The Question and the Assumption

The Question:
"How can you(me) be an atheist?"

The Assumption:
"You have never heard the word of God or that Jesus is your savior. You are uneducated and that is the reason for you blindness."

This is one thing which has always bothered me. Religious folk tend to believe just because someone does not believe the word of God, it means that they are uneducated in Christianity. This is one of the most false assumptions I have ever heard.

Do I believe in God? No.
Does that mean I am uneducated? No.

I am probably one the most educated people you will ever meet in temrs of religious beliefs.
I went to church in the United Church of Christ until I was 12, I even took confirmation classes, although I never finished them. My eagerness to learn about the faults of religion began when I was 14, and in 9th grade. But enough of that.

In my desire for education, I studied with some Jehovah's Witnesses Elders for about six months, some members of the Jewish community, even members of different Indian tribes. But here's the thing, I came to the same conclusion. GOD DOES NOT EXIST!

When I was studying with the Witnesses, the showed me, in their own words, that God is not resposible for everyone's fate. They will tell you that if God rules above all and everything under his law, how does he have time for each and every living being.
Such as during times of trauma, for example:
"Why did God kill my child?"
Did God kill your child, or was he busy killing someone elses at the same time?

Hold your own beliefs with your heart and don't let anyone take everything you hold sacred away from you. Until next time...

Ron S.