didn't start by saying Peter was dead! I Just started by saying "they want me to acknowledge Peter". That could have meant that Peter was in the audicence, or somebody's friend, or that Peter had died. I couldn't be wrong, you see? Now, I look at this woman and see that she's fairly young, so odds are that her husband was fairly young when he died, so I can say something like "I'm getting that Peter's death was very untimely".
Woman: Yes, it was!
*Audience gasps and applauds*
Audience member (over the applause): Ask Peter if he knows my little Billy!
At this point, Stan does the immortal >< expression.
Stan: Okay, let's back up
*Entire audience moves up by one row*
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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You gotta give the S.P. folks
In the "Boy Band" "Fingerbang" episode, it ends with Cartman saying:
"God's a dick."
even though the very last line was Cartman saying:
"Just kidding."
The Comedy Channel, and other channels that replay S.P. are Commercial. The Evangelists, and other religious nuts have deep pockets, and could have raised, or could raise a stink about that. Some credit must be given to the channels that replay that episode ... which BTW is the episode that Wendy's "Cunt Song" came from.
The "Anime" episode, where they all pretended to be ninjas and what not... the one where Butters got a shuriken stuck in his eye!
It reminds me of those times when you were a kid... who just did something very, very, very, VERY bad, but you still thought you could fix it, or cover it up, and that everything was going to be ok. and no one would find out... ah... those were the days...
What Would Kharn Do?
Awesome, DG! I searched for a transcript of that scene online, but I couldn't find one. (Granted, I only looked for a minute or two.)
Speaking of Cartman and Christianity, I also liked the episode where Cartman formed a Christian rock band. The moment where he's on stage at the music awards ceremony and shouts, "God damn it!" is priceless.
Oh, and I think that's the episode where he yells at Token for saying he can't play the bass. Again, I'm paraphrasing, but he basically says, "Token, you're black. Of course you can play the bass. Now lay down a smooth groove for me, you black ass son of a bitch." Token puts his hand on the guitar neck and busts out a smooth bass grove. He looks surprised that he can play, looks up at Cartman, and with obvious disgust says, "Dammit!"
Or... something like that. It's a great scene.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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I loved the Mel Gibson episode where they totally made fun of his Jesus "snuff film" and ripped him as being a sado-masochistic, scat loving religious kook.
I loved the episode where the "cripple fight" took place between Timmy and Jimmy....absolutely brutal but hilariously funny.
The last one that I'll mention is the episode where Jimmy is embarrased because he keeps having spontaneous erections at school. The dream sequence where Jimmy imagines himself performing his comedy act at school is totally funny. He's on stage stuttering his way through his jokes when his wang ( sound effect, bell rings ) begins to grow. It continues to grow until it reaches gigantic proportions and consequently ruins his act while causing the students to flee the auditorium in terror. Priceless.
If anything could bring peace to the world it should be South Park. It amazes me why it isn't obvious what the show's creators and writers are doing.
It is so simple. "Will you all stop (humanity) being such narsicistic assholes an learn to laugh at yourselves".
Political correctness leads to fascism. Laughter leads to freedom. South Park seems to want to to replace real weapons with pillow fights. If we would all replace bombs with blasphemy the worst we would have to worry about is a middle finger.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
There are so many priceless moments and episodes ...
Here's a few random moments and interactions...
Butter's gets an anal probe in the hospital...
Timmy's electric wheelcair goes flying throuh the wall of Mrs. Chokesondick's class wnen it's converted into a time machine.
Kyle can't get chickenpox and his mom tells him to play a game with one of the sick kids, where both kids take turns spitting in the mouth of the other kid. Cartman Calamine lotion bath. Then they end the episode by hiring the town whore to give everybody's parents oral herpes.
Starvin' Marvin and the Mugla's.
The priest gives a sermon about Hell, wile the camera slowly goes deep underground past dinosaurs bones, and finally reaches a big sign reading "Welcome to He[[", anf Satan's having a Hawain luaoa with his "minions".
Kyle and Stan's father's wack off together in Mr. Mackey's Hot Tub.
Chef is asked what's wrong with the S.P. flag (depicting a KKK lynching.)
Mr. Hinckey "comes out".
Aliens shove a Satellite dish up Cartman's ass.
Cartman goes to jail for striking Token and shit's a variety of items he hides his up his ass to get stuff into the jail.
Butter's is traumatized by his flying shoe which ends up killing people while attempting to tap dance.
Cartman tries to find and tests for the French Brown Note on Kenny, which causes Kenny to loose bowel control.
Cartman's famous "but maaaaaaam!' phrase.
Stan's sister kicks the crap out of Cartman and Cartman's cat is seriously horny.
The Japanese toy manufacterer's CEO and assistant tell the S.P. parents how enourmous an American's penis is, and how they can;t get anything right because of having very "small penis".
The list of priceless moments is endless...
If you haven't seen the very latest episode, the following will be a spoiler.
The new episode Fatbeard pretty much summed up America's foreign policy in a single line, where Cartman, Kyle, Ike and Clyde were surrounded on the shore by Somali pirates (who were actually Cartman's crew), and a sniper team on an American ship was offshore ready to open fire (an obvious reference to the rescue of Cpt. Phillips) and the commander said "remember men, do not hit the white ones"!
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
lol! Lovely!
I am now reminded of the episode where the SP kids were to send a dollar to kids in Afghanistan, who if I remember correctly sent a goat in return. Priceless episode.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't a goat. I think it was Stevie Nicks. Easy mistake to make, though.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
The best part of that episode was when the crew of the ship surrendered to Eric Cartman and the kid with the toy light saber. “They are French, they surrendered automatically” or whatever the exact quote was.
After that, this season has the “purity ring” episode with the back stage scene where Stan turns up the mic while evil Mickey goes on a rant about how ignorant Christians are that he is selling sex to their 11 year old girls and what not.
Now, apart from that, it has been a couple of years since I was really on top of the series. So I seem to have missed when they started swearing all the time. From the few episodes that I watched online, I am tempted to give them an award for always swearing in context. Compare that to Howard Stern who, from what I have heard of him, is a potty mouth every third word for no better reason than that he can be,
The chicken fucker episode was a good laugh.
Also liked the joke in one episode where the boys are trying to save baby calfs, but the calfs are locked up to the extent that they can't move. Being too weak to walk Stan (or one of the kids) brings in a DVD that promises to build up your calves in a few days.
You sure picked some jems!
I too love that Cartman, "But Maaaaaammmm!"
How's this for exasperation: &(><)&
Cartman defeats Nanny 911,
and then tangles with a hispanic dog trainer.
I thought the Dog Whisperer episode was one of their most blatant and pointed criticisms of pretty much everybody. I can't begin to count the number of parents who need to understand the message in that episode. Those boys have earned my respect many times over, but I was really impressed by that episode.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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After seeing the new Star Trek with 2 friends (one of which took his son along), the friend with his son parted ways with 2 of us.
He had behaved so badly with his son that it reminded me of the Dog Whisperer episode
in reverse.
My other friend and I had a good laugh about the father being in need of the Dog Whisperer training for himself.
(BTW. Not that it will make any difference to anyone, but the new Star Trek storyline REALLY sucked. I won't spoil a movie that is spoilled, but I'll say that the destruction
of certain cosmic objects was
entirely inconsistent with every Star Trek episode from day 1. You're really gonna need to NOT concentrate on the special effects to actually follow the stupid plot. Save your bread for another flick.)
Anyway, here's another episode I enjoyed...
The SP kids win a Free Candy Shopping Spree. But Kenny had the ticket and he's been cremated. The SP kids go to
Kenny's house, and don't understand what's in the "urn". After stealing the urn
and not finding Kenny in it, Cartman concludes it's really lousy chocolate milk mix (after he drinks Kenny's ashes).
What's left is to build a ladder to Heaven, which hits the international news and immediately causes Japan to begin to build their own ladder.
GWB gets wind of it and engages the military in aiding in the laader's construction. However, the CIA has looked into Saddam's whereabouts and found that after having a homosexual affair with Satan and having done away with Satan's boyfriend Chris, that Saddam
was sent to Heaven, where
Saddam engaged himself in constructing weapons of mass destruction.
GWB holds a press conference at which he tells all of this to the White House Press core, and announces that he's ordered the U.S. Armed Forces to bomb Heaven.
OH SHIT! That's a goddamn blog! What's happening to me!
I like the original South Park. The new episodes are sooooo stupid and mostly unfunny.
I like Mr Mackey, Jimmy, Cartman & Mr Garrison/Mr Hat the best. RESPECT MY AUTHORITY!
The Mr Jefferson/Michael Jackson episode was solid, and so was the Rainforest one.
OMG all of the religious ones are amazing, especially the Easter one and the Mormon episode!
*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*
"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby
Ok SP fans. Here's one moe SP Song. The lyrics to the SP Theme Song. (There was no w
y I could understand Cartman's lines, and forget about Kenny's!)
The SP Theme Song
I'm goin' down to South Park gonna have myself a time,
(Kyle + Stan) Friendly faces everwhere humble folks without temptation,
I'm goin' down to South Park gonna leave my woes behind,
(Cartman) Ample Parking Day or Night, people spouting, "Howdy, Neighbor"
I'm headin' down to South Park gonna see if I can't unwind,
(Note: There's some question as to what Kenny says, but the source of this post inserted the following words:
(Kenny) I like girls with big vagina, I like girls with big fat titties)
So come on down to South Park, and meet some friends of mine.
The first time I saw the Fat Albert spoof I laughed so hard I shot beer outa my nose. I damn near cried! "I'll snatch yo bitch ass in a bear trap" was a catchphrase with my friends and I for a while after that.
"They always say the same thing; 'But evolution is only a theory!!' Which is true, I guess, and it's good they say that I think, it gives you hope that they feel the same about the theory of Gravity and they might just float the f**k away."
This one.
South Park trivia:
Starvin' Marvin was in 2 SP episodes:
1. The SP kids sponsor a starving child because they want a free watch, but Starvin' Marvin is delivered instead.
2. The planet of Marglar sends a spaceship to earth which Starvin' Marvin jumps into and the SP kids try to get to Marglar before Christian missionaries do.
More trivia:
Wiki has "definitions" of SP kids characters, such as Wendy Testaburger. (They're surprisingly detailed "definitions.")
I just watched that. Hilarious.
...'Message', though? If anything, I thought that the message was that you probably don't need to be taking your medical/psychological advice from reality TV.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
I've never seen the actual Dog Whisperer show. I've seen similar shows, but even if I hadn't, the
Dog Whisperer SP episode remains
one of SP's funniest.
Wow, I love South Park.
My favorite scene was from my favorite episode (Scott Tenorman must die) when Cartman reveals his plan to Scott Tenorman (killing his parents, making Scott eat them in the chili he prepared, and making him cry in front of his favorite band RadioHead).
Damian spawn of Satan rises from the 7th layer of hell to be the new kid in Mr. Garrison's class. While Damian hsa turned Kenny into a Duck Billed Platypus and he sky rockets Pip at Cartman's birthday party (to make pretty glowing fireworks), the town weighs in Satan at 325lbs and Jesus at 135lbs. The town goes to the bookie to change their bets to Satan, and unbeknownst to the SP folks, Satan is the only one betting
on Jesus to win the fight etween them. Satan throws the fight and returns to hell with SP's money.
Mr. Mackey lights a joint in Garrison's class to show the kids what pot smells like, but word gets out and Mackey
declines into drinking, pot smoking, and dropping acid until things cool off and he gets his job back.
Unless someone already did this?
Every episode ever made all for free!
How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais