I dare you to deny Allah, you pussy! [YOU RESPOND]

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I dare you to deny Allah, you pussy! [YOU RESPOND]

From: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 10:59 AM
Subject: [General Question] Blasphemy

Karen sent a message using the contact form at

If you really are not affraid, I sugest you throw Islam into the mix.
Muslims are currently responsible for killing more Christians in the last
10 years than you could ever hope to insult. Try saying you dont believe in
Muhammad's teachings. According to their beliefs they still hunt down and
kill blasphemers. I mean if you really are serious that you are not
affraid. Also you truly do not subscribe to the notion that God exsist. As
religions go Muslims are the largest church in the world now. So why are
you waisting your time with christians, go after the big dogs!


FROM KELLY, ROOK, AND SAPIENT: We deny the existence of Allah, he doesn't exist, Muslims are wrong.

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Allah does not

Allah does not exist.

Muhammad's teachings are bunk.

Muhammad was a child molester.

I do believe that Roman Catholicism is still the big dog on the block, are they not? Not that it'll last much longer if so. Well, no matter anyway, it's the irrationality of believing in a big invisible friend in the clouds that's the problem, no matter how it's branded and what dogmas surround it.

"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

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Go hate message a muslim

Go hate message a muslim forum and include your address, so they can come over and be converted.

For the record,allah doesn't exist.


Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible

dudeofthemoment wrote:
This is getting redudnant. My patience with the unteachable[atheists] is limited.

Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.

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Human rights


    I am an equal oppertunity atheist,  I do not believe in islam nor in anyother religion past or present.  They can find me and meny other atheists on this site if they wish to debate their imaginary friends.

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My video for the lie about

My video for the lie about Allah Challenge:



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Allah doesn't exist. I deny

Allah doesn't exist. I deny him/her/it/them.

He can stand in line with all the other gods whose existence I've denied.

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This thread NEW and IMPROVED with homepage goodness!

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There is not one true god

There is not one true god and Al-lah isn't real. Mohammad was a child molester claiming to be a prophet so he could get away with it.

"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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I won't indulge your rant,

I won't indulge your rant, but suffice it to say that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all drink from the same philosophical toilet.

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The Chick in the Muslim singles add is provoking my uncontrollable lust! Quick, everybody get some rocks!

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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

From: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 10:59 AM
Subject: [General Question] Blasphemy

Karen sent a message using the contact form at

Muslims are currently responsible for killing more Christians in the last
10 years than you could ever hope to insult.

How many muslim civilians have Bush and his fundamentalist friends killed in Iraq? I fail to see how muslim aggression somehow makes christians the good guys.  I think you'll find that American christians, particularly of that republican-voting, pro-war variety, have an awful lot of blood on their hands too.

I would guess that RRS spends more time attacking christianity than Islam simply because they are American and there are more christians here than muslims? I admit that this displays an appalling cultural bias... but then, it's the same cultural bias that led you to be raised as a jesus groupie when, if you had been born in Iran, you would spend your days mumbling and head-butting the koran. I guess we're all a little eurocentric despite our best intentions. 



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Anonymous wrote:it's the

Anonymous wrote:

it's the same cultural bias that led you to be raised as a jesus groupie when, if you had been born in Iran, you would spend your days mumbling and head-butting the koran.


Except of course her voice would be muffled by the blanket over her face.

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who's the big dog?

Of course I deny Allah as well as all other deities, but I would like to say, Christians ARE the big dogs.
The most important men on earth, staunchily Christian G.W. Bush and Cheney, are responsible for the killings of hundreds of thousands of muslims, whose only guilt was living in the wrong countries - countries filled with the oil Bush and his corporation friends wanted to steal from them.
If these monsters are Christians, I must say I would feel safer in a muslim country such as Turkey or Syria.

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I, for one, AM afraid of

I, for one, AM afraid of religious nuts and zealots of all types.


I still don't believe in Allah.

Besides, I think they pretty much assume that all of the Buddhists

and Christians and Hari Krishnas etc. etc. do not believe in Allah.

We are just one more group, although a much smaller group,

of people who deny Allah.

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I deny all forms of

I deny all forms of invisible friends bar the Flying Spaghetti Monster. If anyone here denies him i would come around and buy you beer until you see the error of your way (note pastafarians have loose moral values and some of this may not be true)


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I would never be dumb enough

I would never be dumb enough to deny Allah but he can kiss my ass!


I do believe Zeus would kick Allah's ass though.

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I won't indulge your rant, but suffice it to say that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all drink from the same philosophical toilet.


That made me laugh hard.


Allah cleans my toilet w/ his tongue.

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I deny any existence of any

I deny any existence of any form mythical creatures that including god and buddha, allah, and whatever else alike.

Remember, Jesus would rather constantly shame gays than let orphans have a family. - Steven Colbert

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Anonymous wrote:I would

Anonymous wrote:

I would never be dumb enough to deny Allah but he can kiss my ass!


I do believe Zeus would kick Allah's ass though.

I posted the above  without an account. Yes, it's the Monkey!

To add to my rant, Zeus would send a lightning bolt up Allah's ass. Zeus would probably do it with a smile on his face too.


Also to keep with the theme, I deny all imaginary beings that don't have mug shots for me to decide if I like them or not.

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I deny the existence of

I deny the existence of Allah, he doesn't exist, Muslims are wrong.

Screaming Monkey
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Anonymous wrote:Anonymous

Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:

I would never be dumb enough to deny Allah but he can kiss my ass!


I do believe Zeus would kick Allah's ass though.

I posted the above  without an account. Yes, it's the Monkey!

To add to my rant, Zeus would send a lightning bolt up Allah's ass. Zeus would probably do it with a smile on his face too.


Also to keep with the theme, I deny all imaginary beings that don't have mug shots for me to decide if I like them or not.

Now it's under my name. It kept posting as anonymous even though I was logged in.

Anyway, Allah sucks...yadda yadda yadda

We're All Monkeys

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It is funny how self

It is funny how self centered theists of ALL labels are.

"Why don't you throw Muslims into the mix?"

Atheists don't buy any kind of superstition, be it Loc Ness Monster, Big Foot, rabbit's feet, nor fictional super natural beings. We dont buy Allah/Yahwey or Jesus for the same reason you don't buy claims of Thor or Isis.

If you put the Koran or Bible next to a copy of any Marvel Comic book you can see the same outragious and fictitious magical claims.

So if you falsely think this is about hating you or your fictional friend in the sky, we can no more hate your god, than we could Micky Mouse or Allah.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Abu Lahab
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I deny allah,

and there are so many reasons why.


How much of a gullible imbecile do you have to be to not be able to connect the dots of mohammed's convenient and ongoing 'revelations' from on high. Even the poor, molested Aisha called him on his absurt shit.


"Aisha said: O Allah's Apostle! I do not see, but, that your Lord hurries in pleasing you."

He was simply a bandit, thief, lunatic, murderer and opportunist.


Oh, and an utter cunt.

How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais

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I deny Allah

God, and JHVH. I doubt Jesus existed, but if evidence of his existence comes up, I'm open to new ideas and change on that.

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How Dare you Defile Marvel Comics

Brian37 wrote:

If you put the Koran or Bible next to a copy of any Marvel Comic book you can see the same outragious and fictitious magical claims.

How dare you defile Marvel Comics by putting them in the same category as the Koran and The Bible. Stan Lee will be taking you to account for this.



"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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I deny el, el ohim, yahweh,

I deny el, el ohim, yahweh, allah, supermonkeyfragalisticpants, what ever you want to call him.  All five are just different names for the one mystical and fictional figure.  I deny el/elohim/yahweh/allah/supermonkeyfragalisticpants's who include but are not limited to abraham, moses, jesus, mohammed and mohammed's pet dog who he had relationships with but told everyone was actually a 9yo human girl.  I deny the accuracy, historicity, authority and more of the books based on this being, including but not limited to the torah, old testament, koran, new testament and the davinci code.

Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
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Me and my dog Allah were

Me and my dog Allah were just talking about this. We both agree that Allah doesn't exist and the Muslims are wrong. She's a smart dog.

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Pauljohntheskeptic wrote:

"Brian37 wrote:


If you put the Koran or Bible next to a copy of any Marvel Comic book you can see the same outragious and fictitious magical claims.


How dare you defile Marvel Comics by putting them in the same category as the Koran and The Bible.


My $0.02: Really.  I'm mostly a fan of DC Comics, and even I don't have *that* low an opinion of Marvel.  Besides, Marvel admits that the stories it produces are not actual history, and therefore Marvel (or any other comic book company) is *more* realistic than the Bible.


Oh...and before I forget...Allah doesn't exist, Muslims are wrong, etc.



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First question is where are

First question is where are you getting your facts from? One religious group is always going to try and dominate the others. Most of the people in the US who supported war in Iraq were christians. I am a vet and still work DOD and I thought the idea of attacking another country with no cause was horrible. However, the uneducated "christian" masses felt otherwise and supported the senseless death of innocents. Countless thousands have died yet christians only seem to shrug their shoulders and say, "oh well".

Now getting to the muslims. I have heard that the quran is usually taken out of context, sounds familiar doesn't it? So I don't know much about their beliefs other than what the corporate media shows and this is from someone who has spent considerable time in the middle-east. I personally don't fear the muslims because I can more than defend myself. Are you too afraid to confront a muslim and them their religion is bullshit? I call bullshit on all religions so if that makes me a mark so be it. My death would just prove how dangerous and silly god belief can be.

BTW I'll make it even more enticing, allah is a fucking idiot.

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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

From: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 10:59 AM
Subject: [General Question] Blasphemy

Karen sent a message using the contact form at

If you really are not affraid, I sugest you throw Islam into the mix.
Muslims are currently responsible for killing more Christians in the last
10 years than you could ever hope to insult. Try saying you dont believe in
Muhammad's teachings. According to their beliefs they still hunt down and
kill blasphemers. I mean if you really are serious that you are not
affraid. Also you truly do not subscribe to the notion that God exsist. As
religions go Muslims are the largest church in the world now. So why are
you waisting your time with christians, go after the big dogs!

Oh please, get over your fatwa envy already.

Speaking as someone who used the "Mo was a child molester" line in front of actual muslims irl, I can tell you they're not all foaming-at-the-mouth psychos. Too bad, eh ? I guess if you want to see atheists hunted down and killed, you'll have to do it yourself.

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"If you really are not

"If you really are not affraid, I sugest you throw Islam into the mix.
Muslims are currently responsible for killing more Christians in the last
10 years than you could ever hope to insult."

I dont think I want to believe facts from someone who can't spell. Muslims have not only killed so many Christians, but they've killed them selves. I personally believe they hold the record for suicides from one country or religion. Not even Emo's can match those numbers.

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I deny the existence of

I deny the existence of Allah and the validity of Mohammed's drivel known as the Quran. Furthermore, if Allah existed, he and Mohammed could both kiss my nice white naked ass. After I burned a hajib and burqa in front of them.

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I deny the existence of

I deny the existence of Allah and the validity of Mohammed's drivel known as the Quran.

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were that I were allah for five minutes

kellym78 wrote:

I deny the existence of Allah and the validity of Mohammed's drivel known as the Quran. Furthermore, if Allah existed, he and Mohammed could both kiss my nice white naked ass. After I burned a hajib and burqa in front of them.

     Could we get your cartoonist to draw a picture of that for publication?

"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."

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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

Karen sent a message:

If you really are not affraid, I sugest you throw Islam into the mix.
Muslims are currently responsible for killing more Christians in the last
10 years than you could ever hope to insult. Try saying you dont believe in
Muhammad's teachings. According to their beliefs they still hunt down and
kill blasphemers.

Are you trying to show how much courage you have?

I.e. you are noting that you are not afraid to deny and even say less than tolerant things about Islam and it's followers despite what you note is a murderous nature. 

I mean if you really are serious that you are not

Do you mean like you?

Also you truly do not subscribe to the notion that God exsist. As
religions go Muslims are the largest church in the world now. So why are
you waisting your time with christians, go after the big dogs!

You are now denigrating the effectiveness of Christ's word?  You are now noting that a heresy, Islam, has more power than God's Church, Christianity?

Neat.  You are partway there, smile.



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Allah killled himself on his

Allah killled himself on his own shit!

The Doomed Soul
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pauljohntheskeptic wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

If you put the Koran or Bible next to a copy of any Marvel Comic book you can see the same outragious and fictitious magical claims.

How dare you defile Marvel Comics by putting them in the same category as the Koran and The Bible. Stan Lee will be taking you to account for this.

Agreed, they belong next to the D.C comics! ^_^

What Would Kharn Do?

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Fuck you god of Abe, Fuck

Fuck you god of Abe, Fuck you Allah ....

Abu Lahab
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I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:Fuck

I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:

Fuck you god of Abe, Fuck you Allah ....


Well said.

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When anyone finds something

When anyone finds something to really worship , do let me know ... I will want to check it out ....     


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I deny the existence of

I deny the existence of Allah and the validity of Mohammed's drivel known as the Quran.

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You can have subject headings for comments??

Atheists are trying to show that they're not afraid of GOD, not his followers. There's no harm in denouncing an entity that doesn't exist but since people who are willing to kill you for denouncing it do exist I do have some reservations about deriding God to their faces.


And yes, Allah doesn't exist. I killed him in his sleep because he said he didn't believe in himself.

I formulate opinions based on sandwiches I've had.

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see my sig below allah is just as fraudulant as jesus and the norse god thor

extra points go to mockers of mohammed so without further adu

mohammed is a fartknocker (beavis and butthead style)


mohammed is mr poopy pants allah is a cootie queen and islam is a lint licker

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Karen wrote: Asreligions go

Karen wrote:

religions go Muslims are the largest church in the world now.


I'm guessing you meant largest religion in the world. The largest church in the world is probably either St Pauls Basilica or St Patricks Cathdral. Moslems go to Mosques, not churches.

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Allah does not exist

l Deny Allah and Mohamhead is not his prohet

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Brainwashed people are deadly.

People are messed up in the head as soon as they believe in faith.Its a mental cancer that might be the hardest "spell" cured Scientist might find the cure for everything execpt that. I ask people all the time what/if they are religous. That tells me how much they know about life. An there answer to everything is "god made/did it" That is lack of knowledge. To me religous people are stupied. An to think there is something better when we die.  No physical proof ever giving. Im so glad to be a Atheist. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Heh, I get into debates with

Heh, I get into debates with Muslems as readily as with Christians- which is whenever they mistake my interest in the ways other people view the world for an opening to convert me. Which, unfortunately, is surprisingly often.

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he is real but...

allah does in fact exist, but only in the mind of ignorant muslim fools where i frequently visit to forceably insert my cock into his ass.

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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

I sugest you throw Islam into the mix.
Muslims are currently responsible for killing more Christians in the last
10 years than you could ever hope to insult.

I'm glad your proud of that...

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Otchabotch wrote:

RationalResponseSquad wrote:

I sugest you throw Islam into the mix.
Muslims are currently responsible for killing more Christians in the last
10 years than you could ever hope to insult.

I'm glad your proud of that...

Christians murder Americans mentally, it's sad she only deals with the physical.

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Sapient wrote:Otchabotch

Sapient wrote:

Otchabotch wrote:

RationalResponseSquad wrote:

I sugest you throw Islam into the mix.
Muslims are currently responsible for killing more Christians in the last
10 years than you could ever hope to insult.

I'm glad your proud of that...

Christians murder Americans mentally, it's sad she only deals with the physical.

Brian, they don't care about the brain - they just want the soul.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin