What would you do?

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What would you do?

OK Theists! I have a question for you to answer - no evading, language tricks or other typical bullshit many of you engage in:

What would you do if somehow we did find irrefutable evidence that there was no god? Another question would be what if we found absolute evidence that a god DID exist - and it wasn't the one you believe in (ie that somehow the Flying Spaghetti Monster was real, or some obscure ancient god you never heard of, or the Greek gods...) I'd be interested in hearing from atheists on the second question, too.

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 Hmm if proof there was no


Hmm if proof there was no God, I would do what I feel like it then. I make my life as easy as possible. I will do what feels good if it makes me feel more good then bad and not get in trouble for it, I do it because life is short and I only have 1 life it doesnt matter what people say when Im dead. I think I will still be a good or maybe a ok Llama but not a better or best Llama because I have no ecouragement to make me better. I just want life easy and fun and not get into troubles and I do what I feel like. I think life will simple and I will have to pretend to make life important. I hope my brain gives me pleasures to pretend for important things.

If proof God is real then I stay the way I am. I try to do good and my best because people have beautiful souls and we are 1 family. I want to make Jesus and God happy of me and when I come back to them I will be happy and proud to stand next to them and not ashamed or feel guilty. I will use Jesus as an example on how to behave for the bad and good things of life. When someone I love dies I wont be sad for them because death is only a goodbye for now not forever. I want to be in heaven so I can be with friends and family. I will be scared to make God angry at me because he is like my father and when I was baby Llama I was scared to make my father mad too. I dont want to make policeman mad at me either he will shoot me or beat me up not forgive me and teach me good ways.


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Read the 2nd question more

Read the 2nd question more carefully - I said if there was proof that A god existed - and it wasn't the one you believe in.

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By the way theists have

By the way theists have defined God, it is impossible to have proof of God's non existence. God exists outside the realm of logic and rational thinking, therefore you can't disprove him with a rational process. We have proof that events recorded in the bible are false, yet this makes no difference, they just redefine God so he still exists no matter what science discovers.


I suppose if believed there was proof of some god, I'd check myself into a mental hospital to see if they could cure me of my delusion.

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EXC wrote:By the way theists

EXC wrote:

By the way theists have defined God, it is impossible to have proof of God's non existence. God exists outside the realm of logic and rational thinking, therefore you can't disprove him with a rational process. We have proof that events recorded in the bible are false, yet this makes no difference, they just redefine God so he still exists no matter what science discovers.


I suppose if believed there was proof of some god, I'd check myself into a mental hospital to see if they could cure me of my delusion.


yeah rational thinking and logic are only for stupid people. This may be surprise but its because you need to learn something because your ignorant. So only inperfect ignorant beings need logic and reasoning because they are on a long journey of discovery. But perfect beings who have all the knowledge dont need logic and reasoning they only have knowing and truth.




The Doomed Soul
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Llama wrote:yeah rational

Llama wrote:

yeah rational thinking and logic are only for stupid people. This may be surprise but its because you need to learn something because your ignorant. So only inperfect ignorant beings need logic and reasoning because they are on a long journey of discovery. But perfect beings who have all the knowledge dont need logic and reasoning they only have knowing and truth.

Thank you for admitting your God is Chaos

What Would Kharn Do?

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Llama wrote:yeah rational

Llama wrote:

yeah rational thinking and logic are only for stupid people. This may be surprise but its because you need to learn something because your ignorant. So only inperfect ignorant beings need logic and reasoning because they are on a long journey of discovery. But perfect beings who have all the knowledge dont need logic and reasoning they only have knowing and truth.


This is the greatest proof of Poe's Law ever...thanks for the laugh of the day Llama.

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question 1: I would

question 1: I would cheerfully make the most of whatever that evidence did present me with to know about the universe.

question2: would depend greatly on which, or whose, deity was proved. FSM I could handle, but there a certain other gods that I would just vehemently oppose.

Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist


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Eloise wrote:question 1: I

Eloise wrote:

question 1: I would cheerfully make the most of whatever that evidence did present me with to know about the universe.

question2: would depend greatly on which, or whose, deity was proved. FSM I could handle, but there a certain other gods that I would just vehemently oppose.

I nominate Eloise for coolest Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist in the world.

Or: what she said.

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 Quote:Thank you for


Thank you for admitting your God is Chaos

It will be when I play Warhammer online! Ima be a squiq herder and my meatball with teeth is going to eat your fancy light elf!

Yeah it depends of what God you want to be proven as real. If its war god then I will train myself to be strong and a real killer with no mercy. I will join Army and conquer in the name of my war god. I will show my war I am one of the gifted chose one that can spill blood and kill in his name in the hopes I can be one of his generals and elite soldiers by is side.

If he is a sex god then im doomed! I think I will go to hell because no girl wants to make sexy times with a Llama Sad

Why you say I am epic failure??? It's true what I said and you attack me for telling truth. Jesus was attacked for telling the truth too? Maybe Im in good company Smiling

None of you refuted what I say and I say that logic and reason are for stupid ignorant people who need more knowledge because they lack the knowledge they want. If I know every thing about computers do I need logic and reasoning to build or fix computers.... no. I will have knowledge and truth about the computer and I dont need to waste time problem solving a problem I already know about so no need to logical reason search for answer.

That is why I said logic and reason are for stupid ignorant people because they need those monkey tools to solve problems... please remember monkeys had it before you, humans just made monkey tool bigger and better. Hey I need logic and reason too so Im stupid with the rest of you but God isnt.


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MattShizzle wrote:What would

MattShizzle wrote:

What would you do if somehow we did find irrefutable evidence that there was no god?

Well, no one's going to find irrefutable evidence for the nonexistence of anything, but if this were possible, and it happened, then I would become an atheist. 

Another question would be what if we found absolute evidence that a god DID exist - and it wasn't the one you believe in (ie that somehow the Flying Spaghetti Monster was real, or some obscure ancient god you never heard of, or the Greek gods...)

Again, no one's going to find this kind of evidence, but if it were possible, and it happened, then I would change religions. 

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It would depend on which god

It would depend on which god was proven of course. I might be apathetic,if it's a cool god (FSM) I might devote myelf to it.If it's the abrahamic god I might take my chances with hell.



Llama wrote:


Hmm if proof there was no God, I would do what I feel like it then. I make my life as easy as possible. I will do what feels good if it makes me feel more good then bad and not get in trouble for it,

As long as it's legal,why not.If you are saying you would break laws without god,then you have a problem.

Llama wrote:
I do it because life is short and I only have 1 life it doesnt matter what people say when Im dead. I think I will still be a good or maybe a ok Llama but not a better or best Llama because I have no ecouragement to make me better.

What encouragement do you have to be good now if you're just going to be made perfect in heaven?

Llama wrote:
I just want life easy and fun and not get into troubles and I do what I feel like. I think life will simple and I will have to pretend to make life important. I hope my brain gives me pleasures to pretend for important things.

I'm sorry you can't see life is already important without your god.

Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible

dudeofthemoment wrote:
This is getting redudnant. My patience with the unteachable[atheists] is limited.

Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.

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1) I always wanted to say "I

1) I always wanted to say "I told you so" Laughing out loud

2) I would be absolutelly depressed, because "answer to life, the universe, and everything" - god did it, is so simple and boring that it becomes depressing.

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Please note the question is

Please note the question is purely hypothetical - I know you can't prove nonexistance - though technically if a god existed it could be proven by said god announcing itself - and not through some book written by people, but by actually appearing to everyone.

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if there was in fact single

if there was in fact single god that was proven to exist, i'd be disturbed knowing it's definitely either a negligent or sick bastard seeing as he/she has allowed so much massacre of innocent people in the name of every other false god. why it never showed up to settle it's existence throughout all of history's violent disputes over it. that'd be a huge mind nag, and i may hope for a chance to confront this god about it.

i'd probably also wonder what else it's been doing with its infinite time (unless it was one born of another god, like zeus). i could hardly believe that we're the exclusive work of any eternal all-powerful being.

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MattShizzle wrote:OK

MattShizzle wrote:

OK Theists! I have a question for you to answer - no evading, language tricks or other typical bullshit many of you engage in:

What would you do if somehow we did find irrefutable evidence that there was no god? Another question would be what if we found absolute evidence that a god DID exist - and it wasn't the one you believe in (ie that somehow the Flying Spaghetti Monster was real, or some obscure ancient god you never heard of, or the Greek gods...) I'd be interested in hearing from atheists on the second question, too.


1. Silly me, I've always thought that zero evidence was realistically close enough to "disproof."

2. Depends which one turned out true.  If it's the god of the bible, I'd say the first order of business would be figuring out how to kill it.   He's a grouchy vain one that wants to enslave us all.