Letters To The Editors Of Your Local Papers...

Hi there everyone. Bruce here in Erwin, TN. I am hopefully starting a forum where people can share their letters to the Editors of their local news papers. I subscribe to the "Johnson City Press" From Johnson City, TN. Recently in the past couple of months there have been several people to write in touting Creationism over Science. One person said that if one doesn't have faith or a belief in god that they are amoral and a bad person and they don't deserve to call themselves Americans. This has been going on for some time and I finally got tired of it when just a few days ago a person wrote in saying that because of Creationism humans have only been around for 10,000 years and that scientifically proves the existence of god. There have been several such letters over the last few months (too many to recount) with out digging out my past issues of the paper. Needless to say I got tired of it and had to write a response. Here is the body of the letter I wrote on 12, March 2008. If anyone else has similar letters to share please post them.
Hello there My name is Bruce M. Herbertson III, I am writing in response to All those who have written into the Johnson City Press recently touting Creation over Science. First let me start by saying I am an atheist. I have to say that the Science of Evolution offers me more of an explanation of how we came into existence than Creationism. To think that humans have only been around for only 10,000 years is absurd. It has been scientifically proven that we have been around much longer. I have never met a so called Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu or any other religious person that can prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that some holy spook created us. Most of those reference their religious books and can't prove scientifically that some sort of god ever existed. To use the argument that there must have been a creator to design something so complex as the human body is absurd as well. Are people so weak that they can't use their own rational minds to figure out that isn't true. I tried when I was younger to believe what I was being taught. I have since realized that none of it is true. The Christian bible as we know it is not a complete book and will never be complete. The Christian bible contradicts itself many times over the course of the book. I have to admit it is good work of good reading fiction, but that's it. It is bad enough that atheists must be accosted by "In God We Trust" on our money and "Under God" in the pledge of Allegiance. Which by the way were not originally on our money or in the Pledge. But that is a whole other debate. I know I will get some hateful comments on this, but as an atheist I feel I must speak up. I will close by saying use your rational minds to figure out what is true or not. Sincerely, Bruce M. Herbertson III
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Mine is the Reading Eagle in Reading, PA. I got this one printed in Aug 2005 (there had been a lot of letters supporting "Intelligent Design" at the time.)
No basis in science
I am so tired of religious types misrepresenting science to advance their agenda (“Evolution ignores thermodynamic laws,” Reading Eagle, Aug. 21).
Christians have been misrepresenting the second rule of thermodynamics for years. It only applies in a closed system. The Earth receives energy from the sun and therefore is not a closed system.
Theory in science means something that is pretty much proved. Teaching intelligent design in a biology class is akin to teaching astrology in an astronomy class, alchemy in a chemistry class, or flat Earth theory in a geography class.
Religion has absolutely no basis in science. Period.
Matthew ******
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Matt I was glad to read your reply. I am hoping that more and more atheists will come out and say we are tired of religion being shoved down our throats. I had a discussion today with someone who actually believes that humans were around only 10,000 years. He tried to say that a sedimentary chalk layer was how that was true. I asked him how he got to that conclusion. He said that the chalk layer is evidence of a great flood and that no being or animal could have survived it.
Was this actually printed? It may be true, but the paper is interested in selling papers, you are the enemy, you sell papers, not because people agree with you, but because you rile them up.
On top of the blasphemy, and I agree blasphemy is fair game, you should offer them a counter to their claim, especially when sending it in to a local paper. In adition to "calling names" which is what they would falsely call it, (you should offer them a counter to your claim of "YOU ARE FULL OF IT"
We think they are, and they think we are, and I am not in the least afraid of the fray, but if the truth is to come out, there has to be something beyond "NANNY NANNY BOO BOO".
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Agreed. When my letter is published (which I am sure it will be), I will give ample time for the hate and rhetoric to spew forth and then I will serve them their ass on a platter. I just needed to get the opposing discourse started. Lately they have only had once sided conversations and no real debate. I will keep you posted on how it goes. Thank you for the advice.
Well it has happened again. In the 16, March 2008 issue of the Johnson City Press in Johnson City Tennessee, another person has tried to rationalize creationism. I am going to type verbatim the letter and headline. At this point I would like some help from others to write into the Johnson City Press and let them know that there are lots of atheists out there and we are no longer going to be quiet or closeted especially if you live in Tennessee. If one decides to write I will give you the email address for the Johnson City Press at the end of the letter.
"Confirming Creation"
"Gentlemen, it is only a theory."
"These words were spoken by Charles Darwin during the controversy created when his material was being made public. I agree with Mr. Darwin just as strongly as I disagree with Amy Wilson who says that evolution is not a theory. In a previous letter to the Press, I explained how God had created space, matter, light and time to conceived as triune forms. The Triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) topped off all his creation with triune man (body, mind and soul). I have given more thought to the matter which is a trinity that appears in three forms --solid, liquid and gas -- and is anything that has mass and occupies space. Whatever form it takes, whether wood, stone, or some manmade substance, it is dependent upon the molecular structure. But, guess what? The atom is the determining factor in the molecule. There are three parts to the atom: the electron, the proton, and the nucleus. Again there is a trinity. Science has done more to confirm creation than it has to prove evolution. Paleontologists are still looking for the fossil that will show beyond any doubt the transition from one species to another. They are looking for the missing link. I have found it. It is God.
James F. Garland
Johnson City"
This was a direct quote of the entire letter he wrote. Things like this have been popping up a lot recently but no one until now has been willing to refute or even debate the matter. Because they don't want to offend anyone. That is the sense of apathy that most around here have. Even my own mother says I shouldn't make waves and just keep my mouth shut about the whole thing and keep my beliefs to myself. Should I just sit around and allow people to offend me in this way, I told her? I told her I can't and and as a self respecting person I won't. I hope that those who read this post will help me in getting a dual sided debate going. Please write the "Johnson City Press, Johnson City Tennessee".
Here is their email address to the Opinion Section of the news paper.
Email: [email protected]
If you write them please include your name, address and a phone number so they can contact you if needed. Don't worry they don't publish that information.
Bruce M. Herbertson III
Erwin, TN
And gravity is "only a theory" too.
When Darwin said it(if he said it), he was doing what any good scientist would do, admit that he didn't know if it would pan out. But, he certainly based it on solid data, and I doubt he was consulting a Ouiji board or bible or Quran which are based on superstition and not observation.
If this moron has any doubts as to evolution, then why is it we need a new flew vaccine every year? And why is it no matter how many chemicals or traps we throw at cockroaches, they still survive?
Because evolution is not about crossing your fingers or picking up a 4 leaf clover or praying to Thor or Isis or Jesus. It is about ADAPTING! And Darwin was pretty damned sure that this was what biological life was based on.
It is moronic when the laymen take, "I could be wrong" and conflate it automatically to a 50/50 proposition.
When Darwin said , "It is just a theory" he wasn't speaking to myth lovers or superstitious people. He was speaking to like minded people. Like minded people who know that a scientific theory is not a layman's guess like the god of the gaps argument that theists use.
I am sure that Eienstien and Newton had doubts when they first postulated their "guesses" too.
A theist's guess relies on gaps, a scientists guess, relies on falsification.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog