Ararat Anomaly
Has anyone done any real research on this subject? It seems like a crazy idea to me that an old ship (mythical at that), of that large proportions, would stay on the top of a huge glacier for a long period of time. Maybe I can get some theist / atheist views on this? If you don't know what this is just type it into google and you can get like... 1000000 sites swearing that they found Noah's Ark. I'm not convinced.
Let me get your' opinions.
We pop theist like Orville Redenbacher!
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We are still trying to figure out to this day how the Ancient Egyptians in some ways, built their pyramids but because we dont know every exact detail of how they were built doesnt make Osirus real or that Isis took his penis and got her pregnant.
Even if we found a large piece of wood on that mountain, it would not mean that Noah magically made two poisionous cobras follow him onto the arch, much less black widdows are dart frogs.
IF a piece of wood were to exist, and that is still wild speculation, the more likely answer is that a scam artist of the past, or a modern scam artist placed it there retroactively to make the story look more credible.
We know that people can easly manipulate a situation via contempoarary technology and we know humans are capable of lying. In any case Ockams razor would say that a scam in some way is comparitively infinatly more likely than the magical claims of that story.
So finding a piece of wood wouldnt prove shit except that a piece of wood was found.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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This crap has been around even when I was a kid. What annoys the hell out of me is that claims of Big Foot are making a comeback EVEN TODAY. How many times does an absurd claim need to be thrashed before people give it up.
The reason a growing number of people now call "illusionists" just that, instead of "magician" is because more and more people are accepting that there senses and eyes can fool them. This conspiracy about the arc persists, not because there is an arc, but because people are emotionally attached to the idea of an arc existing. Much like people believe in Big Foot. These arc advocates photo shop photos, claim that natural landscape is the actual arc and I wouldn't be suprised that people claim to have pulled pieces of wood off that mountain. None of it would prove in any way that magic exists when knowing that people are capable of lying to prop up a myth is a much more likely answer.
I once watched the "X-Files" with a woman and the episode implied that vampires were real. I wanted to smack the crap out of here(not litterally) but it nausiated me that she was so shallow in her thinking that it never occured to her that she merely found an emotional reason to want to believe it.
I hope I didn't shorten this thread with my bluntness, but I like to cut to the chase. It is much more rational to consider that humans merely like what they believe and will go to any length to distort reality to prop up a myth.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
But, lets assume the theists parameters for argument's sake and such a being did exist? My question would be as Infidel Guy has said "Why all the drama?"
Drowning (filling lungs with water) is an extremely painful way to die. If we are to assume the earth's population at the time of the alleged then that would mean the millions or hundreds of millions IF NOT MORE people outside that family, including BABIES swallowed water and died. What could a baby possibly have done to deserve that kind of death that a god who is all powerful did not have to allow?
And even more absurd, even if one wants to claim that humans deserved it, what of the animals that didn't make it onto the arc? If there were only two deer on the arc, what did the other deer do? What did the fawn do to deserve having it's lungs fill with water to the point of death to appease the whims of one?
If God is all powerful and omni-benevolent, you would think it would be capable of a less graphic and painfull death. If it can POOF make things appear, then why cant he make things POOF dissapear without all the drama?
These posts point to, not only the the scientific absurdity, but the moral corruption of the concept. It seems that mass genocide is ok for a God THAT DOES NOT HAVE TO ALLOW IT, BUT GOES OUT OF HIS WAY TO ALLOW IT.
The more logical explanation is that Noah was written as a character to promote the Hebrew god as the one true authoritarian dictator and to defy him is to lose your life. This is not a story of freedom, or law by consensus, that we value in the west. This is nothing but promoting one super hero over all others by threats of punishment.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at