Athiest Belief [Trollville]

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Athiest Belief [Trollville]

God does not believe in athiests, therefore, athiests do not exist!!!!!!!!!!!  All praise to God the King and Savior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow.  That was brilliant. 

Wow.  That was brilliant.  Really.   We've never heard that slogan before.  Did you make it up all by yourself?


Anyway, let's think about this with our little brains for a second.  If Super-Jesus-Yahweh-God knows everything, then he doesn't very well believe anything, does he?  He knows.  So, either atheists exist or they don't.  If they do, then God knows they exist.  If they don't, he knows they don't.  So from the get go, your statement is nonsensical.

While we're using our thinking caps, do you think that I am Satan, devilishly and deviously devising dastardly deeds designed to dupe your delicate diagnosis of design?  (I'm sorry... once I got started... it wouldn't stop...)

I'm relatively sure I exist.  In fact, I'm much more than that.  I'm positive that I exist, for I have read Descartes!  I read, therefore I exist.  You've heard that before, right?  If I am sure of my own existence, that puts me well ahead of a god who must believe in things that ought to be certain.  Such a deity could only be described as daffy.

(Ack... alliteration again!)


Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Athiest Belief

God does not believe in athiests, therefore, athiests do not exist!!!  All praise to God the Father in Heaven...the King of all the earth!!!!

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Oh, and posting the same

Oh, and posting the same thing repeatedly in different threads is spamming, and is against the rules.  Do it again and you get the troll badge.  Do it a third time and you get my atheist bootprint on your ass.


Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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What a magnanimous gesture

What a magnanimous gesture Jesus did for us! He died on the cross of calvary so he could save us from....


and keep us from the fires of hell...

that he created...

what a guy.

"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
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Should he/she/it be posting

Should he/she/it be posting in FTA at all? By the way, even if a god did exist - if he/she/it didn't believe we existed then he/she/it would be mistaken. Bad logic. You fail.

(too lazy to post a "fail" or "epic fail" picture.)


By the way, it's "atheist". We are "without theism" not "the most athi."



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Thanks Matt.  I didn't even

Thanks Matt.  I didn't even notice that it was in FTA.  It's fixed.


Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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The Flying Spaghetti Monster

The Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't believe that the Jdeo-Christian-Islamic god exists. Therefore the Judeo-Christian-Islamic god does not exist. All hail his noodly appendage.

The Ooga-Booga monster doesn't believe that Jesus ever existed. Therefore Jesus never existed. Ooga Booga!


The tooth fairy does not believe that jesusislord brushes his teeth. Therefore jesusislord has bad breath. P.U.


Same logic.


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ok jealous created all things! so?

why sin created if god created all things? So why did he need virgin birth and ressurection again?? wait bet you duck this. or beat around it! and yea good job on your superior vs inferior attitude you proved not only you their for reward but also to be better then everyone esle. so why do you give a flying fuck if your religion is the truth shouldn't you be getting ready for Jealous son to come back and go fly fly away doctorine??


Fuck the use of FEAR to make me believe!



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I'm guessing this person was

I'm guessing this person was a drive-by preacher.

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naw he just doing his duty for the day

MattShizzle wrote:

I'm guessing this person was a drive-by preacher.

he thinks telling someone something like Jealous don't think you exist is going to make us say oh shit i better convert because i want to be accepted by Jealous when 75% cant even follow what they claim i would bet!!





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I'm sorry who exactly do you mean?

JesusisLord wrote:

God does not believe in athiests, therefore, athiests do not exist!!!!!!!!!!!  All praise to God the King and Savior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, which god doesn't believe in atheists, there are so many you need to identify the one that has decided to disown us.

Jesus, when did you give up mowing lawns and become a Lord? Is that an English title, I thought you were from Mexico? Maybe I'm just confused common name Jesus is. I see another Jesus is being held in Kissimmee (near Disney) for suspicion of murder, is that you dude? Or just a common name mistake. I have that problem too, I get confused with the dead pope John Paul and even deader John Paul Jones, so I understand. I don't know though about using the name of a serial killer as you have could be a problem. You might want to clarify that you aren't the one that erradicates women and children just because their ancestors attacked the chosen people once. But wait, you must be a Christian huh? Well that means you are directly and indirectly responsible for killing and attacking millions of the chosen ones. Why hasn't Yahweh sent his angels to kill you all for your crimes. You clearly deserve his wrath for killing his favorite race or just because you are related distantly to someone who did, same thing with the God of Abe. You are guilty of mass murder just because you were born. At least that's what your religion teaches. The sons are guilty for the sins of the father or perhaps a cousin 22 times removed. That means pretty much anything that ever happened.



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"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.

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Signs from???

I've seen the same phrase, only spelled correctly, on the bill board outside a church here in town.  I don't carry a camera with me at all times, so I didn't get the picture.  This same church has a now an almost political phrase.  "If an act is morally wrong, it cannot be politically right".  I'm not sure if that is walking the grey line of separation.  Help me out here guys!!! Please.

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JesusisLord wrote:God does

JesusisLord wrote:

God does not believe in athiests, therefore, athiests do not exist!!!!!!!!!!!  All praise to God the King and Savior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In your logic, god created everything with pre-determination, therefore creating US Atheists.....and you a chrisTAIN...


thanks for the common misspelling of the word Atheist you ChristAINus



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you mean Jealous???

we are talking about a christian right? if so it's not god his name is Jealous read about it in exoudus 34:14 K.J.V. found it in a book that was over stuff they don't want you to know lmao

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People didn't want you to

People didn't want you to know what Exodus 34.14 says? 

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JesusisLord wrote:God does

JesusisLord wrote:

God does not believe in athiests, therefore, athiests do not exist!!!!!!!!!!!  All praise to God the King and Savior!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't worship dictators. Kings are dictators.

Fortunately for me the First Amendment allows me to think for myself and says I don't have to worship your dictator.


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ok ill show you the verse you see why can't go by

Exoudus 34:14 NiV. Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.

Exoudus 34:14 KJV For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God

Exoudus 34:14 ESV (for(A) you shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God)

Exoudus 34:14 NASV for (A)you shall not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God--

i found it in this 100 Things You're Not Supposed to Know By Russ Kick, Russell Kick

thats all i was trying to say.



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The author of Exodus 34.14

The author of Exodus 34.14 was using a figure of speech to emphasize the attribute of jealousy; it was not telling you the actual name of the Hebrew god.

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