You know nothing, your kind astounds me. [YOU RESPOND]

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You know nothing, your kind astounds me. [YOU RESPOND]

From: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2008 8:06 PM
Subject: [General Question] You know nothing

Chris K sent a message using the contact form at

The unmitigated arrogance of your kind and your kind of messages astounds

In essence, this is you:
"Hello, we are little created beings, we have no memory of anything before we were born, and we have no understanding outside this world, but we speak with commanding authority that there is no God!"

Haha. The foolishness of your messages and all Atheists who try to push
their crap with shitty websites like these boggle the mind. You're no
better than bible-thumping Christians who damn those to Hell for not

Conor Wilson
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So, Chris K... you have anything more to offer than a drive-by ad hominem?  Surely, if anyone here had said anything like the "essence" you offered, it would be no problem for you to quote the author of such a remark.  If the remarks we *do* make are so foolish, then you should have no trouble not only citing them, but also refuting them.


So first things first: let's see your quotes.




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What atheist would say we

What atheist would say we are "created?" And nobody has any memory from before they were born.

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MattShizzle wrote:What

MattShizzle wrote:

What atheist would say we are "created?" And nobody has any memory from before they were born.


I actually have memories from after I died.  Many don't realize that I was preincarnated.

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Isn't that supposed to be

Isn't that supposed to be God that damns people to hell for not believing?  Christians just repeat it.

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Chris K wrote:The

Chris K wrote:
The unmitigated arrogance of your kind and your kind of messages astounds me.

In essence, this is you:
"Hello, we are little created beings, we have no memory of anything before we were born, and we have no understanding outside this world, but we speak with commanding authority that there is no God!"

"Hello! We are created beings. We have no memory of anything before our births, and no understanding of the world at all. But, we speak with utter authority on what some undetectable super-being that created the entire universe thinks and what it wants, and we know that we little created beings are the of ultimate importance in this world since the super-being cares about every little action we take."

Arrogance is relative, hmm?

"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

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As long as christians try to

As long as christians try to interfere in my life by claiming that god exists I will say "Prove it."  If you can't prove it, you can't use it as justification for asking me to modify my life. 

"I am that I am." - Proof that the writers of the bible were beyond stoned.

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Quote:In essence, this is


In essence, this is you:
"Hello, we are little created beings, we have no memory of anything before we were born, and we have no understanding outside this world, but we speak with commanding authority that there is no God!"

There's a huge disconnect here. Wait, lemme show you:

"Hello, we are little created beings, we have no memory of anything before we were born, and we have no understanding outside this world, but we speak with commanding authority that there is God!"

Where does this person get off thinking he's coming in loaded for bear, and then spouting this stupidity? Removal of one word turns the absurdity around.


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Let's change a few

Let's change a few words....


Here is how I picture it:

Hello, we are little created beings, we have no memory of anything before we were born, and we have no understanding outside this world, but we speak with commanding authority that there is a specific God!

The unmitigated arrogance of your kind and your kind of messages astounds
me. Haha. The foolishness of your messages and all theists who try to push
their crap with shitty websites like these boggle the mind. You're no
better than qur'an-thumping muslims who damn those to Hell, right now,  for not

You see how ridiculous one's statements sound when they're not well thought out?

As for being created, my parents did that. There's no pride or glory in it.



Consider this account closed. It's disgraceful this site has no function to delete an account. I cannot be part of an organization that seeks only to replace the religion of the god of the bible with the religion of "poor me" bleeding heart liberalism. Rational my ass! Not believing in a god is one thing. A rational view of the rest of the world is something else, which isn't found here.

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Responding to the Irrational

Many people like you argue ad hominem.  That is a logical fallacy.  In an argument of logic your arguments would be easily dismissed right off the bat. 

As a skeptic and an atheist I don't make the claim "There is no god!", because that would be arrogant and stupid of me.  You can't disprove god.  You also can't disprove Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy (or any fairies), unicorns, Poseidon, Thor, Zeus (or any other pagan gods).  Someone could easily argue for the existence of Santa Claus using the argument "Well, you can't disprove Santa exists!" 

"You're no better than bible-thumping Christians who damn those to hell for not believing."

Rational, skeptical atheists are better than pious religious people because you can change our minds with evidence.  Show me sufficient evidence or proof that a god exists and I will change my mind.  Ask a religious person or someone who believes in a god if THEY will change their mind, if the evidence showed their religous views or their belief in a god to be false.  I am confident that most of the people you ask that question would say "no".  And that would make them the truly closed-minded ones. 

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For most of this old man's

For most of this old man's life I have desired and searched for an idol to comfort me, but have not found one, even though I live among idol worshipers, who try every tactic possible to give me theirs.

         As the christ is in me, as I am awake answered a buddha , as I am one with the "ONE" of zero possible separation, of no separate master, as no idol can exist. 

I praise the good, and so in this sense I do religiously worship love, and so "Love" could perhaps be called my idol, while god is all things, yin yang, love and hate.   

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"your kind", I wonder if

"your kind", I wonder if this person refers to blacks as "those people".

I forgot, we shed our skin by rubbing our bellies against rocks.

Listen dipwad, there is no "your kind". We are all human.

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Chris K wrote: The

Chris K wrote:


The unmitigated arrogance of your kind and your kind of messages astounds

What kind do you mean? People that are not sheep or lemmings? If not for science and people questioning ignorance you'd still be using smoke signals not computers.
Chris K wrote:

In essence, this is you:
"Hello, we are little created beings, we have no memory of anything before we were born, and we have no understanding outside this world, but we speak with commanding authority that there is no God!"

1-Creation is not my position but yours.

2-I don't recall any newborn baby exhibiting memory by immediate speech beyond "waah".

3-If you'd like to learn what is outside this world science is the only way as the holy books exhibit ignorant ideas, such as flat earth, unicorns, and schizophrenic gods.

Chris K wrote:

Haha. The foolishness of your messages and all Atheists who try to push
their crap with shitty websites like these boggle the mind. You're no
better than bible-thumping Christians who damn those to Hell for not

What's so foolish about asking for proof? I won lotto, please give me the cash. Ticket? Why do you need that? Proof! Just believe me I won.

We don't do door to door solicitation. You came here on your own.

"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me

"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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Here's another "your kind"

Here's another "your kind" emailer...


Tim sent a message using the contact form at

What are you thinking...I was under the impression that this was a no
religion site... not an anti religion site!!!
May god have mercy on you!!!Renove me from tour site PLEASE I never want
to be associated with your kind!!!!



And FWIW there is no record in our database of a user with his email address ever joining our site.



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How exactly do you renove

How exactly do you renove somebody and what tour site is he talking about? I'm sure there are a lot of tourism websites, but as far as I know none of the RRS people admin any.

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MattShizzle wrote:How

MattShizzle wrote:

How exactly do you renove somebody and what tour site is he talking about? I'm sure there are a lot of tourism websites, but as far as I know none of the RRS people admin any.

Gotta be a typo, huh?

Maybe he meant "your" site?

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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

In essence, this is you:
"Hello, we are little created beings, we have no memory of anything before we were born, and we have no understanding outside this world, but we speak with commanding authority that there is no God!"

Your reasoning is flawed from the very beginning.  Which athiests refer to themselves as "little created beings."  Most begin in abiogenesis, that life sprung up from the materials of the planet after millions of years.  That's why the elements of our bodies (iron, for instance) are among the common elements of the Earth.  We are part of the Earth and grew out of it.  We weren't "created" in a Biblical sense.



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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

The foolishness of your messages and all Atheists who try to push
their crap with shitty websites like these boggle the mind.


From what I can tell of your message, boggling a mind like yours doesn't take much effort.