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Missed the Northern Lights Last Night812 years 44 weeks ago
by ex-minister
12 years 44 weeks ago
by HumanVuvuzela
One more study I'm involved in..this time Herpetology 112 years 44 weeks ago
by Marian123
12 years 44 weeks ago
by Vastet
NASA funds study of tractor beams for particulate sample collection012 years 43 weeks ago
by Vastet
FOR YOU SCIENCE GUYS1712 years 43 weeks ago
by Skepticus
12 years 43 weeks ago
by Vastet
Russian scientists try to save Mars moon probe.212 years 42 weeks ago
by Sage_Override
12 years 42 weeks ago
by Sage_Override
Magnetic Fields Set Stage for Birth of New Stars012 years 41 weeks ago
by Atheistextremist
almost fusion2013 years 5 weeks ago
by luca
12 years 41 weeks ago
by FurryCatHerder
A Solution to the Birth of the Universe2012 years 43 weeks ago
by Matt
12 years 41 weeks ago
by Brian37
Cern Scientists Suspect Glimpse of Higgs813 years 6 weeks ago
by Atheistextremist
12 years 41 weeks ago
by FurryCatHerder
Creationist arguments812 years 46 weeks ago
by NiccoloM
12 years 41 weeks ago
by Lyzandra Daria
Physicists chip away at the mystery of antimatter 712 years 42 weeks ago
by harleysportster
12 years 41 weeks ago
by Vastet
Carl Sagan's wife, Lynn Margulis, dies212 years 40 weeks ago
by ex-minister
12 years 40 weeks ago
by Atheistextremist
Computer Gamers solve AIDS problem912 years 44 weeks ago
by redneF
12 years 40 weeks ago
by FurryCatHerder
Adaptable Decision-Making Found in Bacteria Communities912 years 40 weeks ago
by Atheistextremist
12 years 39 weeks ago
by Atheistextremist
Babies Embrace Punishment Earlier Than Previously Thought, Study Suggests212 years 39 weeks ago
by Vastet
12 years 39 weeks ago
by harleysportster
Medical Marijuana Laws Reduce Traffic Deaths, Preliminary Research Suggests812 years 39 weeks ago
by Vastet
12 years 39 weeks ago
by Vastet
Neutrino experiment repeat at Cern finds same result (Faster than Light)7512 years 41 weeks ago
by Cpt_pineapple
12 years 39 weeks ago
by FurryCatHerder
Astronomers potentially close to their goal of observing a star just before it goes supernova712 years 39 weeks ago
by Vastet
12 years 39 weeks ago
by Vastet
Uh oh...1712 years 39 weeks ago
by Sage_Override
12 years 39 weeks ago
by Lyzandra Daria
How meditating may help your brain2312 years 40 weeks ago
by FurryCatHerder
12 years 39 weeks ago
by harleysportster
Guppy love and evolution 012 years 39 weeks ago
by harleysportster
Kepler finds alien world 112 years 38 weeks ago
by harleysportster
12 years 38 weeks ago
by Vastet
Biggest black holes found.812 years 38 weeks ago
by Sage_Override
12 years 38 weeks ago
by FurryCatHerder
Voyager 1 Hits New Region at Solar System Edge512 years 38 weeks ago
by Vastet
12 years 38 weeks ago
by Sage_Override
Anybody know anything about fossils? This especially goes out to fossil collectors.812 years 41 weeks ago
by NiccoloM
12 years 38 weeks ago
by lorddubose (not verified)
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